Monday, October 23, 2023

My bf didn’t disclose addiction issues at the hospital today so I don’t believe doctors were able to take his symptoms seriously and take everything into account without that information.

full image - Repost: My bf didn’t disclose addiction issues at the hospital today so I don’t believe doctors were able to take his symptoms seriously and take everything into account without that information. (from, My bf didn’t disclose addiction issues at the hospital today so I don’t believe doctors were able to take his symptoms seriously and take everything into account without that information.)
This is not about me. He’s 32, male, weighs 150ish, probably 5’10. Starting from the top:A little over a year ago we went to Las Vegas and before anything fun happened he fell terribly sick with constant vomiting and diarrhea and extreme stomach pain. Like couldn’t get off the shower floor sick. Barfing so much, it eventually turns to bile. Eventually bile turns green. After about 20 hours of this on and off throwing up, I finally convinced him to go to the hospital by threatening to call an ambulance. He is addicted to opiates and takes oxy fairly regularly. He does not have a script for this. He disclosed this to the doctor in Las Vegas. The level of care at this hospital was amazing. They really cared and did not have any judgment whatsoever. He takes no other medications beyond this. He smoke weed sometimes. At first when we arrived at the hospital he inquired about suboxone as we thought maybe him taking a little less oxy while on vacation could be the cause of the stomach issues, but they said his symptoms shouldn’t be this drastic and wanted to look more into his issues. It was clear to doctors that he was not in withdrawal. So they admit him, they take blood and run tests, his white blood cell count was super low, kidneys were failing from dehydration from all the vomiting. They give him 3 IVs and some type of pain killer in the IV and do an ultrasound. Doctors found a nickel sized gallstone but wanted to run more tests as they weren’t convinced this was the source of the pain. He’s now stable at this point and white blood cell count is creeping back up, we’re now on day two at the hospital. We had non-refundable plane tickets home, so they kindly discharged him after telling us to pick up some zophran and basically prescription Imodium from a pharmacy, and told us to get straight to the hospital in our state then follow up with a GI. We get off the plane and go straight to the hospital in our state nearby our house and tell them about the experience in Las Vegas. And they literally give him an IV and Tylenol and tell him to follow up with a GI and kick him out before the single IV bag is even 1/2 finished. Okay? This is a notoriously AWFUL hospital where they once told me my foot wasn’t broken - 3 screws and a plate later, they were completely wrong but I digress. A day later the pain stops, he’s on the zophran so he doesn’t vomit and is able to continue on with life. He sees a GI once, but never scheduled the follow up since he thinks he’s better, much to my dismay. The GI also never received the ultrasound and medical records from the Las Vegas hospital even though we both requested them and so did the GI. Strange. He still randomly has these barfing spouts throughout the last year. Often before work in the shower, usually months apart, but is able to get it together and go to work each time. Except once, I had to drive him so he could barf otw there and take off work because he absolutely could not miss work this day. During this last year he’s gotten sober on his own maybe 3x for short periods and the same type of barfing does not seem to happen surrounding times of detox or anything like that. Nor during periods of using more or less than other average days. It’s completely random. Last night it again happened but worse. Vomiting every 15-45 minutes for 12 hours. This morning I get him to go to the ER. I drop him off to check in while I park and they fast track him because of what he said about last year in Las Vegas. Apparently, though, this time he does NOT disclose the opioid use, lies when they ask him if he does drugs or takes medications. I am raging pissed but he’s a professional in the community in which this hospital resides (had to go here because health insurance change and it’s in network). So I can somewhat understand his thinking as his job could literally be taken, his license to practice removed, and stuck with 250k in debt and no career options, but man I’m beyond pissed I took a day off of a brand new job for him to not be honest with doctors and not solve any problems at all. They give him an IV and some Tylenol and ask him to touch on his belly where there is pain. He touches below his belly button saying it’s tender. They tell him he has a stomach bug, that gallbladder issues are upper abdominal, and send us off with a script for zophran and Imodium like the other hospital in our state did. We picked up the script, he takes the zophran, and now he’s laying in so much pain. He keeps showering off and on, his go to coping skill, and says it’s not better, the only difference is that he’s just not nauseated as much. UGH. As I type this, about 2 hours after release from the hospital and after taking 2 zophran around 1.5 hours ago, he just vomited huge again. Now he’s back in the shower trying to subside the stomach pain again. Obviously there is nothing I can do to help him and can only wish we finished testing in Las Vegas a year ago instead of worrying about the cost of changing our flights. Please, if anyone can provide any insight, it would be so much appreciated. Maybe the doctors would have been more willing to help today if he disclosed opioid use. He felt like they wouldn’t give quality care if he disclosed his addiction issues here, on top of people we might know at the hospital finding out about his addition issues, which could truly jeopardize his career. Oh I forgot to add this happened once to him when he was in law school about 5 years prior and the hospital here in Georgia tried to tell him it was from smoking weed as they couldn’t pinpoint anything else. He also did not disclose his addiction issues at that time. He told the hospital in Las Vegas about the Georgia hospital thinking it could be this and they agreed it’s a possibility, but with his regular use of weed, it didn’t seem likely that his symptoms would happen out of the blue and not consistently. Weed is legal in Las Vegas so I feel these doctors has much more experience with cannabis users and that problem. Idk. I am so lost and overwhelmed. It’s so terribly difficult to watch. Please help :(

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