full image - Repost: Customer service fail. (from Reddit.com, Customer service fail.)
Received the worst service of my life thanks to Xfinity mobile. I'll try to keep it small but the tale goes on... I am traveling abroad and needed to swap to a different sim card while in Europe, phone stated network unlock code required so I called Xfinity. They stated that I would need to first pay off my phone, "ok fine use the card on file and pay it off" I only owed a couple hundred dollars at this point no big deal just want to get this thing working. She proceeds to tell me it will be about 40 minutes and they will email my network unlock code. I called back after 3 hours and they said no it typically takes 24 hours.. Ok strike 1 you guys need to train people better and not give false promises. At this point I need my phone as I was already out of country so I paid the 10$ daily fee to use my phone overseas. I Call for a 3rd time and after he escalates the case they state that the phone should be unlocked and go ahead and try the other Sim card again... alright I'm already fuming at this point as I'm on vacation and have to deal with these dingdongs that can't send me a simple code "ok I'll give it a try see how it goes" Fail again still says same thing thats strike 2. I Call a fourth time trying my hardest to not lose my temper at the poor customer service girl, it's not her fault a multibillion dollar company can't get there things together. I proceed to tell her how I've been wronged and spent close to an hour on my vacation trying to get these guys to send me a frickin code and that the customer service team has had some coach-able moments dealing with my case im pretty pissed at this point and feel somebody should get reamed for it. She tells me that the case has been escalated and should to me within the day strike 3 i dont need to be told you should get it within a day I had already been told that and let down, here I am nearly 3 days later and still paying an additional 10 dollars a day for really bad roaming international service and additional data fees for going over limit while obviously I need data to get around in an unfamiliar city all the while I have a European sim card in hand that cant be used all thanks to the wonderfully bad support i received from comcast!!! Also strike 4 the xfinity assistant won't connect cause no agents available!! Uh hello comcast you did 16 billion in revenue in the 4rth quarter last year 👏 make it happen get some people to fix your system and train your team because Wow you are failing hard.I'll continue the story once I get that email from themTLDR comcast lied about how long it takes and didn't provide code, several calls yielded no results thus far wasting time on my vacation and I'm super happy about it...
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