Monday, June 20, 2022

Shard of Darkness: Mr. Campeggio Goes to Washington part 5

full image - Repost: Shard of Darkness: Mr. Campeggio Goes to Washington part 5 (from, Shard of Darkness: Mr. Campeggio Goes to Washington part 5)
This story is a modern World of Darkness x Exalted creation of u/avrjoe with co-creation and editing credits by u/KashiofWavecrest and myself (mostly to allow OC tag). Other IPs in lesser use include Boston Legal and VtM: Bloodlines. This is a continuation of the Shard of Darkness Series.Chapters1 -***- 2 -***- 3 -***- 45 -***- 6 -***- 7 -***- 8PagesPrevious | Next---***---San Francisco, CaliforniaMission DistrictMarch 12th, 2012---***---Kai was not having a good day. He had spent over three hours tracking this small device. It first turned northward on highway ninety-nine but then wandered around a bit before it took a hard westward route in Modesto until it arrived in San Francisco. He now waited for Nicole Hart’s voice over his earpiece to guide his next steps. She had been instrumental in cracking government databases to expose the conditions that the Manifested were at first subjected to. Since their legal victory, however, she had been reluctant to so blatantly break with her ethics. Kai did not argue with her. As a practical matter, too frequently showing computer security to be worthless against the Manifested would only lead to people thinking up alternatives while providing fodder to their detractors to demonize them in the eyes of others.Nicole slipped from network to network, borrowing the eyes of security cameras and traffic monitoring systems, tracking the progress of the aggravating jewel. The going had been difficult in the early stages of the pursuit and Kai had to rely largely on his visuals. But now in a larger metro area with more infrastructure, the hunt had been easier for her while Kai lagged behind due to the increase of traffic and people. Trying to stay stealthy, the rogue spider-like jewel had leapt from vehicle to vehicle and skittered down alleyways staying fairly consistent in its direction before it hitched a ride in a woman's purse where it inexplicably seemed to be content to stay for the time being. Kai had reasoned it knew where it was going as the crow flies, but not as a GPS would direct. How this woman played into the thing’s plan he did not know.Nicole’s voice crackled in Kai’s earpiece. “There’s a building up ahead. I can’t see it very well. It’s positioned so it's out of line of sight to all the nearby cameras. I can't tell what it is and it's not networked to anything external. It has government shadow organization or criminal hideout written all over it,” she quipped dryly.“It is neither,” Kai assured herNicole’s voice came again. “Oh, then what is it?”“A discotheque,” Kai said with mild amusement.Nicole sounded incredulous. “A night club?”“Do not underestimate the desire of the wealthy and famous for anonymity when they go out to revel.”Kai walked to the door confident that it would open. Being a Manifested made him part of a very small and famous circle, but that was not the sort of exclusiveness which mattered to this sort of place by the look of it. His adventures with the Federal Government had lent him a bit of fame, or rather infamy. His appearance in the British tabloids when his relationship to Kailum Windham was revealed had only increased that fame. However, Kai knew what would seal the deal and allow him entry. It would be the damn television show, he thought sardonically.The first two seasons had been hellish. The producer wanted to capitalize on the media blitz surrounding Kai and Terra being on trial. However, Terra had insisted that the show feature other members of M.S.I. with Kai and Terra having a yearly decrease in both screen time and time spent promoting the show worked into their contract. The year of traveling in the company of stars so they could give the paparazzi photo ops and display how much the Hollywood ‘elite’ cared about Manifested rights and the latest cause du jour had been particularly torturous for Kai. Terra had dealt with the situation much better, but he knew the crunch it had put on her limited time bothered her significantly more.Despite how much he loathed the entire concept, he knew that was the sort of fame that would open this door. He approached with a confidence that proclaimed he had every right to be there. He knew the bouncers who guarded such a place would take any display of doubt that the door would open as a sure sign it should not.Kai stepped up to the door and the bouncer, who like most of the world was smaller than the Manifested giant, gave the larger man a friendly smile. He was caucasian, thickly muscled and shaven of head. He had a meticulously straight and short strip of hair from his bottom lip to the edge of his chin. He was clad in black jeans with a black leather belt and matching black boots with an expensive black t-shirt: a fairly standard uniform for tough and expensive muscle. The seemingly mandatory dark shades completed the look. Kai was sure the man was good at his job. He was also sure he could snap the man's back like a stick over his knee if need be.