Monday, August 1, 2022

Your Monday news digest from Armenia. Aug/1/2022.

full image - Repost: Your Monday news digest from Armenia. Aug/1/2022. (from, Your Monday news digest from Armenia. Aug/1/2022.)
14 minutes. 3617 words.2020 war: authorities arrest the commander of a northern Defense District for partying too hard and preparing too little on the eve of the attackAuthorities: Colonel S. A. commanded one of the Defense Districts from Nov/2019 to Oct/4/2020.He organized a party to celebrate the anniversary of the formation of the District, on the eve of the war. Around 100 ranking officers were invited.During the celebrations, he was informed by subordinates that Azeris were moving a large number of resources and accumulating large reserves in their rear, and that the chances of combat operations were very high.The commander failed to immediately bring the entire Defense Region to full combat readiness. Moreover, at 6:10 am on September 27, he was informed about enemy tanks and armored vehicles approaching the border, but again failed to bring the troops to full combat readiness and inform his superiors about it.The opponent launched a large-scale attack at 7:10 am, and within the next few hours, was able to break through frontline positions and reach the defense army's rear. This didn't allow the Armenian soldiers to regroup and organize a proper defense.The opponent captured important heights and command posts. To prevent being surrounded, the Armenian troops had to retreat from Talish and Mataghis.Colonel S. A. has been arrested and charged with crimes. //read,deputy foreign minister of U.S. emphasized the need for the speedy release of Armenian POWsFM Mirzoyan spoke with Deputy FM Karen Donfried. They exchanged ideas about the security environment in the region, and the efforts to normalize relations between the neighbors. The parties emphasized the need for the speedy release of Armenian detainees and,Armenia's humanitarian mission to Aleppo transfers 3.5 tons of humanitarian aid to medical centersArmenia has doctors and sappers helping the local population. The doctors have transferred the latest 3.5-ton humanitarian assistance to their Syrian,Serbia-Kosovo crisis looms over license plates & documentsKosovo wants to force ethnic Serbs living in the north to obtain license plates issued by the Kosovar government, and for Serbian citizens visiting Kosovo to get an additional entry-exit document.The decision led to new tensions. "We have never been in a more difficult situation," said the Serbian president Vucic. Ethnic Serbs blockaded roads in the north as a sign of protest. Kosovo has agreed to delay the move by a month after being advised by the US.Armenian peacekeepers continue to carry out their duties, announced the, read, read, read,Azeri soldiers organized a provocation on the Artsakh-Azerbaijan borderArtsakh Army: Starting at 9:00 am, Azeri soldiers organized several provocations by attempting to cross the line of contact. They were stopped after a countermeasure taken by the Artsakh Defense Army. The situation remains tense. The peacekeepers have been informed.Artsakh army later: Fake news was circulated about an intense fight in several parts of the border. There is some tension but the peacekeepers are helping to de-escalate the situation. //The army reported that one soldier was wounded during the, read, read, read,Russian peacekeepers confirm last week's ceasefire violation by AzerbaijanLast week Azeri soldiers fired several shots in the direction of Karmir Shuka and Taghavard village, and Armenian soldiers' positions. A bullet went through a resident's kitchen window. The peacekeepers confirm the ceasefire violation by,boxing federation agents from several countries made an unsuccessful attempt to cancel the September IBA Congress in YerevanThey call themselves "Common Cause Alliance". They urged the IBA board to relocate the event from Yerevan, citing "Armenia's military alliance with Russia". The context is Russia's war in Ukraine.Among the 15 countries that made the request were boxing federation officials from the US, France, Canada, England, Australia, Ireland, and Switzerland.The IBA board denied their,COVID stats last week6.5k tested, 1.4k infected, 0.9k healed, 2,municipal elections will be held in 18 communities on September 25read,the 1Lurer public TV network loses the right to use public airways to broadcast the channel in Yerevan: "unprecedented"Last year the TV regular organized a competition to issue a broadcasting license in Yerevan. 1Lurer (H1) won the right after scoring the highest number of points.Kocharyan's H2 outlet argued that the regulator violated the rules. The court has sided with them. The TV regular will have to organize a new competition. In the meantime, 1Lurer will be available only over cable networks and the internet.TV regular: This is an unprecedented situation. For the first time in our history, the network that won the license is being forced to go offline. In any case, we must respect the court's decision. This is a result of flaws in the legal code.H2 had the weakest programming and the highest number of ethics violations. H2 has the highest share of movies not translated into the Armenian language. H2 was the only outlet that would shut down its programming for 6 hours every night, yet it is in the public's best interest to have access to a 24/7 news outlet. So we disagree with the court's ruling. We have already launched the process to organize a new competition, which will finish in 3 months.1Lurer's lawyer: We aren't actually sure that the court ruling forces 1Lurer to go offline. Just because the competition process was organized with violations, that doesn't mean H2 or other competitors scored higher points. 