Monday, January 2, 2023

The rest of Random Shepard's Log

full image - Repost: The rest of Random Shepard's Log (from, The rest of Random Shepard's Log)
Entry 3. Citadel IMet Diana Allers, off of Battlespace. Graduated from chasing ambulances to chasing warships I guess. I told her to get lost. Tougher women than her have died on my ship. And I haven’t had much luck with interviews in the past.Then I met Al-Jilanhi. She wound up grilling me the last two times. This time she managed to punch me in the jaw.Got my ear talked off by the new council. Udina’s trying to get them to back up Earth, but they all want to watch over their own backyard. Liara helped more than I did, bringing up her secret weapon. The Asari councillor wasn’t interested. But I think the Salarian got a boner looking at the schematics.Note: Do Salarians get boners? I’ll have to call up Maelon.Regardless, they’d all rather deal with their own problems than ours. Must be the end of days, I’m agreeing with Udina.The Turian councillor wanted me to drag Primarch Vedorian off of some moon of Palaven to win him around. But at least I’m a Spectre again.Williams is still out like a light. On the way there, I met Chakwas, she was there to keep an eye on Ashley. Apparently Michel is doing a good job looking after her. She’d better. Ashley and I got Michel through a tough situation with some gangsters.Chakwas managed to stay out of a cell. Even kept her licence. So I invited her to come back to the Normandy with me.I could pretend I chose Chakwas because she’s the best, or that she would never be satisfied being grounded while Joker and I were careening around the galaxy. But honestly, with all that I’ve lost. I just needed a familiar face. Anyway, she owes me a drink.Entry 4 New NormandyI’ve been having nightmares. The burning earth. The boy I left behind.Liara came to help. I told her everything. She still believes in me, not sure why. I guess she didn’t see me fail Kaidan, or the rest.Also met this ridiculously cute comms specialist, Traynor. Apparently she helped gut my ship of Cerberus tech. But EDI asked me to keep her around.The communications are supposedly a lot smoother. Holograms still look choppy as hell. But I got a call from Hackett. He wants me to drag as many resources as I can from the Turians.Joker’s the same as ever. Engineer Adams is back on the Normandy. He actually apologised for not joining up with Cerberus for me.. I told him to make up for it on this mission. I need everyone at their best.Liara’s got herself an office set up. And she’s letting her VI fix up my equipment. She’s bright a lot of technology onto my ship. I understand she’s got a lot of hardware for her spy network. But I’m not sure that she so desperately needed a king-sized bed… with silk sheets.Chakwas gave me a checkup, took a look at my cybernetics. As if I couldn’t keep an eye on that myself.Had a little sparring match with Vega. Showed him who’s boss. No amount of muscles are a match for my upgrades.He’s got a solid right hook though. Probably should have seen Chakwas after he punched me in the face. I let him call me Lola. Its insubordinate. But I gotta give him credit for standing his ground.We got a new shuttle pilot too, Cortez. He’s set up a space-eBay for me as a little bonus. He seemed like a nice guy. He’s had a rough time of it. Lost his parents, and his husband. I figure he can bury his feelings in his work until he’s ready to talk.Entry 6 PalavenPalavan looks like an egg that's been fried for half an hour.The VIP they sent me to pick up died. Before I got there, I promise.Also, while I’m off blowing up husks, EDI is apparently having a seizure back on the Normandy.Met some new kinds of husk. Some Turian types and these gigantic ogre things.The new Primarch seems alright. He’s offered some help. All I have to do is settle a 300 year old grudge and drag the Krogan to the table. And he won’t actually offer to get down there and help me fight.Entry 7, NormandySome good news and bad news. Williams is up and about, and Udina wants her to be humanity’s new Spectre. Hope it works out better for her than me.EDI downloaded herself into that Cerberus Robot. She managed to save the ship in the process, so I’ll allow it. Now she wants to bring it into battle as part of my squad.I swung by to pick up Wrex’s baby bro Wreav and the Salarian councillor. The complete lack of diplomacy went very smoothly. We asked Wreav for help, he told us we weren’t getting his troops unless we cured the Genophage… I backed him in it. I figure it’ll take decades to actually turn the Krogans into a half the threat the reapers are.I figured teh salarians would always just drag their feet on the cure if the Krogans didn’t play nice.Then Wreav told us that he knew about Maelon, and that his experimental genophage cure had