Wednesday, August 24, 2022

What’s it like doing English lit at uni?

full image - Repost: What’s it like doing English lit at uni? (from, What’s it like doing English lit at uni?)
Hi! I’m going into year 13 and I’m not completely sure what I want to do at uni. I’m thinking of taking a gap year, though I haven’t talked it over with my tutor or anything.I know I want to do film studies. However, I’m not sure if I want to do film studies with English lit like I initially planned. In year 11, I expressed a desire to do film studies at uni to my head of sixth (my English teacher at the time), and he suggested I do a joint degree.I don’t have a particular career in mind. I thought I wanted to work as a screenwriter, but the idea of working freelance and networking freaks me out as an anxious person who’s never really had a lot of money growing up.I was thinking of doing teaching or something. If I were to teach, I’d want to do primary or secondary English. So, if those are my most likely career options, I want to make sure I’ll be able to do them. If I end up choosing primary, I’ll be fine with just a degree in film studies. However, if I want to do secondary English, then I’d have to do film and English to get onto a PGCE course, judging by most of the websites I’ve looked at.It’s not like I don’t like English- I actually love it. It’s currently my favourite subject, plus (at the risk of sounding arrogant) it’s my best subject (I was 2 marks off an A* for my mock without revising, and I’ve consistently been working at an A) and I’m currently at the top of my class (though I’m taking it at a rough school so perhaps that’s not a fair way of measuring things). I really enjoy analysis and writing essays, but I don’t really read in my spare time, unless I need to read a book for English. I’m just worried that I wouldn’t be able to keep up if I did it at uni. Plus, there’s not much for me to write about it on my personal statement compared to film, since I don’t read anything outside what I’m required to, and I don’t necessarily have a ‘passion’ for reading or literature as much as I do analysis and storytelling as a whole.So, what’s it like doing English lit at uni? I’d be especially interested to hear from people who do a joint degree. Also, any general advice you have based on this post would be much appreciated.Apologies for the somewhat meandering post.

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