Thursday, February 16, 2023

my novel by me

- Repost: my novel by me (from, my novel by me)
"The Unseen One: A Tale of Vengeance and Liberation.""The Legacy of the Forgotten One"You’re here…Alright I will enlighten you...Once upon a time, in a distant land shrouded in myth and legend, there lived a human of immeasurable strength and resilience. He was a force to be reckoned with, a titan among men, but alas, time was not a friend to such a man, and he sadly perished, leaving behind only memories and legends of his greatness. It was a pity indeed to witness the fall of someone so mighty and brilliant, but fate had other plans for him. The man was reborn a thousand years into the future, in a world vastly different from the one he had known, a world of advanced technology and interconnectedness, where he had to find his place once again. For the man, the tools and technologies that had become so prevalent in the modern world were both a handicap and a way to enhance his human limits. He saw how they could be used to improve lives, but also how they could be wielded to create division and inequality. Globalization had brought about new opportunities, but also new challenges and threats to cultural diversity and local economies. Despite these challenges, the man believed in the potential of humanity to overcome its limitations and create a better world. He saw that it was possible to use technology and innovation to promote sustainability and harmony with the natural world, and to create a more equitable and just society. The man's journey was not just a personal one, but a reflection of the broader struggle of humanity to find meaning and purpose in a rapidly changing world. Through his experiences, he came to realize that the true source of power lay not in technology or wealth, but in the ability to connect with others and find common ground. In the end, the man's legacy was not just one of individual achievement, but of a vision for a better future that inspired others to take up the challenge of building a more just and sustainable world. One of the places that the man visited during his travels was the great city of Baghdad. He had been there long ago, in a time when the city was a center of learning and culture. The halls of Baghdad were filled with scholars and poets, philosophers and mathematicians, all striving to unlock the secrets of the universe. As he walked through the city, he was struck by the sheer volume of knowledge that was being exchanged. He saw books being traded in the markets, and debates raging in the streets. He was reminded that knowledge comes with risk and obligation, and that the pursuit of truth can often lead to unforeseen consequences. But he was also inspired by the beauty and complexity of the world around him. He marveled at the intricacies of the architecture, the richness of the tapestries, and the intricate calligraphy that adorned the walls. He realized that even in the midst of chaos and confusion, there was beauty to be found. It was during his time in Baghdad that he began to understand the importance of balance. He saw that too much knowledge could lead to madness, but that too little could lead to ignorance. He realized that the key to a fulfilling life was to seek out knowledge, but to do so with a sense of humility and respect. In Baghdad he met a man person shrouded in darkness, whose name was Liu Chen. Despite the veil of obscurity that surrounded him, Liu Chen possessed great knowledge and wisdom. He became a mentor to the man, teaching him the ways of Buddhism and the art of channeling one's inner strength. To the man, Liu Chen was more than just a teacher, but a guide and a friend, someone who had shown him a path to enlightenment and inner peace. The man came to know Liu Chen as "معلم," which means "teacher" in Arabic, and he would always remember the profound impact that Liu Chen had on his life.And so, he continued on his journey, gathering knowledge and experience wherever he went. He learned from the people he met, the books he read, and the places he visited. He also read the Quran and was mesmerized by its beautiful language and powerful message. He acknowledged it as a great religion with high morals and humility. The man's quest for knowledge and spiritual enlightenment was never-ending, and he continued to seek out new experiences and teachings wherever he went. He was constantly reminded that there was more to life than just knowledge, that there was a deeper purpose that he needed to fulfill. It was in this search for purpose that he finally found his sense of peace and purpose. He realized that his true calling was not just to acquire knowledge, but to use that knowledge to make a difference in the world. He saw that he had a responsibility to share what he had learned, to help others find their own sense of purpose and fulfillment. And so, he continued on his journey, carrying with him the lessons he had learned in the halls of Baghdad and beyond. As the man traveled through the land, he came across the ancient city of Alexandria. There, he marveled at the remnants of the great Roman Empire, which still stood tall and proud, despite the passage of time. But as he wandered through the ruins, he couldn't help but reflect on the fragility of empires and the fleeting nature of power. He had seen the rise and fall of many great empires in his time, and he knew that even the mightiest of kingdoms could crumble in an instant, leaving nothing but ruins and memories behind. It was a humbling reminder of the impermanence of all things and the importance of cherishing every moment in life. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he was ready to face them, armed with the knowledge and experience he had gained along the way. As the man's wealth grew, he found himself drawn to the stock market, amazed by the sheer volume of transactions taking place. He saw traders shouting across the floor, waving their arms in the air, and he marveled at the complexity of the system. But he also saw something else. He saw that much of what was being traded was controlled by a few, that there was a power dynamic at play that left many at a disadvantage. He saw the effects of greed and corruption, the way that the pursuit of wealth could lead to a loss of morality and ethics. And so, he made a conscious decision to use his wealth for good. He invested in businesses and organizations that he believed in, that he felt were making a positive impact on the world. He used his resources to support those in need, to provide education and resources to those who had been left behind by the system. But even as he tried to make amends for his past, he could not shake off the feeling that he was still haunted by his sins. He poured his heart and soul into the creation of various organizations, including one that he called Codex, which became a great business empire in its own right.But he was not always a man of honor and integrity. In his youth, he had led a troubled life, scarred by a difficult past and haunted by the demons of his own making. He had hurt many people, both physically and mentally, and the weight of his sins hung heavily on his soul. However, he did not let his past define him. He worked tirelessly to make amends for his past transgressions and strove to live a life of purpose and meaning. He knew that the road to redemption was a long and arduous one, but he was determined to stay the course, no matter the cost. The memory of his pet crow and the mistakes he had made in his youth seemed to follow him everywhere. It was as if a new being had taken over his body, barking at him from within, reminding him of the wrongs he had committed. And so, he redoubled his efforts to make a positive impact, using his resources to right the wrongs of the past and create a better future for all. Through it all, he never forgot the lessons he had learned in the halls of Baghdad and beyond. He knew that knowledge came with a responsibility, and that the pursuit of wealth should never come at the cost of one's morality or ethics. And so, he continued on his journey, a constant reminder of the power of transformation and redemption.Long ago, he had met a crow, a dark-eyed black bird that had whispered thoughts into his ear and helped guide him on his journey. The man had formed a deep bond with the crow, and he often thought of it as he traversed the world, gathering knowledge and wisdom. But even as he amassed wealth and prestige, he could not shake off the feeling that he had lost something essential along the way. It was as if the crow had taken a part of him with it when it had passed away, leaving him adrift and unsure of his purpose. And so, he searched for something to fill the void, something that would give him a sense of belonging and direction. And then he met the mutt, and something about the animal's presence stirred a long-dormant memory within him. He felt a sense of familiarity and comfort around the creature, as if it held the key to unlocking the secrets of his past. As he looked into the mutt's purple eyes, he saw a reflection of his own soul, and he knew that he had finally found what he had been searching for. The mutt barked at him, a sharp, insistent sound that cut through the noise of the world and reminded him of his purpose. He knew that he could not undo the mistakes of the past, but he could use his wealth and knowledge to create a better future. He could honor the memory of the crow and the lessons it had taught him, and he could work to ensure that others did not make the same mistakes he had made. And so, he continued on his journey, with the mutt by his side and the memory of the crow in his heart, a testament to the power of transformation and redemption.The man pondered on the Buddhist saying he had heard long ago in the halls of Baghdad, "Give life when done, be truthful when it's hardest, and righteous when it's hard." He realized that with great power came great responsibility, and that he had a duty to use his knowledge and abilities for the betterment of mankind. However, his new life had also brought about great risk. As he delved deeper into his understanding of the world, he could think of things that could harm the world just as the airplane had once done. It was a delicate balance, but he knew he had to use his powers for good, even if it meant risking his own safety. As he sat in deep contemplation, the memory of the dark-eyed black crow came back to him. He remembered how the crow had whispered thoughts into his mind, as if trying to guide him towards a greater purpose. The mutt he had encountered seemed to possess a similar knowledge, and the man felt a kinship with the animal. He knew that he had to follow his instincts and continue on his path of discovery. In this new world, he saw that things had not changed much. Though society had evolved and progressed in many ways, it was still controlled and oppressed in its own unique ways. He saw that people were free yet suffocating under the weight of their own expectations and responsibilities. The man felt that it was his duty to help others break free from these constraints and find their own sense of purpose and meaning in life.As he traveled and reflected on his past experiences, the man realized that he had fought in battles against Vikings and Romans, seeing many places burned to the ground and forgotten to time. Through these experiences, he had learned that life was full of hardships and challenges, but it was up to each individual to face them head-on and make the most of their circumstances. It then that he encountered bikers a gang of mercenaries and thugs who were robbing and pillaging the innocent. Their actions were a reminder that even in this modern world, there were still those who sought to take advantage of others. The man knew that he had to confront them, to fight against their oppression and bring justice to those who were