Tuesday, November 1, 2022

I've resigned myself to the fact that things more than likely won't get better.

full image - Repost: I've resigned myself to the fact that things more than likely won't get better. (from Reddit.com, I've resigned myself to the fact that things more than likely won't get better.)
Throwaway. I'll try to do this in such a way that doesn't give me away to those that I know, but that may be an exercise in futility. At this point, I don't think I care anymore.I'm in my late 20s and currently more fortunate than I've ever been I'd say. I have a spouse, a home, several friends, a few pets. I don't take them for granted and care for them very very much. The problem lies with me. I think I've finally given up.I had what some would describe as a traumatic upbringing. My parents separated when I was around five and moved far enough away from each other that I would only see my father once a year, maybe twice if I were lucky. I suffered severely from fear of abandonment issues so much so that my mother would often have to leave work to come take me home as I was so inconsolable at school that it was a disruption to the other students. Academically I did well to the point where my first grade teacher wanted to skip me ahead to the second or third grade. Emotionally, however, I was a wreck, and my mother made the (probably correct) decision to keep me where I was.I think I was somewhere in the 7-9 age range when I started to pick up on my mother's alcoholism. She would come home from work and immediately start drinking until she passed out on the couch. I'm not bashing my mother; I think all things considered she raised me to the absolute best of her ability. She fed me and kept a roof over my head. I had all the video games and consoles I wanted. I was just... alone. Almost always. I guess when you're a child it's nice to be left to your own devices, but I'd wager it's not healthy for development. Things started to get worse when she started dating him.From the start, I don't think I liked my mother's boyfriend. He had an outward, jovial personality toward me that didn't do much to mask the air of malice about him. I made her aware that I didn't like him, but she was tired and lonely. I think he viewed me as competition for her already limited attention. While I can only think of a couple of occasions where he was physical with me, it was mostly just a staggering amount of emotional abuse and neglect. There were a lot of emotional tear downs. I was constantly told that I spoke poorly and that I wasn't as smart as I thought I was. I can think of several times where I was locked out of my own home for hours at a time and not allowed back in for any reason, even to use the bathroom. For the sake of brevity, I'll leave it at that. After a couple of years of his abuse toward both my mother and I, she finally left him. Things didn't get better.When I was in middle school, I started to skip class regularly. Not out of a hatred for school or my mother, but just because I lost the ability to function. I regressed. I would wait for my mom to leave for work in the mornings, and then I would just lay on the couch and stare at the wall until she came back. There was even a time that she drove me to school and dropped me off, and after I was sure she had left, I started walking and wandered the town for hours. I started to lose time and forget what had happened. My brain just shut down. One day, she finally caught me. But by that point, I had already missed 100+ days of school. What followed was a blur. A lot of doctor's visits and psych appointments. This was all capped off with me being involuntarily held in a psych ward for several days. Twice. And all before the age of 13.I was moved to a new k-12 private school that was much smaller than public school. Things improved a little. I was still struggling with depression but built a support network in the faculty, new friends I was making, and meeting the person who would later become my spouse. I discovered a talent for theater and music and found a much needed reprieve from what I had lived through so far.I suppose I've said all this to demonstrate that I've been dealing with things like this for as long as I can remember. The only problem now is that I'm an adult. Fixing the problems that I have is now my responsibility, and the problems just won't stop. Anxiety, depression, my past, alcohol abuse, a bipolar II diagnosis in my early 20s -- it just won't go away. I'm so tired. I've fought so hard to fix them, or at the very least manage them. Several medications, a psychiatrist, a few therapists, meditation, long walks, deep breathing, good sleep, clean eating: it all seems futile.I've been so fortunate to have a significant other who supports me. That's a luxury that few people have. And while I don't like to say this, were it not for them, I would've committed suicide years ago. I don't know why they're still with me. I live in their house, they provide for me financially. I've been through several jobs and long periods of unemployment. I've tried to go back to school twice; I'm just barely squeaking by this semester. I'm no longer passionate about anything. I feel so much hurt and guilt for being a drain on my spouse and others. They tell me it's ok and that they love and support me, but my brain won't let me believe them. Every new attempt I make at fitting in or functioning in society as a normal human being is like sprinting full speed into a brick wall. It's getting harder and harder to get back up and keep pushing forward. I do so for them, but I feel as though it's only a matter of time before the scales tip and the pain of living finally outweighs my feelings for the people I love.

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