Friday, March 10, 2023

TSA 17

full image - Repost: TSA 17 (from, TSA 17)
Chapter 17: Canada’s Mightiest HeroesBoys: Noah, Rodney, ShawnGirls: Amy, Courtney, Heather, LindsayEpisode 17: Canada’s Mightiest Heroes"Last time on Total Drama Action!" Chris said over a shot of the film lot. "It was every dude and dude-ette for themselves," Chris's hologram explaining the merge was shown, "as the teams were busted up.""But that didn't stop Noah from scheming and allying with Courtney and Shawn," Noah was shown telling Heather to change her deal and joining Courtney and Shawn’s alliance."Heather and Courtney wowed everyone with their skills in the laser grid," the two were shown maneuvering the lasers. "But unfortunately, Heather beat Courtney to the tools.""The cast made it out of a fake exploding building," their escape was shown, "but failed to defuse some serious stink bombs," the explosion was shown, "forcing them to de-stink in tomato juice baths," Chris said with a laugh over a shot of the seven in the tomato bath. He finished laughing and said, "I love my job.""In the end, Heather and Lindsay got the fabulous reward," the two were shown in the limo, "a trip to a local stinky cheese factory!""Will Lindsay be able to patch things up with her bestie?" Chris asked as a two-way angled split showed Lindsay on an orange background and Amy on yellow on the right."Will Shawn and Courtney be able to work with their new ally?" A three-way angled split showed Noah in the middle on a red background, Courtney on blue on the right, and Shawn on purple on the left."All this on today's episode of," Chris said back at the film lot, "Total! Drama! Action!"XXXXXThe episode opened to the three remaining guys leaving the dining tent."Dinner was nice and all," Shawn said, "but we’re in trouble.""And why is that?" Rodney asked."There are four girls and only three of us," Shawn said. "We're outnumbered, and I’m pretty sure they know this as well.""No kidding," Noah responded. "With the exception of Lindsay, the girls aren’t idiots."\The camera cut to the girls' trailer. "You smell really bad," Lindsay said as the camera flashed to the inside."Yeah, well, so do you," Heather said back."There’s something you two share in common," Amy said as she and Courtney held their noses."Who knew a tour of a cheese factory could make you smell so bad?" Courtney mentioned."It's like we somehow brought it home with us," Lindsay pulled a piece of cheese out of her bag. "Gouda, anyone?"\The camera cut to the boys as they brushed their teeth in the communal bathroom. "I’m just saying," Shawn said, "we have to eliminate one of them before they can pick us off.""I hear you," Noah said as he spat in the sink. "Women are cutthroat."\The camera flashed to Chris getting a massage from what could be assumed to be Chef. "The views of the contestants of Total Drama Action do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this network or parent company. They may, but not necessarily."\The camera flashed back to the girls eating their cheese."This gouda is amazing!" Courtney commented."Add in some crackers and it’ll be even better," Amy added.\The camera flashed" back to the boys as they lay in their beds."So which girl are we voting off?" Noah asked."It can’t be Heather!" Rodney said. "How about Amy?""Why her?" Noah replied."Heather made a deal with us," Rodney said. "I won’t want to double cross her.""Since when do you care about her?" Shawn got curious.Rodney blushed and changed the subject. "We should get rid of Amy. Courtney was your teammate and Lindsay’s a sweet girl.""We do need Courtney on our side," Shawn agreed, "and Amy’s a bit firey. We’ll vote for her.""It’s settled then," Noah replied as his head rested on his goose down pillow. "There’s nothing left to lose except-""The million dollars," all three boys said at once.\The shot cut back outside, crickets and frogs heard in the background as the camera panned up to the full moon and faded forward into the morning sun. A high-pitched scream signaled yet another scene change as Chef Hatchet was shown in a pink floral nightgown, tied up and dangling from a rope above a street."Let go of me!" Courtney mumbled as Amy gently dragged her to where the rest of the cast had already gathered, all seven of them still in their pajamas."Where are we?" Lindsay asked after yawning."And why is Chef in a nightgown?" Amy asked.The camera cut to Chris standing on top of a nearby building while wearing a Batman-esque cape and cowl. With a floodlight at his back and a rope around his waist, he dived gracefully off the roof. A 'flying' sound effect accompanied a shot of him