Friday, November 17, 2023

Humanity’s Awakening – The Parasitic God Arc (Complete) – Chapter 38.1 (Unleashing Legion - 2 of 2

full image - Repost: Humanity’s Awakening – The Parasitic God Arc (Complete) – Chapter 38.1 (Unleashing Legion - 2 of 2 (from, Humanity’s Awakening – The Parasitic God Arc (Complete) – Chapter 38.1 (Unleashing Legion - 2 of 2)
First : Previous : NextSeth could tell, she was ready and now so was he. At that moment, he slid two fingers in and began pouring his essence into her just once more to clear out all of those nagging doubts. She had been a Moon-Maiden for so long, that those pure white paths she walked were hard to grey out a little.“Who am I, Saral?” he asked low and commanding.“My… My.. my sire.”“Do you love me?”“YES!”“Do you trust me?”“YES!”“Do you love this?”“YES!”“Good. Should I make you go around the house tonight naked instead of putting that dress on? How about you just stay naked unless you meditate instead? You want to do that, right?”“YES!”“Good answer,” he grunted as he finished and filled her insides up again. They both collapsed in happy bliss on her bed and lay there for a bit. Seth could feel Saral almost purring in happy thoughts while her eyes returned to normal and her tail began thumping his leg.Seth nuzzled her face and caressed her body. He made sure what he just put in her mind and body were sealed tight so that he wouldn’t ever have to dominate her from then on at all. He hated himself for doing it, but at least she was accepting of it. “I love you, Saral. You’re going to be happy here. I promise.”“I am happy. I’m just still… uncertain is all. But you make it so much better. My Lone Hunter.”“You’re doing great and we’ll just keep taking it slow. Come on. Dinner is almost ready. Go on downstairs and let’s eat and be with everyone but as your punishment, you’re to pay special attention to Charlotte tonight. She and you need each other to feel welcome.”“Okay. Sounds good,” she sighed and rolled her eyes.Seth watched as Saral stood up and smoothed her fur down. Then she turned back to him and demurely swished her butt at him making him giggle at her. “You’re going to be all right. I love you Saral.”“I love you too, you heathen and most rotten thing in the universe.”“I know,” Seth said before he got up and got dressed and followed her down. They went to the kitchen and Jessica was admiring Saral up and down. She was kinda confused till Seth winked at her and her smile lit up.They got into the den, put on a solid action flick that got Saral all fired up. John Wick will do that to a De’Nari. She was more enthusiastic about the killing that the rest of them who were giggling the whole time because she kept firing snarky death remarks at the screen.The beef stew was hearty, and filling and they put on a slower paced film that Jessica wanted to watch. It was then that Saral got up and left without saying anything. Seth, Charlotte, Jessica, and Sara kinda looked at each other in confusion until she returned with a whole basket of supplies.“Okay. So. Seth. Take off your shirt. Who wants to practice De’Nari body painting and who wants to practice ritual braiding with me?”Hands flew up and Seth sighed despondently because he just became the center of attention to become a canvas and doll for a hair tutorial. He rolled his eyes. “Damnit. Can someone zone me out or something? I’d gladly lose time to not sit here and…”Saral snapped at his face. “Shush, my sire! You just dominated me so now this is your punishment. Therefore, the women here need to know the proper ways to keep your personage regal. I will not have you traipsing around this house or out in the world without at least a good solid De’Nari Hunter’s braid on your head. Now be quiet and watch another movie. Okay, Sara. You get that side of his head and I’ll show you what to do. Jessica. Grab the white base coat and go ahead and prime the right side of his face for me. Charlotte, there should be another one of those and you can take his belly. One of you, go to page twenty of the book in the basket and see if you can replicate the patterns. I’ll give you the history behind that series when you’re done.”After about twenty minutes, Seth wanted to scream. It was funny and felt good to have them futzing and having fun with him. But he was bored. He was just about to break the mood with his plans for the Academy when Jessica’s cell phone rang, and she picked up.”“Hi Kathy! Wow, you’re calling late. Is there a problem?” she asked very concerned. Then she answered her question with, “Yeah, sure. Here he is.”Seth was very concerned. Kathy never called after eight pm unless there was an emergency, or she was pissed. “Hello? Kathy?” he asked worried something happened to Aiden or Jake or anyone else really.