suffering at their hands. The man faced the bikers with nothing but a simple wooden stick, determined to protect himself and those around him. The gang of mercenaries and thugs sneered and laughed at him, thinking that such a small and insignificant tool could never defeat their brute force and firepower. But the man was not to be underestimated, and he fought with a ferocity and determination that left them stunned. In the end, the man emerged victorious, having taken down each and every one of the bikers with nothing but his trusty wooden stick. As a trophy of his victory, he claimed one of their bikes, a sleek and powerful machine that he would use to travel the world and leave his mark on history. But even as he forged ahead, the sins of his youth still weighed heavily on his conscience. He had hurt many people, both physically and mentally, and the memories of his past misdeeds haunted him still. It was a burden that he would carry with him for the rest of his days, a reminder of the darkness that he had once embraced, and the light that he had now found. As he embarked through his journey through school, he saw that the values being taught were misplaced. The emphasis was on being a worker rather than an owner, on working for wealth and maintaining it rather than on creating something new and innovative. The man knew that this was not the path to true fulfillment and happiness, and he sought to guide the younger generation towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life. As he fought against these forces of oppression and ignorance, the man remembered the Buddhist saying: "Give life when done, prevail to be truthful when it's hardest, and righteous when hard." He knew that his actions would have consequences and that he had to be true to himself and his values. He recognized that his new life had brought about new risks to the world, just as the airplane had once done. But he was determined to use his power for good, to make a positive difference in the world and leave behind a legacy of hope and inspiration for future generations. As he journeyed through the modern world, the man encountered a woman with mystical blue eyes. Though she was short in stature, she possessed an indomitable will and fierce determination. He was struck by her remarkable strength when he witnessed her heroically stop a child from being harmed by a moving car. As he marveled at women’s act of bravery, the man couldn't help but feel drawn to her. He asked her why she had risked her life for the child, and she simply smiled and replied, "Every life is important, even a child's. We must protect each other to survive." Her words resonated with the man, and he knew he had met someone special. He then asked the woman for her name, and she replied with a smile, "Sharifa." Sharifa asked the man if he had a name and invited him to dine at a local bistro. Seeing that the man was somewhat impatient, she suggested they grab a bite to eat and get to know each other. As they sat down to dine at the bistro, Sharifa turned to the man and asked for his name. He paused for a moment before answering, "I have no name other than what people call me." Sharifa looked at him quizzically, and he continued, "My name is أعمى واحد منسي, which means 'the one who sees but chooses to be forgotten.” Sharifa was taken aback by the man's response, and for a moment, they sat in silence. She couldn't help but feel intrigued by this mysterious man, who seemed to have a deep sense of purpose and identity, despite his lack of a conventional name. Over the course of their meal, they talked at length about their respective journeys and the challenges they had faced along the way. Though their time together was brief, Sharifa and أعمى واحد منسي developed a strong connection and became the best of friends. Even though Sharifa was engaged to another man, their bond was unbreakable, and they continued to support each other through life's ups and downs. As the rain poured down, the man couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. His loyal companion, the purple-eyed mutt, seemed to be pleading with him to stay with Sharifa, but he knew that his journey was not yet complete. He had a mission to find the ancient ruins that held the secrets of the past, and perhaps even the key to prevent the eventual collapse of the world as it was known. So, with a heavy heart, he bid Sharifa farewell and set out on his quest once more. As he delved deeper into the ruins and uncovered the forgotten knowledge of the past, the man couldn't shake the feeling that there was a purposeful erasure of history. The missing pieces seemed to fit together, painting a picture of a larger force at play, guiding the world toward a certain direction. The man was left pondering the motives behind this deliberate obfuscation, wondering who could be behind it and what they stood to gain. Despite the weight of these questions, the man persevered, determined to uncover the truth and expose the secrets hidden in the shadows. As the man journeyed through the ancient ruins, he found himself being pursued by a group of masked men, all donning a distinct symbol that he recognized from his encounter with the biker gang - a crescent with twin swords, one blue and one red. Despite his attempts to evade them, they continued to follow him, making his travels increasingly difficult and dangerous. The man began to wonder about the true intentions of these mysterious figures and why they were so determined to stop him from uncovering the secrets hidden within the ruins. The man was soon captured and was taken to the warehouse, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The symbols on the walls were familiar, but he couldn't quite place them. It wasn't until he saw their crest that he realized he was dealing with a group of powerful and ancient individuals. They were an order that had long been forgotten, their influence and power hidden from the world. The man knew he was in