Wednesday, September 14, 2022

I'm a Drug Dealer. My Supplier has a new Product

full image - Repost: I'm a Drug Dealer. My Supplier has a new Product (from, I'm a Drug Dealer. My Supplier has a new Product)
Let’s get one thing out of the way. You are not allowed to fucking judge what it is I do. I didn’t exactly have much choice. I was either going to be forced to live off of government handouts for the rest of my life or to make something of myself in the only way that was available to me. I don’t need you people judging me for what it is I do.Now that the disclaimer is out of the way, I guess some formal introduction is in order. My name is Oscar. I live in a piece of shit city that is quickly falling apart and that has very few prospects for employment. You either sell your body or you sell shit that people put into their bodies. Never being much of a hooker, I decided at the young age of 14 to become a drug dealer. It started off simple enough, with me selling shitty weed that I grew in my backyard to kids in school. It was never anything major, just a few ounces here and there, it wasn’t until my senior year that I really got into selling and dealing in drugs.I graduated from weed to heroin that year and my sales went through the roof. Really leaving the shitty weed just to myself. I was smart enough not to get high on my own supply of heroin. A major point in that is I am much more of a pothead than a heroin junky. Come graduation I was known by most students as the guy to come to when you needed a hookup. With my graduation came my full attention towards my burgeoning business and with it, massive profits. The plus side of being the only employee. Of course, getting the materials to make or sell drugs was soon becoming an issue for just myself.And that is when I came into contact with Spencer. Now I had known Spencer in high school. He had been a senior when I had been a freshman, and from what I had heard he was a top-tier chemistry student. There were even rumors that he might be going all the way to MIT or some shit like that. Well, when I met him in person a couple of years later he certainly was not an MIT graduate. He was a disheveled mess, wearing an ill-fitting hoodie and sweatpants and a surgical mask on at all times.I had been put into contact with him by another drug-selling friend Kimmy. Kimmy’s a good girl though a crackhead and hopelessly addicted to her own product. Which more often than not ends up in her system instead of a client’s. But she introduced me to Spencer one late autumn night when I was complaining to her about my increasing struggles with supply.“Spencer? Like, Spencer, Spencer?” I had asked her when she brought up his name. She eagerly nodded and quickly pulled out a baggie to show me.“Check out the crack he makes. It’s pristine. No bullshit additives or nothing.” I watched as she opened up the baggie and started to put the crack into her pipe. I quickly reached out and snatched it from her, much to her swearing and threatening.“This is why you’re broke all the time.” I scolded her, putting the pipe in my pocket and shaking my head at her. “Can you get him to talk to me?” I asked once she had calmed down a bit from her storm of curses.“Yeah, I can. Just give me a few days. He’s like, got a thing with people being too close to his work. So I’ll arrange for him to meet us somewhere neutral.” She extended her hand at me. I first thought that she had wanted to shake hands, but when she quickly bent her fingers towards her palm I knew that she just wanted her pipe back. Placing it back in her hand I watched as she scampered away with it like a squirrel with a nut.About five days later I met Spencer in a rundown playground near an abandoned elementary school. Man our town really has gone to shit. As mentioned before he certainly didn’t resemble the Spencer I had seen and heard about in high school. But then again I didn’t exactly look much like a high school success either.“Oscar, right?” he asked me, his voice muffled by the face mask he wore. I could’ve sworn his voice sounded hollow and empty almost like the glassy look he had in his eyes. These past few years really must have done a number on him, especially if he was now producing drugs.“Yep. We used to go to the same high school. Though I doubt you ever knew me.” I chuckled, offering my hand out for him to shake. But he just looked at it for a second before shaking his head.“Sorry. Sort of a germaphobe.” he said, keeping his hands firmly in his hoodie pocket. I respected that. Being a chemist must really make you conscious of all the germs that are in our world. “So Kimmy told me you are in need of a new supplier. What is it that you sell?” he asked me, tilting his head at me as if he were trying to figure out if I was real or not.“Mostly heroin and some crack. With everyone either up and moving out of this shithole or being locked in prison, my options are sorta running out.” I told him. He nodded in understanding before pulling his hands out of his hoodie pocket and producing a notepad that he quickly scribbled on. His hands were covered by gloves, which made sense to me at the time. It was quickly becoming winter.