“Yeah. Hey. Seth. Uhm… Look, I don’t want to do this over the phone, but I need to talk to you about something. Do you have time tomorrow or…”Seth grew more worried. “Kathy. This sounds like you need to talk about this now. What is it? Or do you want me to come over real quick and chat face to face?”“Yeah. Just come over. And… I’m going to shut off the lights in the kitchen and wait for you in Jake’s office. I don’t think this will take too long.”“Okay. Anything for you. I’ll be there in a few minutes or sooner.”“Thank you, Seth.”“No worries. Be right over,” he said as he hung Jessica’s cell phone up.“Hey… uhm. Something’s wrong with Kathy. She wouldn’t tell me over the phone. I’m going to head over there and find out what’s going on and be right back. Hold my paints for me.”Sara and Saral tied off his hair and Jessica handed him his Jersey back. Charlotte pouted at him but moved aside so he could have his legs back from where she’d been leaning on them to paint his belly.Seth got up and headed to the bathroom and turned out the light. They all felt it when he left. Jessica sat on the couch between Saral and Sara and bit her lip in worry. Charlotte got up and sat beside Sara.Saral scooted over and put her arm around Jessica. “So, not normal I take it?”Jessica and Sara both shook their heads. Jessica spoke up first. “Kathy doesn’t call this late unless it’s bad or something. I’m sure none of us have done anything to piss her off. We’ve been keeping low profiles and being good here lately. It’s either got to do with Aiden or Jed and them.”Jessica picked up the phone and was about to dial Allessandra, but at the last second, she put it down. Sara looked at her. “What is it?”Jessica smiled at her. “Do me a favor you three. Close your eyes and open yourself to him. See if you can feel him right now.”Saral gasped again, shocked that it worked. “What the lost moon?! That’s… freaky and neat. He’s giddy about something.”Charlotte and Sara both nodded in agreement and kept trying to feel him. Jessica put her phone on the coffee table. “Whatever it is, it’s Kathy who’s about to be in trouble or… taken. That’s the only times he feels like that outside of being around us. I think… yeah. I think he’ll be back soon.”Sara confirmed it and tugged off her bikini top and let herself fly free. “Sweet! More stuff to do! YES!”Jessica couldn’t help but laugh. She took her top off and her sports bra. “Why not!”Charlotte giggled and sucked on Sara because they were free and had rings in them. Then she joined in and threw her top and bra at the TV. “WHOOPS!”Saral sighed. “I was beginning to wonder if I was really the only one around here who was going to go around naked.”Jessica, Charlotte, and Sara laughed at her. Charlotte asked, “So, why ARE you naked, Saral.”Saral turned away in embarrassment. “He told me I was pretty and that I was being prudish…again. He took out one of my outfits, but after he popped off in me, he told me just to go naked period. I’m learning.”“That dirty rotten man!” Jessica teased. “How dare he admire one of his beautiful wives like that. Terrible!”Sara got in on the act. “I know right! It’s like, he just wants to ogle you and you just can’t stand it. I guess we all agree that you ought to just go naked all the time now. Right Jessica?!”“Right! Naked Saral! Sorry hon. We’re just teasing you. Come here.” Jessica pulled Saral over to her lap and began stroking her head and chest. Charlotte was playing with her ears and smiling at her.“You women are terrible. Don’t tease a mixed-up De’Nari until she gets comfortable. Or I’m gonna bite your asses.”Jessica hugged her and Sara moved to lay right on her and kissed her belly. “We promise, Saral. It will get better.”“Thank you. Uhm… he told me to also not ever to ignore you three as well.”Charlotte cooed at her. “Ooooo… Then I know what I want tonight.”Jessica rapped her head. “Girlfriends get second dibs unless Saral says otherwise.” She admonished.“Awwww… that’s not fair!” Charlotte pouted. She was cute when she pouted.Sara grinned at Charlotte wickedly. “Guess whose gonna get a slutty Tinkerbell costume soon?!”Charlotte let out a whoop, then ran off screaming, “I already got one! Laesha loves it! Be right baaaack!”Sara jumped up and ran after her. “Wait up, damnit! That was my idea, so I get first dibs to see you in that!”Jessica petted Saral’s face. “You see what we did? We dug our graves and those two are gonna fill them in for us.”Saral chuffed at her. “Oh, I see it. I may look young, but I feel so old right now. But my punishment is to pay special attention to Charlotte tonight. I can agree to that punishment.”Jessica looked down at her. “Saral. I love you.”