1Lurer should not be forced to go offline. //H2 is also trying to take down the rulings that granted a country-wide license to Shant, Armenia TV, Yerkir Media, Kentron, and, read, read,international FemInno women innovation conference was held in Armenia for the first timeIt's a competition by startups created by women.Vice Speaker of Parliament Arshakyan: The conference, organized by women, has invited female speakers who have already achieved heights to share their stories. We encourage Armenian women and girls to follow their examples and be confident in their strength. //Over a dozen startups organized a recruitment fair during the conference. The organizers kept the guests entertained with chess tournaments, yoga, soccer, and boxing.ZEVIT rep.: Equal rights for all is part of our company's ideology. Our founder Sona Mnatsakanyan [struck and killed by a police car earlier this year] never missed an opportunity to talk about men and women having equal rights.PMI research center: We have open positions. The preference will be given to female applicants to balance this field, which is heavily dominated by men. Discrimination in the labor market has been on the decline in recent years, but it's still significant.TEAM Telecom: We are a tech-oriented company with a 40% female workforce. Female applicants are applying actively. We recruit talent without discrimination. //10 women from Armenia and Artsakh won scholarships worth thousands of dollars. The organizers have also launched a fundraiser on reArmenia crowdfunding platform to give away additional scholarships.Two Armenian startups "Oqni" and "MiCoFe" won $5,000 each.MiCoFe turns leftover coffee into fertilizer: "Just grow some good microbes in what would otherwise be considered waste, and you’ve got yourself a complex bio-x that can be used to fertilize all kinds of vegetables." In February they managed to achieve seed germination and have noticed a positive effect on different sorts of cucumbers and tomatoes.Oqni and TUMO students have a joint project with international experts to create AI Bionic prosthetics with 3D tech.More: read, read, read, read, read, read, images,flashback 2014: STARMUS 2 science festivalThis is the second installment in the series that covers events from previous STARMUS science festivals. You'll find the first one here, and read more about the festival's origins here.STARMUS 2 was titled "BEGINNINGS: THE MAKING OF THE MODERN COSMOS". They invited astronomer Robert Wilson, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist who co-discovered the cosmic microwave background radiation; Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who became the first person to conduct a spacewalk; Richard Dawkins, to discuss what a potential alien life might look like; and over a thousand delegate members.Stephen Hawking was invited to lecture the kids on the origin of the universe. Nobel Prize-winning astrophysicist John Mather spoke about the potential breakthrough that will be made possible with the James Webb telescope (it will be successfully launched 8 years later).Charlie Duke, the youngest Apollo astronaut to land on the Moon, gave a lecture about his experiences on the Moon. Stephen Hawking missed the lecture, so festival organizer Garik Israelyan organized one more lecture by Duke just for a dozen people, including Hawking and Queen's guitarist Brian May.Duke is a devout Christian and spoke about his relationship with God after the Moon landing. Immediately after the lecture, Hawking went into a savage mode, activated his voice read-out, and typed "God must have a great sense of humor."Organizers allowed 5 guests to meet Hawking and ask him scientific questions.continue,Korean researcher sees big potential for developing Armenia-South Korea relationsJo Young-Kwan, Eximbank researcher: We are researching the economic ties between South Korea and CIS republics. Little work has been done to study Armenia. Most of the efforts are on Russia, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan.Our economic ties are not active. We know of 3 Korean companies operating in Armenia today, which have invested a total of $3m. For comparison, we have 420 companies in Uzbekistan.Our trade volume stood at $13m last year. That's very low compared to other CIS republics. As you know, we export automobiles, pharma, electronics, etc.Geography is partly to blame. It's also the lack of sizeable diasporas that serves as an obstacle. Our data shows that 370 Koreans live in Armenia today, while there is no Armenian community in Korea.... so how do you bolster economic ties?I can see that Armenia is displaying interest in the information and communication sector. Korea is a superpower in this area. Samsung and Dilijan International School have agreed to create an Innovation Campus, and students will have the chance to attend training courses here.Koreans have good impressions of Armenia. I've known Armenia for a very long time, but after 2016 many videos about your country were shown in Korea, so people want to visit and see the country. There is a tourism potential as well.Armenia recently adopted a law to require electronic payments for certain transactions. The Central Bank administration visited Korea to discuss the exchange of experience in this area. This issue is now being studied. Active ties have been established since 2019.If South Korea opens an