“Anything else? Meth? Shrooms?” It was like he was taking my order at a restaurant or something, and I couldn’t help but let out a weak laugh at the situation. But by the look Spencer gave me, he was serious about the business we were doing at that moment.“No, just the heroin and crack,” I told him, reaching into my pockets and pulling out a wad of cash to pay him. But he quickly shook his head at me and put his notepad back into his hoodie pocket.“No, no. You pay me in a different way.” he told me. That caught me by surprise. I hadn’t known a single supplier not to take cash. So I slowly put my wad away and listened to what it was that he wanted as payment. “I’m banned by practically every pharmacy in the city. I need you to go to a few and gather a few things for me. That will be the payment I take to supply you with what you need.” Spencer told me. He pulled out his hand from his hoodie pocket and produced a folded-up piece of paper.Walking over to him I picked it up and watched as he backed up from me. Opening up the piece of paper I stared at several medicines that I couldn’t even begin to understand how to pronounce. Along with that list were several filled-out prescriptions for it. All of them made out to several fake people I assumed.“Where do I deliver all this?” I asked him as I put the long list and several prescription slips into my pocket. Spencer stared at me for a moment before pointing his gloved hand down to the floor.“Back here. Kimberly will let you know when I have your stuff ready. I’ll also have her tell me when you have all the things I asked for.” Spencer gave me a little salute before turning around and leaving me alone in the abandoned playground. Taking out the list of medicines I wracked my head trying to figure out what he was even going to use all these things for. It certainly wasn’t meth since none of these ingredients rang any bells for me.I knew better than to question a golden opportunity however, and simply went about gathering all the items that Spencer had asked for. I gotta say it was way easier than I originally thought it was. The pharmacists simply asked to see the prescription slip and after they gave it a once over they simply handed over what I had asked for. My journeys to get all of Spencer’s shit even culminated in me going to the nice town several miles away to get the last ingredient. Gotta say, seeing all the middle-class people living their lives while just a few miles down my town looked like some post-apocalyptic shithole pissed me off just a bit.“Gotta say.” the pharmacist at the fancy pharmacy told me as he looked at the prescription and then over at me. “I don’t think anyone has ever come in here asking for this.” He looked at me with only the slightest suspicion. My dirty clothes were probably rubbing him the wrong way, but eventually, he just filled out the prescription and handed it over to me. I could feel him watching me the whole time I was walking away from him.With all his shit acquired, I sent a text to Kimmy to let Spencer know that I had gotten everything he needed. Stopping at a gas station to pick up some cigarettes, I noticed a news story on the tv behind the gas station attendant as he turned to give me the cancer sticks I had asked for. The report was about the rising use of drugs in this nice town. That brought a smile to my face. Nice to know our shit is spreading into such a nice town.As I walked out of the gas station and placed a cigarette in my mouth, I received a text from Kimmy that Spencer was ready to make the trade. Lighting the cigarette I started on my way over to the agreed-upon meeting place. Considering I didn’t have a car, that meant biking my way over toward the abandoned playground. I arrived an hour and a half later to see Spencer sitting on the only intact park bench waiting for me.“You’re late.” he told me as I approached with the giant plastic bag full of his drugs.“I didn’t know we had a scheduled time,” I told him. A point with which he had to agree with. Standing up he extended his gloved hand out to me and I handed off his plastic bag of drug cocktails. He looked into the bag and meticulously pulled each bottle of pills out, nodding at each of them as if he was mentally scratching them off of his notes. Finally, after he had counted and made sure all of them were correct, he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled out a giant plastic baggie full to the brim with powdered heroin. My eyes nearly fell out of my sockets as I stared at the bagged item.“Your crack will take some time to produce, so I hope that this will cover it.” he told me, holding the bag of prescription drugs close to him as he reached out to hand off the bag of heroin. I took the item and stared at it in marvel. It was the most heroin I had ever seen and it was more than enough to keep me locked up in jail forever if I was ever caught with it.“This more than covers it,” I told Spencer as I almost drooled at the thought of the amount of money I would bring in with this amount of heroin. Spencer nodded and placed his free hand in his pocket, pulling out an old beat-up cell phone.