swinging towards the camera, and he soon snatched Chef to freedom. The pair continued to swing upward on to the host's rope, but it soon reached its limit. Chris's costume flew off him and the smiles faded from their faces as the rope snapped, and they fell to the street with a scream."I knew that bungee wouldn't hold!" Chris yelled angrily, his hair thoroughly messed up as he stood up and got off of Chef. "That's what happens when production cheaps out! And now my hair’s all messed up!" He whined as Chef stood up beside him with a dazed expression."Is anyone gonna explain why I was dragged out of bed this morning?" Heather asked."When! I! Feel! Like! It!" Chris answered angrily, getting in her face and smoothing part of his hair with each word. He paused for a moment afterward as he and Heather stared each other down. "And now," he finally said, "I feel like it! Today's challenges are inspired by the superhero flick!""Today's challenges?" Noah asked incredulously. "No way. We just woke up.""And we haven't had breakfast yet," Rodney complained."I'm going back to bed," Shawn said."Evil never sleeps," Chris countered matter-of-factly, "and neither will you! Besides, superheroes don't do the things of mere mortals! They have screaming ladies to rescue!" Chef was shown fanning himself as the host spoke."If I may stop you there," Shawn stated, "there are superheroes that are mortal. Black Widow and Hawkeye for example.""Speak for yourself, boy," Chef gruffly said."How would you like it if Black Widow and Hawkeye used their electric bracelets and arrows on you?" Chris asked pointedly. "That’s what I thought. There are three things intrinsic to all superhero movies," he explained. "One: superheroes have super powers. Two: superheroes save people. And my personal favorite, three: superheroes wear tights. Which means," he said as the cast watched, "you will all be wearing," he paused to laugh, "teensy-tiny tights!" Lindsay smiled happily while the others began to complain."Why are you all in your PJs?" Chris asked with a scowl. "Get dressed and meet me back on set in superhero speed, which means, you should already be back here!" He laughed again before calling "And make sure to wear something that goes with brightly-hued spandex!"\The camera flashed to the boys walking back to the trailers, Rodney holding a burrito as he did so."Did you stash a burrito?" Shawn asked."Of course," Rodney replied. "Breakfast burritos have a lot of protein, and I’m going to need it for this challenge."Confessional: Shawn"The superhero genre is a favorite of mine," Shawn said. "Lightning lended me his comic books, and I’m attached to the X-Men the most. I have an idea for the costume I’ll be designing."Confessional EndsThe shot moved to Heather and Lindsay walking together."You could use that cheese stench as your superpower, Gorgonzola Girl," Heather taunted the blonde."You should talk, Aged Cheddar Chick," Amy stood up for her friend.Confessional: Heather"Today is the day that Amy goes home," Heather told the confessional. "I’ll just need to convince everyone otherwise."Confessional EndThe camera cut to the now dressed castmates standing between Chris, a line of sewing machines, and a few bins of cloth."For your first challenge," Chris announced, "each of you will create your own superhero identity.""Yes!" Shawn cheered."You'll make your own superhero costume using nothing but your fertile imagination," Chris continued, seemingly on the brink of laughter, "and tons of spandex!" A close-up of the bins of spandex rolls was shown before a beeping brought the camera's focus to a dump truck backing up to the host. It dumped a load of miscellaneous stuff on the ground, and Chris added "And some other junk! You'll be judged on originality and styled costume, how rocking your superpower is, and how cool your superhero name is! Top score wins an advantage in the next round. Chef will, of course, play the supervillain, which, let's face it, won't be much of a stretch."A green-and-yellow circular logo of snake's head spun rapidly into the camera; then retreated into a tilted still of Chef Hatchet, dressed head to toe in green spandex, with the same circular snake logo on his chest and a similarly-themed fanged cowl, and tabby cat that wore a green mask, and bore his front claws set against a background of radial green stripes."Meet, Pythonicus!" the host announced. "And his sidekick kitty, Dander Boy! They will sabotage you at every turn." Dander Boy meowed and scratched the air."Any questions?" Chris asked as the footage cut back to him. All seven castmates raised their hands. "No? Perfect! Aaaannnd, action!""Give me that!" Heather yelled as she dashed towards a roll of yellow spandex."I’ve got it!" Lindsay took the roll.Confessional: Lindsay"Forget superpowers, Heather's on a super power trip," Lindsay groaned.Confessional EndsThe two girls wrestled for the roll, then Heather shoved her former teammate in the face and ran off with her prize.