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Messages and Location Data Jan 2 - Jan 3, 2018

full image - Repost: Messages and Location Data Jan 2 - Jan 3, 2018 (from, Messages and Location Data Jan 2 - Jan 3, 2018)
11 months after Jessica Lee Ann Hamby vanished, ABC 33 40 reported on December 17, 2018 that "Ten search warrants went out last week from the Alabama Bureau of Investigation." and that the data being subpoenaed "may hold more clues including locations from running apps, WIFI pings and use of data service."Jessica's phone was never recovered, but with this data investigators were able to obtain Jessica's messages from Facebook Messenger and her network event location system (NELOS) information from her mobile carrier. Although NELOS data can not be used to directly pinpoint a person's (or device's) exact location, it can be used to determine the general location of a device at the time of a network event such as a message or a phone call. Each NELOS point includes a location and an accuracy range, which can be used to determine an approximate location.Private investigator Michael Fleming has worked closely with law enforcement on Jessica Hamby's disappearance from very early on. In the Secrets True Crime Podcast, Michael and podcast host, Amber Sitton, detail the messages and location data retrieved from Jessica's device and the devices of some of the witnesses in Season 3 of the Secrets True Crime Podcast.On the night of her disappearance, Jessica sent 234 messages to 22 people over Facebook Messenger, and was actively conversing for almost the entire night with the exception of a couple of breaks, which are noted as well. It would also appear that, despite witness accounts to law enforcement, Jessica (or Jessica's device) did leave the area of Elgin Cochran Road where she was dropped off on January 2nd more than once.Disclaimer: There are a LOT of people mentioned in Jessica's message history from that night. Each person in these messages and the messages themselves are detailed in Season 3 Episode 2: PM's and Plugs. The location data for Jessica and others present is detailed in Season 3 Episode: 3 NELOS, in which Michael Fleming gives a much more nuanced idea of the limitations and uses of NELOS data overall. The "anomaly" mentioned in Eric Edwards' NELOS data is also discussed in this episode, but ultimately remains a mystery. Multiple times throughout the night and early morning of Jan 2 - Jan 3, 2018, Eric Edwards' network event location system reports two separate locations within seconds of each other, with the two locations being impossibly far apart for him to have travelled between them in any way.It is definitely recommend that interested parties listen to the episodes to help you follow along with these people and times. This timeline is just to help visualize the information put forward in the episodes, which Amber and Michael have done a very impressive job with.(Messages Episode - Episode -​​​Here is a timeline of Jessica Hamby's Facebook Messenger and NELOS report data, as told by private investigator Michael Fleming and Amber Sitton in the above linked episodes:-January 2, 2018:An altercation happens at Journey detox program and Jessica leaves.8:53 PM Travis Jackson (who went by the screen name John Deer) messages Jessica on Facebook Messenger9 PM Jessica’s phone activates (prepaid minutes are added). She responds to Travis.9 PM Jessica’s first NELOS point in Haleyville9:00:50 PM Jessica tries to call Travis on Facebook Messenger, unanswered.9:01 PM Jessica messages Alicia Motes9:02 PM Alicia accepts Jessica’s Facebook Messenger message request9:07 PM Jessica calls Alicia for 73 seconds on Facebook Messenger9:08 PM Jessica tries to call Alicia again, unanswered9:09 PM Jessica sends Alicia “I tried. It’s a weird number. Its my girl’s number”9:33 PM Alicia messages Jessica on Eric Edwards’ Facebook account. It was said that’s because her (Alicia’s) phone was dead. Apparently, she and her brother were staying with Eric. Location data shows that Brook and Jessica had just been picked up from the detox facility.9:35 PM Alicia sends her location to Jessica on Eric’s account.