Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Par Cor

full image - Repost: Par Cor (from, Par Cor)
Par CorScroll down for #englishtranslatedintorussian and later, albeit the translations herein have yet to be updated; I apologize for the implication inference that the Russian speaking people (for example, as the other languages i will soon be updating also are included in this disclaimer) are subordinate in comprehensive capabilities, as such is entirely contrary to the wonderful Mother Russia; as well as all translations herein or hereabouts.EnglishtranslatedintogermanSome of what is articulated as best I could this morning with lack of sleep, is intended to help deescalate into a peaceable resolution in preventing tactical nuclear deterance throughout any strategy/stratagem.wikilinkscircumcisiongenderstudieshermeticprinciplesonaseparatenotedrjordanpetersonjordanbpetersonAryanismpeacebridgeSome notes on what I intend to update, regularly review, revise, and refine; in as best to be fitting, my solemnity.As much as we don't need antisemitism, we also don't need antiaryanism. I'll summarize why, within this text.One must be willing to transmute one's emotions and/egoic entanglements, the two e's that distinguish the heart, dans la Francais, ceour, into the courage and Corrective Correlaries, with criticum in mind, the intrinsic lesser evils, into Genium, by way of setting evil unto the past or where not transcended as of yet, present, and bessetting the polarities into a new dawn and age.Apophasis is the articulating, expressing, or acting out what something is not, to later discover what is true about it, sometimes confused for the intrinsic meaning of truth unto the prior untrue attribute afforded. This includes the self and/as well it's or one(s/'s) archetypes.Unleavened bread, the closed and down, for mana bread, or mental nourishment across the intuitions and intimation, of one's compassion fortified through the understanding, throughout the complexities of our suffering, that past lives and past generations wish to hold prospective voice(s) to, and to be heard, across Thy Hallowed Name.The love for the prospective result of progeny at the primeval core of one's heart and Cor, must be discerned and differentiated to denounce any and all intensive rapist mentality constituents in order to comprehend, through the proximal to infinitum of the powers of intuition that should he paralleled equivalently to intimation of a child born of respect, unity and harmony, of the corrective concurrence of tangible intrinsics of the knowledge herein offered to any reader throughout the public, of an oligarchyerely being the contrastive templature as to a shamans path to revamp and introduce to, the culture that is progressively adaptable to new and exciting parameters of bonds and boundaries respective, in the aforethought observational quality(ies) to the Quantum of mind, having been made presentable to the consciousness as nescience, ignorance, and the quality of knowledge, the Power of our particular focus/foci, in tenure of this Earth."He left the vulgar crowd" - Dante Alliegheri Most get too caught up on the graven images.Engraven images, leading up to, and afore the temple doors and alteratational intrinsics of the texts of restorative intrinsics of the powers of knowledge being comprehended to snuff out pathogens and parocaustic confusive aggregates of ignorance, having been at times confused with the nescience of the word nescience itself; The images of phallus and sex, Kok'How' to become better at walking oneself the path of providenceThe library in the sanctum in the temple, beyond the graven images, and the alter there and the Beyond.The temple, is the, in align with one's brows, the filter for the prefrontal cortex and the pineal gland.The Atlas of the cervical vertebrates' is the seat of the brain atop the spinal column.Beneath it is the Axis, the 6th, or 2nd of the 7 C's... the cervical vertebrates.Efferenece and afference:Efference is akin to Ki, or, outward signalling, whereas afference, is inward signalling or responsive receptivity, akin to Chi.The wrongful ignorance of anatomy, throughout forms of patriarchy, the false claim to power for mere sake of religious affiliationQuantum observational capacity(ies) throughout ages of learning, whereso there is a collapse caused by those willfully ignorant, mixed with confusion of ignorance for nescience therein as well, as a call to respond to guardians of the fellowships of student teacher rationale to inform, before or in resonse to confusion sets/setting inUTI prevention, nipping it in the bud, to stave off worsening of infectious disease to the potential of the phallus, which is itself considerably more potent psychospirtually, to