Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Is it customary to allow non-IT staff to manage IT inventory?

full image - Repost: Is it customary to allow non-IT staff to manage IT inventory? (from Reddit.com, Is it customary to allow non-IT staff to manage IT inventory?)
So I am a one-man IT department that handles the assets of a small scientific supply company (~30 employees), owned jointly by four different people. I've been doing fine on my own, but recently, the company hired a new warehouse and shipping specialist to handle shipping and receiving packages as well as to keep track of inventory for the whole company.In about three months, this person has engineered a situation where now the company is dependent on her to run the business: every time we need the get the materials to build the stuff we make, we need to go through her to get it. She did it under the guise of improving company operations and keeping better track of inventory, however, I strongly suspect she is far more interested in gaining control and power within the company. I am extremely creeped out by her.Now she's is targeting my department. She has been demanding that I hand over my inventory of computers, servers, networking equipment, etc. I think she wants to engineer the same scenario with me, where if I want to deploy a new computer/server, I have to go through her first. So far I've resisted these demands, mainly due to security, as I don't want the information of our sensitive IT infrastructure to fall in the wrong hands. But the other main reason is that I'm just flat out creeped out by this person.I've been with the company for longer than she has, and I have enough clout with two of the owners who are siding with me. Two of the owners are siding with her. This is a very interesting dilemma I'm finding myself in, and I wanted to ask my fellow sysadmins on what are your thoughts? Is it customary for non-IT people to manage IT inventory? Should I fight this?

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