“Here. If I need you again, I’ll contact you with that.” I took the phone as well and looked down at it. It was cracked to all hell and looked like someone had dropped it in a blender. But if he wanted me to use this then so be it. We parted ways with our hauls and I went to immediate work. I moved quickly to unload all this product as quickly as I could, making sure to mark it up for the quality that it had been made with. In the span of a month I had made more money than I had in the previous three months combined. All of it was profit without having to give a single cent to Spencer.He did eventually deliver my crack as well which I mostly gave to Kimmy at a discount for having hooked me up with a supplier like Spencer. This could’ve continued like a beautiful American dream, with me earning enough money to crawl my way out of poverty and buy my own house in the suburbs. But one day the busted phone that Spencer had given me suddenly buzzed to life. A text message from Spencer was very rare. I was usually the one to get into contact with him.“Meet at the playground.” The text had told me. I raised a brow at that, mostly because it was the middle of the fucking night. If there was a worse time to do some kind of a deal, I’d like someone to tell me.“Why?” I responded back, sitting up in bed and looking out the window, half expecting to see a whole-ass SWAT team assembling outside.“Just do it. I have an opportunity for you.” he told me. Now that interested me. Spencer had gotten me lots of money with his amazing heroin. If he had a new opportunity for me, the least I could do was check it out. Changing into my street clothes and shoving a revolver into my pocket just in case something happened during the meeting, I made my way out of my shitty apartment and out into the frigid cold to go meet with Spencer.Only one streetlight still worked in the playground and it was working overtime to try and light even three feet around it. It was under that streetlight that Spencer was waiting for me. While his getup was passable during the day, in the middle of the night it gave me the worst kind of vibes imaginable.“What’s this big opportunity you’re talking about?” I asked him, keeping my right hand firmly on the revolver in my pocket. Spencer stared at me for a moment, those glassy eyes of his seemed even more glassy under direct light.Wordlessly Spencer reached into his pocket and pulled out a syringe. I raised a brow at him and came closer to look at the item that he had pulled out. Inside the syringe was a bright red liquid that I thought at first was blood. But when I looked at it closer I realized that it wasn’t blood; this red was just a bit more clear than blood was.“I call it Ruby Milk,” Spencer told me. His voice was hoarse and like he hadn't drank water in a full week. “Starting now, I want you to sell it for me. You’ll find that it’ll bring you much more money than any of that heroin you’re selling.” He really caught my attention with that one.“What does it do? I mean you can’t just text me to show up here and show me some mystery liquid and tell me to sell it without telling me what it does.” I told him. Sure I was blinded by money, but I at least wanted to know what the hell this shit even did.“That’s fair, I guess.” Spencer sighed, and put the capped syringe back into his pocket. He walked closer to me and pulled out his phone and held the item out to me and I took it. Looking down at the silver brick he’d given me I saw that he had a video waiting for me to play it. Tapping on the triangle I watched as the video spun to life.The video was of some nameless junky and I could tell this man was not even in his body anymore. He was so far up in the clouds he might have already started to orbit the planet. I could tell it was from Spencer’s point of view since it was his gloved hands that poked and prodded at the unresponsive man.“As you can see, I’ve created a drug that I believe grants you the greatest high that you could ever hope to achieve,” Spencer told me, sounding like some kinda old west snake oil salesman. But as I kept watching the video I watched as the man who had seemingly taken Ruby Milk had started giggling at nothing and rolling around on the floor.“Where exactly do you want me to sell this stuff?” I asked Spencer, handing the masked man his phone back. “Sorta wasted in this shithole if you ask me,” I told him, to which he responded with a nod. The chemist reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of those syringes.“I want you to start selling this to the town you got the last ingredient from. You’ll be more likely to get more money that way.” He placed the syringes in my hands. For a moment his hand touched mine and I felt like I had just been touched by a pencil. His fingers were boney and damn near skeletal.“I mean if you want me to do that. Do you just inject the whole thing?” I asked as I raised the syringe up to my eyes. I stared at the ruby-colored liquid inside of it. I almost wanted to inject it into me, if it was supposed to give me the greatest high that I could ever ask for.