the phallus itself, especial to the fact that it should be downcast whereso instead of the want to know, or have gained knowledge, which is power, to what was perhaps earlier, or potentially intuited or intimated since conception to the parents as proximal to an infinitum in and throughout development in a womb, as the want to know should beset the mind to studying for the power being earned, in order to transcend the beginning engraven images before arriving at what is within the temple, in order to see ones Faith, as Ones' Glory.The surrendering ones vulnerability to arise in the flight of one's archetypal Phoenix, in order to temper the fashions of one's subconscious to care for what was previously fragile . Such as parallel to the integration or addressing or redressing one's faults or shadow, leaving all evil in the past, polarizing to a new dawn and Era of a Golden Aquarian Age.The 7Cs as, cervix confusion, due to the nescience of anatomy and the prosodic resonance that resonates in flesh due to the anatomical relationship to and of the closure or receptive opening to conceptual freedom. Caveat, discern love for progeny from all and every rapist mentality. Such has inferrantly resulted in the conjectures resultant to Transgenderism. Transgenderism contrasts to incels as resultant from the mix up of sensation of prosodic resonance of nescience of the anatomy of the 7 Cervical Vertebrates and the closure at bay and the opening of the 2nd level that they were conceived in similarity and throughout differences to as the cervix is a woman, and the cervical vertebrates are in men and women and children, as to the answer to the Androgenous or better yet, the Duo Theism of some of the West and most likely, the superior persons referred to, in the I Ching, Book Of Changes.Thr patriarchy that is of intending illness and atrophy as an inheritor of cultural dominion is the patriarchy that the sufferegettes rightfully condemn (albeit the inferred intended ill intent, was the nescience in the "wake" as in a ship's wake of wavelengths, and not initially intended yet irked the ire of transhumanistic trauma patterns endured resulting from planned deception that is not entirely humanistic in its intension) and is why some feminists have developed true of heart masculinity as contemporary with proper attitudes of a proper patriarch whereso the resentment therein resulting from the confusing the true of heart patriarch in blanketing statement, with the willfully ignorant (to illness atrophy and degradation) patriarch that hasn't earned his stripes and is only affiliated by religiosity that may yet be redeemable whereso his heart is freed to arise into flight by Phoenixic vulnerability to be tempered par Cor.It is merely in the wake of having conquered an infection, thereby the Jews are not in direct intentional corruption than has been felt as merely the subconscious,anifesting itself in human relationalism to inflammative correspondence to the undifused (albeit temporary where knowledge stands to reason) traumas of escalation incurred by Hitler's great misplacement of the efforts and affordances, to man, as a united superior, to what has transpired in the past.The forefathers' conquering of an infection, will not be misnamed, and is itself a diction of superiority, albeit it may be temporary whereas to transcend the culture by installation of hygienic stations and infrastructure to usher in the Aquarian Age. That of Air, and the nobility of infection and disease being finally conquered, as a lesson from the Hights of Jewdom and into an age of peaceable exchanges over the sanitation of our species in and by the obliterated and annihilated, by diffusing the aggregate confusive pathos in chaotic templates for the Trifecta of the Thrice Great Hermes/Thoth unto her kindred, the Triple Moon Goddess that is receptive thereby to the light of science and understanding of teleosophy pertinent to the correspondence of those macro chaoses that, underlying, are the microbiopathogenic phages, as well as the parocysms corresponding to anxiety of the temporary confusions of nescience having been confused, albeit temporarily, with the ignorance, in the statement in" ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law, whereas laws are in their entirety, meant to be amenable to prevent inflammatory and violent outbursts of frustration of not having one's long dead kin, being honored for their Innate truth of advancement into excellence and achievement of something superior, to what has been transgressed in the past, particularly throughout the developments of conception and the proximal intuition and intimation there about and throughout the overarchical/hierarchical noosphere; and passed into/unto