pretty much worked already, and that the Salarians have his subjects in custody… That was awkward. I doubled dowm. Not that I had much of a choice. Managed to convince the Dalatrass to give up their location.Entry 8, Salarian STG BaseWreav nearly started a war about ten seconds before we got there. Pretty sure he was playing up the big angry krogan angle so that he wouldn’t have to get through so much red tape.I kept my temper like a good boy. Asked Wreav to wait outside. Its kind of worrying that I can kick the most influential Krogan in the galaxy to wait outside for us. I swear these people think that shooting people is equivalent to a degree in political science.Bumped into Kirrhae, he’s a major now.Also, Y’know that kids show, where the hyperactive weirdos summon a giant robot right at the end of the fight? Well Cerberus did that. Think they called it an Atlas Mech. Turns out what Rita Repulsa shoulda done was kill the giant robot too.We eventually rescued the Krogan Damsel. Not that the term suits her. She shotgunned a couple of goons on the way out. I guess homicide is a round in Krogan congeniality pageants.Entry 9 Highschool DiplomacyApparently everyone wants to talk to me privately about shady shit. Victus wants me to stop help his guys stop people blowing up Tuchanka with an Turian old nuke. I’ll probably get around to it. Eventually.Wreav tried to charm me, thanking me for ‘returning his property’. Then asked me to help his guys deal with some kind of Rachni situation. Apparently he’s looking for revenge once we cure the genophage. Not sure if he’s just eager for war, or knows that he’s not gonna get any political gains without scaring the crap out of half the galaxy.Even EDI took me aside for some girltalk. She asked me whether she should let her disobey orders or not. I told her she had free will and open up her perspective. Apparently she’s going to start asking the crew for advice on morals. Maybe I should keep her away from Wreav…Traynor told me Grishom Academy is stuck in some kind of Cerberus trap. Hope I have time to check in on them. David Archer, settled down there. That boy has been through enough.Found Cortez crying his eyes out over a recording of his husband. I told him to move on, Like I did. With Kaidan. With everyone. I can’t have him getting dragged down. But he knows that I’m here for him. So is Vega.Entry 10 Eden PrimeSomeone uncovered a Prothean artefact on Eden Prime. My gut tells me that whatever we find will prepare us for the Reapers.Back where I first learned about the Beacon. Apparently they’re getting hit by Cerberus this time.We found a living Prothean.He’s kind of a dick, Keeps criticising everything.Liara wanted him to figure out the Crucible. But apparently, as a soldier he isn’t an expert in literally everything. He seemed stressed when Liara kept asking him sociological questions. I can relate.The person most like me in all the Galaxy wants me to kill as many things as I have to until I get the way. He thinks that’s the only way we can end the Reapers.Entry 11 Cerberus Lab, DecorisManaged to grab a few bits of tech from a Cerberus lab. It sounded like a pretty low-risk mission, so I brought Javik along. Turns out the stasis didn’t hinder his ability.He didn’t thank Cortez for outmanoeuvring about a half-dozen heavily armed shuttles to pull us out of there. But I’m pretty sure he was just salty that Vega scored more kills than himEntry 12 Uttuku, Rachi lairTook Liara and Vega to rescue Wreav’s elite scouts.Turns out the squad’s leader is Grunt. One of the last survivors of the Suicide Mission. He nearly broke my arms pulling me into a hug. I hope he’s been eating well. He looks so thin.But he’s full of energy as always. He’s been making me proud, blowing up these hostile Rachni.After killing my way into the Rachni nest’s core, I found an old friend. The Queen that I saved on Noveria. She told me that she had kept her promise, and stayed hidden. But not well enough, the Reapers had began to brutally control them through their ‘song’.I had to leave the Rachni Queen to die. I know how subtle indoctrination can be. I’ve seen it all over the galaxy. I couldn’t risk them joining the enemy.Hackett approved of my decision. So did Wreav. That won’t help me rest any easier.There is a silver lining. Grunt made it out. He’s too grown-up and busy to join my squad. But He is out there right now, saving the galaxy one shell at a time.Got a call from Anderson. Entire cities have been going dark back on Earth.Entry 13 Citadel II, Huerta and Commons.I met an old acquaintance, Thane Krios. I recruited him a few days before the Suicide Mission. I’m amazed he’s lasted so long, given his condition. But he promised to keep an eye on Ash, while he’s here.Ash woke up. She’s still undecided about becoming a Spectre. If she’s