“I wouldn’t. Very easy to overdose with. I’d recommend only doing 10 ccs of it at a time.” He placed his hands back into his pockets and stared at me for a moment. “Don’t stay around anyone you sell to. They might try to rob you for the rest of your shit.” Spencer told me, turning away and walking off into the darkness that surrounded the one lampost of the playground.I contemplated what to do with these mystery syringes. It wasn’t like I needed the money. With how much I was getting for Spencer’s heroin I could live in relative comfort. But eventually, pure greed got the better of me. Come dawn the next day I saddled up on my bicycle and peddled over to the fancy town a few miles out. Now I wasn’t just standing on some random corner and shouting at the top of my lungs for someone to come and buy my drugs. No, I already had a network of junkies lined up in this lovely town. They were usually heroin addicts and were more likely to pay the extra price for the better quality stuff than the people who lived with me in our shithole.I sold a few syringes to a couple of curious people, but it took a lot of convincing to get them to actually inject themselves with it. Most were annoyed that they had to do such a small dose. But every time like clockwork I watched as they pushed down on that plunger and it looked like their whole soul left their bodies. By the end of that day, I had already received hundreds of orders from friends of those initial test subjects. Spencer was just as happy, as he made sure to send Kimmy over to my apartment with more syringes full of Ruby Milk.For four whole months, it continued like this, with me raking in the money and Spencer flooding the neighboring towns with Ruby Milk. But it was when the fifth month began that I noticed something about Ruby Milk and what it did to people. I was at a gas station buying more cigarettes when I looked over at the tv and saw a news report. On the report, I watched as people in hazmat suits began to pull a gurney with a black tarp over it.“What happened there?” I asked the gas station attendant as he handed over my pack of smokes. He looked over at the tv and shook his head in a solemn motion.“Another one of those overdoses probably. You ever hear about that new drug on the streets? It’s doing horrible things to people.” he told me as he rang up my cigarettes. I kept watching the news report as it switched over to the news anchor, and my eyes went wide when I saw that the drug they were talking about was indeed Ruby Milk. Paying for my cigarettes and leaving the gas station I thought about what Spencer had told me. About how easy it was to overdose on Ruby Milk.At the time I simply rationalized it as someone had overdosed months ago and they had only just found their body. That’s the same conclusion anyone would’ve made. But on one of my trips to deliver Ruby Milk, I was quickly dispelled from that notion. It was a late-night delivery to a regular customer of mine, Dave paid well and he always bought a lot of my products. Despite the fact that it was in the nice town, I still brought my revolver with me; and I was glad that I did.As I rounded a corner I walked right into a person who apparently had been standing there the whole time. Before I could even apologize to him a knife was quickly shoved in my face. If it wasn’t for the fact that it was outside a nice apartment complex I would’ve been fooled into believing I was back in my shithole town.“Give me the milk.” The man ordered me as I slowly raised my hands up. I stared at the man before me, to say he looked like a zombie would be insulting to zombies. His face was bloody and bruised and one of his eyes was so white and milky that I was surprised that it wasn’t a piece of milk chocolate in his socket.“Look man, I’ll give it to you. Just lower the knife.” I told him, to which he slowly lowered his knife. Though he kept it held up towards me with full intent on using it against me. I kept one hand raised up in the air as I slowly lowered the other one into my pocket. My fingers gripped around the handle of my revolver. I kept my eyes on the knife but something soon pulled my attention away from that arm. I noticed that his other arm was left dangling by his side. Not just at his side, that thing was swaying under the jacket this guy was wearing.“Hurry the fuck up!” he ordered me, pushing the knife closer to my face. Giving me enough time to pull my revolver out and quickly shot him in the stomach. I staggered backward as he fell forward with a loud groan and collapsed like a sack of potatoes to the floor. I panted as I stared down at my revolver and then over at him. Quickly I stepped over him and began to run to deliver the drugs and get the hell out of there as fast as I possibly could.That was the first person I had ever killed, and it fucked me up something fierce. Sure he was most likely going to kill me if I hadn’t given him the Ruby Milk, but it still bothered me. I wanted to give up on the whole business, until Spencer dropped by my apartment for a house call. That was like finding DB Cooper at your doorstep for me. He never visited my apartment before and I nearly shot him right then and there out of fear.