Sunday, October 8, 2023

A brand new players experience in Lost Ark on Jump Start Servers

full image - Repost: A brand new players experience in Lost Ark on Jump Start Servers (from, A brand new players experience in Lost Ark on Jump Start Servers)
I wanted to make a review of the new player experience from someone who has never played or seen Lost Ark before.Background: I had seen the occasional youtube video and limited browsing of this subreddit before starting to play. The Set Up: After reading the subreddit and watching one or two youtube videos I decided to make a guild prior to the jump start opening up. From what I gathered is as a new player Lost Ark is a much better experience with friends and that making a “static” or guild was one of the best ways to enjoy and learn the game. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any guilds on the discords suggested prior to launch so I created my own. I made a discord server, I advertised what the guild was about and recruited anyone who wanted to be apart of it. The only rules was being friendly and willing to teach and guide new players such as myself.Launch Day: Launch came around and the guild I created went from 5 to 30 people max within a few hours. It was a mix of veteran players and newcomers with a lot of returning players who quit right after Brel. I spent the first day opening so many chests and figuring out what lost ark even was. Thankfully having this new friend group established on discord I was able to screen share and have veteran players walk me how to set up the gifts jump start has given players. The First Week: In short it was overwhelming. I spent the first week watching so many youtube guides and reading community excel sheet guides on the two classes I picked ( Artist Main, Scouter Alt). There are a lot of systems in lost ark and coming from someone who has never played it felt almost impossible at first to keep track of them all. Luckily that friend group was kind enough to explain things and help me build my characters. I was able to do Brel 1-2, Valtan, Vykas, and Argos on my Artist. Raiding: I had heard a lot about lost arks raids from youtube and reddit and was nervous at first. I watched several guides and asked questions during my prog runs with the guild. I made many mistakes and died initially but over the course of the last few weeks I’ve learned almost all mechs on each role for each raid. At this time I have 8x Valtan clears, 8x Vykas, 3X clown, 4X 1-3 Brel and 1 Brel 4. (Trying hell mode valtan this week as well!) It’s a lot to learn for a new player but progging and spending hours learning was probably the most fun I’ve had in the game so far. I went from dieing and causing mech wipes to teaching other players valtan and brel in jump start, the more you practice the better you get. Horizontal Content: I had heard about the dreaded horizontal and at first didn’t want to do it. I ignored it because I was an artist player and heard skill points didn’t matter as much for supports. That changed after I saw blue gunlancer. About 4 weeks in I went after 20 island souls and all the other collectibles, It was boring but it’s nice that progress is roster bound, also it’s a nice change of pace from always raiding towards the end of the week. Advice: If I had to give tips for people wanting to try lost ark out for the first time like myself i’d suggest these guidelines for a better experience.-Make friends, either your regular gaming friends or meeting people on discord or in game. Much like real life, networking and meeting people solves so many issues with the game. Step out of that comfort zone the solo experience sounds brutal!-Play a support as either your first or alt character. Support gave me the ability to focus more on mechanics in raids and understand the bigger picture while easily staying alive and adding utility to the team. -Learn things one at a time, there are so many systems in lost ark it can be too much if you try to learn it all simultaneously. Start with figuring out skills, then tripods, then cards and etc. Try to learn each system on it’s own and once you do that you’ll learn how they all go together.-It’s okay to FAIL and ASK QUESTIONS! A lot of what I saw on jumpstart was new players like me who would join groups and stay silent and wipe raids without ever asking what they should be doing. Each time I died to a mech or pattern I would ask either my guild mates or the people in the PUG how to avoid it or what I should be doing. -Take your time and enjoy the ride. The game is a lot less stressful if you don’t care about reaching max level as soon as possible. Someone will always be ahead of you and more often than not they will have paid money irl to get ahead and that’s okay, focus on learning and self improvement. Side note: (Gate-keeping) Yes I saw this on jump start and while I don’t agree with it, I can understand why this occurs. Teaching takes time and energy and when people don’t talk and just want a carry it hurts the other 7 players in the lobby. Overall: I really enjoy lost ark, it’s been a blast and there is so much content from a new player perspective. I think i’ve found my new main game for awhile. It’s not perfect but what game is? I recommend trying the game out if nothing else other than to try the raids. There’s a lot more I could cover, but I’m curious what everyone else experience has been?

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