Sunday, September 10, 2023

Applying Jungain collective unconscious interpretation to NHI and UFO/UAP experiences especially in the context of Deep Prasad and Mark Sims along with my own experiences

full image - Repost: Applying Jungain collective unconscious interpretation to NHI and UFO/UAP experiences especially in the context of Deep Prasad and Mark Sims along with my own experiences (from, Applying Jungain collective unconscious interpretation to NHI and UFO/UAP experiences especially in the context of Deep Prasad and Mark Sims along with my own experiences)
I just watched the interview with Deep Prasad where he recounts his NHI experience. The post is currently getting a lot of attention. Prasad is an engineer and founder of a quantum computer company that is working on running simulations to predict next generation materials. This kind of application could one day help us design new materials that would otherwise take far too much time and money to discover. The kinds of materials it could help us discover include room temperature superconductors as well as new metamaterials. It's interesting to point out that Ryan Graves happens to be interested in this subject as well and is apparently working with a company on it. If you click on the link above and watch the embedded video you will see Prasad explain his NHI encounter and I want to break it down from my perspective as I have had some experiences myself. I have been diving into trying to understand this subject and believe I have a unique perspective on this. This is actually just one of my many different hypotheses. I also have to point out that part of my perspective comes from looking into Mark Sims and learning of his NHI experience which he discusses in an interview with Whitely Strieber (link below.)'s also worth freshening up on Jungian collective unconsciousness even if you are familiar with it and you should definitely read the wiki page if you've never heard of it. also would real quick like to point out that common arguments in favor of the collective unconscious are observations that many organisms show an innate ability to just know how to do what should be a learned skill such as walking or flying. Some animals come out of the womb immediately walking such as giraffes. Caterpillars transform into butterflies and immediately know how to fly. Nobody needs to be taught to breath. These are the kinds of examples in favor of this concept. The ExperiencePrasad begins by recounting that he somehow knew he was about to experience something right before it happened. This is something I can relate to as I've also had inexplicable intuitions that either something was about to happen or that if I went outside I would observe something happening. He also says he sees, "a shimmering outline with big black eyes." Right away this is very similar to the description Mark Sims gives in his recounting of his CE5 experience. It's worth pointing out that Sims distinctively claims that he eventually realizes that this was not ET he was contacting, but a deceased person from South America which he didn't expect. He realizes that the big black eyes are actually empty eye sockets. This interesting piece of information becomes relevant to my analysis as you will see later. Prasad goes on to explain the being materializes and has a golden symbol on its suit that constantly keeps changing shape and showing undecipherable symbols. This is very reminiscent of Jungian archetypes. He goes on to point out that more mostly undecipherable symbols are projected onto his wall that look like a cross between Japanese and Egyptian but with 3 decipherable English letters: DNA. Prasad says that he thinks that they must think DNA is important and relevant.This is where I want to stop and analyze this from a collective unconscious viewpoint. I'm inspired to do this as I relatively recently ate a small dose of magic mushrooms over the weekend and found myself playing around with ideas such as the Akashic records, which is the idea that humans can access all information across past, present and future. Jungian collective unconsciousness isn't the same idea but it's similar. The collective unconscious comprises in itself the psychic life of our ancestors right back to the earliest beginnings according to Jung. I've played around with the idea that the rich information storage capability of DNA (we currently consider it one of the best information storage systems and Lue Elizondo has pointed this out and I'm sure Gary Nolan is well aware) might allow DNA to possibly store information beyond the genetic code but also our own life experiences which includes information about the world we are interacting with as well as our own insights. If a collective unconscious exists it makes sense that DNA is effectively the medium. We as living expressions of our DNA in 3 dimensional space would be both collecting information not only about the current local universe at our time of existence in it but also our own thoughts and new ideas if we should have them. We also have the ability to retrieve not only past information about local parts of the universe our ancestors recorded, but we also can call upon any of their original ideas and insights as well. This ability can allow one to learn things very quickly including things that may not seem possible because there was no prior knowledge. Many "contactee" claims have been around the subject of "downloading" information from alleged ET. This is an alternative interpretation of that as well. There is also the ability to retrieve information that is part of the broader collective human knowledge. This would be very old information going back to a common ancestor and perhaps beyond what we would call human. For example, we share some genetic code with fungi and even plants. That means there is the ability to access those common roots. The difference here with collective unconsciousness and the Akashic records is that the Akashic records doesn't impose this limitation of shared DNA. This means a truly alien DNA of zero shared anything wouldn't allow such information transfer. It's a thought worthy of consideration and is potential explanation for the humanoid archetype.Under this interpretation we can look at Prasad's NHI experience and say that perhaps what he's describing is a powerful moment in which he went very deep into his collective unconscious and began pulling information that likely is incredibly difficult to routinely access. The only thing even resembling a potentially meaningful message was DNA. Many people are currently interpreting this with heavy bias and perhaps even Prasad himself. However, under this interpretation I'm currently putting forth, this isn't necessarily a case of ET changed our DNA. In fact, I will explain why it's far more interesting to dive deeper into this without the assumption of ET. I wouldn't even assume there is an NHI yet at this point as the ability to jump into the collective unconscious may inherently involve some hallucinations. The explanation