\The Pythonicus logo spun up through the screen again, and a montage began of the costumed supervillain interfering with the contestants' challenge, beginning with Amy as she measured what looked to be a blue and red shirt on a table in front of the sewing machines with a grin. A quick-pan to the left showed Chef lurking at the end of the row of sewing machines; he dropped Dander Boy, and the shot quick-panned back to Amy as the cat quickly tore her shirt to shreds and jumped away, much to the competitive girl's shock.Next was Heather after a quick logo transition as she lifted a long white dress out of the junk heap with a wide smile. Lurking just behind the tip of the heap, Chef swiped the dress, much to Heather’s fury.Another logo transition, and the third person shown was Lindsay as she gleefully fed her blue spandex through one of the sewing machines. Standing behind her, Chef dropped a small scrap of orange onto the black, and it was quickly sewed on. The blonde didn't seem to notice.Shawn was fourth after yet another logo transition, and he had already compiled a pair of dark green pants and a light green shirt. After carefully laying down a fist symbol on his shirt just right, he looked away for a second and Chef snatched the symbol away and replaced it with a symbol of an angry emoji. Shawn looked back with a small smile on his face that changed into surprise when he noticed what happened.Fifth came Noah after the now-usual transition effect, but he was just standing leaning against a sewing machine and idly examining his fingernails. Chef was openly watching him nearby in an awkward pose, but after the high IQ spent several moments ignoring the villain he turned and walked away.The last contestant shown was Courtney as she fed tan spandex through one of the sewing machines. The camera panned down to show Chef inserting a wire into the outlet the machine was plugged into, then back up to show the achiever being electrocuted.Another logo transitioned the scene back into the still shot of Chef and Dander Boy, which held for a few seconds before the montage came to an end.\The camera flashed to a modeling runway set up along one of the streets of the fake city. The camera was centered on the backstage curtain, with the catwalk set up in front of it. It stopped short just in front of the judge's table, where the trio of Chris McLean, Chef, Dander Boy, and surprisingly, Sadie sat."Now wearing a superhero costume of her own design," Chris dramatically announced to a calm music track as the camera and a pair of spotlights focused in on the backstage curtain, "our first super-model!"The curtain swung open to reveal Amy in her usual outfit, but with a few changes. She had on a blue mask, red gloves, and a yellow backpack.The camera cut to the judges as Dander Boy shut off the music and Chris sighed. "State your name and superpower," he droned as Amy walked up to the judges."Sportstar!" Amy announced."You're a superhero," Sadie said. "Act like one."Amy made her superhero pose in front of a golden background. "I am Sportstar, and I can attack using my agility and supply of balls!" As she spoke, she took out a football and a soccer ball out of her backpack."You've already demonstrated your agility in the sports challenge," Chris told her. "That's worth a whole three points," he made a mark on his clipboard.Amy walked away just as Rodney walked up to the end of the runway. His costume was a mixture of white and orange spandex. He also wore a brown country hat and held a wooden spear."Tell us your name and power," Sadie said."I am the Slammer!" Rodney declared proudly, slamming his spear in his hand against a golden background, "and my superpower is my strength."Chris was not impressed. "Seriously?""I can also do this." Rodney jumped up and slammed his spear on the ground, causing a bit of an earthquake."If that was effective enough, you could take down Killer Croc," Chris said. "Four points. Next!"