Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Save days of dev time and TON of $$$ using this services

full image - Repost: Save days of dev time and TON of $$$ using this services (from Reddit.com, Save days of dev time and TON of $$$ using this services)
Hey, I'm Morgan. After my last post, https://ift.tt/2ReZISh, I thought about how I could help you speed up your projects. Except for using Chat GPT and Boilerplates, I want to list all the services that saved me a ton of time and $$$$. I hope it will be useful for you as well. I also attached my mindmap of all the services I use/used.https://ift.tt/bjhnYWD mindmap https://ift.tt/GpuIn6Y CodeIf you think that your product could be build with NO CODE, you should start with NO CODE! A lot of products started with no code platforms and solutions and only after they got traction they started to rebuild their products.Zapier: Automation tool that connects different apps and services to automate workflows.FormsNo-code form builders allow you to create and integrate forms into your web app easily, collecting data from users without needing to code.Tally.so: Simple and powerful form builder for creating forms without coding.Typeform: Interactive form builder that creates engaging forms and surveys.Google Forms: Free tool for creating surveys and forms, integrated with Google Drive.BlogsNo-code blogging platforms enable you to create and manage blogs without needing to develop a custom solution, offering various templates and tools for content creation.Ghost: Professional publishing platform for creating online blogs and publications.BlogStatic: Simple blogging platform with easy setup and management.Superblog AI: AI-powered blogging platform for automated content creation and management.Bliberoo: Blogging platform that allows easy creation and management of blogs.WordPress: Popular content management system (CMS) for creating blogs and websites.TestimonialsTestimonial tools help you collect, manage, and display testimonials from your users, adding credibility and trust to your web app.testimonial.to: Tool for collecting video and text testimonials from your customers.senja.io: Platform for collecting and showcasing customer testimonials.Landing PagesNo-code landing page builders enable you to create effective landing pages to capture leads, promote products, or convey information without needing a developer.Carrd: Simple and responsive one-page sites for anything.Wix: Drag-and-drop website builder for creating professional websites.Tilda: Platform for building websites, landing pages, and online stores.Webflow: Professional website builder with design, CMS, and hosting capabilities.Framer: Tool for creating interactive designs and prototypes.NewsletterNewsletter tools help you create, manage, and send newsletters to your subscribers, keeping them informed and engaged with your content.Substack: Platform for creating and monetizing newsletters.beehive: Newsletter platform designed for content creators and publishers.Local DevelopmentLocal development tools are essential for building, testing, and debugging your web app in a local environment before deploying it to production.Ngrok: Provides secure tunnels to localhost, making your local development server accessible over the internet.Docker: Container platform that packages your application and its dependencies, ensuring consistency across different environments.Notion: All-in-one workspace for notes, tasks, databases, and project management, which can help in organizing and planning your web app development.devutils.com: A suite of developer tools for JSON formatting, regex testing, and more, useful for everyday development tasks.ChatGPT/Copilot: AI-powered coding assistants that help you write and debug code faster by providing suggestions and insights.DB GUI: Tools like DBeaver or HeidiSQL Graphical user interfaces for database management, making it easier to visualize and manage your database.Fav IDE: Popular Integrated Development Environments like VSCode or IntelliJ IDEA Provide powerful code editing, debugging, and development tools.Git GUI: Graphical user interfaces for Git like Sourcetree or GitKraken Make version control more accessible and easier to manage.HostingHosting services are essential for deploying your app and making it accessible to users. Believe me or not, you can handle thousands of users with $7/m on Render.Netlify: Simplifies the process of deploying and managing static websites and serverless functions.Render: A unified platform to build and run all your apps, websites, and backend services with free SSL, global CDN, and auto deploys.Vercel: Optimized for frontend frameworks and static sites, provides a great developer experience with instant deployments.Heroku: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.AWS: Comprehensive and widely used cloud platform offering a broad set of global cloud-based products.Digital Ocean: Provides scalable compute and storage resources for developers, helping to deploy and scale applications easily.CI/CDContinuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) tools automate the process of testing, building, and deploying your code, ensuring a smooth and reliable deployment pipeline. You can start with something simple. I'm still using ruby mina script for my RoR BE and Vercel for FE.GitHub Actions: Automates your workflow directly from GitHub, enabling you to build, test, and deploy your code right from your repository.GitLab CI/CD: Integrated into GitLab, provides a comprehensive suite for continuous integration and deployment.Bitbucket