“Mr. Silbern. Welcome to the Other Side. Things are pretty slow right now, a private after party just ended,” the expensive muscle said.“The manager's office, please, I am here on business, the sort that needs to be kept discreet.”The man looked at Kai and seemed to weigh his odds at pressing for more information. Upon sizing Kai up, he thought better of it and waved him inside where he asked Kai to remain as headed off to inform superiors.Kai was glad. The guard had likely never killed a man or faced true combat, but he seemed well trained and in excellent shape. He would not be able to best him without doing him actual harm. That would end up drawing attention which was the last thing he needed right now.The bouncer returned in short order. He motioned for Kai to follow. They walked through the entry lounge and turned into an unobtrusive hall up a short flight of stairs. Within a room at the end was the manager; a smartly dressed man in a cut suit of the latest fashion. Kai thought him to be in his forties, but he was good at concealing his age from those who might be less observant. Kai suspected he did this in order to keep up with the youth driven cult of fame.“Thank you, Ted, you can go,” he said dismissing the bouncer.“I appreciate your taking the time to see me. I am tracking a thief, perhaps an unknowing one. An untested and unpatented piece of technology left our labs. The current holder might be unaware of their possession of the object. If so, they might be in trouble when those who arranged its theft return for it,” Kai said, turning his phone to display the young woman he was looking for.“For such an emergency I certainly can help. Normally, even the police would never be allowed access to our security system without a court order. However, for our exclusive members, people of discretion and refinement, I can make an exception,” the manager said, displaying a professional smile.Kai picked up his game at once. “I do seem to have lost my membership. Perhaps, while I am here, you could renew my status. I can sign fresh paperwork now, if you like.”“No need to rush. Come back when you and your lovely wife both have time to sign. I'm sure that all of our members will be excited to find our exclusive club was such a treat as to lure you both out of your ivory tower.”“Perhaps, when I find this woman, Terra will return with me to celebrate the recovery of our property,” Kai said in a strained voice.“Of course. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of both of you. No need to worry over your rather large tab, we'll simply charge your account for your balance due,” the manager said, rising.Kai bared his teeth and tried to pass it off as a smile. The bribe of money did not concern him. What did concern him was that he, and more specifically Terra, would have to spend precious time here. He wondered how many night’s penance he would have to spend on the couch for this.The manager led Kai to the security room: a simple desk with a computer linked to rows of video storage. Pulling up the club's entryway, he scanned back to find the woman in question. She came in, but never set the purse down. She moved through the club's rooms to the back where she left with two very peculiar men. One was tall, nearing six and a half feet in height with light blond hair. He was very muscular and well tanned. He was dressed much like the hired muscle at the door: eye obscuring glasses, dark jeans and matching shirt. Kai’s eyes narrowed. Unlike the bouncer outside, this one carried himself as someone who had killed before and was not just professional muscle. He didn't quite feel military, but could be a member of one of the more disciplined organized crime groups or a somewhat relaxed discipline mercenary force. The other was a stark contrast. He was, at best, 4’ 9.” He was slender with very pale skin. He had vibrant golden blonde hair and his eyes were an intense blue. There was a softness that seemed almost feminine about him. There was no audio, but something in the way he moved and his body language was oddly soothing and almost hypnotic. They only met with the woman for a minute or two. Afterwards, all three left together, and, more important to Kai, with the bag.“Who are those men?”“Why, Mr. Silbern, that’s Jay Odele,” the manager said, beaming.Kai stared at him blankly.“The pop star, Mr. Silbern! Surely you’ve heard of him. He’s the artist behind the album Spring Love, Roses Bloom! He's had chart toppers like ‘Hearts in Play, Lives in Motion’ and ‘I Hear the Music of Your Heart’,” the manager, explained shocked“I am over fourteen and not a woman, so I am not familiar with his music. I am more into Rammstein, Man O’ War, and of course Falkenbach,” Kai said, explaining.“Ahh, yes, well he was likely headed back to his home. I think he said he had a meeting,” the manager said.Kai nodded. “Thank you for your time. I will give this Mr. Odele a call. Do not trouble yourself, I know the way out.”Once out of ear shot, Kai had Nicole go to work finding this pop star.