for this is found in viewing our brains as computers and recognizing that we have both conscious and unconscious minds. The Mind As A Computer AnalogyLet us consider that perhaps our unconscious mind acts similar to read only memory (ROM) and our conscious mind acts similar to random access memory or RAM. This isn't meant to be a perfect analogy but imagine that limited RAM means that if you want to pull a gigantic file relative to your RAM you simply won't be able to because it's too large. The raw data that we take in and put on the collective unconscious record is far more than we can actually comprehend in any intelligible way from a conscious perspective in the same way. We can only grab little tid bits of information. This is where we get into things like data corruption , information loss, and hallucinations. Retrieving a piece of information may inherently come into our consciousness with some missing pieces and corrupt pieces which we then experience as an hallucination. The morphing symbols on the wall Prasad describes, which I've also seen before after awaking in the middle of night numerous times, could be a perfect example of this. Prasad is literally looking at information stored inside his DNA from his ancestral past. Perhaps he does this often without normally realizing it and his sudden and extreme experience was him becoming more acutely aware of what he's doing. He began consciously looking at the corrupted code and began hallucinating but even in the hallucination managed to recognize some uncorrupted data in the form of DNA. It may not have been a message but a profound moment of self awareness about himself, where he comes from, and where he's going on a level beyond the temporal existence of his current flesh and blood body. This is an example of consciousness outside the body and also could be interpreted as surviving death if you want to look at it that way. This is where we start to go really deep. We have to look at the experience of Mark Sims who is claiming he was in fact in contact not with ET, but a dead person. Not ET, but a dead person. Did he simply retrieve information from his collective unconscious and interpret it as coming from a dead person because it's not that far off? Is this figurative or literal? I've shared about how I have seen orbs and a huge flash of light preceding a power surge that knocked the power out and to my surprise I learned that where I saw the flash of light was right where somebody unbeknownst to me at the time was allegedly "talking" to her deceased husband. I know what I saw. She knows what she saw. She may have may have some common ancestors with her husband, but to the best of my knowledge they are not directly related to each other in any way so if we use this information in our analysis it implies that there may be a literal component to this although I wouldn't immediately take a purely literal interpretation at the moment. Even more striking, because I saw these lights and we all know the power did surge, this implies that there is a real world component here that is not a hallucination. Interestingly, she didn't see the orbs of light only I did. Were the orbs real? I don't know, but the power surge definitely was. That was recorded by the electronics in the house. Did Sims hallucinate the dead person, was it the dead person it claimed to be, or was it something else entirely? Are there NHI messengers involved in retrieving information from the collective unconscious? Does the collective unconscious allow for survival after death and communication with whatever survives? If consciousness survives death where does it go and does any new physical laws require it to transform to perhaps not human or humanish? I'm simply trying to explore the common archetype of humanoid contactee experiences. These are fair questions under this interpretation and there is no reason to prefer an ET interpretation over a Jungian collective unconscious interpretation I'm currently aware of. Prasad mentions that he watched a craft apparently materialize into his room. He points out that it's as if either his room is a fake image or the craft is. This is an interesting point as Prasad is aware that at this point either could be true. This is where we get into the argument that what if your normal everyday perceived reality is itself mostly an illusion or hallucination? It seems to be a valid interpretation of all this. If we consider that our RAM so to speak is far too small to make sense of even a tiny snippet of raw data from our ROM, then our everyday experience is likely incredibly limited and our RAM or conscious mind is in fact the source of most corrupted information. Let's pretend that we send a query to the collective unconscious for a snippet of raw data to view consciously. Let's just say 30 seconds worth. Even this snippet may be such an information overload that many important operations handled by our consciousness have to temporarily cease. This means turning off our senses, or our sensors if we keep with the computer analogy. This means an altered state of mind or dream like state is most likely a prerequisite for handling raw data from the collective unconscious. It's possible shutting off recording to the unconscious record may even be one way to do this and is an obvious paradox in that the collective unconscious can't exist without this recording. This would explain the inherent limitations of accessing the information as your current sensors in 3D space can't collect information about the local universe to inscribe into the record of the collective unconscious if they are turned off and especially if they are turned off for so long the flesh and blood that comprise those sensors is destroyed. I will wrap this up by saying that I'm confident in the hallucination interpretation of this, but that doesn't mean we can't rule out NHI and my personal experience actually does under this interpretation support the NHI hypothesis. Why else would somebody else attempting to contact the dead in another room cause me to see orbs and the power to surge? Whitely Strieber calls them the visitors. Perhaps it's more apt to call them the messengers. But if the messengers are not a hallucination, then we have to consider that perhaps they may not only be called upon at will but they may call upon you at will. This could be one reason for Prasad's abrupt experience. Something/someone either related to him or capable of accessing his DNA network for some reason (for example a retrovirus) has said I want you to look at this information. What I find fascinating about this interpretation is that it gives us something to work with. If there is something to it, then we may find evidence of it looking into our own DNA. I will leave you with this paper about the WOW! signal inside terrestrial DNA code. I can't remember what Gary Nolan's reddit account is but if anybody else does I would like to tag him to see if he has any interesting input on this.

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