our Solemans Hight/Nomencle.Jewish people should be considered our equals; no greater, nor lesser than us.Albeit, please excuse any tardiness on my part for not having translated some parts, added later than the translation's given, that I've refined in the English version(s)An anti-inflammatory/non-inflammatory, psycholinguistical exposé/treatise (draft) of the history of (A/a)ryanism (pre and post Hitler scholars')redress the need to lay to rest, all the people, the Dead to Rest, Hitler deceived, to gain power, as claimant to be the Aryan of all Aryans, through his scholars' lies echoing the pre Hitler nazi scholars' Anthropological accounts of Aryanism, across those he barked his madness across in his country of residence, in prosodic* redactics. All, in order to open the grounds to discuss the cultures, indo-european (Aryanism) without feeling trapped, by a series of logical constituents, or syntax errors, in a whirlwind, of hatred.*prosody is the poetics or syntax and greater forms of informata that can be sensed while someone is speaking of their own mind's lexical access. (The earlier Anthropological accounts of races, distinguished, what was by, Aryan as all indo-european, cultures, as superior, only in that they stood out from others, in their own rites of hygiene and the moves away from human sacrifice and/or cannibalism. Whereas with Hitler's nazi scholars, they wrote and routed, by the misuse of Aryans, all types of aryans, back and onto the perceptions of the masses, the positive, pretexts about aryans, and Hitler barked his rebukes of blameshifting, while the crowd loved what it meant to be Aryan, and were deceived by the evocative "speaker." They loved aryans, and were gradually inducted to blaming the Jewish, for lack of clarity about, what our common denominators were.)Hitler and his scholars amalgamated, in the name of the aryans, just to reroute a sense of appeal in those people he spoke his coup to. Aryans, the indo European peoples were all included by the scholars' texts and so there was a broader appeal to the German people to include the other aryans, giving more than would have otherwise been seen as simply Hitler's deceit. A form of mind control, through prosodic resonance, garnering false appeal to include other or more aryans or indo-europeans while Germany was vulnerable in the post WWI Era. Albeit, some misleading Jews have held deceit as their own tactical or strategical means for domination, and have turned to, in some arranged marriages, dirty, cruel and unusual, punishment, simply, where the other party was not wanting to circumcise a potential child.Put into context, by addressing an earlier than Facebook, internet post I read about gross abuse indecency and obscenity(ies) earlier espoused to Hitler, in that article, in order to diffuse, further, the hatred, to lay Our Dead to Rest, from instead polluting our minds with what kind of man exactly deceived our kin. Those that think it different should check their own bath salts in the mirror and otherwise face the consequences of their own indecency, and spare the living from all manner of pestilence and untimely death, and protect us all, from hand(s), that would violate any person, individual, or creature, in any way, whatsoever; God(ess)(e/s') Willing.The misnamed aryanism as being a dirty word, has caused rifts into all Aryan cultures, through the great divide, between Gaela, Celts, Brits, French, Germanic folk akin by the same word, that further caused rifts, those logical pretexts and contingents and syntax errors, out of those same or similar hatred patterns, between our own kin.With all due respect, to your fallen kinsmen, I ask that you not be so willing to mention antisemitism, without considering, antiaryanism as a problem as well, altogether not heard mention of, often enough.And by all means necessary, teach our children as early as reasonably pertinent, about cross contamination, that's in culinary arts, as well as hygiene.I believe a bridge can be formed, knowing that, I myself, have grieved Jewish brethren, all my life, as a, earlier than Hitler's rule, or time of, migrated Aryan, and a lover of the art(s) and science(s) of the semiotique.What Hitler failed our people in, was the gross lie(s) of and that, mass extermination, is any sort of sound reason.What supercedes himself, and predates him, is the Supermensche, of the Aryan Cultures' well rounded appeals' in harmonic Justice and Harmony, with our Brethren and Friends'.I just have a hardstance, against the circumcision of young boys. Such terrifies small children that are more of an ethnic consideration and causes early onset pinholding and leads to lesser quality of life for them into adulthood.The only thing we seek to