smart, she’s probably just worried about Udina. She promised to trust me though. And she asked me to check in on her family.Oh, and EDI asked me for dating advice. I told her not to ask me. I passed up enough chances. I had to persuade her not to roofie him. I think she’s given up on the whole idea.Joker’s completely oblivious. Too busy complaining about all the luxury on the Presidium. I can’t blame him. You would barely know that there’s a war going on. But I told him that he’s better off with people being lazy than rioting.Had a chat with Liara. She asked Barla Von to point me to some mercs. He asked me to pull some out of a mess. Hinted that he had something else to offer me.Entry 14 Citadel: PurgatoryApparently Vega’s being hittin the bar, asked me to get drinks for him and his buddies. Like I’m falling for that one.Had to cut that short. Overheard Aria T’Loak using the Asari Councillor to bully a cop. She’s in a worse mood than she was on Omega. She asked me to help her get all the Terminus System gangs under her banner. I’m sure they’ll do a lot of awful things. But maybe they can do some of it to Cerberu. Its almost worth telling her to piss off, just because I’m sick of her ordering me around.Shot some blood pack. Decided to let the crazy Eclipse lady out, at least she was dumb enough to be honest about wanting to kill me. Oraka owed me a favour, so I managed to persuade him to let the Blue Suns go. Had to get him some better guns for C-Sec first, but that’s a win-win.All of them seemed to think Arya was the boss of me. I’ll have to have a word with her about that.Entry 15 EmbassiesMet a desperate ambassador, Asobah, looking for his son. He was last seen on benning. The ambassador offered an award for information on him.But its a big galaxy out there.Also met a fellow Spectre, Jordam Bau. He was telling me about some kind of Hanar Indoctrination crisis. Told me his source was Kasumi Goto, asked if I’d heard of her. Somehow I kept a straight face.Kasumi and I helped Bau track down the transmission. We caught the Hanar, and he confessed to everything. I straight up shot the Hanar while Kasumi stopped the virus. Kasumi wouldn’t join me in my crew again. But I at least managed to talk her into helping out with the Crucible.Met with Commander Bailey, to talk him into freeing Jona Sedaris of the Eclipse Mercenaries. I decided to have a word with her personally.Holding AreaSome small-timer called Darner Vosk asked me to kill the Turian general Oraka was hunting him down. As if hiring a few mercs is worth pissing off the entire Hierarchy.Entry 16 Task Base AuroraI went to meet with Dr. Bryson, some kind of expert of Reaper mythology. One of his assistants shot him, not sure that’s how you get tenure. But what do I know?Good news the assistant fights like a desk jockey. Tried the whole ‘pretend to be crazy defence, so I had C-Sec stick him in a cell.They’re looking for some Leviathan, some kind of monster that eats Reapers. Edi talked me into looking into it. I found a lead to one of his researches, hope I have time to track it down.Entry 17 Grissom AcademyWent to Grissom Academy, I wanted to make it into that school as a kid. Fantastic engineering programme. But I got rejected due to.. Behavioural issues, and joined the marines instead.Like Taylor guessed, the place in under siege from Cerberus. Pretty sure the teacher is Anderson’s ex.Things went really well. Got almost all the brats off-world safe and sound. Even bumped into an old acquaintance, David. The boy was hooked up to some machine that was supposed to help him talk to the Geth. It must have been outright torture.Cerberus kept blasting propaganda over the loudspeakers, about how they wouldn’t hurt their captives. I doubt any of David’s friends bought it for a send. The things they did to him, unforgivable. I still wonder what the Hell I was thinking some nights, selling my soul to them.Not that I’m much better today. I wound up recommending that they fight on the front lines. It was rough, but I started killing at that age too, without half the training they had. All safety is relative now.Entry 18 OmegaAria T’Loak asked me to help her get her space station back. Big target is some goatee creep called Oleg Petrovsky. I guess Ivan Ivanovanovich was taken. In return, Aria offered all of Omega’s resources for the war effort. she’d better deliver, or I’m coming back for her head.The downside is that I had to go it alone, couldn’t. It is a little hard to imagine Liara on Omega anyway to be honest. Bit grubby compared to Illium. Ariais doing her own dirty work for once, so at least I can take her down if she acts shady.Got a hologram from general Putzski, he legitimately bragged about all the guns he put on the station. Would have made it easy to retreat and plot a silent sabotage attempt before breaching his defences. Maybe plant a mole, smuggle ourselves in a food transport. So, naturally Aria’s solution was to crash her ship head-first into Omega.I now know how it feels to be one of my own subordinates.Aria is really a one of a kind info-broker. Forcefields, mechs, local resistance. She didn’t warn me about any of it.We also met Nyreen, some kind of rival to Aria. Says she’s ex-military. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was a dishonourable discharge.Had to stop Aria throttling Petrovsky. Had to borderline drag her off of him. I’ve never actually seen an Asari lose control to that extent, even the Eclipse Sisters don’t resort to killing with their bare hand.I told her to do better as Queen Bitch of Omega this time. That using people would always come back to bite her in the back.Aria rounded out our big mission with a big speech about how great she is. Despite screwing up pretty much every phase of this mission. But she did at least decide not to murder every last Cerberus soldier on the station.Aria also sent me a chess board. But chess is stupid, you can’t blow up anything.Entry 19 Benning, Victus Jr.Evacuated some civillians from Benning. Then I had to go rescue Primarch Victus’ son. Apparently he was looking for some bomb Cerberus set on Tuchunka. So why the Hell couldn’t he . I decided to cut the kid a break, use some positive reinforcement. I’m not sure that he’s command material, but at least his own goons won’t shoot him in the back.Entry 20Tuchanka, the Genophage CureThere was a Reaper sitting on the genophage cure. Narutoally I personally had to lure the mother of all thresher maws towards it. Good times.The Salarian Dalatrass gave me a call. Tried to talk me out of curing the Genophage. I admitted that the Krogans are probably going to start another war down the line. She suggested sabotaging the Genophage cure behind Weav’s back. If I don’t, she’ll probably withhold experts from the Crucible and soldiers from the war effort. If I do, then the Krogan might be as pissed off with us as they were with the alliance. I have absolutely no idea what to do about this situation.I had to tell Wreav about the sabotage in the end. The guy is a maniac, he’ll almost certainly start another war as soon as the Reapers go cold. But I couldn’t conscience another genocide. I’m not risking the entire galaxy to let the Salarians get away with genocide again. Sure, Wreav is pretty likely to start another war as soon as the Krogan’s numbers are enough. But that doesn’t sound like a human problem, either the Krogan will win reparations and stop where they can, or the Salarians get desperate enough to let out a new viral weapon to use again… Or possibly raise up an army of yahgs… Then get rid of the yaghs with those shifty looking cows from Ontarum.Entry 21 Post-TuchankaOld Adams asked me to pick up some spare parts. Usually he deals with problems himself unless the ship is going to explode. Something that I really don’t want to happen twice. So I’ll try to remember to pick them up. Probably. Don’t need another repeat of the ‘Jack getting blown up because I cheaped out on shields’ incident.I had a little chat with Javik. He’s been getting glimpses of Miranda and Grunt’s personality . Which might explain his little social darwinism speeches. I’ll have to make sure he doesn’t start getting compelled to headbutt things to death, or copy Grunt.Entry 22 Noveria, Cerberus fighter baseWent to Noveria. Decided not to take Liara with me, its the planet where I killed her mother after all. Javik’s been seeing things too, so I took with EDI and Vega.The job is to sabotage the defences of a Cerberus facility. Went pretty smoothly, apparently its going to make it tricky for Cerberus to operate in the cluster.Liara asked to speak with me afterwards. She’s preparing a farewell gift to the galaxy, an encyclopaedia of all the information about the war with the Reapers. The war. Everything. Even something about me.It was a… morbid experience. Writing my own eulogy.I asked her to make me an inspiration. People seem to think that I’m some kind of hero, but looking back, maybe I haven’t always made the best choices. I wish I’d picked up Liara sooner, all those years ago. Maybe if she was with me, we could have stopped Saren sooner. Maybe I could have saved Kaidan.Entry 23 Tuchanka (Cerberus Presence)Went to free some anti-aircraft missions. Had a great time. I love it when the combat engineers set up turrets right in the middle of their centurions. One hack and suddenly they’re pointing in all the wrong directions!Someone blew up that nuke on Tuchanka while I was busy. Its awful, but I can’t say that I feel all that guilty. One honest conversation between Victus and Wreav would have resolved the whole mess.Entry 24 Citadel (Salarian Councillor)Unloaded