Thursday, November 23, 2023

Martin Swartz (New OoC Jumper)

full image - Repost: Martin Swartz (New OoC Jumper) (from, Martin Swartz (New OoC Jumper))
Decided to make a new Jumper. Where my first (Pal) was built to be a bit of a "Reluctant Jumper", who mainly got tossed into Lewd/NSFW Jumps because of a misunderstanding, Martin isn't reluctant in the slightest. The guy LOVES the idea of basically being a Doctor Who-esque character who Jumps from place to place, solving problems and having adventures. It's one of the reasons why he chose to start with an Out Of Context Supplement. Really hammer home the whole "Hello there! I'm not exactly supposed to be here, but I came to help you all out! Let's have some fun, shall we?"In addition, where Pal had two companions that stuck with him, Martin will have NONE. ...Well, he'll grab up one or two for a while, but eventually will leave them. He is like The Doctor after all. He's gotta be alone for long periods of time. And besides, those guys have their own lives to live.Anyway, here's the Build. I figured I'd use Fanficwriter's OoC Digimon Jump Supplement and tag it on to Quicksilver's PMD Jump. Seemed like a good way to start...and Martin did love Digimon as a kid.Martin Swartz (not real Name): Jumper Type: Doctor Who Rip (I.E. Few Companions, Mostly a Lone Wolf, Travels Worlds/Timelines/Dimensions Fixing Problems and being a Hero) Age: 21 (Possibly Locked Here) Gender; Male First Jump: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Quicksilver) + Out Of Context Digimon Supplement (Fanficwriter1994) Starting CP: 1,000 Digimon Choices: Digimon Forms: Rookie: Ryudamon Baby: Kyokomon Champion: Ginyrumon Ultimate: Hisyarumon Mega: Oruyumon Perks: Origin: Data Attribute Digimon Data Attribute Data Digimon are the neutral faction, able to adapt to new environments they can keep enduring even when Virus Digimon negatively impact the world. Data Digimon can still be fighters for justice but there is also a chance they may become subordinates ofVirus Digimon if survival was on the line. Going Digital - Free As a Digimon you aren’t exactly a biological being, it is really in the name. That is to say, you’re a Digital Monster. As such you may convert yourself from a being of flesh back into pure data to enter digital devices and machines, as long as it has a computer of some kind in it you can enter. Doesn’t matter what processing power it has either. While in there you will perceive the system as a sort of dungeon for a lack of a better work or, if you enter a network, a sort of tunnel with points where Programs, taking the form of Digimon, may be encountered. Brave Heart - Free Digimon has some of the most epic soundtracks in Anime, played during battle scenes, starting on Digivolution. At any time you can set whichever of these soundtracks you like from any of the various languages, to play. You can decide whether this will be heard by just you or if everyone is hearing the Boss Music. Digital Monster Origin - Free (Cannot be taken with “Digidestined”) This is an Out of Context Origin Perk. At the start of a Jump you can use this Narrative Perk to set your entry into the Jump Setting as if you were a Digimon using this supplement, either emerging out of a fog bank or from a electronic device nearby and similar, thematic means of travel. Dynamic Entry - Free (Requires 3 Out of Context Origin Perks) Using this narrative perk you can dynamically craft your method of Dropping into a Jump. Evolution - Free Like all Digimon, you’re obviously capable of the well-known mechanic of Digivolution, allowing you to reach higher levels and transform into more powerful forms. In future worlds, if you acquire an Alt-Form which would include some form of stage-by-stage evolution (ex Pokemon or an Isekai) you can use this Perk to freely move between stages. The only restriction is that if you go beyond your starting stage by this method, including this Jump, instead of the normal, natural means, you will revert after an hour or if significantly damaged. Likewise lower stages can be used to preserve or save-up energy. House Proof (Free) Wouldn’t it suck if any time you went out as your giant island tortoise self, you would break everything around? Or break into the sewers with your weight? And don’t get me started on the chances of your ascending into the skies leaving an airplane in your way! No more, you will never damage anything unintentionally with your body now. Mind as Body (Free) Wouldn’t it suck if you evolved from a bipedal lizard with a wolf's pelt into a quadrupedal wolf but didn’t get the muscle memory? Well, no more! You gain instant mastery, coordination and muscle memory for any form you gain on the chain no matter how charring the change would be! Natural Backing -100 CP Well isn’t this meant to be obvious? Maybe not. This Perk is meant to guarantee that, regardless of metaphysics, the lore-based abilities and attributes of your Digimon Forms will continue to work, or work at all. Omegamon-X now has All-Delete and it works as lore states even on non-data based entities, Shakamon is as BS as she should be, and so on. This also grants fiat backing to any alterations you may make by in-Jump means, such as wishing to be a Saiyan or installing Android parts, both in Dragonball Z. Human Disguise -100 CP Being a Digimon is all nice and stuff, but why not take a page from a few other Digimon. With this Perk you can now change at will into a human form, it will be indistinguishable from a normal human but you can instantly change back to being a Digimon if you need to fight. You won’t have the ability to digivolve