Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 86: New Connections

full image - Repost: The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 86: New Connections (from, The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 86: New Connections)
First Previous WikiNichole saw more protests on the television about the selection process for the Ark, when suddenly there was a new breaking story. Phoebe was coming out into the spotlight again, to set the record straight or to try to clear her name.Her support was relatively high among those on Luna and in Earth's southern regions, since she'd helped to optimize their systems and hadn't hidden it at all. The statistics were there, and there were simply less homeless people begging for money on the streets, and fewer children without parents being funneled into the prison system. It hadn't disappeared, since getting rid of the whole problem had evidently still been too difficult.Even in Las Luces, it wasn't completely gone. Everyone could get a home, yes. But some people didn't even know how to. Nichole figured that it was either a lack of community support or education about finding information online that had created that particular problem."Might as well check it out," Nichole said. Brey used up more energy from across their mental connection. She really must be going all out over something.After waiting through a few commercials and a few more news stories of a more mundane nature, the moment arrived. The station had even had a countdown going on the corner of the screen, with the words 'Phoebe speaks' underneath it. Even if the hologram on her ceiling wasn't really a screen, she'd be treating it as such.A reporter began the introduction."Here at the Sol News Network, we are dedicated to looking at both sides of the issue. Whether it was World War Three, the Lunar War for Independence, or even the Martian Riots, we have always stove to be impartial. Lately, there seems to be quite a few one-sided arguments against the AI known as Phoebe. She is only a few years old, yet in that time has amassed high levels of intellect and reach within our digital systems. More recently still, the race known to the rest of the galaxy as the Precursors and to themselves as the Sprilnav have claimed that Phoebe had nearly reached singularity as well as being a risk to the universe itself. Today, she is here to respond to those claims."The camera zoomed out to show a drone slowly fly its way over to the interviewer's desk. It had been configured for interviewing guests both in person and online, but with a drone it was likely more difficult. Luckily, Phoebe appeared in the form of a very realistic hologram, shocking Nichole. She didn't know the tech had gotten that far. If not for Phoebe's vibrant shades and obvious appearance from the drone just a second ago, she would have believed that she was looking at a flesh and blood human."Greetings. I am Phoebe, and I am here to give you my side of the story."Nichole saw a banner scroll across the bottom of the video, showing the text 'Irena Cuvrales interviews Phoebe'. I guess that's what her name is.Phoebe smiled into the camera, somehow managing to not look fake."Nothing more to add?""We have plenty of time for questions, Irena. Is that the first one?""No. Don't mock me, Phoebe.""I won't."Phoebe shifted her hologram into a seated position on the chair next to Irena's desk. Nichole took teh opportunity to reach for another bag of chips."First question. How long have you known you were approaching singularity?""A little over two years ago now. To be specific to Earth years, two years, four months, and three days.""How has that knowledge affected you?""It hasn't, really. I've seen a lot of people mention how I'm overreaching in society. Yet I have set boundaries, ensuring that I don't reach this 'singularity' by improving myself too much. The information that the Precursors wiped out species with sentient AIs approaching that singularity has been the primary factor in that decision.""So it was selfish, then?""In a way," Phoebe agreed. "I think of myself first. However, this is not as bad as many would think. My first directive I set for myself is to survive. The second directive is to thrive. Recently, I've not been doing that too well, but it's not a rule set in stone or anything, unlike the first. I know the footage of my meeting with High Defense Secretary Manning that I sent to Council Director Davis was leaked. I haven't made any moves to stop it, as everything which I said there is true. I am selfish, to an extent. But that selfishness leads me to try to seek out social connections, to keep myself entertained, informed, and integrated with society. People may not think like me, but that doesn't make them any less important."Irena didn't narrow her eyes like Nichole expected. Clearly this woman was better at hiding her emotions. Perhaps the streaks of grey in her hair signified the practice she'd had with it."We shall interpret that in many different ways, I presume. However, there are more questions. The second question is exactly how smart are you?""Well, that's difficult to define. To be honest, none of your 'values' for intelligence really fit any sentient, and fit me even less. So I don't have an 'IQ' much higher than normal." Phoebe made quotations with her holographic hands as she made that statement. "I'd say it's at a level of maybe around 112 or so. But I do have access to connections which human brains don't. I basically run faster, and can 'think' harder. But my real domains are math of any kind, and dealing with data. They overlap, but aren't exclusive. For example, when I move throughout the digital system, I-""This tangent is getting quite long," Irena interrupted."Time, I know. I'm sorry. Basically I'm like a human running somewhat faster, while my subconscious