full image - Repost: Would people be interested in very-long-form, "live-stream-ish" YT videos where I simply grind away, figuring out one aspect or another of OneNote, at insane levels of detail. Very little editing, and probably lots of cussing, while I figure out "Why doesn't this work the way it's supposed to?" !? (from Reddit.com, Would people be interested in very-long-form, "live-stream-ish" YT videos where I simply grind away, figuring out one aspect or another of OneNote, at insane levels of detail. Very little editing, and probably lots of cussing, while I figure out "Why doesn't this work the way it's supposed to?" !?)
These videos would not be tutorial or training videos. (Although I do plan to make some of those too.) I would literally "just" press record and then start in on trying to figure something out. Naturally, this is going to be something that didn't work as originally expected. Otherwise what would be the point? Now, most of the time, when I have to figure something out, it can take days to grind through all the possibilities of what may or may not work. So.... these videos would not be days long. But maybe a couple of hours worth of the most important (or painfully hilarious) aspects of my exploration. Naturally, I would have timestamps so you could jump around. Then I would have a summary and a conclusion at the end. I expect that most people would just jump to the end. That's OK. I don't really care much about monetization, as this will all just be a retirement / hobby project anyway. But, I do still want to provide value to viewers for the time I would put into making the videos. One of the ways I hope to provide said value is in letting people see how I think, as I go through figuring out problems. I have been (as I like to say) "beating computers into submission since 1976." And I always seem to come up with unusual or unexpected solutions. And, I think it might help others to see how I figure all that crap out. It is definitely not just some kind of genetic knowledge. It is an acquired skill. (Mostly acquired via banging my head against things.) Plus, I just see so many questions in here that seem as if the poster just hasn't learned how to figure things out on their own. If I can teach just a few people how I do that, and they can teach just a few more people how they do it..... well, you get the idea.If no one would watch these, then it would probably be better if I spent my time just making tutorials based on what I learned. Those would still be insanely detailed anyway. (There is always more, Horatio. Always much more.) And most of the documentation and current videos always seem to gloss over the surface, and wave their hands at problematic areas. Because I am beholden to no one, I am free to point out all the bugs and inconsistencies. But not just whining and complaining, like a lot of posts in here. I almost always figure out at least some kind of workaround so I can do what I need to get done.---As I keep telling people, I have been using OneNote since literally the first day it was released, back in 2003. I have used it almost daily since. I took an entire bachelor's degree worth of handwritten notes in OneNote alone. (I went back to college for Computer Science and Education, when I was 45.) I even wrote an article about using handwriting in OneNote, way back in 2004. But.... There have been a lot of changes since then. None of what I wrote in that article applies today, because they changed the way they treat handwriting soon after I wrote the article. And, there have been lots of things that I have just stopped trying to use, a decade ago, because they didn't work well for me.... back then. I need to figure out how they work now.I am a former network manager, and a former technical writer. A lot of the time, when a program doesn't work as expected, I will do a super deep dive into why, what settings affect what, and how to figure out some workarounds. And, I am actually (oddly) redoubling my efforts to make the best use of OneNote that I possibly can, because I am trying to freaking organize my own life. (Having had the tools, doesn't mean I have fully used them over all these years.) So, I will be going through a lot of these deep dives, just for myself. And I figured some people might want to watch over my shoulder.
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