Sunday, July 24, 2022

r/dccomicscirclejerk Family Adventures Chapter One

full image - Repost: r/dccomicscirclejerk Family Adventures Chapter One (from, r/dccomicscirclejerk Family Adventures Chapter One)
Chapter One: Green​“Your head's like mine, like all our heads; big enough to contain every god and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning stars. Whole universes fit in there! But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and over. The world turns our key and we play the same little tune again and again and we think that tune's all we are.” -Grant Morrison​Every king has a kingdom. Every speaker has a message. Every action has a reaction. All of these lead us to where we are now. We are caught in an infinite cycle of change and evolution. And it was that cycle that led to one mod creating something new. Something pure and powerful. Superheroic moderator, beary_good, made a decision that changed the world. Perhaps as an act of rebellion, or perhaps as a joke, he created a new subreddit that defied the old order of r/DCComics. He created a splinter kingdom. A kingdom where people could meme, joke, and share their most deranged takes. A kingdom without limits. The kingdom of r/dccomicscirclejerk. And soon, that small kingdom grew to be an empire. Its great armies grew to heights even he had never anticipated. It is the counterculture of DC. The great and mighty hand of the outsider. But what if this hand has overreached. What if its secrecy was unveiled, and it encountered an enemy far greater than it could ever imagine? What if this great empire will finally fall in a grand absurdist tragedy?​“For the love of God, will you flair your spoilers!!!” Batbeary screams at the Modcomputer. He persistently monitors every corner of the kingdom. He wears a blue buttoned down shirt and overcoat, dress pants, and a bat masquerade mask, having duplicate sets of this exact costume on standby at all times. He is meticulous. Absolute in his drive. Especially when he sees someone share spoilers without flairs. “Modcomputer, deploy a Skeets Bot. This user’s posting spoilers for Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2.”“Once you’ve lost your virginity to this fu-”“I know! Now, shut up and take that person down!”Swiftly, he sends Skeets The Bot to the area, immediately and efficiently apprehending the perpetrator. For after all, it was those users failing to follow such a simple rule that costed him an impure read at the one story he had been wanting to read his whole life, Batman/FaZe Clan.“You know sir, you haven’t been that active in the field lately.” Alfred Megaflare remarks. He is a slim man with a thin, wispy mustache and scruffier hair from constant work maintaining the subreddit. He wears his traditional suit and bowtie, and keeps a light smile on his face. He used to smile all the time.“I have bots, Alfred. I really don’t need to be that active. It’s fine. I’d rather do this than go back to r/DCComics”“Oh, I understand. But, as your trusty butler and ally Alfred Megaflare, you should know I notice these things.”“You know, you’re right. I should give them a twenty minute long, profanity filled rant in person whenever someone doesn’t flair their spoilers.”“Well, I wasn’t saying that.”“Trust me, Alfred, I want to.” The two laugh at Batbeary’s remark, before the laughter gradually dies down. Beary distracted Megaflare from the severity of the situation.“All I’m saying is that you’re so occupied with this that it feels like you’ve isolated yourself from everything but the bad. You have a whole network of creatives and memers in your kingdom, and yet you’re always stuck in here. Beary…you can talk to us.” The room falls silent. The two stared at each other for what felt like hours to them, yet was only 15 seconds. Beary’s eyes sink, questioning his path. His devotion to an ever-growing kingdom. Perhaps even to his sanity. Those eyes continued to sink until the image of Alfred Megaflare’s face was no longer in his field of vision, and yet he knew the gaze of Megaflare persisted—at least, until he received an alert on the Modcomputer.“Crap. Another unflaired spoiler. Go, Alfred. Please, just go.” Beary tells him wearily, sags under his exhausted eyes reminding him of all the times they have repeated this conversation. Alfred sighs, acquiescing to Beary’s request. Besides, he has someone else he would like to talk to.​“Lucius!” Megaflare exclaims, before hugging Lucius Cyber. They have not seen each other in months.“Alfred…It’s good to see you again. I-”“I know. You’ve been busy on a project. And apparently, it was so important to you that you stopped speaking to any of us for months.”“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, but please-”“I’m not angry, Lucius. But, you called me up here, so clearly it’s important. What’s it about?” Megaflare asks. Cyber starts to speak, but stutters towards the start. This is something that he struggles to truly describe, or even understand. This is something that changes everything.