full image - Repost: “My Response to an Online Individual Suffering from Schizoaffective Disorder, who Posits that ‘Schizophrenia encompasses many [Abstract] facets of consciousness.’” (from Reddit.com, “My Response to an Online Individual Suffering from Schizoaffective Disorder, who Posits that ‘Schizophrenia encompasses many [Abstract] facets of consciousness.’” )
“Schizophrenia encompasses many facets of consciousness. To understand it, you must keep an open mind to the possibility of life beyond the flesh, quantum mechanics, metaphysics, spirituality, beliefs (cultural, ethnic, religious) the un, sub, and conscious mind, even philosophy (1).”…While the reality of schizophrenia and disorders of its category may be undeniably natural — and not exactly by essence, to your point, because a person’s mind is not only a manifestation of their current brain states, but also a network of many thoughts, emotions, and ideas that have corresponded to many past brain states, thereby creating an effectual “ghost in the machine,” and concerning the perpetual correspondence of the mind to our biology, there ought to be ample consideration as to whether a brain state produces a state of mind or whether a state of mind causes a brain state, the latter suggesting that 1.), brain states are activated by the psyche, as observed when synapses are crossed from dendrite to dendrite in whatever pattern our reasoned or intuitive associations dictate, and 2.), the psyche is, in this way, unconfined by or beyond mere correspondence to just our current brain states — it is also true, while it is indeed true that schizophrenia is natural, that there is a great nuance to the diagnosis of disorders of the mind, as there is as unavoidable context to them a convoluted nature between apparent or perceived mental illness and believed spiritual and existential experiences, inquiry, and discovery. There must be regard for the sanctity of the intellect on these deeply human matters, regardless of what state of disrepair it seems to be in on the surface, and this first regard is necessary for a more unanimous regard at this age in healthcare that is of the care and concern for patients as autonomous, deserving, and valuable individuals. A mind is not to any unique individual disadvantageous. If you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia and are reading this or any other answer as someone who feels uncomfortable with their diagnosis on the basis of what is suspiciously a medical shortsightedness, I urge you to see yourself as someone who is of those very regards, regardless of there being a disregard in mental healthcare at this time, and to act on that conviction. Don’t instead resign your concerns, and allow your voice to go unheard. Godspeed!
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