---***---The Law Offices of Campeggio, Schmidt & LewistonWashington D.C. OfficeMarch 12th, 2012---***---Edmond Campeggio saw his latest client out the door. He was cutting it close. He had less than fifteen minutes to prepare before his next meeting. He shouldn’t have tried to squeeze one last client in. There were some people who came to his office who waited briefly while the person ahead of them finished their business. A United States Senator was not a person you kept waiting without a very good reason.Senator Immanuel “Manny” Waters was a first term senator from Texas. He was appointed to replace the sitting Senator when she was elected Governor of Texas. He was up for reelection this year, but he had proven to be very popular with the people. His odds of reelection were considered very good.He had been a District Attorney in Texas, a Special Prosecutor, and a United States Attorney working for the Justice Department; all under different presidents. When the current sitting president had dismissed him from the Justice Department, he had been appointed to the Senate as an Independent to the surprise of both political parties in power. He had friends on both sides of the aisle. He was known to have sided with the Conservatives on fiscal issues and the Liberals on most social ones.He had arranged to come meet Campeggio in his office. What he wished to discuss, however, had remained vague. Campeggio hoped it was to give his support to the Manifested. He would be one hell of an ally. The man knew the law forwards and back. As an attorney, he had been known for his fact driven cases. He would call upon precedent for introducing evidence and testimony that was usually devastating to his opponent’s cases. If you had skeletons in your closet, Waters would find them and hang you with them. He had absorbed the rules of the Senate with ease. Tactics similar to his prosecutorial days had made him a sought after ally and a feared enemy. Most considered him somewhat of a Boy Scout, but also knew he had one hell of a fight in him.Edmond’s intercom chimed and his secretary’s voice came over the speaker. “Sir, Senator Waters is here...”While not outwardly visible, Campeggio had a momentary flash of dread. Of course the man showed up ten minutes early. He stepped to the door and opened it himself, however, beaming a high wattage smile at the Senator.Senator Waters was a tall, distinguished looking man with an average build. There was a youth and vigor in his bearing for a man who had just celebrated his seventy-first birthday this past November. He had salt and pepper hair that leaned toward the salt side of the equation. A heavy set of black eyebrows framed his sharp-featured face and brown eyes. His face was pale as one would expect of someone working indoors for long periods of time. It was also outwardly kind which hid a steely resolve of one who fought for his success. He wore an expensive suit typical of the Washington elite, complete with the ubiquitous American flag pin on his left lapel.“Edmond Campeggio, I hope my coming down here to see you hasn’t put a crimp in any of your plans,” Waters said with a return smile as he extended his hand.Campeggio extended his hand as well, shaking hands with the Senator. “Not at all, Senator. Meeting a man of your stature is an honor. Please, have a seat anywhere you wish,” he said with a wide wave that indicated not only his desk and the chairs in front of it, but the long conference table he had to one side for group meetings and the sitting area with comfortable chairs and a low table he had on the other side for when clients required a less formal environment.Waters moved to the stuffed chair closest to him near the low table. As he did, he maneuvered a briefcase, setting it atop the table facing himself. Campeggio sat on the other side of the table as Waters released the latches securing the briefcase and opened the lid. The lid kept Campeggio from seeing inside of it, but it was low enough that Waters’ face was unobscured.“There are quite a few people in prosecution who don’t like you. They think you bent the law too much, that you rode the Manifested like a racehorse to fame, and that you lied, cheated, and stole from the U.S. government. I am not one of them, however. The people who did those terrible things to the Manifested were scum who never should have been put in a position where they would represent our government on any level. They should never have been defended, and they should have been brought up on federal charges. While I do not entirely agree with your methods, I can see them being moderately justified, given the lengths your opponents went too,” Waters said as he looked at Campeggio from across the top of his briefcase.Campeggio looked genuinely interested in his choice of words. “Moderately justified?”Waters leaned back and steepled his hands. “When you have to wrestle a pig, you get mud on you. You are not, however, obliged to wallow in it. Trickery to expose their bad conduct was completely justified. Stealing state secrets and all but threatening to deny the Manifested’s curative abilities to anyone if you didn't get your way was less so. I suspect, however, it was done in the heat of the moment. Many decisions made in the trenches, so to speak, feel more well rationed when we’re full of fear and adrenaline. They have tried to kill you twice, these conspirators, haven’t they?”