Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Saw my first integrative doc today

full image - Repost: Saw my first integrative doc today (from Reddit.com, Saw my first integrative doc today)
I'm (cis male 33yo) undiagnosed, barring the IBS diagnosis from a GI specialist. During my most recent appt with a GI specialist (2nd appt with him) I was mansplained what anxiety is and how it works, and how it's why I have diarrhea. That was the final straw, I was done with that specialist.Several redditors have asked me to keep them posted on how things go due to sharing the same symptoms as me. I thought I'd post here for easier comms..After many primary care practitioner, GI specialist, and other specialist appointments, all trying to diagnose me with IBS and gaslight me and literally telling me I'm wrong and not experiencing what I'm experiencing, I knew it was time to try a different approach...Super brief background: I've been GF 1.5yrs, lactose free 1yr, fodmap free .5yrs, and food journaled for around a year straight. I've done labs for 80+ different things/tests, and results are always normal. Too much to cover here, and I've posted about it in the past, but everything from GI issues to daily fatigue and nausea, irritability, bad aches/pains, constant muscle twitches, acid reflux and chest tightness, eating any amount of fat causes bad things for my GI and reflux, etc etc. I currently have no answers but have suspected Candida and intestinal permeability since I was a teen.I believe the SIBO and gut health issues began at a very young age (literally had issues by 2-3yo), and a life of constant 24/7 'fight or flight brain' from unhealthy parenting caused it to become a chronic non-stop issue. I've been treating the anxiety and depression for 7+ years, and I'm in neurofeedback therapy now (1.5mo in, and 1.5mo left, 3appts/week) and the neurofeedback is helping a lot. I feel confident I've resolved the mental cause of SIBO and gut health root causes, now I just need to heal my gut..Today I saw an integrative med specialist at a clinic ran by an MD. It's the first medical appointment I've ever had where I felt like I was truly listened to. The appointment was around 1.5hrs and cost $200, if anyone was wondering. They primarily treat SIBO, Candida, and other GI issues. They're in-network for my insurance (UHC) and can prescribe actual prescriptions like antibiotics..Today we did bloodwork for some labs (3 vials). Those labs should be covered under my insurance..She suggested a SIBO test without me even having to ask; I agreed and was sent home with a Genova 3hr test (lactulose)($195). I asked about the Trio test and she said the only reason they don't deploy the Trio yet is because research is still lacking on it. I know this sub loves it, but per my own research, I knew she wasn't wrong. I'm ok with the Genova test as a start, at least.The SIBO test says it should be taken after 2-4wks with no antifungals, Pepto-Bismal, or herbal/natural antimicrobials. I take Pepto fairly often (daily at times, such as the past week). Soooo idk I may have to wait, which sucks. I'm asking the Doc about via message..I also took home a stool test from Doctor's Data for "Culture, PCR + Parasitology" ($169)..Once we get all the test and lab results back, we'll discuss treatment options such as antibiotics. The doc said she has yeast overgrowth and has it under control and can have less-than-healthy meals within moderation and have no symptoms. She said if she eats unhealthy for a week or so, she takes her supplements and heals back again..An encouraging note from my appt, for me, is she recognized I have Geographical Tongue. Which surprised me because I'm not in the middle of a flare-up right now, currently my tongue looks how it always looks on an average day, and doctors and dentists always told me my tongue is normal (for 10+ years). I know I have geographical tongue because during flare-ups in the past I get cracks and bleeding and deep swirls and basically crop circles on my tongue lol. I realized that wasn't normal after the umpteenth time, Googled it, and discovered what the condition is called. So yeah, that was impressive..Overall, I'm hopeful this will give me some answers. I'm skeptical of integrative med, functional med, and ND's. So, this clinic being an integrative clinic makes me weary of throwing money down a hole. But I've spent thousands on GI appointments through regular medical clinic systems and that's got me nowhere. So for ~$600, this is worth a shot. I hope I get concrete answers but even if I don't, I won't give up. I'm moving in 2 months so if this is a dead end, I'll find another integrative med clinic, or another GI specialist, from that city.

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