“3 months ago…we found something, right? We found someone, crying out in agony. Their body looked like it was being overtaken by some sort of energy signature, completely off any sort of spectrum we could ever define. It was like it warped reality. Because as soon as I approached them, I-I saw visions. Visions of universes dying, reality collapsing in on itself, the dual pillars of good and evil standing, everything being born anew and a chamber. An isolation chamber that holds darkness, yet with the glow of an undying light. Void, yet filled. Everything yet nothing.” Cyber says stumbling and stuttering. Months of isolated work and analysis has left him an incoherent jumble of a man. He is sweating profusely at everything he has had to explain. His hair is unkempt. His body reeks of a distinct lack of showering. His body is slim and he is constantly blinking. He has been in darkness too long.“You’re…you’re not making sense, Lu-”“Because none of this makes sense! I don’t know what this was, but I had to know! So…I secluded myself away. From Beary. From you. From all the other users. I needed to know! And so, I dedicated all my resources, all my time, effort and equipment to figure out what this thing was. And soon, enough, my fears were confirmed. I saw…a locus of life built from electromagnetism and stardust. There are other realities out there, Alfred Megaflare! There’s a Multiverse.” Megaflare and Cyber both pause. Alfred tries to take in the mind-shattering ideas that come with this revelation. Lucius is trying to calm down, having stewed in such ideas for days. Soon, Megaflare diverts attention away.“Fascinating. Very fascinating. Listen, I’m glad you’re here, and I’m glad you’re talking to me. Now, I think what we need are some cucumber sandwiches! You look malnourished, and I think you could use some more sun.”“I need to know.” Cyber proclaims.“What?” Megaflare asks with concern.“I just needed to vent. I needed to tell you everything. I’m going back there, and I’m going to figure out what-” Suddenly, Megaflare stops him.“No.” He proclaims, his smile finally fading.“Wha-”“I said no. I have not seen you in three months. I have been worried to death about you. Beary has been secluding himself in his cave, too dedicated to his mod duties to ever leave it. All the other users are in their own sectors of the subreddit.” Megaflare’s voice quivers, his emotions running high at the sight of his old friend’s decrepit state. "I have had no one to talk to. No one to share any joys or time with at all. You’re all I have now, Lucius.” Tears start to stream down Alfred’s face. The past year of grief has weighed on him. Lucius soon gives up on his thoughts, as he and Alfred soon gazed into the others comforting presence to join in an embrace. Perhaps both felt it was sudden, and yet both would agree with little argument that it was necessary. Not for the sake of the implications of Lucius revelation, but rather, for the receding levels of sanity both had left in the reservoirs of their minds. And yet regardless of either’s rationale, it was inarguable that their eyes softened. Their warmth shared. Their bonds reconnected. Time was a barrier between the two, as it so often is for many, but the depths formed by the months the two spent apart closed akin to a crack in the earth enclosing after millennia of natural forces pushing the cliffsides apart.They are together again at last.“I…I keep hearing a voice. In my head. It keeps telling me something. ‘The Black Talons Will Close The Gate’” Cyber starts explaining, before Megaflare cuts him off, gently shushing him.“Come on, Lucius. Let’s start on the cucumber sandwiches. There’s nothing better in the world.”​“Alright. That’s the last hornyposter.” Commissioner TieDye proclaims. “We’ve got ‘em all.”“I want to get pegged by Black Ca-” The hornyposter begins, before his mad rants are cut off by a punch to the head from the Medium Scientist.“God, I’m tired of these people. You can get pegged by real people, you know! You can stop being so infatuated with drawings!” The Medium Scientist responds“You don’t understand! YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND!!!” The hornyposter screams as he is dragged out of the room and into his cell by the Commissioner.“Eh, that one Barry simp was more dramatic. He actually hid a speed-force lightsaber in his pocket and tried to escape. But, then you were there.” Harvey84848484880 comments.“I try. Trust me, when half your job is dealing with invading shippers on top of being a vigilante dressed in a gold sparkling lab coat, you get used to the weird stuff.” The Medium Scientist responds.“Ha. I guess so. Y’know, you’ve really been embracing this vigilante career. I’m glad to see it. I remember how nervous you were starting out.”