Tuesday, March 7, 2023

bismarck and tirpitz get a dommy mommy

full image - Repost: bismarck and tirpitz get a dommy mommy (from Reddit.com, bismarck and tirpitz get a dommy mommy)
The gravel crunches under their boots as Bismarck and Tirpitz walk up the path to the Commander’s home, neither sister saying a single word as they approach the front door.“She said the door would be open,” Tirpitz finally says, breaking the fragile silence.Bismarck reluctantly checks the door, not for the first time wishing she could turn back the time and crush the instinct that had roused her suspicions in the first place. “It is,” she mutters, taking a deep breath before opening the door, stepping inside.Really, Bismarck, what sort of an Ironblood are you, suspicious of your Commander’s diligence and hard work? Should’ve just left well enough alone.“Take off your shoes!” A powerful voice echoes from further down the hallway. “I don’t want you two tracking dirt all over my house.”The battleships start a little - Tirpitz mutters a quiet curse - but they both grudgingly do as instructed before venturing towards the voice. Bismarck stifles a sigh, already feeling anxiety building as a result of the earth-shattering revelations that the Commander had dropped on her yesterday. She’d barely gotten any sleep last night.“We’re here.” She speaks, entering the living room, greeted by the sight of one Ulrike Niemand sprawled on a giant bean bag chair… or Abaddon, as the rogue Siren calls herself.Even while reclining in a manner so boneless it’s almost offensive, the Siren radiates sheer, unmatched might. She is a far cry from her mousy, unassuming human disguise - Abaddon is taller than even Friedrich der Grosse, broad-shouldered and muscular, with crimson eyes that glow faintly and a mane of jet-black hair going all the way to her waist. Just about the only thing she has in common with the likes of Purifier and her deplorable ilk is her ghostly-pale complexion.“Bisko! Tirpy! Glad you could make it!” The Siren booms, her voice rich and powerful. “Plant your asses wherever you want. I got kebabs!” She gestures to a hefty plastic bag on the table.Bismarck’s eyes narrow. “As much as we appreciate your hospitality,” she lies through her teeth, “you promised answers. Speak.”“Oh, you’ll get your answers in due time,” the Siren nods, fishing out a kebab from the bag and unwrapping it. “You have my word on it.”Bismarck’s reply is cut short when Tirpitz walks past her, grabbing a kebab for herself. “Tirpitz!”“She offered, didn’t she?” The snow-haired battleship shrugs a little, unwrapping her food. “If she wanted us dead, she’d have killed us already.”A part of her wants to lambast her sister for her carelessness - but the Siren smirks at her, and she is reminded of how effortlessly Abaddon had handled them both yesterday. Seething silently, she takes a kebab as well and sits down well away from the source of her consternation.“Groovy.” The Siren mumbles around a mouthful of kebab before swallowing - despite herself, Bismarck is almost intrigued by how effortlessly the Siren eats. It’s as if she’s got a howling void for a stomach. “Alright, so,” Abaddon continues in between bites, “let’s get the bare essentials out of the way - yes, I’m a Siren. Yes, I’m also the Commander, and I’ve been playing the role practically from the day that the Azur Lane charter was signed. I have no malicious intent towards Azur Lane, shipgirls, and humanity as a whole. No, I’m not allied to the other Sirens. In fact, I hate those fucking whores.” The Siren stops speaking, noisily devouring her kebab in seconds, reaching for a second one before she’s even finished chewing.Bismarck cannot help it. Her skin crawls at witnessing Abaddon’s gluttony - the Siren looks, to borrow a phrase from Washington, like she’d just come off the casting couch with Peter North.“Well? Any questions?”Tirpitz raises a hand.“Go ahead.”“Are there any drinks?”Bismarck can just about feel her soul leaving her body.“Yeah, there’s plenty in the fridge,” the Siren nods. “Bring some back, will you?”The snow-haired shipgirl nods in turn as she stands up, heading for the kitchen - and Bismarck is left alone with the Siren. The blonde can immediately feel her heartbeat pick up - try as she might, there’s… something about Abaddon, something that intrigues and alarms her at the same time. She’s feeling like a rope in the middle of a tug-of-war game, pulled one way, then the other.