\Shawn was the next to walk up. He wore a green spandex suit with a red football helmet from the junk heap and a symbol of an angry face covering the majority of his torso. He was also carrying a pipe. He struck the basic superhero pose and said "My name is Life Protector! Evildoers beware!""So what can you do?" Sadie looked excited."Check this out," Shawn answered confidently.He took out three rotten apples and hit them away with his pipe. Chef was unlucky to get hit by one. He then spun his pipe around for a few seconds before using it to propel himself backwards and do a backflip."Okay!" Chris said excitedly, "That was impressive! Seven points!""Oh yes!" Shawn walked away sporting a smirk.\The footage skipped ahead to show Noah standing at the end of the runway in his usual outfit, now with a brown mask."Where are your tights?" Sadie asked immediately."I don't do costumes," Noah replied. "I'm Egghead, and I have the power to use my brain.""But we all do that," Sadie pointed out."I have an IQ of 180, I get straight A's, and I can hack into any system you name," Noah boasted."Don't waste my time dude." Chris said, clearly upset. "You get two points."Noah rolled his eyes and walked away.\Heather was next, wearing a yellow spandex outfit with a black spandex belt. "I am Queen Bee," she declared haughtily."And what's your superpower?" Chris asked.Heather smirked, then took out some sharpened wood chips. She fired them and the camera cut to Chef as his eyes widened and the chips hit him. He howled in pain and ran off."Bees may sting you, but only for a second and not forever," Chris said. "Anyway, I'll give it a six."Heather scowled at the idea of losing and left.\The penultimate superhero was Courtney. She was dressed in light black spandex, gold pieces of metal attached to her legs, and a golden headband with antennas attached. "I'm the Human Cricket!" She announced proudly.Chris laughed, causing Sadie to glare at him. "And what are you gonna do? Chirp us into submission?" he asked."Actually…" Courtney put on ear plugs and started to scratch her metal legs together.This scared this cat off as Sadie and Chris covered their ears. "O-Okay, okay! Stop it!" Chris begged, causing Courtney to stop. "Okay. Okay. That's a pretty effective superpower. Eight points. Finally, we're getting somewhere."Courtney walked away and Lindsay walked up to be judged. She was dressed in an outfit similar to Wonder Woman, though she had the Canadian symbol spotted around her costume."I'm Wonder Woman!" Lindsay declared.Courtney stormed on screen. "Wonder Woman already exists! And she doesn't even look like that!""Hold on," Sadie paused. "I'm liking the costume. What's your superpower?""Duh. I wonder a lot," Lindsay explained. "Oh, and I have an invisible jet right here. Or did I leave it over there?""You win!" Chris declared with a smile. "I loved Wonder Woman as a kid! Ten points!""What!!! What about originality?" Courtney complained. "Wonder Woman's already a superhero.""Oh! I'm sorry," Chris said with false sweetness. "Is this your show? Oh. No. No, it's my show. Which means, I make the rules.""I love your costume, Courtney, but I can't argue with him there," Sadie shrugged."Since I'm the judge of the contest, I deem Lindsay the winner," Chris went on. "Which means, she gets an advantage in the next challenge.""Yay!" Lindsay clapped in victory while Heather got up in her face."You may have won the first part," Heather warned, "but you won't be lucky next time.""Man, I love this game," Chris told the camera with a wink.\(Commercial break)\The episode resumed with a shot of several added set pieces along the fake city street. To the far left was a fake burning building up on stilts, then a mattress laying in front of a twilit forest backdrop, then a fake skyscraper, and finally a large trampoline in front of another evening backdrop on the far right.The camera zoom to the right, showing a ladder beyond the trampoline and the host and cast nearby. "For your second challenge, we will be testing your super prowess." The shot focused on Courtney as she raised an eyebrow.Confessional: Courtney"Does Chris think we live in a cartoon?" Courtney scoffed. "Our powers are fake!"Confessional Ends"You'll have to leap over a building in a single bound," Chris told the contestants, "using this trampoline from the set of the movie Trampoline Thunder 2! Awesome flick," he flashed a thumbs-up at the camera. "You'll be judged on how far and how high you jump," he continued as the camera cut to the diving board at the top of the ladder. "And please, properly time your landing as we wouldn't want you to land anywhere other than on this soft, cushy mattress." As he spoke, the camera cut to the mattress where Dander Boy was busy washing his paw. The camera zoomed in, and the villainous feline was sent flying by one of several rouge springs that popped out of the mattress.The contestants gaped in shock, and the host continued. "Our first and