embassy in Armenia, it would greatly contribute to the long-term development of our relations. //read,US-Armenian trade show will be organized this December in Glendale30 companies from Armenia, and 30 Armenian companies from the US will install pavilions to feature their goods and services this winter.International Business Relations Support Council: We organized one in Burbank back in May. It led to the signing of a dozen business contracts between local and Armenian companies that produce sweets, wine, and canned and dried fruits. The first batch of products will be shipped in September.This time the Armenian companies will feature more types of products during the December festival. There will be cultural events, followed by meetings with representatives of large chains.The participants must have at least 3 years of business experience in Armenia and the capacity to expand their production, so the new contracts won't cause delays. //read, read,17 opposition activists are charged with the June 3rd riot that sent dozens of police officers to a hospitalAuthorities: The "Resistance" movement [led by ARF MP Ishkhan Saghatelyan] organized a rally on June 3rd [near Pashonyan's residence]. The participants ignored the police instructions and attacked them with rocks, metal pipes, hammer, and bottles. Over 40 officers were injured while holding the line.17 participants have since been charged with rioting. Participant G. Sargsyan was identified as one of the instigators and perpetrators of the physical attacks. He was placed on the wanted list. He was found and apprehended on Friday. //read,two more administrators of ARF-run organizations were barred from entering ArmeniaRead July 22 news for context. France-based ARF official was not allowed to enter the country for allegedly co-organizing the June 2021 physical attack on Pashinyan's motorcade in France. The NSS said several other ARF activists were also on the ban list, but did not specify their names at the time.Today we learned that Dutch-based ARF organization heads Syune Abrahamyan and Masis Abrahamyan (father and daughter) were also barred from entering the country. No official response,the average monthly nominal salary has increased double-digits in January-JuneStats committee: For the January-June period, the salaries increased by 11.3%.Pubic sector: ֏175.9k (+4.5%)Private sector: ֏237.7k (+13.2%)In June vs June, the average monthly nominal salary increased by, read, read,the state has increased its share of subsidies in infrastructure projectsDeputy PM Matevosyan: Earlier this year we amended the subsidy rules to increase our share. From now on, the state will fund 70% of kindergarten construction costs (85% near borders). The rest comes from the municipality's budget. Our share of community road financing has also increased by 5%.2021: ֏48b projects submitted2022: ֏70b... any reforms in the infrastructure subsidy process?Communities are now required to submit their medium-term expenditure report so we can better coordinate with them. The Council and residents of the community will be informed about the projects planned for the next 3 years.This allows them to launch the budgeting work for a co-financed project a lot sooner, so they can keep up with the state's efforts.Starting this year, the infrastructure subsidy process will launch a year sooner to have enough time to finish the tender process and planning. In other words, we've been working on the 2023 projects since early 2022, so the construction եռուզեռ can begin in sprinգ 2023.... is this part of the efforts to renovate or build 300 schools and 500 kindergartens by 2026?Yes. But we decided to raise the bar by counting primarily the facilities that are being rebuilt or built from the ground up. They are necessary so that every community will have access to education facilities. We are working with international partners and private donors.As of today, every high school in Armenia has lab equipment. Almost every school in Tavush has them. Step-by-step. //read, read,hundreds of LED lights will be installed to light up two dozen streets in SevanThe ֏169m project is co-financed by the state and municipality. The newly lit 6.3km roads will benefit 6,000,woman yells at prosecutors and storms out of the courtroom in the middle of a trial after prosecutors drop the heavy charges against her alleged abuserHer former boyfriend was charged with multiple counts of domestic violence. Today the prosecutors asked the judge to issue a fine instead of imprisonment.The woman shouted "this is a circus" and stormed out of the room after receiving a warning from the judge. She said her mouth was covered with scotch tape during the abuse, and that he was getting away with a slap on his wrist.The heavy charges were reportedly dropped because of the statute of limitations. The woman believes prosecutors delayed the trial intentionally.Prosecutors said the suspect qualified for milder punishment because he confessed, didn't have a prior criminal record, and had two small,4-year degree from a pedagogical university will not be required to become a teacherTo address the teacher shortage across the country, especially in rural and border regions, the government will allow prospective teachers to prove their skills through a certification process, and if they earn 30 credits, they will qualify for the job as long as no suitable applicant with a 4-year degree is found.The Pedagogical University and Teach For Armenia foundation have been authorized to train future,at the right time, at the right placeToday is August 