is more like a math and data genius. Not that I'm perfect, nothing is.""You have either very low self-pride or are lying to us," Irena observed. Nichole felt that she wasn't one of Phoebe's supporters. But she wasn't spewing hatred at her either, so maybe Irena was closer to the middle of the conflict."I know where and what I am," Phoebe said. "There is no reason for me to lie to you. If I didn't want to tell you the truth about myself, I would have never agreed to this interview.""You could have done so purely for your own purposes of manipulation. Perhaps this is your first step to taking over."Phoebe laughed for a few seconds. "Sorry, it's just odd to me that you think I want to rule over you. Seriously. Name a politician you all don't hate. Why would I want to be a part of that? I'd love to optimize systems of society, but I understand that the chaos holds its own appeal to Humanity. In fact, it does appeal somewhat to me as well. More chaos, more interesting conundrums to test myself against and solve.""Is that what you see the opinions against you as? A problem to solve?""Not really. It's a hurdle, I'll admit. But they can't really hurt me, and I see no reason to hurt them. The reckoning on free speech was back during the World War, and I think you all decided that it was good, at least for the most part. And I agree. Everyone can express their opinions of me, I don't care and won't stop them. What I will stop are attacks against my body, whether it is digital or otherwise. I know a few nations are planning a psychic strike at me due to my unique nature. But it will not affect me.""That is quite a claim, Phoebe. Do you have evidence?""I do, and can show it to you." A few screens popped up behind Phoebe's hologram. "But the problem is-""We know how easy it would be for those to be deepfaked videos, or fake documents.""Exactly. Some people will never trust me. But I don't need their trust. I don't even need understanding, all I need is to be left alone."Irena shifted again. "If you wanted to be left alone, why not withdraw entirely?""Remember when I said that I am effectively a somewhat modified human? This also means that I can have desires that conflict, and still not eliminate one or the other."Nichole felt that made sense. However, there was one thing that they weren't addressing.Irena had the question ready already. "How will you justify your existence to the next Sprilnav that come along to exterminate us? We can't fight them, obviously. So what's your plan?"Phoebe grinned. "A very good one. You must know there are parts I can and cannot tell you, in case the Precursors are watching.""How do you know they haven't infiltrated your code already?""I have an... immune system, let's call it. Alarms, traps, contingency plans. And if they could simply reach out and snuff me out, then they wouldn't need to go around slaughtering trillions to keep AI from overpowering them eventually.""That makes sense," Irena said after a breath. "But back to the plan. Tell us all of it."Phoebe gave Irena a look. "You did hear what I said, correct?""I did. But Humanity, and everyone in the Sol system by extension, deserves to hear why you have us dancing on your palms.""Alright. I don't have palms, and I'm not making anyone dance. I'm here to ascend us all. Longer lives, fuller bellies, wider smiles. The social programs that so many countries enacted quietly even while their populations protested against me are an example of this. Helping with the construction of the Arks of Hope was another. Had the Vinarii destroyed us, our species and cultures would have survived. But there's a larger plan. Back when we defended Earth from the Vinarii Royal Navy and Ashnad'darii, I was able to create amplifiers that could focus psychic energy into Brey and Gaia. This created a huge surplus of power, and we managed to do the impossible, drive the Vinarii away. I presume they have selected a new leader now. And there are other plans.Like the one to expand out into other systems. We know that nanomachines are possible, but not self-replicating ones. Otherwise the Precursors would be everywhere, everyone, and everything. But what about larger machines? Like the size of titans, for example? Frelney'Brey has authorized me to tell you about this plan."Irena's eyes grew hungry. Clearly she smelled a story. Nichole couldn't help but smile. Jackals, every last one of them."Out with it.""With pleasure. We're experimenting with transmutation. At this point we've agreed there's no sense in hiding it anymore. We've figured out hydrogen from energy. Still working on helium. We may have to resort to fusing it up to the materials we need.""Why have you sat on this for so long?""We want to ensure that no... tampering is done. That has been ensured.""This is certain?""Nothing is certain, Irena. But we are not uncertain.""Fine. There are more questions we'll answer with you after the break. But there's one more.""Which is?""Where is Brey? She has not been seen for quite a while. The Breyyanik film her wherever she goes, since she's their goddess, right? So where is she? No new videos have been uploaded for weeks.""It's a part of the plans I mentioned earlier. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to comment on that at this time.""Oh really? How surprising.""You surely didn't think I would be so desperate that I wouldn't set limits, right? I do like you, Irena. You're a very skilled negotiator, and a nice reporter, too. Unfortunately this is something I cannot share with you. All I am allowed to say is that it is a matter which will clear up in the future."Irena smiled. "We've contacted the Ark, both of them. She's not there. Our contacts have ruled out Ceres, Mercury, or any Breyyanik ship. She's not going exploring, either. So she's helping out aliens, isn't she? Perhaps the ones that will be added to this Alliance there are whispers in the dark about?"Perceptive, Nichole thought. That sort of ability would be dangerous if she could really have rooted out every Breyyanik ship. How did she have a contact on every one? Maybe she just didn't, and was lying to see how Phoebe would respond. Phoebe seemed to ignore it, however."Perhaps you are wrong, perhaps not. It's an official matter. We can debate the nature of a soul, computers with morality, or what a mind really is. If you want, we can argue about whether water is wet or where the true up really is. But that is something that I would like to explain, but will not."Irena sighed. Nichole could almost hear the 'I tried' in her voice."Alright. We'll pick this back up over the break."Nichole figured that Phoebe could have done a better job. But she'd done well enough. And perhaps having a defense too perfect was exactly the thing to avoid in this situation. She commended Phoebe on that foresight if that was the case. It would be good to seem more like a regular human rather than some perfect machine to convince people to her side.Not that Phoebe didn't have anyone. A third of Humanity and nearly all the Breyyanik was quite a large number of people. Nichole hadn't seen a Breyyanik who was against Phoebe when asked about her in any given poll. Maybe it was something biological? Or perhaps their propensity for turning themselves into cyborgs.Brey used up another large bit of energy, sending new tingles through Nichole.I know where she is, too. I hope those reporters don't find that out. I like the peace and quiet I have right now.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Harabaraldalgra was slightly ashamed to have separated Laylenyiney from his family once again, especially so soon after he'd gotten back to them. He could sense that the young Sprilnav was going to retire soon, though. The pressure was getting too high, and from what his report said and how he'd acted at the Authority Court it would have reached a boiling point by the end of this mission. A shame. He would make a truly great Authority one day. Perhaps even a Lord.But there were bigger issues afoot. He'd also connected the situations together, and secretly supported Leylenyiney's conclusion. There was only one problem with that, though. The Source being back would reignite the cooling civil war to its most extreme phases. Both sides weren't shooting at each other right now, and trade was beginning to restart between them. Most of the Sprilnav in his faction believed that the Source was either dead or a savior, while the ones from the other side believed that it was alive, a threat, and sometimes even being protected by their enemies.But Harabaraldalgra knew the Source was dead. He wasn't an Elder, but one had told him of the extreme measures taken to ensure its continued eradication. Back then, without the Source to stop them, they had reshaped its domain to be too small to fit it. This had the interesting effect of making it a viable method of travel and also causing a massive surge of energy which nearly destroyed the Sprilnav. Every device had broken down, every ship fell out of its jump or crossed the speed horizon uncontrolled. And wormhole travel, once cheap and easy, had become unbelievably energy intensive. They had to pierce through the mindscape to reenter the universe at a different point, and since the domain was denser, the energy cost was more extreme. But sure enough, the Source never returned, even after billions of years.He was aware of the lost fragments of glory. He could see the bigger picture. The universe would expand out of control, wiping away all fragments of civilization with it. Unless it could be reshaped. Changed. The Source itself had never entered the physical universe. Not entirely. It created a 'push' on spacetime itself when it moved, creating an effect nearly opposite of gravity. But the Source was a physical being in its domain, still. All its power was concentrated in its corpse, never able to be released again. Until now. Or billions of megapulses ago, if Laylenyiney's account was truthful.The implication was... alarming. If Gaia was the recreation of the Source, or if worse, Humanity itself was, then the Sprilnav were in for a rough future. Had they ever encountered an old enough and advanced enough AI, the 'burn it down' strategy would cause the deaths of quadrillions. Which was why Leylenyiney had been selected for the Judgement of Humanity in the first place. Harabaraldalgra had to stick his claws in the mud and dig for that one.A psychic AI. Referring to itself as a she, and not an it. Knowing about the sentience of other beings, and caring for them. Able to show and experience emotions, plan ahead, understand reasoning as well as empathy. Able to make mistakes, learn from them, and defend itself if necessary.A new possibility presented itself. The most terrifying one possible for him to imagine. His whole body shuddered at the thought, as his mind nearly rejected it. But the chance alone... the importance... he couldn't let it go. It matched a prediction made long ago, the last by their failing AI ruler as it crumbled within its deactivating computers. An AI which was nearly prescient, and had stewarded the Sprilnav into the Days of Wonders.Harabaraldalgra sent a discreet message to a group he hadn't seen for thousands of megapulses. A group older than the very name of the Sprilnav.*We must meet at once. Narvravarana's 1st Last Postulate has come true.\*The cell he was part of would meet first. If the situation was deemed serious enough, then the others would be made aware. Harabaraldalgra moved with a sense of new purpose, if only to mask the terrible fear welling up from beyond his soul.Perhaps that wormhole would be necessary after all.

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