“So you believe there is a conspiracy to limit the freedoms of the Manifested,” Campeggio said, interested that someone outside of his clients believed him on that.“Given the smooth transition from powerful and heavy handed direct attacks to low key, underhanded work to erode the foundations the case was built on, yes. That shows not only intelligence and planning, but a group that is both powerful and pervasive. This group has kept up its activities regardless of which political party is in charge of policy. It has shown to hold power outside the United States by its international actions. It also has proven so powerful that it has only been stopped from obtaining its goals when the actions of the Manifested themselves and their remarkable talents have derailed their schemes. This provides a motive for their efforts, the why of the plotting against the Manifested: they fear what they cannot control. This means these conspirators are fundamentally incompatible with the ideals this nation was founded on. It would be intolerable to allow this to continue,” Waters said matter-of-factly.“Those are my thoughts as well. The Manifested, by virtue of being able to work around whatever methods they have of manipulating the world at large, have become something of a lighting rod. It is dangerous being their lawyer, but stopping the persecution of the Manifested is the right thing to do,” Campeggio said passionately.“I wouldn’t act that sanctimonious if I were you. It’s not very becoming. There is self interest at stake here.”“I was only ever after money because it was the highest punishment I could gain for the Manifested. My share gave me the freedom to task a major law firm with the challenge of maintaining those gains. On paper I might be a billionaire, but I live like a modest multi-millionaire,” Campeggio said with a smile.The humor was wasted on Waters. “I’m not talking about greed. The self interest I mean is more personal. The fact of the matter is that you, Edmond Campeggio, are one of the Manifested,” Waters said, a flicker of triumph flashing across his face.Campeggio looked shocked. “What?”“I notice you didn’t correct me when I said the only times their plots had been stopped, it had been by the Manifested. You stopped the attacker in this room, not Kai Silbern.” He then pulled a folder from his briefcase and stood up. “I have the case file and all its photographs. I notice you’ve replaced the furniture, carpet and repainted. The layout of the room, however, is the same.”“How did you get that?” Campeggio asked as Waters tossed the open folder on the table, revealing the crime scene photos of the attack on Campeggio from the previous month.“I have plenty of influence, particularly as it is related to an ongoing senatorial matter. You were not eating breakfast at this table. It’s too low. You were over there,” Waters said as he walked to the conference table. “The juice stains on the floor were here, meaning your attacker had to be standing there. The sideways splatter was from the pitcher moving with the left arm shielding the eyes like so.”Waters moved, pointing to the floor. “Juice trailed the attacker this way, dripping off the soaked arm. Why that way? He was following you. Why were you going that way, toward your desk where you had a weapon. The poison spill was here. Here there were blood droplets. That doesn’t seem to line up with events as stated in your testimony. Unless you were caught right here, turned this way, and then were injected right here in THIS spot. This spot where the blood was dribbled, then how did the poison end up so far away? The attacker was tossed violently to the side and you both wound up on the floor here where the poison was ejected.”The Senator pulled a pen out of his pocket. The reverse side was a laser pointer. He pointed it at the window “Why was the break in the window so high up? If someone wanted to jump out a window they would aim for making the break in the window closer to the base. Your testimony says the attacker shot out the window, despite not using such a firearm on yourself or Kai Silbern. The alignment of the hole only fits if you fired the bullet from right here that way toward your attacker, missing their head, the upward angle carried it on to strike the window far higher than anyone seeking to break it for an escape. You were attacked and you killed your attacker right here in this room.”“So I was lucky. I didn't want my enemies knowing how close they came and made up a false story to dissuade them from trying again. I don’t have to be Manifested for that. Besides, all Manifested have a distinctive set of looks related to the classical element with which they are connected. Not to mention they have an aura of power. The room would have suffered elemental damage if I had been in such a fight and used a great deal of power,” Campeggio countered.“All known Manifested have such a look. An undocumented new sort of Manifestation, however, perhaps not. There was damage to the room. As I stated previously you have all new furniture and new carpet, but not new law books or bookcases,” Waters said walking to one of the inset bookshelves lining the walls.Curious, Campeggio walked with him. He was quite shocked when Waters put his arm into a shelf and pulled the entire row of books into the floor.