Saturday, January 28, 2023

Day 28, #Toolkit23, a fantasy setting-agnostic idea dump

full image - Repost: Day 28, #Toolkit23, a fantasy setting-agnostic idea dump (from, Day 28, #Toolkit23, a fantasy setting-agnostic idea dump)
Day 28: TrainsI love trains. Shadow of the Demon Lord uses trains. Fantasy settings in general should use more trains. They can be used for transport, they could use portals to traverse great distances, and they can have a buttload of armaments. Use them as fearsome siege engines, an easy way to traverse the wilderness or include a Train to the Afterlife like Final Fantasy 6. A ghost train! How cool is that!?If you don't want to make steam engines available in your medieval fantasy setting, it could still be done with the harnessing of primordial elements. Perhaps they're powered by a combination of fire and air spirits. Or the magicite as I blatantly call it could be used as its own kind of fuel source to circumvent the necessity of steam engines.1d6Cool trains1.The Ghost Train. There are no visible tracks. Maybe they're there, or they exist in a parallel realm, or maybe the Ghost Train forges its tracks for wherever it needs to go. Unlike the Ghost Train from FF6, it doesn't need to go to the Afterlife. Perhaps it is headed by a Charon-like character who requires payment in exchange for speedy and safe travel. Knowing about the Ghost train and where it might arrive is an adventure in its own right.2.The Infinite Train. This train has no beginning nor end. Like an Ouroboros it winds and intertwines, one cart leading to the next. Even when it looks as if the train is cut off from the others it's possible to keep jumping from wagon to wagon to wagon to wagon. All the secrets of the known and unknown universe are here, but you're going to need help if you want to find what you're looking for before you die of old age.3.The Train Civilization. This train is long, but it's not infinite. Nevertheless, all your needs are provided and accounted for. There's a place to sleep, to eat, to procreate. Don't try to get off, this train has no stops nor does it have doors. How did you get onboard in the first place?4.Siegfried, the Metal Apocalypse. Granted, this one isn't on rails and might not qualify as a train. Its movement mirrors that of a caterpillar, metallic platforms heaving the giant, lumbering structure forward at a glacial pace. That's fast enough, however, because its ordinance is capable of reaching cities miles away. Apocalypse is coming, slowly, and no one has been able to reach Siegfried to put a stop to it.5.The Hollow Worm. Imagine a giant earth-worm, hollowed out yet alive, somehow. It's capable of slithering through the earth and reaching destinations hitherto unknown. Or maybe it's lured by the light, a network of stations for the earthworm to visit. It never stops, it's just slow enough that you can usually board without issues. Don't get crushed by the rubble, however.6.The Planar Train. Want to get to Hell or any of the other planes? Your only option is a neutral-aligned train. Anyone who boards it swears an oath of non-violence, but sometimes blood must be shed. Still, for the most part it's a safe haven until you cross over to a plane of your choice. What kinds of visitors are entering the Material Plane? What unlikely chatter or acquaintances do you encounter on the way?Weekly RecapDay 27: Dream States of the Dreaming DungeonWhat if a dungeon had different types of dreams?Day 26: The Dreaming DungeonWhat if a dungeon had to be explored while sleeping?Day 25: The Malleable DungeonWhat if dungeons changed based on the actions of the players and the elements they invoke?Day 24: Magicite GrenadesWhat if the basic elements of earth, air, wind, fire and others could be harvested and used as weapons?Day 23: Sci-Fantasy UndeadWhat if zombies had neural implants and could be remote controlled?Day 22: Philosophy of NecromancyWhat if Necromancy weren't evil?Day 21: Dungeon TransformationsWhat if haunted dungeons changed to represent their overwhelming emotions?

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