while in this form, but your physical prowess won’t be negatively affected by being in this human form. You can use your Digivice in this form to become the human partner of another Digimon with this Perk and if you take another Digimon Jump in the future, you can choose to both be a Digidestined and the like, but also a Digimon. X-Antibody - (Free for Natural Carriers; Ryudamon is a Natural Carrier) The X-Antibody is a specialized program found in the Digi Core, the soul, of some Digimon. Some of them have it as a natural part of their coding, others acquire it artificially. For the former category this has the effect of protecting you from the X-Program but also any similar all-destroying effects and any maladies you may come in contact with. For the Latter it gains all the above effects but also a significant powerboost, enough for a Rookie to stand up to a Champion, and a Wargreymon-X to give Omnimon a hard time. Additionally, your species name will gain the “-X” suffix, which stands for (Digimon Species) X-Antibody should you not be a natural carrier. In future Jumps, on top of all of this, you may alter your appearance to be somewhat different from your normal starting form’s species, nothing too drastic, just a cosmetic change. However, the power boost of a non-Natural Digimon with the X-Antibody will naturally also apply to future forms. File Sharing -200 Digimon are made of data, humans are made ofmatter. But when one moves to the world of the other, they convert to what the other is. So why not go a step further? You can collect data from Digimon you defeat, if you can, and grant them to someone. This act will allow them to assume the form of such a Digimon but only one species may be given. They gain the “Evolution” Perk and can grow as any normal Digimon would. To gain the ability to do this you need to have at least a Data File comprising 100% the mass of the Digimon, however the higher the Digimon’s level the less data you gain from encounters with it. Baby Level Digimon, for example, give 30% while every level above that from there on gives 5% less than the level below it. You may also include any two Perks below 600 CP in cost from this Supplement (Base Cost, no Discounts included) in this package. X-Antibody Boost: You can apply the X-Antibody to any data package you grant someone, including the Spirits you generate. With this they gain the “X-Antibody” Perk. Digimon Files that include this naturally do not benefit from the X-Antibody Perk’s boosting bonus. Get Thee Behind Me! (-200 CP) Humans are so fragile! They can’t keep on you and survive in a giant yarn ball of violence, while flying at just below-lightspeed in a dogfight for the ages! Well, no more! With this Perk anyone who rides on you will do so in perfect safety. No damage can get them, no turbulence can knock them off and they won’t even feel like they’re riding a giant cyborg dinosaur while you’re charging. It will not prevent your partner from being directly targeted, but it will guarantee you have a chance to notice and intercept. Additionally they won’t fly off of you while flying at high speeds and won’t be disturbed by the wind, nor will they get rashes or pains from sitting on you all day while you do so. Sovereign Soul -600 CP The Four Digimon Sovereigns, or the Four Holy Beasts, are a group of four Ultimate Level Digimon who in some worlds, rule over the Digital World and ensure it’s safety. It was the Sovereign of the East, Azulongmon, who organized the Digidestined of Digimon Adventures 1 and 02, while in Tamers he gave form to Calumon to protect the Light of Digivolution. What is most notable of them is the fact that all Sovereigns possess 12 Digi Cores rather than a single one per body. Like them, you too have 12 Digi Cores, which grants you superior power to Digimon of your Level. Additionally, any source of energy you have will be added to each of the 12 Cores, meaning that you will have 12 of each source of energy you would have. X-Antibody Boost: Olympic Spirit The Olympus Twelve are a group of Ultimate Level Digimon, originating form a separate Server to the one most commonly seen in the timelines. As thanks to this, you now have a fundamental authority matching one of the twelve Olympian gods of your choice much like the Olympus Twelve Digimon, excluded are Hades and Hestia, as neither has a counterpart in this group. You also gain the ability to access the code of the universe, granting you the ability to study and manipulate reality around yourself. This only affects the Digital World in this Jump but may be used to a lesser extent in future Jumps. God Chosen: Vulcanusmon (Hephestus) Free -100 CP (Free for Data Attribute) Not to be confused with the price, Free is an undefined attribute some Digimon have, most notably Digimon in the Hybrid Level category. This grants you no exact benefits but instead grants you neutrality from all other attributes, meaning that you take no extra damage when fighting against Virus or Vaccine Digimon. This will also affect Digimon unrelated types of damage, for example a Electric Type taking no super effective damage from ground-type moves in Pokemon. Lastly, attempts to control you will not work due to your Free nature. Jogress Shinka -400 CP (Discounted for Data Attribute) The process of Jogress Evolution is the act of two Digimon merging into one greater whole, unlike DIgi-Fuse which is more akin to one Digimon being infused with another Digimon. You now possess this amazing power to fuse with any Digimon of equal level to yourself, as long as they have a bond with you, creating a Digimon one level above