foremost priority at Total Drama Action is you safety and well-being," he told them before slowly breaking out into laughter. "Next, you'll have to save a woman falling from a building," Chris said as the shot moved over to the fake burning building. "The woman will be played by a sack of potatoes in a dress," he said as Chef leaned out of the building's window holding said dressed-up sack. "Which will be a real catch for you guys," he quipped at a frowning Noah.Confessional: Noah"Chris should be one to talk," Noah told the confessional. "He probably had dinner with that thing last night."XXXA brief clip of Chris and the potato sack in a dress was shown in what looked to be them enjoying a romantic candlelit dinner together. The smiling host poured the sack a glass of wine.XXX"And finally," Chris said as the static cut back to the challenge, "you'll walk across a power line during a meteor shower!" The camera panned past the burning building to a row of power lines with a few mattresses below them, and Chef tossing a bowling ball in one hand. He tossed it casually, and it flew straight through a water tower causing the water inside to come gushing out of both ends."The person to finish the course with the best time wins invincibility!" Chris announced as the contestants turned their shocked looks back to him. "Lindsay, you're up first. Ten seconds will be shaved off your time for winning the first round.""Yay!" Lindsay laughed as she stepped forward with a smile, causing Courtney to glare.Confessional: Heather"Lindsay thinks she's so cool, but she only gets by due to luck," Heather told the confessional. "She may have won the first challenge, but invincibility will be mine."Confessional Ends"Aaaand, action!" Chris announced with a stopwatch in his hand, the camera immediately flashed up to Lindsay on top of the diving board.With a quick glance downward she jumped off the board, landing in the center of the trampoline and bouncing back up like a shot. She flew through the air and over the top of the skyscraper, and landed on the mattress."This mattress is so nasty!" Lindsay complained."Aw, really? I'm sorry," Chris acted concerned.Lindsay got out of the mattress and went to catch the potatoes, but was too late and they flopped on the floor."Whoopsie. Sorry lady," Lindsay apologized to the dressed up potato sack.Lindsay got to the electrical pole and started to climb up it, the camera quickly moving to the top as she hesitantly started trying to make her way across the wires. She dodged two bowling balls, but dodging the second put her in the path of a third that knocked her off the wires and onto one of the mattresses below."Looks like you didn't make it," Chris taunted.Confessional: Lindsay"What's with those mattresses?" Lindsay scratched her bugs until she noticed bugs crawling on her right arm. "Oh, hello!"Confessional Ends"Shawn, you're up!" Chris called before the camera flashed up to Shawn looking down from the diving board. He bounced on the board once and jumped off it.He hit the trampoline legs-first, and sprung back up into a basic flying pose. He flew over the skyscraper and landed on the mattress in a 'superhero landing.' "You've got this Life Protector!" Courtney cheered from the sidelines. The camera cut to a front view of Shawn's smirking face, then back to the side view as he continued on with the course.He ran at top speed towards the next building. Chef laughed evilly and dropped the potato damsel, but Shawn skidded to a stop and grabbed the sack in one of his arms before it hit the ground. "There you go, all safe," he said softly, giving the sack a pat as he put it down on the ground."Hurry it up, Protector!" Chris called from the sidelines, a stopwatch in his hands. "You're on the clock!"The camera went to Shawn's quick and bounding climb up the light post. He gulped when he reached the top and looked down, but after the first bowling ball missed him he was startled into action. Once again he began running with a confident grin as he repeatedly blocked shots with his shield."C'mon, Pythonicus!" Chris told his cook, who paused in mid-throw to glare back at him, then tossed the bowling ball at the host instead. It hit Chris upside the head, earning a smile from Noah who had been standing beside him. Unfortunately, he didn't notice the ball coming back down and was hit on the top of his head and knocked down. The two groaned in pain.The camera cut back to Shawn as he reached the end of the power lines and jumped down into another superhero landing pose."Never thought I'd say this, but," Chris said as he got back to his feet with a scuffed face and messed