Sunday, March 5, 2023

Answered your questions about the Gate!

full image - Repost: Answered your questions about the Gate! (from, Answered your questions about the Gate!)
For starters here, let's remember that WikiLeaks was a revolutionary publishing outfit at the time. Their "Collateral Damage" video showed the US military erroneously gunning down Reuters wire journalists from a chopper, and although it led to a lot of questions, they didn't drone Julian or anything like that in the aftermath. He was allowed to continue doing his thing. The scandal only increased his fame and reach.It was not until the PODESTA WikiLeaks were released, just weeks before the 2016 U.S. presidential election, that all hell broke loose. The US DOJ under Trump's pick Barr advanced charges against him when the furor died down somewhat, and the charges were incredibly weak: he was asking Manning for more documents or evidence, which isn't a crime. In one's capacity as a journalist, pushing a source for more docs or proof is actually the irreducible essence of investigative journalism, and First Amendment protected activity. He also is not a US national (he's Australian), so say what you like about what they revealed, it wasn't a treasonous act. We weren't his team to begin with.So, using the fresh US charges as pretense, UK authorities yank him out of the embassy in London, he's thrown into solitary confinement... and has been there ever since (about 4 years now). His mind is probably completely gone at this point, I'm sure he's bonkers... but his legacy, and the emails he published, remain.Now, onto answering your questions. As prerequisite or necessary background information, check out the 8 minute re-uploaded documentary video which puts all these claims into their proper journalistic context. I'm asking you to watch something that is 8 minutes long; not a full length documentary on Netflix or something like that. The video's circuitous path to eventually being viewed by millions is its own rabbit hole and is explained over on the accompanying Substack post.The video is also helpful in showing overall context of the email exchanges; it's easy to play dumb, but when you realize Sandler is (was to be more accurate; he's dead now) a billionaire, Podesta is into spirit cooking and knows Marina Abramovic closely, both were close with convicted child abusers Jeffrey Epstein and Dennis Hastert (former Republican speaker of the US House of Representatives), Podesta's family was deeply involved with running the National Missing Children center and hotline, his son was the sexual abuse liaison for the United States Air Force, and they have connections to a number of daycares and other childhood welfare concerns, it becomes clear this is a rabbit hole worth digging into.A conspiracy theory, to be sure, which is why I'm re-engaging the topic here and not on say the politics sub.QUESTION: Do you really think the exchange between Herb Sandler about the boxes of cheeses and pasta and the odd p.s. note "doing dominos" on the pasta is a reference to child trafficking?I do indeed. To understand this one, you need a backgrounder on the billionaire Sandlers - they have quite a peculiar reputation on the West coast, where they are located.Sandler died of unusual circumstances about two years after the emails came out; some have speculated it was a suicide but as I don't have any court documents, autopsy statement, or other official evidence of such, I won't say I agree with that assertion. Who knows.In the email exchange in question, Sandler is admonishing Podesta for unannounced "changing strategies" that were "long in place" when transporting cheeses or precious pastas. The types of cheese or pasta are never mentioned, which is unusual if it is a culinary conversation... what kind of cheese?! What kind of pasta?! Never mentioned, not even once.Why all the secrecy around a simple cheese box? You can just FedEx it, or order some cheese plate stuff on Amazon as a gift... don't need secretive strategies long in place. The entire exchange is so bizarre that you have to be willfully obtuse, or of a low emotional intelligence (EQ), to not spot anything off here.Law enforcement looks for such things; criminals rarely talk in plain language when discussing their plans, even when they believe the communication channel is secure. Contrary to what some critics have asserted on here repeatedly, the "pizza," "sauce," "pasta," language did emerge from a variety of still publicly available bulletins from federal and state law enforcement on how to spot child predation. It did not come from 4chan. I don't spend any time on 4chan; I do and did spend time talking to cops and sex abuse investigators off the record, quite frequently, in the DC/VA area.QUESTION: How can you reframe an innocent party for a woman's grandkids as an occult meetup, or possible evidence of child trafficking?Again, as with the Sandler exchange, the Luzzatto email exchange needs to be put into its proper context. Who is she? Well, she runs the Pew Trusts in Washington, and she's regarded as one of the single wealthiest human beings in the nonprofit fundraising world. She is close friends with the Kennedy family, and has been photographed with them, and is also friends with James Alefantis.She had created a bizarre web site, "The Luzatettes," in which she showed off photos of her (apparent) grandchildren, and there was a booking calendar on the site - you could book time with her grandkids "raw and uncut" for a fee. The video linked above shows some of the screenshots from her now deep sixed creepy web site. The language was beyond bizarre.Bit of rabbit hole jump here, but bear with me: CNN anchor Jake Tapper, a longtime voice in the DC media community, was one of my hardest critics back in the day when I was reporting on this scandal.Tapper had written a book, Hellfire Club, which he insists was fiction. In the plot of the book, a journalist moves to DC and gets drawn into an internationalist Satanic cult that engages in child abuse and bizarre rituals to entrap new members.These families simply exist. In their line of thinking, throwing their children or grandchildren into the lions' den occasionally in effect "hardens" them for their future duties in adult life. Also, in some cases, they are trying to create a psychological break or "dissociative event" in the child's life. As bizarre as it is, they believe such dissociation improves intuition and creates or courts a relationship between their consciousness and that of their lord... who is not Jesus, let's just put it that way lol...The web site suggested the children would be prosecutors or other political leaders one day, and would have the power of "life and death" over everyone. A fairly offbeat claim for a grandma's web site supposedly just posted to share pics with family members. Social networking sites like Facebook were already big at the time she launched her site, so it's odd to create an entire web site for sharing family photos... weirder still with the booking portion of the site, etc.QUESTION: Were you a victim of this stuff?I've never been a victim of child abuse or trafficking thankfully. I've talked to enough victims to know how much it wrecks a person's life and life trajectory. Tragic situation.I answer this one to underscore the fact that I have no preconceived strong biases or conclusions when it comes to all this... it's just that, one by one, you realize the emails are pretty fucked, or perhaps Assange would not have leaked them in the first place. Think about it: everything else WikiLeaks released has been extraordinarily damaging to the parties involved. Every time, direct hit. Yet we are to believe this was just an innocent back and forth between... cheese plate aficionados... c'mon folks.I was hoping to answer more of these but something came up and I need to leave in a moment.Thank you all. Keep an open mind, dig deep, remain peaceful - but also don't be gullible. There are bad people in this world, and not all of them maintained email security best practices lol. Without these WikiLeaks, I'd be a mad man. With them, it's just a matter of time until everyone figures the truth out.

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