“What are you doing...” Campeggio started to ask but stopped upon seeing the faintly visible effect on the wood behind the books.“The bleaching effect is caused by the sun. It leaves the rest of the wood, which is in shadow, unaffected. This case is built into the wall, immovable, and the sun shines from that direction. This shadow effect would only occur if the light was coming from there. Right there where you were standing, Edmond, where you were manifesting an aura like the sun,” Waters said.“This is a house of cards you’ve built here. If it was true, however, what would you do next? Where would we go from here?”Waters smiled. “From here, I would ask what Caste you are and if you’d found any of your circle mates?”“How do you know those terms...” Campeggio started to ask, but stopped as the answer came to him.“Because I’m one of the Solar Exalted,” Waters said with a smile confirming Edmond’s suspicions as a caste mark forming upon his brow; a golden circle, solid on the top, but with only an empty ring as its bottom half.Campeggio blanched. “A Twilight!”“That was all worth it. The look on your face was priceless,” Waters said with a chuckle.Campeggio walked over to his desk with a smirk and pushed the button on his intercom. “Clear the rest of today's appointments and take messages on all my calls. I don’t want to be disturbed. The Senator and I have a lot of business to discuss.”Waters spoke again as Campeggio looked at him. “So have you? Found any of your circle mates, that is? I take it your memories included those terms?”“No, I haven’t,” Campeggio said as he moved around his desk to pour himself a glass of water at the conference table. “I do remember my circle was abnormally tight. We even had a name: the Celestial Dragons. We all had draconic imagery in our animas that remained in some form even when we reincarnated. We were known for working particularly closely with the Dragon-Blooded. As I recall, most circles wouldn’t be so close,” Edmond said as he took a seat.Waters nodded and joined him at the table. “Does the name Guardians of Creation ring any bells?”“Vaguely. Another close circle who worked on defending any gains the Chosen made, they worked closely with the Lunar exalted, closer than we usually did. Only our Dawn Caste was particularly close to a Lunar. They had an exceptionally strong bond if I recall,” Campeggio said as he struggled to dredge up the ancient memories inherent in his Exaltation.“You seem to remember a bit more than I do, but I have you beat in one area. I’ve already found a circle mate, my circle's Eclipse is Mary Blake,” Waters said with a smug grin.Campeggio looked confused. “Who?”“Mary Blake, the author. You know, the ‘J.K. Rowling’ of young adult Science Fiction,” Waters said.“Oh, yes. The Jessica North books. The ones about the astronaut exploring other worlds,” Campeggio nodded.“Right, well, we met at a charity fundraiser a few months ago. My daughter reads my granddaughter her books, so I asked Ms. Blake if she could get me anything to impress them. She had my private number and imagine my surprise when she called and wanted to meet me last week. It seems she exalted three days before stopping a group of kidnappers from taking her own daughter. She startled me almost as much as I did you by revealing what she was. I have to say it’s more fun when you’re on the other side of the table,” Waters said with a fresh grin.“Well, small world, I guess,” Campeggio said, taking a drink.“Doubtful. We are the Champions of the Gods, the Army of Creation, and Heaven controls the machinations of Fate. Do you think it’s chance that you, who are so perfectly placed to link up to the Dragon-Blooded, received an exaltation that not only was known in past lives to work with the Terrestrial Exalted but also possesses a significantly more complete memory of the past? There is a purpose and a plan at work. We had better figure out what we have to do,” Waters said, his smirk fading.“I recall we were beset by nearly unbeatable odds. The situation was desperate. There was a plan for defense to protect the world. We all worked on it but we knew it would cost us our lives. We were buying time for new defenses to be put in place. Creation could repair itself, heal the damage. I’m sorry I can’t recall details,” Edmund stated sadlyWaters moved and stared out the window, down at the busy traffic on the street. “I had a feeling we were supposed to be preparing for something. You don’t recall us defeating those enemies do you? It seems we were just driving them back and putting up a new line of defense, am I right?”Campeggio looked up with a sigh. “No. They’re coming back too. The entire world is in danger and we have to prepare it. Damned if I know how.”“Going to be a tough call, it seems we have home grown resistance to our goals already. We are going to have to put a stop to that fast or negotiate a truce with them,” Waters said.Campeggio gave a snort of disgust. “They’ve tried to kill me and enslave the Dragon-Blooded. I don’t think negotiation is going to be in their nature. We should continue building power in secret. If they’ll bargain we can bargain from a position of strength. If they won’t, we will have the power to deal with them.”