up air, "nice work, Life Protector." He smiled and checked his stopwatch, adding "Made good time, too. Thirty six seconds!""Looks like you're gonna be tough to beat," Amy said with a smirk.Shawn chuckled. "Looks like it.""Of course that's just because I haven't gone yet," Amy bragged."Next!" Chris called happily, his hair already fixed. A montage began of the other five superheroes running the course, beginning with Rodney sprinting towards the ladder and climbing up it; Noah crawling to the end of the diving board; Amy blindly jumping; and Courtney jumping off the board with a perfectly executed swan dive.The camera cut down to the trampoline as Amy hit it and sprung back right into the side of the skyscraper; Noah cleared the building with a blank stare, Courtney cleared the building with a dive; and Heather curled herself into a ball as she got over the building.Rodney hit the mattress below at a roll and kept running, catching the sack of potatoes but tossing it aside just as quickly. Noah came up behind him but tripped on the potato sack. Chef dropped an extra sack on his head.Courtney was shown easily running across the power lines and avoiding the bowling balls. Chef scowled, then sent the next ball flying. It nearly hit Rodney, but he was able to let it fly past him and keep going. Heather was next, but while she managed to dodge one bowling ball, she lost her balance and landed across the power lines, causing her to be electrocuted. She fell smoldering to the mattress below, and the montage came to an end as Chris pressed the button on his stopwatch."While Life Protector did a surprisingly good job," Chris told the castmates who had lined up in front of him once again, "the winner of the second challenge, and invincibility is," he took out his clipboard as he dramatically announced "the Human Cricket! With thirty seconds.""Yes!" Courtney celebrated."You guys may be superheroes, but you smell super gross," Chris waved his clipboard. "Time to hit the showers and decide who's gonna get kicked to the curb."\The scene flashed to outside the communal bathrooms before fading inside. Amy and Lindsay, both wearing towels around their hair and bodies, were inside. "It sucks that we can't vote for Heather," Amy said."I'm still not talking to you," Lindsay turned away."Tough turkeys, because I want to," Amy got serious. "Ever since the sports challenge, you've been treating me like a bug on a windshield. I'm not manipulating you or using you to get further in the game.""Then why were you so insistent on getting rid of Beth?" Lindsay raised an eyebrow suspiciously."I never wanted Beth voted out of the game," Amy said. "Who told you this?""Heather did," Lindsay answered.Amy facepalmed when she heard this, but kept her composure. "And why did you trust Heather’s word?""She told me that you were lying when you told me about Beth pretending to be sad," Lindsay said. "I know you don't like Beth, but why are you trying to make her look bad?""One, I was actually telling the truth about her sob story, and two, I wasn't gonna paint her in a bad light," Amy confirmed."Why were you jealous of her being with me then?" Lindsay asked."It was because I didn't want to lose you," Amy said."What?" Lindsay blinked her eyes."You're not the first friend I ever had in my life," Amy admitted. "One that I was super close to. Back in middle school, I was friends with this girl named Xenon.""Who is she?" Lindsay asked."She used to be my best friend," Amy answered. "We had sleepovers together, liked the same food, and attended many parties. She even got me into volleyball.""Aww, that sounds so sweet," Lindsay said happily."Things started to go downhill between us when Yaideen came in," Amy growled. "She was sweet at first, but I later figured out that she was trying to drift me apart from Xenon so she could have her for herself.""Yaideen seems pretty mean," Lindsay winced. "Did she cause you and Xenon to get into a fight.""Of course," Amy nodded. "Xenon's been with Yaideen and started to forget about me. I overheard Yaideen saying that she never liked me, and when I told Xenon about it, she got defensive and accused me of being jealous. Long story short, I ended things off with her and she's still Yaideen's BFF."Lindsay was flabbergasted by what she just heard. "I can't believe all that happened to you." Her face grew angry. "I don't know who's worse. Yaideen, or Heather!""This is why I was jealous of you and Beth," Amy went on. "I believed the same thing would happen to me again.""Beth's a fun person to be around," Lindsay said, "and even if she did fake cry, I'm sure she feels super bad about