“What brought that on?”“Because, I haven’t felt this good in a while. And neither did Sara until you joined Seth. We honestly didn’t know a big piece of us was missing until then. We’ve been… better. So... I love you.”“Well. Thank you. I love you too. Sooo. Let’s see. What does this feel like?”Saral began licking up at Jessica’s chest, then sucking and nibbling at them gently.“Oh... that’s different. What are you… okay. You can keep going now. That’s nice.” Jessica leaned forward to let her have more and left them there.They all felt it when Seth returned. Saral and Jessica stood up. Sara and Charlotte (now dressed as Tinkerbell without underwear), came tearing down the steps and back to the den.Seth looked around him in puzzlement. “What the heck did I MISS?!”They laughed only for a short moment, but then pulled him over back to the couch and stared at him. Charlotte held a finger gun to his head because she was right next to him along with Saral. “Spill it, Seth. I’m not afraid to use this.”Seth took her hand and held it. “Okay. So. Wow! What a day! Okay. Get this. Kathy wants me to connect to her with a stone and push all I can through her into her entire army. Now, I’m going to hit a million plus people all in a matter of a few weeks. This is going to do so much, you have no idea.”Saral tightened her grip on Seth’s leg. “But… will that… hurt Kathy?”Seth looked at her and as gently as he could, he explained. “In a word, yes. It will hurt a lot initially because of the stone itself being grounded into this reality within a body. But after it’s converted into her heart and we get what we want out of it, the pain goes away. And after that, anything I do with her will feel ten times more amazing.”Charlotte pulled his head back to her. “Wait. Does that go for all of us? That’s why practically everyone is like… always horny.”Seth nodded sagely. “If I use just a little essence in someone to connect, it’s not so bad for them. But the more I push into them, the more irresistible I become for some reason. And if I use a stone, oh boy, it gets rough unless I switch control. So, take Sarangerel. She can’t get enough of Laesha because it’s Sara’s essence and the stone in her. I switched control over to Laesha, and you see the results. For those with my essence coursing through them constantly, well that’s why all of us here are like we are. When Shadow learned love, craved it, did all it could to horde it, the black essence exudes it no matter what else it does. It literally hordes love and power and since ive never held it back, it shares what it gains from everyone it’s touched with all who are connected. I’m the center and when I push outward this fast, we all benefit from it. At some point, you’re gonna realize that you all have so much more than what you had before. But this is also why I’m going to have Sara connect to the Black Academy instead of myself. She needs the network and the boost. It’s going to really help us.”Sara and Charlotte got very interested in that one. Sara bumped him. “Plans, man! Tell us the plans!” Sara demanded.Seth sat back and looked up, thinking and talking. “First. The Black Academy. We’ll plan the Mountain after that. So, what I’m thinking is that… since we’re all to go visit in a week or so, I want to strike just before we get there. So, starting tomorrow night, I want my Wolfen squads to meet up with their De’Nari counterparts. Jessica. This is where you come in to keep your Brood motivated and on task. Sara is gonna empower them. Then they’re to go on more focused intelligence gathering missions than the ones up to The Ring, The Pentagon, and well, all the other government places that they‘re used to going to. Their target. The Black Academy. They have a week to get to know it, inside and out and everyone in it who sleeps there at night. Then, I want them to divvy up the lists of targets between them. When the time comes, they infiltrate it all in one night and put these in them all,” Seth held out his hand and a globe of his essence filled it. “These need to be put in syringes and injected into each and every one of them. Once that’s done, both Sara and I can start working directly with them all. But I really want Sara to start getting used to working with people subtly and from the shadows. You’ll get to play with some of them to get a feel for it. If I can just keep