exterminate, is pestilence, and what we are to be proprietarily preventing, is disease and any other sort, of pathos. How we do so, extends, also yet, to be imparted by teachings of, and equipoisal prognostication as a living, holonic being endowed, especial to us as to our prefrontal cortex as vertebrates, of our criticum that forelies the actionable attainment of a solution of resolve to act according to how our nervous system signifies to us, that pain and suffering are a call to respond and prevent, again pathos or suffering. Even in military disciplines of proper ethos, we aim to disarm and disorient the enemy, whereso the focus is not the infliction of pain, but the disorienting aspect of coverfire.I formally request, that any counter to this, in support of circumcision, or/and a Jewish Jahweh, be made solely for the purpose, of and for the protection(s), of their way of life; especial to amendmants, or updates, (as with regards to the varied patterns of dealing with UTI's, in particular, the prevention of such) to such; in/by, the appeals that their sons may yet intimate or intuit from generation(s) or elder(s), differences and the mutual respect for cleanliness and hygiene; as, meticulum in hygienic practice(s), results from microdermiology in the minute particulars in pertinence to preventing dysentery as well, with what resources may yet be found, atleast, by a time, that our minds may confer or find where needs meet the right of kindred souls.It has been, that some have been too heavily, either dissuaded from, or too stressed thereby in asserting, the criticism that extends to the vernacular of the word, as a result of the fragmentation of the Indo-Europeans, as with that having been called Aryan peoples, that had turned many a Guardian, to a sort, of underhanded criticum caveatting, whereso they have, in their dread, been too overcome by grief, that they may have made error(s) minute, in that such the difference of our merits and credence, were perhaps overlooked, as to what Fate(s) have intended, for those branches of harmony, that will surely be hearkened to, in the latter score(s)/savouring(s) of their tentative tenure; as well as their intensionale, in what's art, in concordance, their state(s) of renewal:The Records of Haniel, my Dearest Bretheren, may at times of recall, delight your invitation, to a lens of purest distinction, for that, by which you read, you seek, and so a call, an answer.Pain, albeit intended, to my understanding, that it calls a woman to freely speak her mind throughout the birthing process, that a man seeks to become one with in his well wishes, shant not be inflicted upon the babes. She may be freely spoken unto mines't own'st entirety intimatively and intuitively, as to the intelligent design of our nervous system whereby pain is as a signal to respond or act to prevent damages and loss, as well as guide the overarching systematic of the central nervous correlaries throughout correspondence.Instead, invite The Balances' Of The Elements' belonging, of course to the Dead, or rather, the wakeful dead, in quelling their angst (resulting from the ultimate elemental imbalances that reached out to them in the past), from beyond time immemorial, to the Frey, in the steadiness that accompanies the blissful states of union in solidarity and passion of the Fae/Shi of antiquity, such as the Sylphs' and Undijne's Caress, one's eternal flame, unto the Earths' begotten womb.Ain Sophe, if you please.Perhaps circumcision can atlast be remedied by giving way back, as they have inherited the bounty of objectively identifying the prevention of a future pain, with one early on that is in a controlled setting, in order to protect the phallus, a symbol of creationism, from a fear of disease, ultimately only being a urinary tract infection, which is only a temporary stinging pain when dead skin cells build up under the foreskin and become like porous homes for bacteria, through chafing while walking, or otherwise.They sought to "nip it in the bud", as they say, to stifle the pains, or poena, of the potential phallus, so as to render it clean, for the journey into adulthood.Now that they have accumulated wealth of Jewdom, Jewish meaning person of God, they can establish with other cultures who have learned differently than them and may yet amend their practices once they install shower systems and bath networks, their own, without needing any longer gross journeying in some more developed parts of the 8eWorld.If Jewdom is so rich then why not have them back the means to install running water systems throughout the developing world, so they don't have to rely on circumcision to keep a sense of hygiene? Is it that they want to conquer infection and disease (simply for