“I’ve always preferred to cut a deal when I have a clear advantage. Most DAs do so,” Waters said, regaining his humor.“I’ve never been a prosecutor and you’ve never been a defense attorney, but we have this in common: the pursuit of truth. Neither of us are known for taking cases that we’d lose. We’ve both always gone in knowing we would win. We knew that our cases were worth doing what we had to do to win, even if that meant pulling a rabbit out of our hats,” Campeggio said.“You’ve been talking to Denny Crane. With that old scoundrel as a mentor, it’s no wonder you’ve done well. When I was younger I always wanted to go up against him.”Campeggio smiled. “Well, I’m fairly certain this battle isn’t going to play out in the courtroom. And from the way you threw around the word “we” it sounds like you are on board with moving forward.”“Well, it appears we have similar goals. That shouldn’t be surprising as we have similar career paths. I’ll not say I’m on board with every action you choose to take and I would assume there are things that I would do you wouldn’t care for as well.”“I can accept similar goals and working together toward those ends if you can, Senator. How about an agreement to keep communication open and to share information. That is something we both currently need and will probably be invaluable in the future.”I think I can agree to that. Let’s get down to business and put all our cards on the table. I want to see what we can hash out about the group or groups arrayed against us,” Waters said, pouring himself a glass of water as well.The two sat well into the night comparing notes and memories and together began to plan out how the Exalted, both Terrestrial and Celestial could thrive.---***---Vault Data Security Inc.Grand Junction ColoradoMarch 12th, 2012---***---Nicole Hart was deep at work in the center of Vault Data Security, the company she founded. While many of the Manifested represented in the unlawful imprisonment case had bought into creating M.S.I., she had decided to found her own company instead. She then sold her services to M.S.I. for stock.Nicole valued her privacy and independence. Everyone respected that, and it was something she respected in turn. Her business was data security and the data she stored for her clients had never been breached or betrayed. Her programs and guardian routines had never been compromised. However, this was one of the few times her more ‘clandestine’ computer skills were needed. This was an emergency.She had muted her system to the other Dragon-Blooded, annoyed at Kai's constant complaints while she looked over the plans for the house Jay Odele owned in San Francisco and pondered how best for Kai to gain entry. There were no cameras in his security, however, there was a high wall with motions sensors all over the top of the barrier. The property had very clear lines of sight due to the fact the house was completely made of glass. Odele had used this fact to get its air space restricted, citing paparazzi attempts to film his residence. While it had a phone and internet, neither was hooked to anything important.Her analysis was disrupted when one of her watchdog programs alerted her to an anomaly. Something was accessing several of the systems around M.S.I. headquarters at once. Checking, she saw a program accessing all of the camera and surveillance information on the north side of the compound, forming a rough globe that encompassed anything that picked up data on the road outside M.S.I. that morning during a particular time index.That’s in the time frame the bug thing escaped. Nicole thought to herself.To her frustration, she found she could not see where the data was going. She could only see where it fed back to proxies that defied her efforts to trace further. She was quite alarmed at that. Only powerful mages and had security that she had ever been unable to crack. These were commonly used proxy sites, but the trail ended dead. The county computer system that displayed Jay Odele’s property survey suddenly closed. An error message popped up that she had been disconnected.She attempted to get back in, only to find her every effort was blocked. System after system followed suit. Slightly panicked, she began to crash the proxy servers, hoping to at least buy time while her foe looked for others. As she did, her e-mail alert chimed. A message with the title “I See What You Did There” appeared in her inbox. Wary, she scanned the message for executables and other potential virus vectors. Finding only text she opened it.Hi. I’m not sure what you're looking for, but Jay Odele is protected by his contract with our security firm. If you want to know more I’m willing to chat or e-Mail. Contact I’m rather curious why the world’s greatest Manifested security expert is spying on a popstar.Nicole blinked. She decided to take the bait. Twenty minutes later she was trying to call Edmond, Kai, or Terra to share some amazing news, only to find none of the three were taking calls.

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