Jared out of the mix, you’ll get some solid experience. We’ll see.”Charlotte held out her hand to touch it and watched it as it stuck a little to her finger and wobble when it let go. “That is the coolest thing ever. I’m guessing…”“Yup. This is the stuff I’ve hosed into you ladies. So Charlotte, you’re part of this mission in that I need a bunch of those needles and pronto. The instructions will be different so I don’t want the Brood to even accidentally get any of this in them, so no natural injectors that they have are to be used. You’re also part of our second mission. And that one is tomorrow night.”Saral spoke up this time. “And what is tomorrow night?”Seth looked at her and tried to be gentle again. “I’m sorry Saral. But I need your help too. I can’t let myself get dominated by Kathy. It’ll be too much. If I lose, Kathy will tie me up so hard, I’ll never be free again. That scares me. So. I’m gonna take you and Charlotte to a special spot tomorrow that I’ll get Margaret to create for me. There, I’ll drop you off to hide for a bit. I’m going to try and win the contest I have in mind, but I know her and I likely won’t win. So, right when Kathy is about to put me under her will, I want both of you to come and ambush her. She’s strong, but together, we’ll overtake her. Ladies, I’m sorry, but I’m… I’m too weak to stop her by myself. I absolutely refuse to let Kathy do anything but try. I gave her my word that I’d let her do it, but I didn’t tell her that I’d get you and Charlotte to stop her and let me reverse it to snag her devotion instead.”Jessica came around on her knees in front of everyone. “I’m not letting Kathy do this, ladies. Do you understand me? I want her, her army, the black academy, all of it… for our use. For our husband and lover. Are we in agreement?”Saral held out her hand and took hold of Jessica’s chin. Her eyes went pitch black. Then Charlotte’s. Sara’s followed with some stars in her eyes. Simultaneously, they said, “Agreed. We will protect and serve.”Seth and Jessica shared the same smile while Seth’s eyes went starry black too. In a strong reverberating woman’s voice, he said, “That’s my wife right there. Taking control and making our family great. We love her, don’t we?”Saral, Sara, and Charlotte all nodded and said, “Yes. We love her and each other. We are… the Abyss. We are Legion.”Jessica rose and snuggled into Seth’s arms. She kissed him long and lovingly and he held her for a little while after. The others watched and didn’t move. When she finished, she put her head to his and breathed. “And after the large denning ceremony, we will have double my Brood to work with too. Things are coming along swimmingly.”Seth held his loving wife tight and whispered into her ear, “Yes they are, but it’s time. I need to take you fully and now’s that time. Please… please let me take you, too. I need you too much to let you continue as you are. I need to try and help your sickness. Please.”Jessica squeezed him and nodded on his head. “You’re right. I need you to help me stop myself. I don’t think you’ll stamp out my sadism entirely, but if I can get some kind of control… I’ll do it. As for our goals, I agree. I truly need to be Legion too. I get it.”With that, Jessica stood up and tossed her shorts. The other ladies smiled adoringly at her and Seth while she switched positions on the couch with him. Seth loved his wives. He and Jessica couldn’t wait to introduce the last in his emotional support harem to them all soon. Their Starlight Dancer was so close now, Seth could feel it and the closer she got, the more Seth’s protective streak grew. He was beginning to feel that undeniable desire to protect and that started with his first true wife. Jessica. So tonight, his wife would finally marry not just Seth and Pan, but Shadow and Legion itself. Jessica arched her back and watched as Seth held up a blob of his essence. She quirked her eye at him which made Seth smile. He knew what she wanted. So Seth poured more into that glob to the point it was the size of a beach ball before he used his will to compress its potential down into the size of baseball with diamond hardness. That made her smile because she knew that was the most powerful of his gifts he'd given to any of them before now. Best of all, Seth could tell that her defenses were already gone for him. For him, Jessica never had any defenses. All she needed was the power.Jessica reached back to help guide her wedding gift within her and sighed at the pleasure of it. Seth then gently put his hand within her. Charlotte and Sara were kneeling on the couch and rubbing