Tuesday, January 31, 2023

AI generated alternative Mr. Robot episode.

full image - Repost: AI generated alternative Mr. Robot episode. (from Reddit.com, AI generated alternative Mr. Robot episode.)
I asked chat gpt to write an alternative pilot episode of Mr. Robot. This is what it came up with:Write a script for the pilot episode of the TV show Mr. Robot.FADE IN:EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAYThe bustling streets of New York City fill the frame. A figure in a hoodie and dark sunglasses stands on a street corner and looks around.CUT TO:INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAYThe figure enters the coffee shop, revealing the face of ELLIOT ALDERSON, a 20-something hacker and cyber security engineer. He takes a seat at the counter and orders a coffee.CUT TO:EXT. ALLEYWAY NEAR THE COFFEE SHOP - DAYElliot leaves the coffee shop and walks down an alleyway. He stops and looks around before taking out his laptop and beginning to type.CUT TO:EXT. STREET CORNER - DAYElliot is interrupted by a voice calling out to him from across the street. He looks over to see MR. ROBOT, a mysterious figure with a purpose.MR. ROBOTElliot, I'm the one who called.Elliot is taken aback, not sure what to make of Mr. Robot.ELLIOTWho are you?MR. ROBOTI'm here to offer you a job.Elliot is still not sure what to make of the situation.ELLIOTWhat kind of job?Mr. Robot looks around before motioning for Elliot to come closer.MR. ROBOTA job that will change the world.FADE OUT.Write the nextFADE IN:EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot stand side by side in a dark alleyway.MR. ROBOTI'm part of a secret organization called fsociety. We're dedicated to taking down the world's largest corporation - E Corp. We need your help.Elliot looks around before a script for the pilot episode of the TV show Mr. Robot.FADE IN:EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAYThe bustling streets of New York City fill the frame. A figure in a hoodie and dark sunglasses stands on a street corner and looks around.CUT TO:INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAYThe figure enters the coffee shop, revealing the face of ELLIOT ALDERSON, a 20-something hacker and cyber security engineer. He takes a seat at the counter and orders a coffee.CUT TO:EXT. ALLEYWAY NEAR THE COFFEE SHOP - DAYElliot leaves the coffee shop and walks down an alleyway. He stops and looks around before taking out his laptop and beginning to type.CUT TO:EXT. STREET CORNER - DAYElliot is interrupted by a voice calling out to him from across the street. He looks over to see MR. ROBOT, a mysterious figure with a purpose.MR. ROBOTElliot, I'm the one who called.Elliot is taken aback, not sure what to make of Mr. Robot.ELLIOTWho are you?MR. ROBOTI'm here to offer you a job.Elliot is still not sure what to make of the situation.ELLIOTWhat kind of job?Mr. Robot looks around before motioning for Elliot to come closer.MR. ROBOTA job that will change the world.FADE OUT.Write the nextFADE IN:EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot stand side by side in a dark alleyway.MR. ROBOTI'm part of a secret organization called fsociety. We're dedicated to taking down the world's largest corporation - E Corp. We need your help.Elliot looks around before turning back to Mr. Robot.ELLIOTWhat do you want me to do?MR. ROBOTWe need you to hack into E Corp's secure network and access their confidential data.Elliot stares at Mr. Robot, unsure of what to do.ELLIOTWhy me?MR. ROBOTYou have the skills and experience to do the job. We need someone we can trust, and I believe you're the right one for the job.Elliot takes a deep breath before nodding.ELLIOTAlright. I'm in.FADE OUT.Write the next sceneFADE IN:INT. OFFICE - DAYElliot sits in an office with Mr. Robot and the other members of fsociety.MR. ROBOTThis is it. Our mission is to hack into E Corp's network and access their confidential data. Are you ready?Elliot stares at the computer screen in front of him.ELLIOTI'm ready.The members of fsociety all nod and Elliot begins to type.CUT TO:EXT. OUTSIDE E CORP - DAYThe camera pans up to the towering E Corp building.CUT TO:INT. OFFICE - DAYElliot continues to type, occasionally looking up to the others for guidance.MR. ROBOTYou're doing great. Keep going.Elliot continues to type, his fingers moving quickly over the keyboard.CUT TO:EXT. OUTSIDE E CORP - DAYThe camera zooms in closer to the building as the music swells.CUT TO:INT. OFFICE - DAYElliot looks up from the computer with a satisfied smile.ELLIOTI did it.The others cheer and Mr. Robot claps him on the back.MR. ROBOTWe did it.FADE OUT.Write the next sceneFADE IN:EXT. NEW YORK CITY STREET - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot walk down the street, talking.ELLIOTI still can't believe I was able to hack into E Corp's network.MR. ROBOTWe did it. Now we have the power to make a real difference.Elliot nods and smiles, feeling the weight of their accomplishment.CUT TO:EXT. PARK - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot sit on a park bench, looking out at the city skyline.MR. ROBOTYou know, this isn't the end. We have a lot of work to do if we want to take down E Corp.Elliot takes a deep breath and looks out at the skyline.ELLIOTI'm ready.Mr. Robot smiles and claps Elliot on the shoulder.MR. ROBOTThat's what I like to hear. Let's get to work.FADE OUT.Write the nextFADE IN:EXT. PARK - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot sit on a park bench, planning their next move.MR. ROBOTWe need to find a way to disrupt E Corp's operations without getting caught.Elliot nods and begins to type on his laptop.CUT TO:INT. APARTMENT - DAYElliot and Mr. Robot sit at a table, studying a map of the city.MR. ROBOTThis is the plan. We'll target key locations throughout the city and launch a series of coordinated attacks.Elliot studies the map, considering the plan.ELLIOTIt's risky, but it could work.Mr. Robot smiles.MR. ROBOTThat's why I brought you on board.FADE OUT.So It was pretty lame. I don't know how to make it follow the shows structure and add any other characters without giving it the main show script.

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