trouble, and his capture was proof of that. As he was brought before their leader who was very tall, the man tried to keep a calm demeanor, but his heart was pounding in his chest. The leader spoke in a language the man didn't understand, but his tone and body language made it clear he was not happy about the man's intrusion. The man tried to explain that he was just a traveler, but the leader was not convinced. Days turned into weeks, and the man was kept in captivity. He was treated well, but he knew his life was in danger. The order was known for their extreme methods and willingness to do whatever it took to protect their secrets. The man knew he had to find a way to escape before it was too late. His purple-eyed mutt, who had not been captured with him, came to the rescue and was able to use the keys to free him from his captivity.The man thought back to his teacher Liu zhen and how he had always hoped to establish an order of brilliant minds to share information. The symbol resembled his teacher's medallion, but his teacher was long dead, so he had figured this was a new, more extreme group of people. However, he still had doubts in his heart. As he regrouped and confronted the masked men's group leader, what he saw horrified him. He saw not his own reflection, but he saw his teacher Liu zhen. He couldn't believe his eyes and wondered if he was losing his mind. The man couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about his teacher's doppelganger. He remembered how his teacher had been a kind-hearted man who helped people in need and had been a wise sage of his own time. However, this man was different, a likely clone or copy but void of a soul. Despite his doubts, he put his teacher's double in jail and began to investigate further, determined to uncover the truth. As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, he sent various messages to informants around the world and realized that this organization was not what it seemed. Instead, it was a mega-paramedical giant tied to the ancient ways and had imprisoned his teacher, معلم, deep underground. Somehow, his teacher was still alive but appeared to be dead, as if he was being kept from death's door until his last breath. The man pitied his former teacher and was hesitant to kill him, but he knew that he had to free his soul from the suffering. As his mortal body turned to dust, the man vowed vengeance against the accursed organization.As the man settled down in his various strongholds around the world, he continued to gather intelligence and support from various resistance fighters and informants, biding his time until he was ready to strike against the powerful organization. In Japan, he found particular support from the resistance fighters, who had long been battling against the organization's influence. With their help, he was able to uncover more information about the organization's inner workings and expand his network of allies.One day, as he was meditating in the shrine of Komitake at Mt. Fuji, he felt a ghost-like presence and heard a faint voice thanking him for freeing his teacher's soul. He knew it was his teacher, Liu Zhen, and felt a sense of comfort and closure knowing that he had done the right thing. With his resolve strengthened, he continued his preparations to take down the organization and bring justice for all those they had harmed.One day, as he was planning his next move from his headquarters in Japan, he received a mysterious message from an unknown sender. The message contained coordinates to an uncharted island in the Pacific, and a cryptic note that read "the key to ultimate power lies within". Intrigued and cautious, the man gathered a small team and set sail to the island.After a treacherous journey, they arrived at the island and discovered an ancient temple hidden in the dense jungle. Inside the temple, they found a secret chamber with a glowing crystal that seemed to pulsate with energy. As he reached out to touch the crystal, he was enveloped in a blinding light and a voice boomed in his mind, revealing to him the true nature of the organization and their plans for world domination. Now armed with this newfound knowledge and power, the man and his team set out on a mission to stop the organization once and for all. They launched a full-scale assault on their main base and engaged in a fierce battle in Tibet, but ultimately emerged victorious.With the organization defeated, the man and his team continued to work towards creating a better world, using the knowledge and resources they had gained to help those in need and promote peace and unity. Though his name was forgotten, the man and his team became symbols of hope and bravery, and their story continued to inspire people for generations. With the help of his fighters, Asia was soon free of the organization's presence. The man then went back to Japan and established his headquarters in the heart of Liberation City, calling it Freedom United. As the man continued to lead the Freedom United in Liberation City, he discovered more about the evil organization's plot to limit the growth of mankind by carefully controlling what technologies could be released. It was a shocking revelation that he knew had to be brought to the world's attention. With the help of his allies, he launched a massive campaign to expose the organization's wrongdoings, and as a result, many children were saved from being used as pawns in the organization's schemes. As more people learned the truth about the organization's nefarious agenda, its power began to crumble, and its leaders were brought to justice. The man finally felt a sense of peace knowing that he had helped to liberate the world from the grip of tyranny and evil. He knew that there would always be new challenges to face, but with the Freedom United in Liberation City, he was ready to face them head-on, and build a better, brighter future for all.

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