Jessica assuredly and Saral and gotten up to hold Jessica’s head to watch her Lone Hunter be himself again. Seth closed his eyes and knew exactly what he could and could not do for his wife, but he would try though. Try to make her mind shift away from that core of pain while also pushing her body into true mythical devastation potential. He pushed with all his considerable might his darkest of essence within her and she whimpered and shook as his power crashed through her like a freshly busted dam. Saral held her tight while Jessica looked back at her dark love with blackened eyes and clear unadulterated joyful pain on her face. Jessica’s body trembled and Seth’s Abyssal loves said their names. Saral said, “I’m Death’s Disciple.” Charlotte said, “I’m Black Blood.” Sara smirked and said, “I’m the Adult Child of the Lost.”Jessica raised up and screamed out what she had finally become, “I’M THE RED QUEEN AND I WILL RULE EVERYTHING WHEN I GET DONE!”Seth finished and stood back. Jessica slumped on the couch quaking while her changes raged through her body and what he could of her mind. All of his other ladies of the Abyss held her, rubbing her back and head to soothe her. When Seth felt the worst had past, he helped Jessica up. She stood up and her armor encased her. Gone was the yellow and black Draxian colors with the fancy red hourglass between her breasts. Jessica marveled and gloried in what her true soulmate had done for her. Her armor was blood red with a black hourglass. This armor could withstand a nuclear blast, as well as overpower her range of abilities to near planet killing proportions. Her mind’s abilities with telekinesis and electrical generation were now mountain crushing or hurricane storm capacity in power ranges. She reveled in the sense of the shadows around her, which meant her reality bending husband had even given her some shadow abilities of her own plus matter killing entropic blasts from her arm canon. The best ability to Jessica though, was that now she sported a large set of four wasp wings on her back. She could fly and that alone was worth the price for admission. Saral would tell her later that her insect face displayed the white markings of the Lone Hunter’s symbol. Death. A worthy mark for the Prime Matron of the Lone Hunter.Jessica turned and let her armor go. Seth was only smiling at her in pure joy at his greatest creation. His future OverQueen. That is if Tootles could be made right once again at the right moment. With her eyes still swirling black, she said, “I’m the Abyss. I’m Legion. I love all and will be with all. I protect and serve while ruling with a loving iron claw.”Seth stretched then pulled Jessica to sit with him again while she calmed down from the power rush she just got as well as her delusions of grandeur that happened occasionally. “Best night ever. Honey, you take your time to learn the new stuff I gave you. It was a long time coming, but I put a lot of thought into it for you. Okay, ladies, hide the blackness and let’s get some popcorn going. Tomorrow, we have a long day and we gotta act like we aren’t doing anything behind Allessandra’s back. She doesn’t need to know about these three things until it’s way too late. I really don’t want to have to force her to accept it.”The abyssal eyes faded, and Saral got up to go get the popcorn for everyone. She came back not long after and got under the blankets with Charlotte. Charlotte took her opportunity and Saral enjoyed her punishment. A Lot. So much so that they missed the entire movie because of it. Saral enjoyed every moment of the young woman’s attention to her details. And so did Seth and Jessica since Jessica was naked and wanted to thank her husband for all of the changes that he’d wrought within her. Changes that also included a naughty surprise tool that she popped up with wicked delight and used to help Seth tag team Sara much to her own delight. Then Jessica got such sweet revenge on her husband by making him shift to his Legion personality and used her new tool well to exact much karmic revenge for all of those three am urges he had. Also, much to Sara’s delight who got to help while Charlotte and Saral watched and enjoyed their new favorite show.Later, at around midnight, Seth got up from the bed. Well, he almost fell out of it rather. It was getting cramped in there with five people trying to sleep. It didn’t help Saral liked to lay over people like a big furry blanket. She was a true bed hog.He still loved them all and would just have to suck it up till that custom bed that Jessica ordered got there. But he needed to start