“Bisko, if you’re not going to eat that, I’ll gladly finish it.”The blonde starts a little, glaring at Abaddon as she clutches her kebab a little more tightly - suddenly feeling contrarian, she takes a proper bite… and has to grudgingly admit it’s very tasty. She’s never eaten anything like it.Luckily, Tirpitz returns then, carrying with her a pair of six-packs of Cola. “You have a very big fridge, Commander,” she mutters as she puts the cans on the table.“What can I say?” The Siren chuckles, leaning forward to grab a can. “I’m a big girl with a big appetite!” She flops back down on the bean bag, swiftly draining her drink. “Now, any more questions?”“Why’d you do it?” Bismarck speaks first, cutting off Tirpitz. “Why’d you turn on the other Sirens?”“Hm.” The Siren ponders this for a moment. “Would you believe if I said they’re all so full of shit their eyes should be brown?”“No.”“Thought not. Well, there really are a few reasons why I did so - I didn’t care for my creators treating me as a blunt tool, I didn’t care for the other Sirens being slavishly-obedient pieces of shit, and… that’s about it.”“Your creators?!” Bismarck sits up, wide-eyed. “Who were they?!”The rogue Siren shrugs. “Hell if I know. I just woke up on a table in some facility one day. Might be just the one creator, might be a group. Might actually just be another Siren. I don’t know, they never talked to us directly. We just got messages beamed into our heads when they wanted something from us.”“And you left them because…?”“Like I said, they were dickheads. I said I didn’t want to be just a weapon. They didn’t, like, say anything, they never did… but I could feel those fucks laughing at me, I swear. I took it as a challenge. Took them completely by surprise when I ditched the joint - I don’t think they ever expected a creation of theirs to actually disobey them, given how pliant the rest of the Sirens are.”“They created you to be a weapon?” Tirpitz asks thoughtfully.“Yeah. I’m one of a kind, literally.” Abaddon nods. “Conquest. Domination. Total war. I was to spearhead the invasion of Earth. I didn’t vibe with that.”“Oh.” Bismarck’s sister blinks before speaking again. “Why did you join Azur Lane?”“At the beginning, it was pure spite, directed at my creators and the other Sirens. I was the only one to make my own decisions, the only one to rebel. All the other Sirens were all too happy to be puppets for the bastards that created them.”Bismarck cocks an eyebrow. “Spite?”“Yeah.” The Siren nods again. “All this subterfuge I’ve gone through, disguises and alteration of information? It goes against my very nature, the instincts hard-wired in my brain. And yet, here I am, being a sneaky little hacker goblin!” There’s a smug smile on her face. “I know how to tap into Siren networks to gather information, I know how to deal with their cyberwarfare - none of which, by the way, my creators considered important knowledge for me to have. I learned that all on my own.”“So why haven’t you struck back at the Sirens?”Abaddon is quiet for a few moments before answering. “Because that’d require me to reveal myself to the world - and when that happens, Azur Lane’s legitimacy sinks like a brick. Not to mention the Sirens will bring to bear everything they can get their hands on to wreck me. They won’t care how many times I make them resurrect, they won’t care how badly their mass-produced fleets get bodied - in short, they will stop at nothing to put me down. It’s the sort of attrition warfare that Azur Lane just isn’t equipped to deal with at the moment. Shipgirls are a hell of a force multiplier, sure, but not a single one of you can be replaced like Sirens do with their fleets. The way things are now, you can easily handle even huge mass-produced fleets because there’s always room for you to manoeuvre. I guarantee, the moment the Sirens find out I’m here, that elbow room will be gone like a fart on the wind.”“...I see.” Bismarck nods reluctantly - much as she might dislike it, Abaddon’s reasoning makes sense, especially the consequences for Azur Lane. Such a scandal may very well unmake the alliance, undoing all of their hard work.“Um,” Tirpitz raises her hand again. “You said that it was spite that drove you to help Azur Lane in the first place. What changed?”