full image - Repost: Considering Joining Air Force (from Reddit.com, Considering Joining Air Force)
Graduated HS a few years ago.Did school for a few years and my studying focusing is bad so I dropped out eventually after transferring creditsMoved out of state to try to find myselfFeel lost and want to pursue CyberSec/Networking DegreeWant to join the Air Force because they have some tech opportunities where I could get some experience in and possibly come out with a job and if I decide to go back to school at some point I could have the opportunity to go back and study againI feel lost and I hate my job because it's nothing to do with what I truly want to pursue in life.Would you guys consider this a point where joining the military might be a good move?Some other things that are extras;I'd like to travel alot. I have no kids or priorities in my life other than keeping a roof over my head. I also have some college credits from like a year or so ago.
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