his plans now. So, he called. And he called two specific Lost kids. They came not too long after. He’d been sitting in his chair over by the wall while he watched his small harem sleep. He felt them come. He wished they had eyes, but the two who were coming were blind and kept it that way. At least he gave them a better awareness of what was around them when they took the wood’s path. He was still proud of that small feat.When they stood up, they listened and found his heartbeat before they walked over and knelt before him. Quietly, the girl spoke. “Pan. We’ve come. How may we serve.”Seth leaned forward and just as quietly, he said, “Delilah. Devon. First. I’m proud of you. I will never not tell you two how proud I am of you. Next, it’s finally time. Gather your forces together and come to the De’Nari Compound tomorrow night. Find your packmates. You have a new mission to train for. You all know of the Black Academy, yes?”Delilah was wrapped in grey bandages all around her body and head leaving only her mouth and nose open. She carried a deadly efficient tufted spear strapped to her back along with several daggers and garrote wire in a pouch. She stood up slowly. Devon was dressed in a flowing robe of black with red flowers plus his small but deadly samurai swords, stood up and nodded to him. Devon spoke next. “Yes, Pan. We’ve been there.”“Good. Tomorrow night, Sara will empower you all. Both the squads and your pack. Travel there. Learn it from top to bottom and everyone who sleeps there without being seen. You have one week to know their patterns and relative positions. Be aware of any disruptions like a holiday or something. I’m travelling there in over a week. Report to me the instant you two feel confident that your squads know everything there is to know about that place and all who stay within it.”Delilah raised her head and twitched her ear. The timestone in her forehead pulsed blue. “Once that happens?” she whispered from the only visible portion of her face.“Oh, then you all will have the most fun. It’s a game called ‘Tag, You’re Pan’s.’ In that game, you all dash in and inject your targets all with Sara’s essence. Arms, legs, butts, sides, backs, anywhere but the head or neck. There’s a difference when you do that. Oh, and not into the stomach itself. Keep to non-vital areas, please. In one night, I want them all under my influence because I should be in charge of them. Do you know of anyone better to command them?”Devon shook his blindfolded head and whispered to him, “No. Only you should rule, Pan.” The red timestone in his forehead flared brightly for a moment.“You two… you two are so… great. Even that word isn’t enough. Coordinate this for me. Execute it for the NeverNever. I will reward you all and especially you two, I promise.”Both of them walked over to him and Seth held his arms out so he could embrace them both. He kissed the sides of their heads. “Make me proud again. Go. Get to work.”They both kissed the side of his head too before they made their exit holding hands. Seth sat back. One more came around from the other side of the bed. He stood up on his tiptoes just before his guard slid out and readjusted his sword. Tootles hopped up on the bed and rubbed Saral’s foot. “Huh. That’s really damned soft right there. Paladin, feel that.”Paladin smiled in the darkness as he reached over and felt Saral’s leg. He nodded. Then they both turned to see Seth. “Hey Seth. Long time. Uh? What’cha got here?”Seth chuckled at him. “I got lucky is what I got. I got a new vampire to keep Jessica from being a twit and loving on Allessandra’s girls until they’re drinking age and now I’ve got a Moon-Maiden De’Nari who seems to be the last missing piece of my soul. I’m also going to let her do whatever it takes to save Jessica from herself again. Best of all, if she pulls off a coup with Kathy, I’ll be much more likely to get our plans in full swing by a large factor.”Tootles hopped off the bed and skipped over to him. He sat on Seth’s lap and held his arm to talk. “Alright, bud. That sounds great and all, but what’s going on besides that? You didn’t call us over just for the happy home update, I gather.”