- Within 2 minutes, Jessica says to Alicia “look these people fighting bad that’s driving me. I have nowhere to go. It’s cold”Alicia asked “who you with” and Jessica said ‘a girl from detox that’s giving me a ride’ and added that Brook’s boyfriend, Jonathan, was threatening Brook and swerving. According to Jessica's messages, he threatened to put Brook in the trunk. Jessica mentioned needing a place to go again and Alicia said “yeah come on”10:05 PM Jessica, Brook, and Jonathan arrived at the campers on Elgin Cochran Road in the area north of Hamilton, Marion County. Then, Jessica lets Alicia know that she has arrived. Alicia calls Jessica for 34 seconds on Eric’s account.This is the point where the stories stop lining up.​10:07 PM Jessica NELOS point in range of Gilbert’s camper.10:11 PM Jessica NELOS point in range of Gilbert’s camper.10:13 PM Jessica NELOS point in range of Gilbert’s camper.10:22 PM Jessica NELOS point in range of Gilbert’s camper. Exact same location as at 10:13.10:27 PM Jessica’s signal drops, and the accuracy range of her NELOS location goes from 5000 meters to 25000 meters. This is an increase in range from 3.1 miles to 15.5 miles.10:29 PM Jessica’s signal gets stronger and accuracy goes back to 5000 meters (3.1 mile accuracy range). At this time, she was likely not at Gilbert’s or on Elgin-Cochran Rd. She had traveled 4 miles in 7 minutes, heading southwest. Possibly Harper’s Junction where there was a Citco gas station that would have been open, and also reportedly near the home of a friend of Shane’s. The group visited this person multiple times after Jessica’s disappearance. This person is so far unnamed in the podcast.Jessica’s signal drops10:33 PM Jessica NELOS position back in range of Gilbert’s camperJessica’s signal and position bounce around a bit, but Gilbert’s camper remains in range.10:40 PM Jessica’s NELOS data places her in the exact same location and range as at 10:13 and 10:22. The area of Gilbert’s camper.10:44 PM same NELOS position.10:47 PM same NELOS position10:50 PM Jessica’s signal strength drops.10:54 PM Jessica’s signal increased. NELOS position moved approximately 5 miles west of Gilbert’s. 2 miles away from Gilbert’s camper and 3 miles away from Eric’s house.Just before 11 PM, Jessica, based on NELOS data, appears to have left Gilbert’s for the 2nd time in the opposite direction from Eric’s, likely in a vehicle going west on CR 31. This is assumed based on the speed and direction of travel. From there, it is believed that she traveled on CR 29 by way of either CR 330 or CR 180. Her device remained in the area off of CR 29 for a short time.10:57 PM Derek Motes sends Eric Edwards a message saying “lets go to your house bro”10:59 PM Derek messages Eric again “let’s go bro”. Jessica’s device could not have been on Elgin-Cochran Road at this time.11:03 PM Brook and Jessica begin texting until 6 am. 178 messages total.11:09 PM Jessica NELOS point puts her moving east back toward Elgin Cochran Rd. She stopped for about 5 minutes in an area off of State Route 187, possibly on a dirt road in the area.11:26 PM Jessica’s NELOS point likely on Elgin Cochran Road at Eric’s house. Gilbert’s camper was in range, but the center point was further east and south, near the Edwards residence.11:38 PM Jessica’s NELOS data puts her generally out of range of Elgin-Cochran Rd, likely traveling CR 29, which runs north-south between Hackleburg and Hamilton. There are many unpaved roads where there are privately owned timber plots. Rideout Falls is located here. Reportedly, many addicts in the community hang out, use, and manufacture drugs here. Please note that the illegal drug activity that goes on in this area is not believed to be associated in any way with the hunting club itself, the club is simply the closest reference point to this rural spot.11:34 PM- 12:01 AM - Jessica is silent. According to Gilbert's story to investigator Michael Fleming, she was at his camper during this time.11:42 PM Jessica’s NELOS position has a 1000 meter accuracy range(just over 0.5 miles), and places her where CR 29 and CR 75 merge to become Military Trail, just north of Hamilton. There were reportedly only 5 roads and “a handful of residences” within range of this location. This position was within range of her locations at 11:38 and 11:44.11:52 PM Jessica's NELOS position still in the area of CR 29, close to the hunting club area, centered close to a church on one of the unpaved roads between CR 29 and State Route 187 ends. 5 reports here.January 3rd, 201812:25 