some of the precious bric-a-brac I picked up around space and meet up with the Salarian Councillor. Hopefully I can persuade the Salarian Councillor that the imminent destruction of the universeBy the time I got there, things had already gone to Hell. My old friend Thane Krios warned me that Cerberus had attacked the Citadel. Ashley was also down there kicking someone’s ass.I brought Javik and Liara with me to take them down.Bailey was badly wounded, C-Sec in general was getting its ass handed to it. It didn’t surprise me. Its hard to keep your edge while half your job is settling domestics and the other half is paperwork.The Salarian councillor was a key target. Some emo dude with a ponytail tried to assassinate her with a sword of all things. Thanks to Thane, she survived.Then I had to climb onboard a speeding elevator and fight of phantoms to stop Udina kidnapping the councilUdina also had Ashley as his personal bodyguard. We had a real tense moment, where she almost Wrex’d me. But she trusted me in the end. Ashley always comes through for me.Best part is, Udina pulled a gun on the Asari councillor. So I got to shoot Udina in his smug face myself.The surviving councillors thanked me for it, but then again, I know how much their gratitude is worth.PS. Found some neat gear lying around. Someone left a Revanant in the bathroom.Entry 25 Citadel, after the Cerberus attackI met Gorek the Batarian terrorist. Didn’t look so scary dying on his bed. I tried to justify killing his planet to him, but he didn’t seem any happier for it. The nurse put him to bed.I checked in on Thane on his way out, I couldn’t stand the idea of him dying alone. Apparently Thane had a son, Kolyat. He was checking in on his father. There was some frostiness between them, but Kolyat and I prayed for his father. We prayed for me too. I never asked them to do that. Haven’t believed in anything much for a long time. But still, I know someone wanted me to find peace. Maybe that will keep the nightmares away tonightAshley stopped me on the way back to the Normandy, she was feeling rough about our little standoff. But I got Ashley to come back to my crew.I got a call from Hackett and Anderson. Tried to keep morale up, promised I’d kill that smug cerberus hipster who got Thane. All we need to do is find some kind of Catalyst. Something that will let us harness the power of the crucible. I have to admit, its a bit terrifying, not knowing exactly what we’re building. But all we have now is hope.Entry 26 Normandy: Private talksHad a few one-to-one interviews with my crew. Vega did his usual shit-talking. I guess he’s earned it, he’s been through some rough fights this year.He asked me about the N7 Programme, whether he should take the training or not. He’s obviously carrying some guilt for getting his soldiers killed. I didn’t pull my punches, I told him that he needs to be prepared to go through that again if he wants to be N7.Traynor was next. She asked me for a game of chess. Weird game, no ranged weapons. I’d obviously crush her at any sensible game. You’d have to be some kind of imbecile to get really good at it. Honestly she’s smugger than Vega when she wins.Last was Dr. Chakwas. That one was all business, she’s asked me to drop off some medical supplIes for the docking bay.Entry 27 Citadel: Shore LeaveWe brought the Normandy in for repairs, so I managed to wrangle some shore leave for the crew.Wound up killing an evil clone of myself. Genuinely amazing how well they predicted how I would look. She was cloned before the Lazarus project even finished completely re-making my face.I got played by this Cerberus spy chick. She almost got away before Ash shot her in the back on the head. I can always count on her for that.We had a little party afterwards. It was a little quiet. I thought it would all be a little overwhelming for Javik. I don’t exactly have a lot of friends left anyway…The party got kinda awkward. I think the only ones who had a really good time were Vega and Ashley. Gross.Entry 28 Far Rim: Quarian stuffFound out why the Qurians weren’t helping us out. The admirals decided that the Reapers weren’t enough of an issue, so they picked another fight with the Geth while we were busy. Probably drove the Geth straight back into Harbinger’s arms.Not that I blame them, Geth are practically husks these days. They’ve been completely mobbing the migrant fleet. Luckily Reapers don’t exactly believe in spares, and only set up one ship with a command signal. I can’t think what it would have been like if they’d bothered to send two ships instead of Sovereign.While the Geth are shaken up, the Quarians plan to blindside them.Entry 29 Nimbus Cluster: Asari ColonyThe Asari government asked me to check in on some kind of monastery that went dark. I took Liara for her knowledge of