“I’ve always idolized people in costumes. I was even friends with one, Vic9526. Then…then he died. Died protecting me from that laughing monster’s invasion. That Terrific son of a-.” She sighs. It was a long time ago. He is at rest now. “So, I thought it was only right that I should take his mantle. The Medium Scientist. And I have to say, it’s been fun. Granted, it gets weird. Like, even weirder than here. Remember the Nolan-Monitor? But…I like it.”“Well…I always idolized cowboys growing up. Ended up being a cop for the DCPD, so I guess this is as close as I’m going to get.” Harvey84848484880 remarks.Soon, Commissioner TieDye enters the room again. He is wearing a disheveled button down shirt and tie around his neck. His hair is like a nest a little blue bird had prepared on his head. He has had a long day’s work. Everyone at Team Detective has.“He was practically kicking and screaming being dragged in there. Thought he’d never shut up… So, everyone! Now that we’re here, I’d like to announce that a new officer has been accepted for the DCPD! Let me introduce you to Officer Aaron Mountain!” Just then, Aaron Mountain walks in, dressed in his uniform. His expression is a scowl. He is expecting a very serious crowd. He is surprised when everyone starts cheering.“I…I thought…” Mountain stutters confused.“We had to prepare you for the worst, Aaron. Now, enjoy the best! It’s really not that serious here. This is r/dccomicscirclejerk after all, what did you expect?” TieDye explains, with a light chuckle. “You know the system here. Don’t invade the other subreddits, don’t be a bigot, don’t attack people who aren’t breaking the rules, flair your spoilers or else Batbeary will probably kill you, and don’t beat a dead horse. You know you can talk to Batbeary, Alfred Megaflare, or me if you’re struggling here. And have fun here. Anyways, I’ve got to go. Barbara’s calling me.” TieDye, with his copy of The Divine Comedy in hand, took note of the current line he was on before tucking the book away in his trench coat.Of course, Babs wasn’t actually calling TieDye. But how else was he to get the quality reading time he so deserved?The light was departing. The brown air drew downall the earth's creatures, calling them to restfrom their day-roving, as I, one man alone,​prepared myself to face the double warof the journey and the pity, which memoryshall here set down, nor hesitate, nor err.​Batbeary stares at his computer, deploying bots around r/dccomicscirclejerk to arrest countless faceless violators of the subreddit rules. He is alone in a dark room, only the light of the mod computer illuminating his room. Yet, he is contentAlfred Megaflare and Lucius Cyber are sharing Alfred’s specialty cucumber sandwiches. They take the mind off the stress both of them have experienced for the past three months. They are just happy to be here. The cucumbers, of course, are of the finest quality, grown in the pristine field, untouched by the plague of heathenism that was Snyder fans, that was r/AnimalMan.The DCPD is celebrating their new recruit. Aaron Mountain’s grim masquerade that he expected begins to fade. At this moment, they are happy to be here. In-“BEARY GOOD YOUR SLANDER WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ANYMORE”In the Modcave, Beary Good raises his fists in confusion, throwing a Moderang faster than any human can process at the creature. It is unsuccessful.“LUCIUS CYBER YOUR WOKE EXISTENCE ENDS HERE”In Circlejerk Tower, Lucius Cyber runs away in terror, Alfred Megaflare defending him with a shotgun against the creature. It is unsuccessful.“RENEE9526 YOUR SJW PROPAGANDA IS RUINING REDDIT”“AARON MOUNTAIN YOUR WOKENESS MUST BE CANCELED”In the DCPD Department, all of the circlejerk officers immediately attack the army creatures. They fight for their very lives against these invasive creatures in their department. Aaron Mountain is pinned down by one creature, all black with beaming red eyes and a red bird on its chest, trying to fend it off with his life.He is unsuccessful. Lying next to him is his bloodied, severed hand. And all he can do is scream.“IN RACIST DAY, IN SEXIST NIGHTNO POLITICS SHALL ESCAPE MY SIGHTLET THOSE WHO WORSHIP LIBERAL MIGHTBEWARE MY POWER— COMICSGATE’S LIGHT!”They all proclaim in unison. The users stand there. Afraid. Uncertain of what they face. Uncertain of what these creatures are capable of. Uncertain of their lives and their futures.And yet… Batbeary, in a futile attempt to retain his composure, would find a new reason to be uncertain apart from the dread that was consuming himself and the rest of them. His eyes, studying his opponents, would be drawn to a faint emerald glow radiating from one of his new enemy’s ring finger.And yet, they raise their weapons, and face this new menace.