Pipelines: Integrated CI/CD service built into Bitbucket for automated building, testing, and deploying of your code.CircleCI: Enables continuous integration and continuous delivery for your projects, automating the build, test, and deployment process.Travis CI: A continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted on GitHub.buddy.works: A CI/CD tool designed for developers, providing pipelines for continuous deployment and integration.Version ControlVersion control systems are crucial for tracking changes in your codebase, collaborating with other developers, and managing different versions of your project. It's make no sense to not use them.GitHub: Widely used platform for version control and collaboration, allowing you to host and review code, manage projects, and build software.GitLab: Provides a complete DevOps platform, allowing you to manage repositories, CI/CD pipelines, and much more.BitBucket: A Git repository management solution designed for professional teams, providing source code collaboration and CI/CD services.Transactional EmailsTransactional email services are crucial for sending automated emails to users, such as password resets, order confirmations, and notifications.Amazon SES: Scalable and cost-effective email service for sending transactional and marketing emails.Mailgun: Powerful APIs for sending, receiving, and tracking emails.Resend: Service for sending transactional emails with easy API integration.SendGrid: Cloud-based service that provides email delivery, integration, and marketing campaigns.Loops: Simplifies the process of sending transactional emails with automation and API support.Postmark: Focuses on fast and reliable delivery of transactional emails.Mailjet: Provides email marketing and transactional email services with real-time monitoring and analytics.MonitoringMonitoring tools help track the performance and health of your application, enabling you to detect and respond to issues quickly.Sentry: Application monitoring platform that helps you identify and fix errors and performance issues.Bugsnag: Automated error monitoring for identifying, prioritizing, and fixing bugs.AppSignal: Provides insights into errors, performance, and server metrics.Airbrake: Error monitoring and bug tracking for real-time error reporting and diagnostics.Datadog APM: Comprehensive monitoring and analytics for your applications.New Relic APM: Provides detailed performance metrics and diagnostics for your applications.LoggingLogging tools collect and analyze log data from your applications, helping you understand and troubleshoot issues.New Relic: Offers log management alongside application performance monitoring.Datadog: Provides log management and analytics, integrating with infrastructure monitoring and APM.Prometheus: Open-source monitoring and alerting toolkit, particularly useful for time-series data.File StorageFile storage services are essential for managing and storing files, images, and other media for your web applications.AWS S3: Scalable object storage service, ideal for storing and retrieving any amount of data.Cloudinary: Media management and optimization platform for images and videos.Uppy: Open-source file uploader for uploading files directly to storage services.Uploadcare: Provides file handling, image processing, and CDN delivery services.DatabaseDatabase services are essential for storing and managing your application's data efficiently and securely.AWS RDS: Managed relational database service that supports various database engines, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.Firebase: Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) that provides real-time database and other cloud services to support mobile and web app development.Supabase: Open-source Firebase alternative that provides a Postgres database, authentication, and real-time subscriptions.CacheCaching services help improve the performance and scalability of your web app by storing copies of frequently accessed data, reducing the load on your backend servers.AWS Cloudfront: Content Delivery Network (CDN) that delivers your content with low latency and high transfer speeds.Cloudflare: Provides CDN, DDoS mitigation, internet security, and distributed DNS services, helping to improve the performance and security of your web app.AuthorizationAuthorization services manage user access and permissions, ensuring that only authorized users can access certain parts of your application.clerk.com: Authentication and user management platform for modern web applications, providing features like social login, user profiles, and access control.Supabase: Offers authentication services alongside its database and real-time capabilities, simplifying user management and security.Firebase: Provides authentication services supporting multiple login methods, including email/password, social logins, and custom auth systems.DesignDesign tools and resources help in creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for your web applications.Figma Community: A place to find design resources and templates shared by the Figma community.Dribbble: A platform for designers to showcase their work and find inspiration.UI ComponentsUI component libraries provide pre-built, customizable components that help in building consistent and visually appealing user interfaces.Tailwind UI: A collection of professionally designed, fully responsive HTML components built with Tailwind CSS.Chakra UI: A simple, modular, and accessible component library for React applications.shadcn UI: A collection of high-quality UI components built with