Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Shadowland style post - to drop on my team as they get ready for an assault - C&C / feedback welcome!

full image - Repost: Shadowland style post - to drop on my team as they get ready for an assault - C&C / feedback welcome! (from Reddit.com, Shadowland style post - to drop on my team as they get ready for an assault - C&C / feedback welcome!)
Hi Chummers!My team are just planning an assault on a ruined hospital in Tehran, to try and take down a team they've been pursuing for about 2000km or so, following a trail of bodies and mutilated civilians. They were hired to find the team and "make an example of them" after they betrayed their mutual fixer contact.The enemy team took a job to steal a painting from a museum, but then dropped off grid, nuked their contacts / comms and have gone dark, and are shifting the goods to another buyer. The fixer is pissed, and has sent the player team after them - she's not really fussed about the painting so much (though getting it would be a bonus) - but she wants word on the street that crossing her is bad for business and life expectancy. After following the double-crossing team who have been murdering all kinds of people along the way (they are pretty psychotic), they've tracked them to Tehran, and have info from a contact there that a big-shot German art dealer is in town to do a deal.And the team decided to do a frontal assault on *both* teams, during the sale. They're just getting geared up now, and are about to go - but the team decker started to do some research on the art dealer a while back, so I'm thinking of dropping the following text on him just in time for them to come up with another plan - if they so wish.I've spent a bit of time going through Shadows of Europe today, and looking at the Germany section, along with gathering some of the Shadow-lurkers names and the kind of things they comment on to make up a "Shadowland style" article (hopefully) - and give them some more information, to see if they change their minds, or rethink their plan.What do you folks think of this - is the style/tone right, and do you think it gives enough information to cause concern without being too blatant?*************************************************Guttentag! Just heard the news that a rare piece is up for sale in Berlin at the moment - being sold by everyone's favourite art smuggler Herr Gustav Liebhermoster. Anyone have the skinny on this?EdelweissInvites went out a few days ago to an "exclusive event" hosted in the old Berlin University art campus, with a gallery of 12 unique pieces being offered. So far I've heard of 3 distinct pieces - Gorlagg's "The King of the Trolls", a life size oil painting of King Berthold on his throne, the day of his inauguration, Schmitt's "Cruelty", a sculpture depicting a mother and child killed by gas during the Eurowars, and Laurianellis' "Cleansing", an abstract art piece. Of those three the first is supposedly slightly magically active, thanks to the subject - as long as you subscribe to the conspiracy that King Berthold is actually Kaltenstein. Make of that what you will. "Cruelty" is a superb sculpt, showing the ravages of war. It's as mundane as they come, but a very powerful piece, and widely regarded as the sculptors best work to date. And "Cleansing" is according to a friend of mine, actually a powerful shamanic formula for a cleansing ritual, used by some mages to push back the Black Tide.SepherimI can confirm the rumours about the formula - it is a powerful spell that was responsible for much of the cleanup along the Pomeranian coastline and the reforestation inland from there. It's highly likely that the owner and author of this piece is trying to track it down and recover it.Deep GreenThey would be if they were still alive. Word is that they managed to track it down to a tender that services several of the arco-blocks, hinting at Proteus involvement. However there was a vicious fire-fight and a number of corporate security teams hunted down and sunk a fast civilian vessel in the area, which was lost with all hands.EcotapeThat 'civilian' vessel was run by the Dortmunche brothers, and was a well equipped and tough cookie. If Proteus took it down, you can bet they lost some assets during the fight. The brothers never scrimped on their hardware and equipment! My guess is that the ritualist hired them for the infiltration, but the extraction was botched and noisy, and once the ant-hill was kicked, Proteus pulled out all the stops to hammer them flat.KrabbeAll of these pieces discussed so far are valued mostly for their unique forms or subjects - while not exactly the standard fare for a corporate lobby or executive dining room, they represent a powerful draw for the private art collectors looking for something special.CorpsharkLiebermoster is a powerful figure in Pomerania - very well connected with all three of the ruling noble houses of Reanka, Sarentin and Telearn. Though he'll never be admitted to the nobility himself, they all value his ability to obtain things for them, providing not just artwork but also items like rare coins, historical artefacts, banners and heraldry. Many of their "trappings of nobility" have been provided after some museum or art display was raided and ravaged.SocialliteI heard he's a dragon in disguise himself, and that he uses his powers to help him steal the art work.LaptMaybe you should go discuss that with Dragonslayer Lapt? Seems like the right kind of crazy to work with...Conspir-I-seeHe's no dragon, but his bodyguards are not to be trifled with. Someone very nearly assassinated him at a meet a few years ago, and that lesson sunk in good and fast. He's been seen at a number of black clinics with his "staff" getting some fairly extensive body-mods installed in them, making sure they're up to the task of keeping him safe when he's dealing with both buyers and sellers.Tin ManThose guys freak me out! I ran into them at an art expo last month, and they gave me the willies. They all look so similar, and they just have such a cold, detatched aura to them. Like they're barely human. And they have such a cliched look - black suits and shades with white shirts. So last century.Jelly DonutThat's because they're close to being zombies. He stuffs em full of cyberware to keep them performing well, and to keep tabs on 'em. Ran into them when we were handing over some artefacts a little while back. Pretty standard smooth glide of well tuned wires, and their skin has that plasticky look - good quality dermal overlay. But there's a bunch of other stuff in them as well. My EW operator said there was a mesh encrypted network set up between em, locked down tight. Still, we were selling, he was buying, and he paid for his stuff, so what do I care?Big Bad Beeste

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