Sunday, March 20, 2022


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2022 Reddit Grammy Awards!​YouTube PlaylistSpotify PlaylistSong of the Year:Gutter Punk - The Rest of My LifeReddit UserFemale Vocalist of the Year:Mallika Vie - Let It GoRe leeka34Male Vocalist of the Year:Pultixima, Barabbas T. Jones - KillingRe Slick_Gato​​Breakbeat Song of the YearSlick Gato - Induced DreamsRe DABROCOLIBOI​Breakbeat SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserArtcoreAstolsko - Flower’s Day DreamRe DABROCOLIBOIAmbient DnBEugene17 - IchorRe Rick-DangerDnBSinead McCarthy, Plenityd - Brighter Than The SunRe agurkellertomatHardcore DrumstepNoah Bugalski - can't cut the noiseRe noah_bugalskiExperimental DubstepReplenished Sky - Mess With UsRe ReplenishedSkyFlorida BreaksDHXP - FLOR (id) A Breaks X GabberRe MantrarochenFuture BassCrèmium - COULERRe SwoodnoddinFuture GarageZodat, Tonze, LJAY - Fade AwayRe zodatMelodic DubstepMatfroninja - Hear You AgainRe MatfroninjaNeurofunkSky Loom - In the DRe -a_e-NeurostepSynova - Jeal:ousy VIP (ft. clickbate)Re imagery_24​Classical Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAcoustic FingerstyleInternet Dust - GaryRe lNTERNETDUSTInstrumentalDaniel Diaz - War and a Brief Vision of LightRe dedelandiaOperaChiel Nugter - KwetsbaarRe renaissancepPiano Song:Astolsko, Kayablue - The First SnowRe DABROCOLIBOI​Country Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAmericanaBubba Bellin - Steel GuitarRe Tex40119Honkey TonkSuitcase Sam - Edge of TownRe suitcasesambandSpaghetti WesternNacho Marques - The SheriffRe Raymond-ChandlerIndie Folk CountryMothers Talk - Lost HorizonRe motherstalk​Easy Listening:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserDowntempo Song of the YearPingoin - Calm FridaysRe MantrarochenInstrumental DowntempoMonteq - The March Of AntsRe MonteqmusicAmbientMadach Ren - OlasRe Manach_RenNew AgePricilla Hernandez - MORA-IARe priscillahernandezLofiFalling To Earth - SolitudeRe apatheticpotatoes​​Electronic Song of the YearMistral - BurnRe mistral_uk​Electronic SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative ElectronicGirls With Depression - seasons (that’s what it’s like)Re AyavaronAtmospheric ElectronicChuckdan - 99Re OJmostlikelydiditBass HouseSonar Seven - SunbirdRe mazz0r2000ChillLatin Shui - close your eyes.. and drive?Re FargandsirhomerlotsChillwaveLeftWay - DriveRe coop0606ChiptuneFelknia - Salty ShoresRe FelkniaDarkwavemötoo - overXtendRe KissmeeRecordsDisco HouseVrdnyn, Summer School - Hurt No MoreRe vicvar10ElectronicaMinev - Night ShiftRe MinevMusicEDMVLN - FrequencyRe VLNOfficialExperimental ElectronicSertulariae - trailerquarkRe sertulariaeExperimental IndietronicaDrosophelia - AdulterantRe igorski81Electronic RockREPLEO - Marching OnRe kollider13GlitchLu Zia - bem vindo ao futuroRe LLuZia18HouseLatch - WastelandRe RazzTheMassHyperstepMybittersweetheart - sometimes i wonderdeletedHalftime DnBMiraki - Vicious CycleRe SethreamIDMCrith - Erasers 2 legs LetRe crithlorsInstrumental ElectronicApaleblueeye - Night WavesRe redninjiIndietronicaMoonglow - Breathe In Breathe OutRe moonglownycMelodic Vocal TranceLatch - CirclesRe RazzTheMassMelodic TechnoJMesa - MonsteraRe JU4NM3S4Progressive HouseREPLEO - STAYRe kollider13Psychedelic DanceThe Island - PanaceaRe galacticdominationSynthwaveMacrowave - DystopiaRe macrowavemusic0TechnoSertulariae - Phase InversionRe sertulariaeNoiseLucy’s City - Noise, My LoveRe soitsweexile​Entertainment Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserCinematicPriscilla Hernandez - The Lingering LightRe priscillahernandezSoundtrackReuben