“Well, Jared’s finally fed up with humanity. So, he’s gonna give me the Black Academy and wants to be the one to pull those strings. Kathy, she can’t figure out how to use those stones she has. Which doesn’t surprise me because they were some of the bigger ones that I could find from the river just for that reason. She must be too cautious to risk destroying herself. Works for me in that she’s about to give me her whole army and I’m gonna have her as well. Tootles, it’s working. I’m finally spreading and it feels really good.”Tootles clapped him on the back. “Great! Now, you better remember our deal, spread as far as you can to win this for us, and no further. So, that vision I had where you were kneeling in Jared’s office?”Seth nodded. “I’m not going to betray my best friend. You have my word and loyalty, too. As for the vision, when he told me to take the Academy and later the Mountain, it clicked on how I make that vision true.”Tootles sighed. “But do you have to act soooo… submissive to Jared? I don’t like that.”Seth rubbed his back. “Meh. It’s not so bad. Look, he really could have crushed me under his foot with that blood bond. He’s that strong and I’m simply not on his level when it comes to the strength of mind like that. But I gave him my trust and now he’s returning it to me. He’s a good guy trying to get us off this rock. I can act deferential to him to keep him happy. Besides, it’s working, and I can’t complain. Well, I can because I can’t get him to rail me, but I guess I can’t have everything. Any new visions?”Tootle’s smile faded. “The only real vision I’ve had lately is a weird one. It was so weird, I went to Jargal and thankfully, he confirmed it. In mine, It’s Jed. His eyes lit up. And he’s talking to someone… not here. As far as I can tell, he needs to give someone permission to come. Jargal, he said that Jed tells them no, well... let’s just say you and all we’ve done aren’t enough to stop oblivion if he does that.”Seth looked at his friend and searched his face. “Tootles. Do me a favor. Tell me, is there anyone you’re interested in. I’ve never seen you with a girl or boy. Why haven’t you ever fallen in love?”Tootles frowned. “That De’Nari girl is really giving you some serious compassion there, bud.”Seth took Tootle’s chin and held his gaze. “Tell me, please. Why?”Tootles closed his eyes. “I just haven’t found a girl who…,” he opened his eyes and looked hard at Seth. “I need another Oracle, Seth. And I’ve never seen another one.”Seth sighed. He searched his NeverNever and shook his head. “Damn. There is one. She’s sweet, smart, and a helluva looker… for a… shit, I’m sorry. She’s a Protected girl.”Tootles bumped him. “That’s no problem. You’ve given me hope at least. Maybe she’ll at least hold my hand or something. If I could just get to talk to her, I’d be good. What’s her name?”Seth smiled at him. “You’ll find her in the sky flying as a huge purple and pink eagle. Her name is Dodona.”Tootles whispered. “Dodona. That's pretty. Thanks. At least I can say hi to her.”“Check with Jargal first. See if he sees something about it. Best to be safe.”“I will. Uhm… What about Paladin?”Seth chuckled. “Oh, he’s much easier to set up. I know exactly who he needs.”Paladin leaned against the bed, “Nuh-huh. Don’t even try to set me up, Pan.”Seth smiled wickedly. “Not even if her name is Sledgehammer?”The look on Paladin’s face was priceless because of what that name implied. “Her name is… Sledgehammer?”Tootles was giggling uncontrollably. Seth was delighted to tell him. “Yup. She’s a big farm girl from the Czech Republic. Abs like steel, arms like stone, a smile that shines like the sun, and she’s the strongest Lost Girl I’ve ever seen. She roams the Protected Land too. She’s one of the Marker Tribes towards the mountain pass region.”Tootles couldn’t help himself. “Soooo. Since Seth seems to be busy and we aren’t needed. I think I’ll take a walk to the Protected lands and see if I can hitch a ride to the sky. You coming with me, Paladin?”“Sledgehammer. Pan, she better not have a boyfriend already or I’m gonna be pissed.” Paladin crossed his arms in a huff.“Nope.” Seth said confidently. “She wants a knight in shining armor. I don’t think she’s found that one yet. Do you know anyone like that?”Tootles hopped off Seth’s lap laughing quietly at his dumbstruck guard. “Come on, lonely boy. Let’s get movin’ and see if we can round up a date or two. You’ll probably have better luck than me, but that’s okay. I’m a good wingman.”“Wait! One more thing. I need you to make a detour before you head to the Protected Lands to go girl hunting. Swing by Margaret’s. I need her to make a place for me by tomorrow. She doesn’t need to put too much into it because it only needs to last for one day.”Tootles and Paladin listened intently while Seth continued to explain what he intended. They both had the most mischievous smiles on their faces when they high-fived Seth and dashed under the bed to get to Margaret’s double time.

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