“I suppose I do enjoy rooting for the underdog,” the Siren shrugs a little. “And I’ve made friends since I took up the role of the Commander. Like, um…” she gestures to the bag of kebabs. “I got these from a kebab shop out in the city. It’s run by this Iraqi man, he’s like sixty years old. And when I go there after a long day of butting heads with the idiots known as Powers That Be, he greets me and smiles, and is all like, the usual, boss? And I feel better immediately. I always tip him generously, and he always puts in that little bit of effort that makes all the difference. And just last week, when I went there, he was real happy, over the moon and whatnot. Boss, he says, good news! And I’m all like, alright, tell me the good news. And he’s got a smile from ear to ear as he tells me, am Eagle Union citizen now! I pay taxes!” The Siren lets out a fond chuckle. “I mean, it goes without saying that I’m all for kicking the Sirens in the teeth in general. But sooner or later, you’ll find something that’ll make it all the more personal, you know?” She looks Bismarck right in the eyes. “What about you, Bisko? What’s your reason for fighting the Sirens?”Bismarck opens her mouth, then closes it - she hadn’t ever really given it much thought… “My sister,” she eventually answers, smiling at the grateful look she receives from Tirpitz. “U-556. The rest of the Ironblood shipgirls. I… I want there to be a place for shipgirls among humanity once all is said and done.”“A good answer.” The Siren nods approvingly. “A good reason.”Bismarck is silent for a long moment. “What is it you want from us?” She finally asks.“Keep my true identity a secret at all times, unless I say otherwise. If anything else comes up, I’ll let you know.”Tirpitz blinks. “That’s it?”“That’s it. We’ve got a good thing going on here - the world has confidence in Azur Lane. Shipgirls are learning and getting stronger. I’d rather keep it that way.”“Why did you reveal yourself? To Tirpitz and I, that is.” Bismarck hums thoughtfully. “Yesterday, we had little more than our own suspicions. I’m certain you could’ve left us none the wiser.”The Siren is silent for a long, long moment. “The disguise is… stifling. I dislike using it just as much as you do, Bisko. After all…” Abaddon continues, her eyes too knowing for the blonde’s liking, “no one wants to know Bismarck the woman, someone who has fears, weaknesses and insecurities, same as everyone else. No, they want Bismarck the battleship - strong, brave, tireless, someone that’ll blast the Sirens to pieces and save the day.” She sighs softly, unwrapping another kebab. “Lonely at the top, ain’t it?”Bismarck cannot help but hate Abaddon a little in that moment - or rather, how right the Siren is. So much is demanded and expected of her, as the leader of Ironblood shipgirls. “Yes,” she answers quietly, a hint of bitterness in her voice, “very lonely.”They spend the next few minutes eating in not-quite-companionable silence.“Out with it, Tirpitz,” the rogue Siren suddenly says. “I can practically hear your contemplations from over here.”The snow-haired battleship starts a little. “W-well, there is something I wanted to ask, yes…” She clears her throat before continuing. “There’s… something about you that a part of me finds immensely tempting. But it also sets off half a dozen different alarm bells in my mind. I cannot explain it.”The Siren blinks. “Honestly, I'm kind of surprised that it didn't come up sooner. Well, remember how I was created for conquest and domination and whatnot? Simply put, it is my strength that intrigues and intimidates you in equal measure. You recognise, consciously or not, that I am your superior - in every regard. Fear and desire make for a potent mix. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you eyeing me as if you can’t decide whether to jump my bones or run for the hills.”Tirpitz goes red in the face, silent for a long moment. “You are terrifying. I do not deny it. A part of me is screaming - to fight, to flee, to beg for mercy, even if it might be of no avail.” She stands up from her seat. “And yet, I find myself entranced by your presence. You are… magnificent. I find it hard to look away from you.” The shipgirl takes a step towards Abaddon.Bismarck attempts to protest, but her words die in her throat when the rogue Siren stands up - being battleships, neither she or Tirpitz are short, but Abaddon towers over them. Tirpitz halts momentarily, letting out a tremulous sigh as she looks up at the Siren, but continues moving towards her.“I submit to you,” Tirpitz breathes out as Abaddon takes her hands in her own. “Please… please be kind to me.”The Siren is silent as she sits back down - Tirpitz lets out a surprised gasp when the taller woman effortlessly lifts her into her lap, but does not object.