Louis - The Secret Garden of PavithraRe reubenlouismusicVideo GameYhiira - The KnightRe Yhiira​​Folk Song of the YearDream Of Sleeping - AnewRe ICNRWDII​Folk SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative Folk RockSyntax Valley, Sydney Atkinson, Josh Rubeo - Bottom Of The BottleRe danarbokCeltic FolkPriscilla Hernandez -The Singing GroveRe priscillahernandezFolk RockMuma, Lloyd Degler - Sensible Oddities (Hold On)Re mumasmusicFolktronicaStriped McCoy - The FighterRe DansdedFolk Singer SongwriterThe Finders - Jupiter’s MoonsRe ufoscepticFolk PunkGoodwin Rainer - Paying GigsRe SatanandtheSunbeamsIndie FolkDreams of Lasers - The Leaves Love the WindRe dolwedgeInstrumental FolkFlukeyMcSwagger - Prairie Boy ZeroRe flukeymcswaggerPorch PunkBarabbas T. Jones - Whiskey In ProgressRe gerojonoPsychedelic FolkNoah Colley - I AmRe NoahColley​Funk Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative FunkSomewhat Incognito - PanamaRe clayman902Electro FunkBorokov Borokov - De Rem(mix) (NONCHELANGE)Re nonchelangeFuture FunkChrylo - Vulcan (feat. Happy Cola)Re Chrylo_Jazz FunkVivid Fever Dreams - Get Through This TogetherRe sexysaxmastaPsychedelic FunkSpakinsky - Ghost in the CloudsRe Spakinsky​​Hip Hop Song of the YearMike Fate - Naturaldeleted​Hip Hop SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative Hip HopJOEJAS - VENTURE?Re HairyMuffinManAlternative TrapOmen Bates - Stars and BackRe RaisetheBarbellhighChillhopStar Smash - Empathic TelepathyRe mrstarsmashCloud RapFrankly Austyn, Solstice - AstronautRe FranklyAustynDream TrapMurr - RiggedRe MaxarcDigicoreOkay Yeah - On The FloorRe julian_nyc_Experimental Hip HopMax Exodu$, Purple Gem, Evan Parisi-Sanchez -Distortion HikuuudeletedEmo Hip HopIamj.nocap - ZOMBIEFACERe IsjorenGlitch HopSharp Sevens - GalaxyRe SharpSevensHardwaveFalling To Earth - SkyfallRe apatheticpotatoesHardcore RapSlick Naari - Why Bother?Re grimmxsleeperIndie Hip HopForrest Del - PainRe Forrest Del - PainIndustrial Hip HopVLN, Equinox - HungryRe VLNOfficialInstrumental Hip HopBoy Infinite - You vs Your EnvironmentRe BoyInfiniteJazz RapJ-Benz - The RejectsRe j-benzLofi Hip HopGRIM, DXFECTIVE - RevengeRe GRIMBEENDEADHalftime DnBMiraki - Vicious CycleRe -a_e-NeurohopSKLOM (Sky Loom) - SourceRe retropxssyPop RapRetropxssy - Sleepy HeadRe smokfacePsychedelic Trap/smok/face - The RiverRe lkoz91Post Trip HopFried Monk - HaroldRe QuintusDienstRapSunBleach, Ky - Day OnesRe QuintusDienstRap RockOsay, The F-Use, Pix3lArmy, LOHM -For the Love of GodRe PM_ME_YOUR_VOCALSTrip HopC.T. Lee - A Sinister PhilosophyRe c_t_leeTrapWashyb. - AntebellumRe therealwashybTurntablismManny Grey - FringeRe MannyGreyUnderground Hip HopKeyote - Grand SchemeRe ikeyote​Jazz Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAcid JazzDr. Lite - Apricot Jam on Rye ToastRe Dr-LiteBebopSleepy Goose - Nola Diamond HeistRe scottyswoleCrossover JazzCasey Haynes - RaregrooveRe QuintusDienstSmooth JazzFriends Of The Unknown - Recording Your MindRe zunapalooza​​Metal Song of the YearZunapalooza - Whispers in the DarkRe zunapalooza​Metal SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative MetalAntediluvian Projekt, Flora Lin - High JumpRe Bireme713Instrumental MetalAalataur - Jolly RacerRe shredatoryMetalcoreBefell the Band, Jake Morgan - Plague the SilenceRe BefellMusicMetalstepBlind Lies, SEVER THE DAY - Into FlamesRe SEVERTHEDAYNu MetalThe Opinion Industry - They’re Recording ThisRe BennyMc83Progressive MetalFraming Skeletons - Flight in the Failing KnotRe FramingSkeletonsSymphonic MetalWillie Dangerr, Daphne Cerez - Sacrifice of TimeRe Quiet_Distress​​Pop Song