“Heard you killed somebody.” he told me as he pushed past me and entered my room. I watched as he walked into my room and looked around at the mess that had accumulated in my room. “Is that why you haven’t been answering my texts?” he asked me, giving me a glare with those glassy eyes of his.“Yeah, sorry. I meant to text you back. I just was taking a break.” I told him, which didn’t seem to satisfy him.“Look. You’re the only person I can trust because you aren’t shooting up Ruby Milk every time I give you a new shipment. So shake this shit off because I need your ass back out on the streets.” He walked over to me and jabbed his finger into my chest. Even from behind his thick gloves it felt like he was stabbing me with a pencil.“Why the fuck should I?” I asked him, reaching into my pocket to look for my revolver. Only to find that I had left it in my bedroom wardrobe. My response was enough to clearly piss Spencer off since he reached into his own hoodie pocket and pulled out a pistol of his own.“We had a deal. You sell my shit and I supply it to you. I can’t trust that junky friend of yours because I know for a fact she’s shooting up on the side. Not to mention I’m running out of ingredients to make Ruby Milk. So guess what? You’re my bitch boy now. Got that?” he asked me, cocking the hammer of his gun back and getting me to nod quickly as he pressed the barrel to my forehead.“O-okay! Yes, I-I’ll sell your stupid drug.” I told him, which got me a pistol whip across the face which sent me down to the floor of my own apartment.“I didn’t dedicate over six years of my life for you to call my life’s work a ‘shitty drug’.” he snarled at me from behind his face mask. Stepping over my groaning body and leaving me in my apartment. Terrified and quickly regretting my choices, I grabbed my phone and texted Kimmy to try and see if she could get me some weed. I needed it to calm my nerves. But she didn’t answer me and I started to worry after she didn’t respond after three hours. She always got back to me even if she was baked out of her mind.Quickly getting changed and shoving the revolver back into my pocket, I quickly took off towards her home. By her home of course I mean the crackhouse that she always frequents. Knocking on the door and receiving no answer, I rolled my eyes and just let myself in. It wasn’t locked anyway. As I stepped inside I was hit by a terrible smell that invaded every inch of my nostrils. It was the sickeningly sweet smell of rot.Stepping into the crackhouse further, the smell got stronger and stronger until I opened the door to the living room and the stench erupted out of that room and caused me to retch and vomit onto the floor. Using my left arm to cover my nose and my other to pull out my revolver as I entered the room. I looked down in horror at the pile of rotting corpses. Most of them were skeletal and the smell was coming from the black stain on the floor.“Jesus fuck.” I said from behind my arm and turned away. I quickly stumbled back into the next room and tried to keep the little food I still had in my stomach. I couldn’t stomach to turn around and look back at the messy pile of bodies. How had that happened?“Oscar? Hey man, I’ve been wondering where you’ve been.” Kimmy’s familiar voice suddenly appeared behind me. I turned to look at her, half expecting to see her cracked out of her mind and had just not seen the bodies piled up in the living room. That was until I turned around fully to look at her.Half of her face had been completely rotted away and only a skull stared back at me. No eyeball remained in the skull part of her face. Her right arm was also completely skeletal while her left one was seemingly melting the flesh off of her bones as I watched.“F-fuck!” I screamed out as I backed away from her. “Kimmy what the fuck happened to you?!” I asked her, backing up as she shambled forward towards me.“What do you mean?” She asked, lifting up her rotting left arm to scratch at her half-rotted face. She pulled down a large chunk of skin with her hand and did her best to smile at me, as if to show that she was completely fine. “Say, do you have any Ruby Milk? I’ve been…really wanting some recently.” She stared at me for a moment before realizing that I had a gun with me.“Kimmy, listen to me. You’re hurt and I need to get you out of here.” I told her, reaching to carefully touch her. She allowed me to touch her before she reached into my pocket and pulled out a syringe full of Ruby Milk.“I fucking knew you were holding out on me!” she shouted, shoving me away as she quickly uncapped the syringe with her teeth. Before I could stop her she slammed the needle down into her thigh like it was an EpiPen. I couldn’t even react or stop her as she pushed down on the plunger and injected herself completely with the Ruby Milk. She let out a cathartic sigh as I watched her completely leave this existence.I also stared in horror as the rot in her body spread further at a frightening speed. She wobbled about on her legs before she collapsed to the floor. Whatever she was seeing or feeling must have seemed hilarious as she began to giggle. This giggle soon turned into a cackle of laughter as her skin began to melt off her body.In the span of less than a minute, Kimmy was reduced to nothing but a skeleton. The last part had been her face which stared up at me with a sickening grin as her face melted off into a disgusting gooey mess. Her eye bubbled in her socket before it leaked out of its socket like milk from a cracked bowl.To say that I was traumatized is like asking if humans need water to live. I expelled the little that was left in my stomach as I stumbled out of the crackhouse. Wiping the bile from my mouth, I looked up and was greeted by Spencer. I quickly aimed my revolver at him and he did the same with his pistol.