full image - Repost: I made a website to explore the connections of music artists as a giant network (from Reddit.com, I made a website to explore the connections of music artists as a giant network)
Hi!I made a website to explore the connections of artists on Spotify.Discover who your favourite artist has made a song with. You can explore the giant network of artists that results from connecting artists that have worked together on a song.Click on an artist to expand their connections, and click on a connection to see the songs that they have in common (alternatively just click on the two artists consecutively if it gets too cluttered).Check it out at: https://ift.tt/0oa1pQz preview: https://ift.tt/gv8f4AP is welcome :)PD: only artists with more than 10k followers are included sorry! this limitation is required for now to keep things manageable from a technical and a user experience point of view. You can read some technical details about how this was built here: https://ift.tt/nZ0txym.
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