of the YearThe Eves - Brand New DayRe TheEves2​Pop SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserArt PopGutter Punk - Why Does It Matter?Re gtsampsnAlternative PopSIXSIX - hobbies Re wuyaaBedroom PopWhoismedicate - All In My HeadRe iselfmedicateliveChamber PopLouise Marshall - BlueRe LouiseMarshall19Dark PopMaeve - Manic Pixie Dream GirlRe The_Artist_NetworkDance PopTigerMarie - Bad FriendRe uwu_woobywooDream PopAndrew M - BounceRe amic21Disco PopFhernando - TogetherRe fhernandomusicExperimental PopPura Bliss, Scott is ok - I’m A DinosaurRe beigedietElectro PopJYLDA - So AliveRe helivocHyperpopCatnip Cloud - IlluminationRe Alsklaftsk123Indie PopScott is Ok - PatienceRe beigedietKpopCosmoose, OK Feather, DHXP - Eyes Wide OpenRe MantrarochenLofi PopBran - Breathe Slowly.Re zbran__Synth Pop RevivalHurling Pixels - Under Summer SkiesRe hurlingpixelsSymphonic PopDaphne Cerez, apaleblueeye: A Universe Without YouRe redninjiTwee popGirls With Depression, Popijininsky - Dust, Pt. 2Re Ayavaron​​Rock Song of the YearThe Chaw - Hours & DaysReddit User​Rock SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative RockMud Whale - ScapegoatReddit UserAlternative Indie Rock‘98 Seville - We All PretendReddit UserArt RockPultixima, Barabbas T. Jones - KillingReddit UserBlues RockSentientsimian - more or lessReddit UserDance RockSMTC - The King of SoundReddit UserDreamgazeFoxmore - I Got YouReddit UserElectronic RockREPLEO - Marching OnReddit UserEmo RockI Hate It Too - Soul Searching & MeReddit UserFuture PunkMorning Trips - AssaultReddit UserGarage RockDandy From Home - Color In My LifeReddit UserGrungeFlora Lin - Keep BelievingReddit UserHard RockThe F-Use - ChaserReddit UserHardcore PunkMud Dog - Bite DownReddit UserIndustrial MetalPIX3LARMY - Outside Your DoorReddit UserIndustrial DanceLOHM, David Petty - DirtReddit UserIndie Alternative RockSpeakers - Nothing To YouReddit UserIndie RockThe Parasocials - KarmatoseReddit UserIndie ShoegazeMattmacneil - What We’re Used ToReddit UserProgressive Indie RockAlphabet Supine - WildflowersReddit UserPost HardcoreSugar Glue - Brain ChemistryReddit UserPop RockEmpty Elles - Waste AwayReddit UserPop PunkTochiro - ExitReddit UserPunkFuck Yeah, Dinosaurs - A Critique of the Human ConditionReddit UserProgressive RockCut the Berry - Illusion by ConfusionReddit UserPsychedelic RockDog in Confusion - Turbulent MindReddit UserPost GrungeKing Rizz - WeirdoReddit UserPost DroneThe Anthropophobia Project - EntropyReddit UserSymphonic RockAdam Yas - Wild Horse SunReddit UserSurf RockBeach Bomb - CannibalsReddit UserSkate PunkSore Thumb - Officially LateReddit UserRap RockFor the Love of God - Osay, The F-Use, Pix3lArmy, LOHMReddit UserRock BalladThe Anthropophobia Project - I’ll Be FineReddit UserSoft RockMagic Jones - You’ll Still Be YouReddit UserShoegazeMachine Idle - SharpReddit User​​R&B Song of the YearOshua - Midnight LowsReddit User​R&B SubgenresArtist Name + TrackReddit UserAlternative R& - I Know The SoundReddit UserAcoustic R&BWhoismedicate - FarawayReddit UserExperimental R&BJavii - GiantsReddit UserIndie R&BBlind Lies, SEVER THE DAY - Into FlamesReddit UserRnB SoulSoran Leif - At The DoorReddit UserFuture SoulFraming Skeletons - Flight in the Failing KnotReddit UserNeo SoulAero Austair, Mallika Vie - LatelyReddit UserProgressive SoulLiquid Monk, Omar Aragones - This Time​World Music:SubgenreArtist Name + TrackReddit UserIndian Classical MusicSrabasti Acharya - Jao PakhiReddit UserSalsaPapaSon - Nada PersonalReddit UserReggaeRaynbird - Children of the BeastReddit User

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