​“What did you do…What did you do!!?” The Medium Scientist screams. Commissioner TieDye draws a pistol, and fires at the creatures. His face was consumed with an amalgamation of fear and frustration, flustered together in fumes, as he begun to understand bullets do not work against the might of these new foes. Harvey84848484880 and the rest of the department are petrified in fear, their eyes locked with their new enemies as our heroes stood still… and the opponents begun to bound into comics their way towards our heroes.“GET WRECKED WOKE MINORITY” One Bounder yells, preparing to murder Aaron Mountain once and for all. Just then, The Medium Scientist lunges at it, leaping furiously into action to save the recruit. Yet, attacking it is like attacking a brick wall. It simply does not move. Another Bounder arrives to restrain her. She breaks free, but it is hopeless. She cannot fight them off. At least, it seems that way. The other officers try firing at the Bounders. Yet, bullets will never work. TieDye soon contacts Batbeary.“Batbeary, we’re under attack! We need your help!”“You…don’t say.” Beary responds strained. Right now, he is trying to roll over a Bounder trying to pin him down. It is remarkable how heavy they are. “Modcomputer…deploy 5 Skeets Bots to my… location right now. How bad is it, TieDye?”“There are so many of them. They’re attacking Renee9526. They cut off Aaron Mountain’s hand…My new recruit. They’re only attacking minorities. Who’s programming bigoted kill-machines?” The question gives Beary a stunned pause, like an epiphany, interrupted by a yell of pain.“I’ll get back…to you soon…” The Bounder then punches him across the Modcave with its abilities. It feels like being hit by a swerving, unwieldy vehicle. The Bounder’s moments are organized. Disciplined. A robot.“Beary!” Commissioner TieDye yells.“Use any means necessary to take back the precinct!” Beary yells as he is being held in a chokehold. He is already bloodied and battered from fighting this creature. His mask flew into a ravine when the fight started. He ends the call, and keeps fighting. Soon enough, the Skeets Bots arrive and electrocute the Bounder. This weakens it enough so that Batbeary can escape the chokehold. Immediately, the Bounder annihilates the Skeets Bots with a blade. A green blade… confirming Beary’s suspicions.“Hmm…Computer, activate Protocol: Yellow Skies. So, you have the powers of a Green Lantern. Why are you here? Who…Who do you work for?” He has one suspicion. One man who he fears may be responsible for their arrival.“YOU HAVE SLANDERED THE GREATEST GREEN LANTERN OF THEM ALL HAL JORDAN FOR TOO LONG SHUT UP ABOUT ARISIA AND GEOFF JOHNS SHUT UP ABOUT DEATHSTROKE AND THE JUDAS CONTRACT THEY ARE LOVABLE RELATABLE CHARACTERS AND HE HAS DECIDED THAT YOU MUST STOP SLANDERING THEM YOU MUST BE CANCELED” The Bounder responds“Who is ‘He’?”“HAL JORDAN IS BETTER THAN WOKE JOHN ST-”“Who is “He”?!” Beary screams. The Bounder does not respond. It only lunges towards Beary. And all Beary can do is stand, helpless and exhausted, as the Bounder prepares to end him.​In cold, dark despair are Alfred Megaflare and Lucius Cyber. Two men who have encountered something terrifying. Unknown. Hateful. They are in a locked room. Utterly impenetrable, even by monsters such as the Bounders (Beary made sure of that). There is no light here. No light for evil to beware. Only the faint, ominous light of old forgotten technology. And outside, a Bounder stands still in front of the door; madly ranting about Cyber being too woke while banging on the door like an inmate begging to be let out of their cell. But eventually, it stops. And Lucius Cyber works up the courage to speak through the door.“You said…you said you wanted to erase all ‘wokeness’ from the world. Why? Why do you hate me?”“ONCE UPON A TIME THE INTERNET WAS NEVER POLITICAL WE COULD ENJOY THE SAME DISCUSSIONS AND THE SAME MEMES WITH ALL OUR STRAIGHT WHITE MALE FRIENDS BUT THEN THE WOKE SJW SNOWFLAKES CAME IN AND RUINED EVERYTHING BY INDOCTRINATING OUR YOUTH ALL THE INTERNET IS NOW IS LEFTIST GARBAGE OUR GOAL IS TO CANCEL THEM LIKE THEY CANCELED US SO LONG AGO” The Bounder explains.“You can’t really believe that, can you?” Megaflare asks. “You can’t seriously be that ignorant and idiotic, can you?”“YOU DARE QUESTION ME”“We know the kind of man who must’ve made you. We know he must be driven. Dedicated to a cause of hatred. Sheer, blinding rage towards people for simply existing.” Lucius begins. His fear in the creature has been replaced with hatred. His voice is firm. He no longer sees the creature as a threat anymore. “You are a tool. Do you understand? A relic representing an antiquated and ridiculous idea. You’re pathetic. What says that the Internet shouldn’t be able to unite people? What says that the power of Reddit can’t be provided to everyone?”