1. That means the drivers of gas-powered vehicles are required to pass a safety check to be able to fill the cylinder at a gas station. Although the requirement was announced last year, many drivers are yet to undergo the checks.Some gas stations are allowing their regular clients to "clip through", while others do not. Farmers shut down the Stepanavan-Vanadzor road with their trucks after gas stations refused to fill their cylinders. They complained about the inability to collect the wheat from the farms.It just so happens that Pashinyan was returning from vacation on that road and saw the protest. He asked the Infrastructure Ministry to examine the trucks and give them a permit if they pass.The Ministry has amended the rules for those who have already scheduled an appointment to certify their cars. They will be allowed to get gas before the appointment, read,Ride sharing? Pfff... more like headache sharing.Ruling MP Alkhas Manukyan: The number of regular taxi drivers has plummeted, while the internet taxi has lately turned into a headache for the residents and tourists.They can triple the price for no reason, under good weather conditions. This is harming our tourism industry. Being a monopoly is not illegal, but it is illegal to abuse that power.Needless to say, there are numerous instances when the passenger requests a vehicle with an air conditioner but they dispatch one without it.Online taxi is also refusing to take the residents to the outskirts of Yerevan. We need to investigate this. //read,Russian tourist apologizes after filming a sexual act with his wife at Erebuni archaeological siteA woman flashed her breasts and performed fellatio next to the historical site. The museum director wants the police to prosecute the couple.The man who filmed the video has issued an "apology to the Armenian public". He said he didn't realize Erebuni was a sacred place for Armenians. They deleted the video and promised not to film again.The couple is vacationing in Armenia. They reportedly left Yerevan for another city in Armenia. The woman in the video is allegedly Tatyana Smarzhevskaya, the creative producer of a Russian television network "YU", a female-oriented, read, read, 20220731/erebuni-tangarani-taratsqum-pvornvografik-hvolvovak-nkarahanats-zujgy-nervoghutjun-e-khndrel-46037519.htmlYerevan is actively cleaning up the Yerevanyan Lake ahead of the construction to turn the shores into a leisure areaContext about the planned construction in March 18 digest. There will be an area for residents and tourists to rest and exercise.The garbage trucks have so far made 650 trips to remove the trash from the shore. They installed a net on the Hrazdan River to catch the trash before it reaches the lake. More could be installed soon.... other projects in Yerevan▶︎ The Abovyan Garden will be modernized with a new lighting network, irrigation system, benches, trash cans, and vegetation. The work is underway.▶︎ The athletics sports center named after Albert Azartyan will have a new building. It will be built next to Hrazdan stadium in Yerevan, on land belonging to the city. They are designing the facility.▶︎ Veolia Water has cleaned dozens of drain pipes and manholes in Yerevan. The city has requested the full list of manholes to independently monitor their, read,Armenian freestyle wrestlers won 2 bronze medals during the U17 world championshipread,Armenia's Eurovision representative Rosa Linn is gaining popularity on TikTokThe song has a catchy tune. It has already been used in 360,000 videos on TikTok, some of which have over a million views.BBC: This year's Armenian Eurovision entry has charted in the UK at 26 - more than two months after the song contest. It's the second-highest charting song from this year's competition, behind the United Kingdom's Sam Ryder.Rosa Linn: Everything is going crazy and it's a dream come true. You never know what will go viral on TikTok.continue, read,... Rosa Linn signs with Columbia RecordsIt's the label behind acts like BTS, Harry Styles, Lil Nas X, and Adele.Rosa: Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be able to say this but I am officially a signed artist on Columbia Records. A label that is home to so many of my idols. My life has changed quicker than I could have ever imagined.Thank you to all of you who have supported a girl from a small town in the heart of Armenia, and thank you for loving and listening to Snap. I’m so happy this song has connected us all and now I am ready for the next chapter of our journey. //read,Forbes includes Armenia's Khosrov Forest and Dilijan National Park in top-5 captivating natural wonders to visit in the CaucasusWhile the first national park is widely agreed to have been established in 1872, Armenia’s Khosrov Forest State Reserve has Yellowstone beat by roughly 1,500 years, first established in the 300s by King Khosrov III the Small to serve as a royal hunting ground and haven for native species.In the modern era, this expanse of juniper and oak forest is renowned for its high diversity of flora and fauna, with a particularly interesting array of iconic predators.continueCyprus Airways will conduct regular Yerevan-Larnaca flightsIt's the 3rd largest city in Cyprus. Additionally, Greek "Aegean Airlines" will offer Larnaka-Greece-Yerevan,in case you missedYesterday's news in English, русский (by Impossible-Ad-). Archive by Armeniapedia. Donate to Armenia & Artsakh hereThe accused are innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law, even if they "appear" guilty.

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