preventing the discomfort to the mere potential of a phallus (the Phallus being a symbol for Creation and thus for Jahweh), ie. UTI (urinary tract infection) to wield it over the goy(s) that they target, or those simply for not being a Jew by name, as Jew means " person of god."Souls of past lives through an infinitum Balances of Elemental conjugate, to subjugate the hold of suffering engulfed in flames as the sentence to penitence under one particular world government, confused by atrocity(ies) albeit forgiveness by teaching where'er intrinsically nescient where the demon wasn't lessened in evil.Although Satan did "tempt or intice" as to his ill intent, Eve only ate, for the knowledge of, and pliability of that knowledge of and for Good and highest good, whereas Lillith embodies and represents Free Will and willingness to say no, to a suitor.Cannablism was not yet addressed as well as one might say as to promoting the barebone necessities of industrialism and wilderness survival lore, knowledge, and gnosis.Paradiso and The Ressurection(s) holds truth unto health and motility, to spermatazoa.It may be, that circumcision, was one of the first contributors, to dealing with microbiology and saving infection. However, the knowledge (also ascribeable to Hermes Trismegistus) we have arrived at these days, has superceded such and such may become obsolete.There is no need to be antisemitic, nor antiaryan. Nor anti- any race nor ethnicity, at all. They all hold their place, respectively, as to how neowiccans wish to grant voice to, and ease the sufferings of the deceased, who were labeled witches, in order to bring about a greater sense of peace, in death. As well as to get at the roots of furvence, for a greater sense of self mastery and magnus. As well as the authentic self.I think what holds trans men to a sympathy as a relation to women is freedom from a One God Cor, where they want their minds to receive as to the Triple Moon Goddess Maiden, Matron and Crone, whereby in receipt of Hermeti Wisdom, Knowledge and Teachings; yet Jahweh's highest/Jehovah's highest Principle, is Free Will.The buff women, have been or have done so themselves jotunized or walked, the protective agency whereso they were in response to, within their own potentials of power and said's availability, against evils and atrocities so as to combat the wrongfully actioned. Whereas it may be a success within certain domains, it remains to be said, that it is a sacrifice that some have been willing to contend, albeit, ultimately, strengths of mind, heart, in parabol with our leaders among men, is yet still a relief to those who've been walked well in the strengths of a martialable readiness, and so we make friends of our allies, in the fight for free Wills mutual, in defense and guidance 'gainst and away from, those that ignore our rights, and freedoms in our search for truth and knowledge, especidl to the knowledge that is 'plied to experience. Such is the translative definition of #Taliban whereso the USA deemed there to be awareness and presence of occupations as a critical caveat wheree'er knowledge, that power, is not to be abused and should remain in service to a higher course, where the mind does not sympathize with abuser nor victim, and instead takes up the empathy, or the understanding the emotions involved in the suffering of others instead of merely extending the affectative effects of terrorism unto oneself; Logos and creative capacity for balanced hemispheres.As much as everyone requires some degree of protection while we get to know of ourselves, it falls to those who've knowledge of the phenomena to share and offer it to the #LGBTQ+ community. Yes they need protection, and one that isn't limited to conversion therapy; but they do, however, need a way out, that is multicultural and inclusive, for similarities and differences, to complement the varirty(ies) of life on this Good green Earth.In response to "gender is a "social construct"", I follow with the response: I feel I must correct you there. Gender is not a social construct; it is a Hermetic Principle. Relating to the Triple Moon Goddess to receive wisdom and knowledge through the Thrice Great Hermes Trismegistus, whereby not limited to Jahwew's 3; as to 3 fold Law. So women can learn The Hermetic Principles, are also referred to as the Laws of Governing Dynamics. Resonance is one, Gender, Correspondence (as above, do below, vice versa, etc.) There's much to know and glean from The Kybalion, by Three Initiates. We also wish to give voice and resolve to...Those once burned in witch hunts, to set the Dead to Rest in Peace.There's a blindspot o the subject, because it is technically Occult Wisdom and Knowledge. Hermeneutic studying is covered, by Gnosticism. The