“BUT…BUT THE WOKE-”“You’re a slave. You’re a tool to achieve something you never truly believed in. Down in the Modcave, Batbeary is fighting one of you to the death. We have his vitals. You’re good. Formidable. But I know you won’t win; because he’s too determined to be broken by someone as pathetic as you. He will stop you. We all will. Because we believe in something.”The Bounder pauses. For one moment, it goes against its programming. It thinks. And then, it says only seven simple words: “The Black Talons Will Close The Gate.” before walking away. Lucius and Alfred are both left alone, waiting in the dark room without any other company except for blinking blue lights and faint hums of long abandoned machines. The room is cold. And in the distance, they hear a voice.“I see your machines, Lucius Cyber. Do you mind if I use them?” In that moment, deafening silence was replaced by earth shattering noise. Orange light bleeds through the door, debris slams against it, and the complete obliteration of tile and steel can be clearly heard. Lucius opens the door frantically as soon as the explosion ends. He rushes through the halls with fearless abandon as Alfred Megaflare follows. And soon enough, Lucius witnesses in horror what has happened. The Bounder self-destructed, and destroyed the machines he was using to monitor the Multiverse. All of his progress has been reset to zero. And he has no way of knowing what is coming next.​Lucius starts screaming, but Megaflare carries him away.“Come on! We have to get to Circlejerk Manor now! Batbeary needs us!”“BATBEARY YOU ARE TRAPPED IN MY GRIP WEAKENED YOU ARE A CANCER ON THIS WORLD MY BODY CALLS YOU A CANCER” At the manor, Batbeary laughs weakly.“You…You can’t even get cancer.” He is then slammed onto the ground. Blood puddles form around the cave like it was raining. Beary has 27 broken bones.“HAL JORDAN IS THE GREATEST GREEN LANTERN OF ALL SHUT UP ABOUT ARISIA SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP WHO CARES HOW OLD SHE WAS ONLY YOU BEARY YOU SLANDER HAL JORD-” The Bounder says as he repeatedly punches Batbeary with the force of a gorilla.“I…I…I know…who you’re working for…He won’t win…none of you will…” Beary says breathless.“THIS IS SOMETHING BIGGER THAN YOU YOU FREAKING LIBERAL THIS IS AN INVASION WE WILL DESTROY YOU WITH HAL JORDAN’S MI-”“Hey…can I…make a request…” Beary mutters, a smug smile on his face. “Shut up about Hal Jordan.” And then, the Bounder learns what Protocol: Yellow Skies is.Every single Skeets Bot Beary has ever built, every one of them simultaneously arrives in the cave, and electrocutes the Bounder. The Bounder screams, as every chip in its body starts to fry completely. Screams turn to discordant noise. Discordant noise turns to static. Static turns to nothing. And soon, the silent screams finally end, as the Bounder collapses to the ground. Beary smiles, triumphant, yet near death. Almost coincidentally, Alfred and Lucius both arrive.“Beary!” They both cry out. Beary can only groan in pain. Naturally, they see their battered ally and friend and the trails of blood everywhere and start to panic. But, Beary reassures them.“Ok…Going to…be ok.” His words are barely audible, but they can be heard. “Take…Take the body…study it…and…and call the Commissioner…tell him…who’s responsible…”“Who’s responsible for all this?” Alfred Megaflare asks.“he… always… hated… minorities… and music…” Beary manages to cough out, gilded in blood. The pain would grant most an ocean of tears, one that would be accompanied by a damned death by drowning. Not in the tears- but in their own blood, as their lungs flooded as their veins cracked under the damage. Honestly, I wasn’t sure whether or not that was happening to Beary as he spoke.“...Emperor Van Darksciver…” Beary responds. Suddenly, the room goes silent. The weight of the situation is apparent. This is something larger than just Team Detective. They need something more.Beary falls to the ground, weakened, as Megaflare catches him to lessen the weight of the impact. No words are spoken between Megaflare and Lucius- the two make eye contact, and in the depths of their irises, more words were spoken than ever could aloud. Those few moments of joy brought by the pleasures of heaven of r/AnimalMan were short lived, for a universal truth that they all knew deep down, a fact that they all were unable to forget and instead kept locked away in the vault, thrown into the vast ocean of their memory… it had at last caught up with them. There was no further denial. Only dread.All is one in Him. The mighty body is His church. When He commands your surrender, He speaks with three billion voices… and that many copies of The Flash: Rebirth, available for purchase at Comixology and, of course, your local comic book store.Darksciver is.​“Commissioner TieDye!” Alfred cries over the phone.“What is it? We’re still trying to fight them off, but nothing’s working. My people are dying. We can’t leave them in the precinct, they’ll get out and hunt us down.” Commissioner TieDye explains. They are not targeting him because they are not programmed to— being a straight white neurotypical cisgendered male, he was immune to hate by Comicsgate. His voice reveals guilt over this fact.