AM still reporting previous location12:50 AM Jessica NELOS position is closer to, but still out of range of Elgin Cochran Rd, and remains at that position until about 1:10.12:50 AM Travis replies asking where Jessica was. She was active and texting Brook via sms, but did not respond immediately to Travis.Texting almost once a minute to Brook, and messaging others on messenger.1:12 - 1:20 AM Jessica's NELOS can not determine accuracy, but provides a location.1:12 AM Jessica NELOS position appears practically on top of Shane’s residence1:14 AM Eric Edwards’ NELOS position at his house1:20 AM Jessica’s NELOS position again appears practically on top of Shane’s residence1:21 AM Jessica’s NELOS accuracy goes back up, and places her west of US-43 and Elgin-Cochran Rd., where she remained for about 8 minutes.1:31 AM AM Jessica responds to Travis and begins texting Brook again. She tells Travis that she was in Hackleburg and asks him where he was.1:32 AM Jessica begins a conversation with Nate Dunston. 28 messages. He asked what she was up to and she said “shit sober life”1:32 AM Jessica’s signal strength increases. Her NELOS position is CR 29 with a 1000 meter accuracy (just over 0.5 miles). It’s reportedly mostly timber forest and agricultural land. “Vehicle-traversable” trails through the timber can be accessed on CR 180 cut-over. Jessica may have been on one of them.1:33 AM Jessica messages a man named Jamie to ask him if he was with Mary (Mary has provided several interviews to Secrets about Jessica's activities before going to detox on Dec 28 and calls herself Jessica's friend)1:34 - 2:49 AM Jessica is silent on sms and Facebook Messenger. She received 27 sms messages from Brook, and other messages, but did not respond during this time.1:39 AM Jessica’s NELOS position is likely on Elgin-Cochran road. Eric’s home is in range, but her position is centered further south. However, it is believed that the earlier positions for Eric’s could be his camper on his parent’s property, and this position was likely the house where his parents lived. There is another house further south on Elgin-Cochran road. Ultimately, NELOS is not accurate enough to know which location he was actually at.2:04 AM Eric’s NELOS position places him likely not at home or on Elgin-Cochran Rd. His center point was over 5 miles west in the hunting club area.2:42 AM Jessica’s NELOS location is within 1500 feet of her previous location from 1:21 - 1:29 AM in an area west of US-43 and Elgin-Cochran Rd. This area includes part of CR 41, Hwy 187, and a short cut-over between the two CR 473. Her center point is very close to a small building and basketball court owned by nearby Shiloh Baptist Church.2:49 AM same NELOS position.2:49 AM Jessica adds “a local guy” on Facebook Messenger2:51 AM Jessica messages “local guy” about a tattoo saying “Eric said to message you. He says you do damn good work. He said call him” and she provided Eric’s phone number.2:49 AM - 6:15 AM Jessica has a steady stream of conversations3:11 AM Travis Jackson replies to her earlier question. He said that he was in Red Bay, put on the couch by his girlfriend. He needed a ride out of there, he said. “In Bay. Man I got put on the couch tonight. I need a ride outs here for real”. Jessica replied “let me make some calls” and asked “Can you get any boy” ("boy" meaning heroin, which was not Jessica's drug of choice). She sent another message saying that if he could get the heroin, then she could borrow a car. Mary insists that Jessica was not a regular heroin user, and that heroin was not very available in the area at the time, which she knows because she (Mary) was a heroin user. Jessica’s mother also says that Jessica’s drug of choice was methamphetamine, not heroin.3:17 AM Jessica’s NELOS position 1000 meter accuracy, centered in Hamilton near the intersection of Autumn St. and 2nd St NW. She was in northwest Hamilton, and couldn’t have been further south than the courthouse or police station.3:22 AM Jessica’s NELOS position heading north3:23 AM Travis tells Jessica that he could get the heroin and knew where 'some morphine tabs were waiting'3:27 AM Jessica NELOS briefly back in the area of Elgin-Cochran Rd3:30:27 AM First Eric NELOS anomaly occurs. His NELOS location is the same position as earlier at 2:04 AM. The hunting club area off County Road 29 & County