biotics and Asari culture. As well as Ash for her ability to shoot really big things.Turns out its full of Ardat Yakshii, but the nice ones who try really hard not to be mind-eating monsters. Whatever took the monastery apparently took out a squad of Asari Commandos. Have you ever faced an Asari commando unit before? There’s so much biotic stuff going on…I’ll be honest, I’m planning on bombing the place from orbit. But Liara suggested we at least figure out where the distress call came from.Two of the Ardat Yakshi were Samara’s daughters. One of them, Rila was almost indoctrinated, the other blew herself up to destroy the banshee. In the moments before her death, she sounded just like Samara. It feels like I let her down all over again.The surviving daughter Falere was furious. She almost attacked me. I almost wish she had. Instead, she asked me to leave her alone on a dying world. I knew what I should have cone, finished her off myself before she could become one of those monsters. But for once in my life, I just couldn’t pull the trigger. Just let her walk away into the darkness.Entry 30 Pylos Nebula: LeviathanFinally tracked down Dr. Byrson’s daughter Anne. By the time we got to the dig site it was well and truly reaped. It was fascinating, we found cave paintings that looked just like reapers, and people worshipping them. We might actually be looking at their origins.We found some sort of… leviathan beacon. We had to blow it up, but Byrson is a promising lead.I had to wait to get through some technobabble before I even told Anne that her father had been killed. That his assistant had been indoctrinated just like her.Ann was a bit of a wreck by the time I got there. In a real state about her father’s murder.I had no idea what to say, just told her to channel her anger. Might not be a healthy life decision, but I need her to get this done.I think she’s indoctrinated. But she’s not in denial about it, so that’s a bit fo a relief.I went off to Sigurd’s cradle to track this ‘Leviathan’ down.The Leviathans were being attacked by Reapers, so I knew I was after something worthwhile. I managed to rescue the Leviathan, turns of they are massive slaving space whales, but I need all the help I could get against the Reapers, and the Leviathans agreed to help clear up their own mess.Entry 31 Perseus Veil: DreadnoughtI blew up the Reaper’s central database.They had a copy of that defective Geth, Not-Legion. I wish I could have seen the look on the admiral's faces when it strolled in. That said, I had to talk Xen out of dissecting it. Would have been a real bad diplomatic incident. Besides, Legion really pulled my ass out of the fire on the dreadnought.Kinda pissed at Gerrel. He tried to blow up the Dreadnought the minute the shields were down, with us and Admiral Xen still inside. Real dick move. Sure, I’ve made plenty of similar choices at one time or another. But I still reserve the right to be mad when people act like me.Entry 32 Priority: RannochI finally reached the point where it was time to destroy the reaper ‘base’ which turned out to be an actual reaper. I was riding high for a moment, we actually managed to blow it up reaper, the trick is to shoot the big glowy red thing.Had a rough choice to make by the end of it, the Geth broke free of the Reapers’ control, but I decided to let them power up. Realistically, humanity doesn’t stand a chance if the Quarians are led by the likes of Gerrel and Xen. Besides, Legion has kept his word to me, with precious little reason to do so. Raan didn’t take it well, seemed like she had the finest mind on the admiralty board, but now they’re splattered all over the floor. Legion burned himself out too. Seems like every time I make a smart call somebody I like dies. The Quarians insisted on firing on the Geth while they thought they were disabled. Big mistake. I’m not sure how many are even left in that galaxy. They took a huge gamble arming their liveships.For the first time, I’m glad Tali didn’t make it. I just failed her yet again.Entry 33: Citadel: Asari CouncillorThe councillor sent me to pick up some mega-classified Prothean artefact on Thessia. It looks rough, almost don’t blame them to leave Earth in dire straits. I’ve needed to rescue them for quite a while.Liara insisted on coming, and I figured Javik would be handy for uncovering a Prothean mystery, for once.Didn’t go well. Thessia got pretty much blown to bits, and that Cerberus hipster ran off with the artefact. Liara’s a bit of a mess.James actually suggested something useful. Hunting Cerberus down to their own base. Traynor managed to track Leng back to the Lera System, where there is supposedly a safe haven for war refugees.I figure we can go over there and take a few of Cerberus’ bigger pieces. Or at least take a day off. Last time wasn’t exactly