shadcn, a modern CSS-in-JS library.Envato Elements: Subscription-based service offering a wide range of digital assets, including UI components and templates.IconsIcon libraries provide a wide variety of icons that can be used in web applications to enhance visual appeal and user experience.React Icons: Includes popular icons libraries like Font Awesome, Material Design, and more, for use in React applications.Anron Icons: A collection of high-quality icons for modern web applications.heroicons: Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS.Lucid Icons:Content WritingContent writing tools help in generating and managing written content for your web applications, blog posts, marketing materials, and more.ChatGPT: An AI-powered tool that helps in generating and refining content, providing assistance in writing tasks.Copy AI:AnalyticsAnalytics tools provide insights into the performance and user behavior of your web applications, helping you make data-driven decisions.usefathom: A simple, privacy-focused analytics tool.Simple Analytics: Privacy-friendly analytics for understanding user behavior without compromising privacy.Plausible: Simple and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics.Help CenterHelp Center tools provide users with support and information about your web app, improving the user experience and reducing the load on customer support.Helpkit: Easy-to-use help center and knowledge base platform.Bliberoo: Platform for creating a help center and providing support resources.Crisp: Provides live chat, help center, and knowledge base functionality.Knowledge Base/DocsKnowledge base and documentation tools help create comprehensive guides and FAQs, assisting users in resolving issues independently.Mintlify: Documentation platform designed to create engaging and informative documentation.Gitbook: Documentation platform for creating and managing online documentation and guides.Bliberoo: Provides tools for building a knowledge base and documentation.Crisp: Also offers knowledge base creation alongside its help center and live chat features.Live ChatLive chat tools enable real-time communication with users, providing instant support and improving customer satisfaction.Crisp: Live chat software with multi-channel support and knowledge base integration.helpcrunch: Provides live chat, email marketing, and help desk functionality.Customer FeedbackCustomer feedback tools collect and manage feedback from users, helping you understand their needs and improve your web app.canny: Collects and organizes user feedback to help prioritize product development.user voice: Platform for gathering and analyzing customer feedback.Nolt: Feedback board tool that helps collect and prioritize feedback from users.Featurebase: Tool for managing customer feedback and feature requests.Marketing EmailsMarketing email tools help create, manage, and send marketing campaigns to engage and retain users.loops.so: Platform for creating and automating email marketing campaigns.Postmark: Reliable email delivery service for transactional and marketing emails.Emailoctopus: Simple email marketing platform with affordable pricing.LocalizationLocalization tools help translate and adapt your web app to different languages and regions, improving accessibility and user experience.lokalise: Collaborative translation platform for localizing apps, websites, and games.crowdin: Localization management platform that simplifies the translation process.PaymentsPayment processing tools facilitate the handling of online transactions, subscriptions, and billing, providing a seamless experience for users.Paddle: Handles all aspects of payments, including taxes, billing, and compliance.lemonsqueezy: E-commerce platform designed for digital products and subscriptions.Stripe: Widely used payment processing platform that supports various payment methods.Project ManagementProject management tools help you plan, track, and manage your web app development process, ensuring that your project stays on schedule and within budget.ClickUp: All-in-one project management tool designed to manage projects, track progress, and collaborate with team members.Trello: Visual collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards, making it easy to track tasks and deadlines.Notion: Integrated workspace that combines notes, tasks, databases, and project management features.JIRA: Project management tool designed for software development teams, offering agile project management and issue tracking.DomainsDomain registration services help you secure a unique domain name for your web app, which is essential for establishing your online presence.Namecheap: Affordable domain registration service with a wide range of additional services like web hosting and SSL certificates.Cloudflare: Domain registration service that also provides security and performance features like CDN and DDoS protection.GoDaddy: Popular domain registrar offering a wide range of services including domain registration, web hosting, and email hosting.Domain InboxDomain inbox services allow you to set up email accounts using your custom domain, enhancing your professional image and communication.improvmx.com: Free email forwarding service that allows you to use your custom domain with any email provider.proton.me: Secure email service with end-to-end encryption and support for custom domains.Gmail G Suite: Professional email service by Google that allows you to use Gmail with your custom domain, along with access to other Google Workspace tools.

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