Road 79.3:30:57 AM Eric’s NELOS position places him at home on Elgin-Cochran road with a 50 meter accuracy range.3:31:02 AM Second Eric NELOS anomaly. Eric’s NELOS position is near the intersection of County Roads 29 and 75. The range of this position overlaps with Jessica’s NELOS position at 11:42 PM.3:31:11 AM Eric has 2 NELOS positions at home on Elgin Cochran Road3:39 AM Jessica NELOS in Northwest area Hamilton. (away from elgin-cochran rd)3:41 AM Jessica appears to start messaging people looking for a ride to go get Travis.3:42 AM Eric’s NELOS position is in the same northwest area of Hamilton as Jessica’s, likely at the end of 2nd Street NW. Definitely in the area between Military Trail and Bexar Ave. The centerpoint for his location here is only 1600 ft from the centerpoint of Jessica’s approximate location. They appear to have arrived in this area separately and by different routes.3:42 AM Jessica’s phone had moved north on County Road 29 and stopped for about 8 minutes.Jessica tells Travis “I got you boo”3:47 AM Jessica asks Travis if he can help with gas on the way back and “maybe throw a girl some boy” (this is believed to indicate that she wanted to bring Travis back to the area north of Hamilton with her. Again, "boy" being a slang term for heroin)3:52 AM Third Eric NELOS anomaly. Eric’s NELOS position at 3:52 is back at his house on Elgin-Cochran Road.3:53 AM Eric’s NELOS position is in northwest Hamilton“Rosy” Robert Lance Roselle from Vinna and Jessica begin a conversation. 29 messages between 3:41 and 5:18. He messaged “hey there” and she asked if he had a car. She asked if he would take her to pick up someone at daybreak. She eventually asks if he will bring Travis to her so she can “get what she needs” saying “please, I’m so sick” and ultimately, he becomes annoyed and refuses. The messages are discussed in Episode 2 of Secrets. This is just the gist of the conversation.4:02 AM Jessica calls Travis for 37 seconds. Jessica’s NELOS position is back in the area off of 2nd St. NW near Academy Drive.4:03 AM Eric’s NELOS position is at his home on Elgin-Cochran Rd.4:05 AM Jessica calls Travis again for 43 seconds4:07 AM Jessica’s last outgoing sms message to Brook. Jessica’s device was again moving north on County Road 29.4:09 AM Brook sends 4 messages, but Jessica does not reply. 6:03 AM Brook messages again, no response.4:11 AM Travis replies to Jessica’s earlier question about gas and drugs for whoever picked him up and says yes he can help with gas or give heroin, suboxone, or cash.4:13 AM Travis says to Jessica “going on a big run. Half p but don’t tell no one” and she replies “ i got you”4:15 AM Travis tells Jessica that she is about to “win a spot on the starting team”4:19 AM Travis tells Jessica “pull this off and watch if you get a promotion” and Jessica immediately asks if he ‘still has that house in Florence’ (No records indicating that Travis owns property in Florence have been found to date)4:20 AM Jessica tells Nate that she needs a ride or a car4:23 AM Travis says “yeah, if you do this I’ll duck you off with me til you get on your feet. Me and ol’ girl probably not gonna make it”Jessica tells Travis she needs “clean point” meaning a clean needle.5:04 AM Jessica NELOS position back in the area of State Route 187 and County Road 41.5:26 AM Nate responds that he has a car for sale. “How much” and explains she needs one to get her kids back. “$2000”5:35 AM Eric’s NELOS position is now also in the general area of State Route 187 and County Road 41.5:45 AM Nate says “yeah I’m with my buddy and we’ll do it” and asks where she was.5:48 AM Jessica’s NELOS position moves further west back to the area between State Route 187 and County Road 29. The center point of this location was along the County Road 180 cutover.5:50 AM Jessica responds to Nate with the location of the Edwards home and says for him to come in 45 min-1 hour to give her time to shower and “let it get daylight”. It's noted multiple times that Jessica was adamant that she not leave until daylight.5:54 AM Another (unnamed) person agrees to give Jessica a ride and asks where to go. Jessica does not respond.5:56 AM Jessica tells Travis that she is “excited to see your face” and “Be there soon, boo. Don’t let her talk you into staying after I done worked my magic”5:57 AM Travis says ok5:59 AM Travis asks “you