goals of Gnosis, are to provide a the templates of knowledge, to where men and women are nescient of the intrinsics of one another's constituitive ensemble of magnus and femininity ( as well as yin and yang/ki and chi/efference and afference/animus and anima) occulted2protectReadings I highly suggest, for any peaceable scholar, in his own rite, are:Pseudo-Dionysius The Aereopagite's Complete Works, which are an apophatic approach to God, as to all he is not, and not limited to, as well as all that he is beyond, as so too, beyond man's conceptions and thoughts and desires about him.The Kybalion By Three Initiates, a Hermetic text of, reservedly, generative Gnosis.Alfred, Lord Tennyson's Idylls Of The KingThe Prose, and the Poetic EddaНекоторые заметки о том, что я намерен обновлять, регулярно пересматривать и уточнять; с официальными извинениями. Можем ли мы танцевать вместе в гармонии (?) Противовоспалительное / невоспалительное, психолингвистическое разоблачение / трактат (черновик (на редакционном столе я куплю pour mon Frere-dans-Lois"@welderlifetimer" @instagram в какой-то момент в не столь отдаленном будущем)) истории (A / a) рианизма (ученые до и после Гитлера) - восполнить необходимость похоронить всех людей, успокоить Мертвых, Гитлер обманул, чтобы получить власть, как претендующий на звание арийца из всех арийцев, через ложь своих ученых, повторяющую антропологические рассказы ученых-нацистов до Гитлера о теории превосходства "арийской расы", через тех, на кого он рыкал своим безумием в его стране проживания, в просодической редакции. Все для того, чтобы открыть почву для обсуждения культур, индоевропейских (арийских), не чувствуя себя пойманным в ловушку рядом логических составляющих или синтаксических ошибок в вихре ненависти. Поместить в контекст, обратившись к более раннему, чем на Facebook, интернет-посту, которое я прочитал о грубых оскорблениях, непристойностях и бесстыдствах, ранее приписываемых Гитлеру, в этой статье, чтобы еще больше рассеять ненависть, похоронить наших Мертвых, вместо того, чтобы загрязнять наши умы тем, какой человек точно обманул наших родственников. Те, кто думает иначе, должны проверить свои собственные отражения в зеркале и в противном случае столкнуться с последствиями своей собственной непристойности, и избавить живых от всевозможных болезней и преждевременной смерти, и защитить всех нас от руки (рук), которые могли бы оскорбить любого человека, индивидуума или существо, любым способом, каким бы то ни было; дай Бог. Неправильное название "арийство" как ругательное слово вызвало раскол во всех культурах арийства, через великую пропасть, между галами, кельтами, британцами, французами, германцами, объединяемых одним и тем же словом, что вызвало еще больший раскол, эти логические предлоги, контингенты и синтаксические ошибки, из-за тех же или похожих моделей ненависти, между нашими родственниками. При всем моем уважении к вашим погибшим родственникам, я прошу вас не так рьяно упоминать антисемитизм, не рассматривая антиарианство как проблему, о которой вообще не упоминалось достаточно часто. И всеми необходимыми средствами как можно раньше учите наших детей перекрестной контаминации, которая относится как к кулинарному искусству, так и к гигиене. Я верю, что можно построить мост, зная, что я сам всю свою жизнь горевал о еврейских братьях, будучи арийцем, жившим до правления Гитлера или во времена переселения, и любителем искусства и науки семиотики. когда Гитлер подвел наш народ, это была грубая ложь (и), и массовое истребление, является веской причиной. То, что превосходит его самого и предшествует ему, - это Супермен Арийских Культур, всесторонне воплощенный в гармоничной Справедливости и Гармонии с нашими Братьями и Друзьями. У меня просто жесткая позиция против обрезания маленьких мальчиков. Единственное, что мы уничтожаем, - это эпидемии и болезни. Я официально прошу, чтобы любой противоречащий аргумент в поддержку обрезания и/или еврейского Яхве, приводился исключительно с целью и для защиты их образа жизни; особенно для поправок или обновлений (в применении к различным паттернам обращения с ИМП, и, в частности, предотвращения оных) в их отношении; в и при призывах, которые их сыновья могут понять или интуитивно осознать при наблюдении разницы поколений или на примере старшего (старших), различия и взаимное уважение к чистоте и гигиене; так, тщательность в гигиенической практике (практиках), является результатом микродермиологии в мельчайших деталях, касающихся предотвращения дизентерии, а также с теми ресурсами, которые еще могут быть открыты, или к которым сможет со временем прийти человеческий разум, или которые смогут установить, где нужды встречают право родственных душ.

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