Friday, November 29, 2024

Problematic coworker who's bringing down everyone's energy. Anyone from hr who could advise?

full image - Repost: Problematic coworker who's bringing down everyone's energy. Anyone from hr who could advise? (from, Problematic coworker who's bringing down everyone's energy. Anyone from hr who could advise?)
I've posted about this before and was told to just ignore and was asked why I cared so much. Was advised to just focus on myself and don't worry about it. I tried but he's starting to bring everyone down as well. Just wanted to here what you guys have to say especially HR's perspective.I'll try to summarize. I started a new job and it's not entry level but it the bottom of the ladder. We get hired in groups and everyone comes from various backgrounds. I started with much enthusiasm and outlook and I get along well with the group that got hired before me. Peers and managers are great and I like the work and could see myself advancing. Problem is just one guy. He's whines, complains and just says the weirdest most uncomfortable stuff. They could be jokes that are off-putting or things that are slightly inappropriate but not to the point of harassment. I've tried to brush it all off and have clear boundaries. When he says certain things I've said "stop please, that's not appropriate". He'll laugh and say it's a joke. Now he's just negative all the time. Whining about getting off at his scheduled time rather than early. Complaining about work non stop. I can't get away from him since we train together. He's only like this with my and the previous training group. Sometimes I wish the managers could hear him.I'm not saying we're high paid but I think it's a fair payment and the company does have a good benefit package. He keeps saying after training he'll just quit and go on ei (we're in Canada so that's our unemployment). We keep saying no you don't get ei if you quit. And honestly it's a very wtf thing to say that he wants to quit after training. The job is a hot commodity because it does lead to better roles. I don't really care that he does the minimal at work but he's dragging everyone down. I don't want to be a snitch but his presence is so negative. From an HR standpoint what should we do. Should I mention something to my manager at our next one on one? Should I just leave it and maybe someone else will say something? All we've done so far and tell him to stop whining when it's actually affecting our productivity. Oh and his integrity is so questionable. He doesn't really care about doing the right thing he just wants to do enough to not get fired. The rest of us are great. We have hopes of advancing and we've been networking with other department heads to see what other role fits us best. But for him, when we go networking he just wants to eat, drink and get free swag. Just very unprofessional most of the time.We do have an anonymous tip line to hr. He has done anything extremely out of line but he doesn't really go by the values. Not saying everyone else is a model employee but he just pushes it.

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