that.""You don't know this yet, but me and Beth made up with each other," Amy revealed. "I won't be giving her any stink eyes in the future, and Heather tricked you all along.""She said all that just to get me to hate you?" Lindsay gasped. "I so want to vote her butt off!"Amy chuckled at her anger. "So do I, but a deal's a deal. She can't be voted for tonight.""Right," Lindsay remembered. "Do you want us to be friends again? I will never let anything split us apart.""You were always my friend Lindsay. That didn’t change," Amy smiled at the blonde."I shouldn't have been so mean to you," Lindsay apologized."And I shouldn't have been a green-eyed monster," Amy also apologized."Your eyes are blue, not green," Lindsay pointed out."I'm saying that I shouldn't have been jealous," Amy said. "Green often symbolizes that.""Oh, yeah," Lindsay reminded herself. "So who are we gonna vote for?""We'll have to go for one of the guys," Amy said. "And I assure you, I'm never going to work with Heather in my life.""That's good to hear," Lindsay smiled.\[A grand theme played as the camera zoomed in on the amphitheatre. Several film strips of the host highlights from the previous season flew past the screen, then the camera panne dout from a solid gold screen to show a Gilded Chris.]\Chris walked up to the amphitheater podium as the camera zoomed in on the ceremony."And now, we vote," Chris said with a dark and giddy grin. The castmates were shown voting briefly, the trio of Noah, Courtney, and Shawn on the top row above Rodney and Heather, while Lindsay and Amy sat in front."And, the Gilded Chris goes to...," the host announced before Chef descended upside-down on a rope from the ceiling, handed him the results, and was pulled back up. "Heather... aaand Courtney.""Shawn!""Aaaand Noah!""And we're down to the final three," Chris announced. He paused as he held up the paper he'd been given, then said "Lindsay!""Oh, yeah!" Lindsay said in relief."And finally...," Amy and Rodney were shown giving nervous looks to the camera in a split-screen, "Rodney!" He sighed in relief as his half of the screen slid away, leaving only a very shocked Amy.Lindsay let out a huge gasp. "Amy?""You all voted for me?" Amy gaped."Our choices were limited," Shawn admitted. "You were the only girl to not have a protection shield.""And you kind of scare me sometimes," Rodney gulped."Sorry if I come off as intimidating," Amy pretended to be sad. "If I have to go, I want to tell you guys something.""What is it, Amy?" Courtney curiously asked."Heather's the one that sprained Noah's ankle," Amy confessed. "It wasn't accidental on his part."The contestants were surprised, but not more than Noah, who shot a furious glare at the queen bee."Of course it was you!" Noah spat."It's just strategy. Nothing more to it," Heather smirked."As much as I'm lovin' the drama," Chris said as he popped up in front of the camera, "it's time for Amy to take the Walk of Shame."\The spinning logo of Pythonicus transitioned the scene to the red carpet. Lindsay stood on the carpet to see Amy off.Lindsay hugged her friend and said, "I'm so sorry about this.""It wasn't your fault," Amy said. "I got voted out for being more threatening, and that's better than what happened to me in the first season.""I'm really gonna miss you," Lindsay told her friend. "I'll make sure to win for you and Beth.""I'll miss you too, Linds," Amy smiled. The two shared one last hug before Chef and Dander Boy arrived to escort her to the limousine of losers. Before she got in, she turned to Lindsay and told her, "I'll be cheering you on. Just make sure that Heather is out of the game sooner rather than later." She closed the door and the limo drove off, leaving a rather upset looking Lindsay.The shot cut over to the stage where Chris was leaning against his podium with a grin on his face. "Lindsay may not have seen that coming," he told the camera, "but you should see what's coming next time, on Total! Drama! Action!"(Roll the credits)\(Bonus Clip)Amy sighed deeply in the limo before speaking. "If it wasn't for her bargaining, Heather would 100% be inside this limo," Amy blew off some steam. "But I won't be ranting about her for the time being. I would've been a lot better talking to the boys about the vote instead of just playing it safe. It probably wouldn't have worked, but at least it's an effort. On a positive note, making the merge alongside my best friend was amazing, even if it was short lived."16th/15th: Harold16th/15th: Dawn14th: Lightning13th: Sky12th: Jo11th: Beth10th: Brick9th: Duncan8th: Mike7th: Amy

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