“You’re so warm…” Tirpitz mutters quietly, hands on the Siren’s shoulders - it is only in her lap that they’re finally at eye level.Bismarck opens her mouth to protest - but again, she falls silent when Abaddon glances over to her for a moment, her crimson glare cowing the battleship into silence.And then, the Siren pulls Tirpitz into a kiss - the battleship lets out a muffled whimper, throwing her arms around the Siren’s broad shoulders in a fierce hug.Bismarck feels as if the situation has become something beyond scandalous, speechlessly watching the Siren lock lips with her sister - but the worst thing is that a part of her is ridiculously jealous that she isn’t getting any kisses. A good quarter minute passes before they part, Tirpitz panting as she slumps against Abaddon’s shoulder.“Was it good for you, too?” The Siren asks Tirpitz, her voice a quiet rumble.“Y-yeah…”The Siren smiles softly, pressing a kiss to the top of Tirpitz’s head before looking over to Bismarck. “How about you, Bisko?”“W-what?”“You’re keeping it under the lid better than your sister, but I know there’s a part of you practically screaming God, I wish that were me.” She looks down at the snow-haired shipgirl in her lap. “Hey, Tirpitz, do you have any objections to sharing me with your sister?”Tirpitz shakes her head. “N-no. I don’t.”“See? Problem solved.”Bismarck cannot help the bitterness that enters her voice, but she latches onto it all the same. “A-and then we become your playthings for your amusement?”Abaddon shakes her head. “If I wanted slaves, I wouldn’t have fannied about with all of this shit. I’d have just, well, you know.”Bismarck’s skin crawls at the implication.“Honestly, I just think you’re hot as fuck, you and your sister. Also, the part where you two charged into my office without backup, and without telling anyone else about your suspicions - I cannot help but find it both cute and hilarious.” She grins crookedly at the blonde. “Come on, Little Biscuit. I’m not going to hurt you.”Something shatters inside Bismarck at hearing the nickname from Abaddon - like a chain, a restraint, causing the last of her resistance to crumble away. “Fine,” she sighs defeatedly, approaching the rogue Siren. “You have won. We’re at your mercy, Abaddon.”“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt either of you,” the Siren murmurs as Bismarck settles down in her lap - the sisters are sitting side by side, each straddling a leg. “I promise.” The blonde sighs shakily as Abaddon caresses her cheek, leaning into her touch.“Tirpitz was right,” Bismarck reluctantly mumbles, her face red. “You are warm.”The Siren slides her hand to the blonde’s waist, pulling her towards her until the shipgirl is pressed against her side. “That better?”Bismarck nods after a moment of stunned silence - she cannot help but greedily soak up the Siren’s fierce warmth. This close up, Abaddon’s presence is almost overwhelming - Bismarck’s heart is beating hard and fast, but at least her fight-or-flight response is no longer sending her confusing signals. She glances over to Tirpitz, who’s got her ear pressed to Abaddon’s chest, seemingly entranced by the Siren’s heartbeat - her sister looks the most content she’s been in a long while.She jumps a little when Abaddon touches her face again - the Siren’s eyes glow dimly as she runs her thumb across the blonde’s lips. And yet, Bismarck cannot find in herself to tell Abaddon to stop. She’s so warm and strong - and with strength comes certainty, security. It’s why so many of the destroyer shipgirls love to have Friedrich der Grosse doting upon them.All the same, she lets out a soft moan when Abaddon finally kisses her. She is firm but gentle, her touch light enough that Bismarck can end the kiss at any time. It is… unlike anything she’s ever experienced before, and she almost wants to laugh at the absurdity of kissing a Siren. By all rights, Abaddon should be her enemy - and yet, here she is, two battleships in her lap, handling them both with the utmost care and gentleness.Bismarck is red faced when they part, panting slightly as she gathers her wits the best she can. “You are… something else, Abaddon,” she finally says.The Siren smirks softly, leaning in to steal another kiss. “Oh, I’m literally unique.”Bismarck sighs, burying her face in the taller woman’s shoulder. “I still have questions…”“And you shall have answers, I assure you - but right now, I just want to cuddle for a while.”I can live with that, Bismarck decides, settling down against the Siren - but the silence doesn’t last for long before she lets out a loud, defeated groan.“What is it?” Abaddon looks at her, cocking an eyebrow.“I just realised something,” the shipgirl facepalms defeatedly.“What?”“The name you chose for your disguise - Ulrike Niemand. Niemand.”The Siren laughs, loud and joyful - despite being disappointed with herself, Bismarck joins in, followed by Tirpitz.Yes, she can certainly live with this.

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