restful.Had a chat with Joker afterwards . He told me Anderson asked him to take care of me, that’s why he keeps messing around. To try and keep me happy, or at least sane. I think he’s still torn up about the time I died too. Weird, it's not like there are any major side-effects. Besides the purple hair.Joker is having a rough time himself. His sister might have been caught up in a Reaper attack. A year ago I would have turned the Normandy around and bailed them out. But I can’t afford to repay Joker’s loyalty.Entry 34 SanctuaryDecided to bring EDI and Ash. Edi is still our expert on Cerberus. Ash should make up for her lack of firepower. I really hope she doesn’t bring up last time we were here. When she told me that teaming up with Cerberus was a really bad idea.We got a warning on the way there for Orana Lawson, Miranda’s sister. Didn’t make the time to speak with her on Illium. Hope I don’t regret that.The Reapers managed to get there before us, they must really want to finish off Cerberus. Maybe TIM is onto something about controlling the Reapers…Also we found out how Cerberus gathered so many troops. Miranda’s dad turned them into husks . Explains a lot about her personality. That’s always been their way. Take people at their most desperate, offering them hope and using them until they burn out. Just like Jack, Miranda, everyone.Apparently Dr Lawson’s method was to try as many experiments as possible until he figured out an efficient way to huskify people. So much wasted life. Mordin would have something absolutely scathing to say about that. As a humble engineer, I had to opt for shooting him with my gun instead. I did promise Lawson that I’d let him live after he took Oriana hostage. But I bet he promised the refugees milk and cookies instead of load of shady experiments.Entry 35 Cronus StationHad another dream, in the forest. Confronted with all of my regrets, Wrex, Legion, Miranda.I saw myself stay, to hold the boy as he died. Burning together in the heat of the reaper’s fury. But I woke up cold and alone. Ready to take the Illusive Man’s base.EDI insisted on joining me on Cronus. She knew she could get me around Cerberus Security. Brought Ashley along too, she always knows what is best to do with Ceberus. Shoot on sight.Joker wasn’t happy about bringing EDI along, but I promised to bring her home.Found some of TIM’s home videos while I was there. Found out some interesting things. The Lazarus Project re-wrote my face, but not my brains. That EDI nearly blew me up on the moon.Also saw a video of Leng. TIM said the bastard reminds him of me. As if I’d run around with a katana, like a goddamned luddite. Also got proof positive that TIM wants me dead. By the end I got to shank that bitch Len. With an omni-blade. Like a civilized professional.Eventually I got to TIM’s office, it's no surprise his eyes got screwed up with a view like that.We found out that the entire citadel was the catalyst needed to blow up the reapers. Using Dark Energy. I wish Tali had made it off the collector base, she was an expert, probably would have figured it out months ago.Bad news is, The Reapers grabbed the Citadel and moved it all the way to Earth. Seems like they are so confident that they can stop us that they aren’t even bothering to destroy the Citadel.Got a call from Anderson, he’s having a rough day, Reapers are all riled up on Earth.We have to just throw everything at Earth. Like I told everyone to do. At the beginning of this damned war.Final Entry.I am making one last record before I make my final decision. There’s this weird ghost boy speaking for the crucible.I fought through the streets of London, made it into the Crucible. Got to shoot the Illusive Man in the end. Didn’t get to overload his eyeballs. Before he died, he was ranting and raving about how we could control the Reapers. Not sure I would even trust him any more than the Reapers.Anderson and I were on our last legs together, on the Citadel. He told me I did good, but I don’t think he made it out. But that probably won’t matter.I have one last choice to make. The crucible gave me a choice of my own. To control the reapers, to destroy them, or to make myself like them, a synthesis of humanity and machines.The Catalyst took the form of that weird kid. He explained that the point of the reapers is to destroy all intelligent life, and stop something like the Geth overwhelming all organic life.I don’t trust any of their choices. The reapers are too much power for anyone to have. I refuse to sacrifice all synthetic life when we have even the slightest chance to stop them the hard way.I’m sick of making impossible choices. I reject your future. I will make my own. If I don’t make it, may the next mortals reign fire down on the gods in my stead.

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