full image - Repost: 26m - nearly 3 years out of college and I am still struggling to get a career path. I am desperate for advice and hopeless at this point. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? (from Reddit.com, 26m - nearly 3 years out of college and I am still struggling to get a career path. I am desperate for advice and hopeless at this point. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?)
I'll try and keep this brief, but I graduated college in 2019 with a degree in economics and have since then struggled heavily with all aspects of job hunting. I chose this major because I was told it is a very lucrative degree and can be used in a variety of fields and industries. Following my graduation, I spent nearly a year alone trying to find anything remotely entry level and after so long, I finally settled with the job I'm currently at now - quality assurance for a medium sized firm, making >=30k, which translates to roughly $15 an hour. I took this job because I was incredibly desperate, having been looking for nearly a year without anything at all. Very mind-numbing work. I had quite a few interviews, actually, but I was rejected from all of them (almost 100% due to severe nervousness, but I will elaborate on this). The only reason I got this job was because they were hiring multiple people. This job doesn't even require a degree to my knowledge.I have done the following -Had my resume/CL/Linkedin revamped off Fiverr. I believe this helped marginally, but nothing groundbreaking.Mock interviewsTons of job fairs (most tell you to apply online... so what the hell is the point??)Career advisor at university (they told me basic job hunting advice and that was it..)Consistently network with family, friends, friends of friends, family friends, recruiters via LinkedIn now for years. Nothing.Right now? I am back on the job hunt. I had 4 interviews a couple weeks ago, rejected from all four of course. I know exactly the reason why, too - it's because my interviewing skills are shit. Interviewing is honestly my biggest fear and I am not even kidding. I have practiced COUNTLESS times, been on about 20-40 interviews, multiple mock interviews yet end up falling short EVERY SINGLE TIME. No matter how much I practice I am in shambles by the time the interview starts - stuttering profoundly, appearing physically nervous, half sentences, unable to communicate effectively. I have tried every model in the book - treating it like a conversation, preparing hours beforehand and more. It's like the second I'm asked a slightly unfamiliar question my brain shuts down and this is not a joke. It feels like I forget how to communicate.I had another interview a while back, but they just ended up ghosting me... I do not live in a large city, so opportunities are somewhat scarce here. I am trying to look into relocating to a nearby larger city, but since not a single employer will consider me because I am not local, what the hell can I do at this point? I regret not moving right after college, I feel forever trapped in my hometown now.I am stuck, depressed, hopeless, and I do not know what to do at this point. This is honestly the most soul-crushing thing to endure and I feel like this will never end. I feel like I never even went to college nowadays, because I am essentially in the same position I was before I went to college, only I work at some dead-end, shit paying job now. Why does it feel like I am the only one struggling with this? I KNOW this is a shit mentality, but nearly everyone I know of seem to have it mapped out - great jobs, houses, families. Why is it so absurdly difficult for me to find a job that pays at least 40k, with decent benefits?
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