in Benz” (referring to a Mercedes Jessica had borrowed before Christmas).5:59 Nautical twilight (first light) begins.At approximately 6 AM, Rodney’s device appears in the geofence at Gilbert’s camper on Elgin Cochran Road. It disappears completely not long after before reappearing at Gilbert’s camper later on around 8 AM.6:03 AM Brook messages Jessica again, but Jessica does not respond. Brook never messages Jessica again. Jessica’s NELOS position is closer to County Road 129. Near the hunting club area and New Hope Baptist Church.6:03 AM - 6:15 AM Jessica exclusively talked to Nate, telling him that she would be ready, that they would get tattoos after picking Travis up, and that they would have morphine to sell also. She starts asking where he is around this time.Some time between 6:03 AM and 6:58 AM Jessica’s device returned to Elgin Cochran Road, most likely to the Edwards residence.6:10 Eric’s device is in the area of the intersection of County Road 20 and County Road 29.6:20:08 AM Fourth Eric NELOS anomaly. Eric’s NELOS position is at his home6:20:09 AM Eric’s NELOS position is a little further south from his position at 6:10 AM, likely near the hunting club area again.6:20:19 AM Eric’s NELOS location is at his home6:30 AM Civil twilight begins6:56 AM Jessica asks Nate where he was6:56 AM Sun rises above the horizon6:58 AM Jessica’s NELOS position is still in range of Eric’s home. Marcos messages Jessica and says “you need to keep my name out of your mouth Jessica and quit telling my mom a stupid shit for real. It’s getting old. You’re mad because I won’t be at your beck and call so you’re just going to make my family worry about me. Grow the fuck up and stop the bullshit. You don’t know anything about me. You haven’t seen me nor have you been around me”6:59 AM Jessica replies to Marcos “I don’t know what you’re talking about dude. I’ve been at detox and going to rehab Friday actually. And me and you need to sit down and talk about Jeremy”7:01 AM Marcos replied “No we don’t Jessica. I didn’t have nothing to do with Jeremy’s death. Sounds like you need to have a sit down with his family.”Jessica immediately responds to Marcos “I didn’t say you did but you’re the only one I trust. I need a motherfucker to talk to. Don’t you understand that?”7:03 AM Marcos replies “And quit bullshitting Jessica. Mom told me you’re talking shit. And I can’t help you Jessica. You may trust me but I don’t trust you and you will never have the chance to sit down and speak face to face with me”7:13 AM Marcos sends another message saying “I will not give you the chance to betray me again Jessica. You’re a pathological liar and you have no morals in life. No respect for yourself or others. I have given you too many chances already and I’m not about to give you any more”7:14 AM Jessica responds “Mary told me who fucking done it. What do I do? Call unknown? Or wtf?”Marcos immediately replies “Do what you want Jessica. I really don’t care” and Jessica didn’t respond.7:24 AM Nate responds that he’s still in Muscle Shoals, but that he’s coming. He asks what they have to do.7:31 AM Jessica’s NELOS position is moving again. Jessica replies “come get me, go get him, go get his hotel room, and go tattoo” and Nate asks “who is him”7:33 AM Jessica’s NELOS position in northwest Hamilton again. The accuracy range for this position is less than 1000 meters. Marcos messages Jessica again and says “Are you saying you didn’t speak with my mom at 4 AM talking shit?”Jessica immediately sent Marcos screenshots of her conversation with his mother that morning, revealing the time as 7:33 AM.7:34 AM Jessica responded to Marcos and said “I have nothing more to say to you. You’re like the rest. An ugly soul who don’t know his own worth. What a shame. You’re amazing and you don’t even realize it.7:37 AM Marcos angrily replies to Jessica “You told me you didn’t know what I was talking about. I’m not with Rebecca. Jessica keep my name out of your mouth and quit telling my mom shit you know nothing about. I tell her everything that I do. I don’t need some lying little tramp to tell her something that’s not even true and make her worry even more than she does.7:37 AM Jessica’s final message to Marcos reads “Okay. So get out my inbox you mundane soul sucking incubus of a monster”7:42 AM Jessica replies to Nate’s question with “My plug. He