“You sick, fucking freak,” I told him as we had our little Mexican standoff. He simply shrugged and stared at me with those glassy eyes that never really seemed to give off any hint of what he was thinking at that moment.“You’re no better. You’re the one who agreed to sell it for me. I didn’t force you to do this.” he told me, his gun trained directly at me. I held the revolver steady in my hand, more than ready to put a hole in his fucking head.“Oh don’t give me that bullshit. You’re the creator! All responsibility falls on you!” I shouted at him, keeping an eye on him while also sparing a moment to glance around to make sure that no one was watching us at the moment in time. Spencer seemed to think this over in his head before he lowered his pistol with a chuckle.“Fair enough. Fair enough, Oscar.” he told me, shoving the pistol back into his pocket and lifting his hands up to his face. I watched as he removed his mask and I swallowed a building lump in my throat as he pulled down the face mask that had been glued to his face since I had met him. The entire lower half of his face was bone. From the nose down, only bone and sinew remained on his face.“Fuck me…” That was all I could muster as he next moved on to his hands. Once he pulled off his gloves it was revealed to be bone as well. Both his arms were only bones and yet he articulated them as easy as if he still had the muscles to do so.“There’s no better test subject than yourself.” he told me, a permanent smile on his face because of the nature of how his face had rotted away. “However there is one simple thing that I learned about Ruby Milk. Take too much and it will quickly rot away your entire tissue structure. But done at just the right dose? And you’ll get a high the likes of which you’ve never fucking imagined.” he told me, approaching me and causing me to stand my ground with my revolver. He stared at it and lazily held up his boney arms.“You stay the fuck away from me. I’m not selling any more of your shit.” I told him, half expecting him to quickly pull his pistol out on me. But he simply shrugged and nodded at me. That caught me off guard more than if he pulled a pistol out on me.“You’ve been a great partner. I’ll be sure to mail you the last of your materials if this truly is the end of our partnership.” Spencer lowered his boney arms and shoved them into his pockets, turning around on his heels and walking away. The whole while I held a pistol out at him. I wish I hadn’t as mere moments after he had disappeared into a nearby alleyway a swarm of police cars pounced on me.Needless to say, with the amount of evidence they had against me, the pile of bodies, the Ruby Milk in my pocket, and all of the drugs they found in my apartment, I was looking at never again seeing the light of day. I was cuffed, interrogated, and shoved into a prison cell to await my trial date. I would’ve been left to rot in prison if some lawyer asshole hadn’t suddenly appeared and told me that he would be able to get me out with a much lighter sentence. I had no idea where he came from but he simply told me a friend had paid for his services.A few days before my hearing, I received a letter from Spencer. The asshole couldn’t even call me in jail. In the letter, he had told me that in exchange for all the help and data that I had helped him collect, he was happy to pay for my lawyer and to get me a much-reduced sentence. I wanted so badly to tear the letter up and rather face the consequences, but it was the last part that truly scared me enough to take the deal that he and his lawyer were offering.“By the way. With all your help and the bodies in the crackhouse, I have something new coming on the horizon. I call it Sapphire Milk. I hope that when you get access to a television you can see all the progress we made together.” It was signed by him. My body shivered at the thought of a new drug out on the market. And if it was any worse than Ruby Milk had been, I wanted nothing to do with it.I took the deal and was sentenced to ten years in a rehab facility. Much better than prison in my mind. Just have to kiss my weed goodbye, and at the very least I’ll never again have to worry about Spencer and his fucking Ruby Milk ever again. They’re shipping me out soon to the Rehab center. Some place called Sombra apparently. It’s the best of the best I’m told so maybe I’ll actually get cured or whatever.I thought I’d warned all of you of the spreading of Ruby and Sapphire Milk out there in the world. If you do choose to use it. For the love of God people.Follow directions.

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