“You have one option, FlyBy.”“You…You can’t mean…”“It’s the only option left, Commissioner. You have to evacuate and self-destruct the precinct. The Bounders that attacked us have been destroyed, this is the only thing left to do.” TieDye pauses. That option is only meant for desperate last case scenarios. But, I suppose this is one such case. Seeing his officers give their lives for him, many injured and others dead, he acquiesces.“And TieDye, we know who caused this. Darksciver’s returned.” Alfred explains. The Commissioner can only sigh in distress.“Alright, I understand.” FlyByTieDye finally says, hanging up, and taking out his radio.“Alright, everyone! This is a Code Black event! Take all the injured with you!” Immediately, they know where to go. They were all taught this after all, even if none of them believed it would happen. The Commissioner takes out his control panel and opens all of the cells before activating lights directing them to the exits. He cannot let the prisoners die. Even the hornyposters. They try their hardest to move along. Some run, some walk, some limp, but they all try. Some of the officers forgot the drill, as the more experienced try to help them. Yelling and discourse is heard as everything collapses. Some officers do not make it to the elevator shaft. One of the Bounders tries to murder The Medium Scientist, who is carrying Aaron Mountain with her. Acting on sheer impulse, she grabs Mountain’s taser, and jams it into the Bounder before activating it. It stuns the Bounder, but it is no use. She runs away, finally reaching the elevator shaft. The event is a disaster. And yet, they survive, only if by a fluke.TieDye immediately closes the elevator shaft, the door using the same technology as Circlejerk Tower, courtesy of Lucius Cyber. The officers hear furious banging on the door, along with the typical idiotic ranting of the Bounders. The Commissioner receives a notification telling him that all of the prisoners have escaped. He sighs with grief, knowing that he will have to start anew. He sighs with frustration, knowing that a larger threat is coming. He sighs with hope, knowing that they have an army to stop him. Just to hold himself together, he takes out his copy of Inferno, and glances at the page he was on.​When he had spoken, all the twilight countryshook so violently, the terror of itbathes me with sweat even in memory:the tear-soaked ground gave out a sigh of windthat spewed itself in flame on a red sky,and all my shattered senses left me. Blind,like one whom sleep comes over in a swoon,I stumbled into darkness and went down.​And with that, he released another sigh. A sigh can be all three at once. Harvey84848484880 is mildly injured, mostly well aside from shock and terror. Renee9526 is bloodied and injured, but still persists. Aaron Mountain will remember this day for the rest of his life. His anger is keeping him awake. Perhaps he have preferred his initial perception of this day as one filled with brooding officers barely welcoming and acknowledging him to what he received instead.Soon, they all exit the elevator, arriving outside the inflamed precinct. The Bounders do not know where they are yet. Good. They can hear the prisoners escaping back into the subreddit. They can clearly hear one shout “Black Canary, here I come!” Of course, they will all be rounded up sooner or later. Soon, TyeDye takes out the detonator. And with the single press of a button, their world ends. The precinct is no more. And the Bounders go with them. The invasion is over at a cost. Darksciver’s goal was never to eradicate the “woke” members of Team Detective. It was to set them back for what he has planned next.​But that does not matter now. All the remaining officers can do is rest. Some of them even smile. They won. In spite of overwhelming odds, they succeeded. And despite knowing what is coming next, they know that it is something they can overcome. This glorious subreddit of memes and rants and hornyposters will live to see another day because of bravery. Is that not what heroes do? Then again, what do I know about heroes? I am just a cow.​Up Next: Dick Grayson the 612th is tasked with assembling the Robins back together to battle the incoming thread of Emperor Van Darksciver, and yet on the eve of The Green Hood’s wedding… things don’t exactly go as planned as both of them.Will Dick Grayson the 612th, The Green Hood, Shiny Agudrake, Damian Manzowayne, and Son of the Duke survive the wretched land of r/nightwing? Or will the Star Shipper Corps and Barbadidios get the best of them? Find out next time on DCCJ Family Adventures, Season 1: Twitter Crisis, Episode 2: Violet!

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