hooking us all the way up plus gas and cash and goodies.” Nate asks if he knows him, and she says “Nah he a high up”7:45 AM Jessica answers Travis’s earlier question about the vehicle she would be in with “Nah dif. Found a car $2000 though” this was her last message to Travis.Nate asks “What goodies”7:48 AM Jessica tells Nate “Xans, morphs, glass, bud”7:51 AM Jessica messages Eric’s Facebook account and says “Hey they ain’t gonna shoot me for walking” which the Edwards group explained to law enforcement by saying they had warned Jessica that Raymond Edwards might shoot someone if they were walking around on his property at that hour because there had been thefts in the past.7:52 AM Jessica’s device had poor signal strength, and her NELOS position indicates the position of the cell tower on Buttahatchee Drive off of US-43. Eric’s NELOS position for 7:52 AM reports two positions with different accuracy ranges, but both appear to be located at his home on Elgin Cochran Road.7:53 AM Jessica tries to call Eric’s phone directly, unanswered. This call triggered Jessica’s last NELOS position, which had a 5000 meter accuracy radius, and was centered in the hunting club area off County Road 29 near New Hope Baptist Church. (Approximately 5 miles west of Eric’s). This unanswered call also generated a NELOS point for Eric, placing him at his home with an accuracy radius of 25 meters.7:54 AM Nate asks “gotta bang the morphs?” “I’m cool just wondering” Jessica immediately replies that “you can but you don’t have to” this was Jessica’s last outgoing message. ("bang" being a slang term for "inject")7:58 AM Nate messages Jessica, unanswered.7:59 AM Nate messages Jessica, unanswered.8 AM Rodney’s device reappears in the geofence at Gilbert’s camper for a while before traveling back to Red Bay, making a brief detour through the loading dock area of the Sunshine Mills dog food plant near a loading dock around the back of the plant. Then, it crossed the state line and returned to his home in Belmont, Mississippi.8:07:17 AM Fifth Eric NELOS anomaly. Eric’s NELOS position puts him traveling north on Elgin Cochran Rd.8:07:18 AM Eric’s NELOS data puts his device in close proximity to Jessica’s final NELOS position. The center point of Eric’s location at this time is only 2000 feet from the center point of Jessica’s last position.9:01 AM Eric’s device moved northeast, and his NELOS position was centered on County Road 180, just north of New Hope Baptist.9:27 AM Sixth Eric NELOS anomaly. His NELOS position puts him still in the area off of county road 180, and also at home around 4 miles away at the exact same time.5:22 PM Jan 3 - Travis messages Jessica saying “I wanted to go back with you today” …Travis’s girlfriend told investigator Jeff Means that she sent the message posing as Travis because she suspected Travis had been with Jessica the night before.On the morning of the 3rd, Jessica’s mom calls rehab to check on her and learns she was not thereAlicia sent Jessica a message asking “where you at?” some time on the 3rd after Jessica had gone missing.-​At the end of Season 3 Episode 3 NELOS, private investigator Michael Fleming describes some of the geofencing data that he reviewed in a meeting with local law enforcement. At approximately 6 AM on On January 3rd, a device belonging to a man named Rodney appeared in the geofence at Gilbert’s camber on Elgin Cochran Road. This device had not appeared within the geofence at any previous point in the period of the search warrant. Rodney's device disappeared shortly after stopping there, then briefly reappeared around 8 AM before vanishing again for the rest of the period covered by the search warrant. A follow-up search warrant revealed that this device traveled from Belmont, Mississippi; made an approximately 10 minute stop in Red Bay, Alabama at/next door to the home of Travis Jackson’s girlfriend; and then drove directly to Gilbert’s camper. The device then disappeared from Google’s logs. The device’s location services may have been turned off during this time. Around 8 AM, it reappeared at Gilbert’s camper and then traveled back to Red Bay, making a brief detour through the loading dock area of the Sunshine Mills dog food plant in Red Bay. Then, it crossed the state line and returned to Belmont, Mississippi.

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