yourself. Two Champions becoming a Perfect Level Digimon, two Perfects making an Ultimate, and two Ultimates making a Super-Ultimate Digimon like Omegamon. In this fused state your consciousness will be the dominant one between the two of you and no you cannot fuse with more than one Digimon at a time nor can a Jogress Fusion fuse with another fused Digimon, that would be madness. If you have more than one Digimon Alt-Form you may treat that other Alt-Form as a Jogress Partner. X-Antibody Boost: Hyper Fusion So, remember how I said it was one level? Normally to reach beyond you need to directly Digivolve the fusion. Now that is no longer needed. You can skip right to the next level over although the fusion will hold only for one hour if you do so. However, this does mean a Paildramon can be skipped in favor of an Imperialdramon. OmegaJumpmon -600 CP (Discounted for Data Attribute) Omegamon is a powerful Digimon, this power comes from the Omega Inforce, a powerful ability which functions basically as a cheat code, allowing the prediction of the flow of battle and react ahead of time, an ultimate predictive power. This also raises the user’s power significantly. You now possess this power, granting you a golden Digivolution much larger and humanoid than normal. Sovereign Soul Boost: Alpha Force Naturally the Omega Inforce isn’t the only one out there. With the power vested in you, you have gained the power of the Alpha Inforce, the incredible power of the Royal Knight’s leader, Alphamon. This ability grants you the power to instantaneously replay a elapsed battle over and over, basically sending thousands of attacks at the same time of which only the final one will be seen by the foe. Jogress Shinka Boost: Paladin Mode In ancient times, Omnimon gave his power to Imperialdramon Fighter Mode. In another set of circumstances, the virtues of eight children gave Omegamon the power of Merciful Mode. Like them you have now an incredible final form which is far superior to you at your normal peak and grants you augmented abilities. Most especially, this form will be devastating to dark or evil beings, Virus Digimon will basically melt away before your might and your strikes can cleave clean through any of their defenses. For forces sensible to this, your presence is more akin to the literal sun or holy light, than anything else. This is effective even if a evil entity is normally not affected by what is holy or could not normally be exorcised. Items: Digivice - Free This is a Digivice, your Digivice. Whether you’re a Digimon or a human, you have it. With it you can bond yourself to another of the other species and they become your partner. They, if they are willing to, become a free Companion and post-Jump this can be used once per Jump if there isn’t someone linked to it. It can be any style seen in the franchise, from the original up to the versions found in the RPGs like Cyber Sleuth. Yes this means that you can in fact be one of several partners if you chose so. It will have any functions the variant it is based on would have. Terminal - Free A handheld pocket computer as seen in the Digimon Adventures 02 Anime, this device can be called a rather large and clunky flip-phone but it has all the functions of a full on Computer with 200 Terrabyte of storage capacity. It will always have Internet access, including to your home universe although you won’t be able to post anything as time is halted there. It can store Data-based objects for you, such as Digimentals or digital metals. Digimon Converter – Free With File Sharing (This Item is free if you purchased File Sharing) Isn’t it a bit bothersome to always have to recruit other Digimon, or find volunteers to give data packages to, in order for you to do things like Jogress? Well, worry no more. This device can collect Scan Data and once it has enough of it, can create a fully functional Digimon of the source species. This may also be used to make Digimon of a species you belong to or have an Alt-Form for, same as your companions, though they will be standard members of that species. If you want this device can also dispense Digivices linking the created Digimon to a human of your choice. Training Facility -200 CP What do we have here? This is a moderately sized building that you can summon to your location. It has a toilet, Bunk Beds and various exercise equipment forms for you to train. Training here will rapidly increase your power at an improvement rate of 2-5% per hour for any statistics you may be training with six having specialized equipment. That being Health, Magical Energy, Strength, Durability, Wisdom and finally speed. Drawbacks: Digital Chosen +100 CP (Bought 4 Times) What? You thought your own partner may be the only chosen? Oh not at all, now there will be another, and whether they are opposed to you must be determined with a coin flip with heads being non-hostile while tails being hostile. You may take this up to 10 times. These Chosen will have Rookie Level Digimon Partners and Digivices which, on default, will be those seen in the original series but may also be changed t othe Digivices seen in the media on which you based the Digital World. First Chosen: Non-Hostile: Gabumon Partner; Female Human Second Chosen: Non-Hostile: Palmon Partner: Male Human Third Chosen: Non-Hostile: Patamon Partner: Male Human Fourth Chosen: Hostile: Plotmon Parnter; Female Human Dark Area Invasion +100 CP Normally, Digimon would at best be rare and few, now there will be a group of evil Digimon out there, intending to take control of the world. They are led by a Devimon with the ability to create Black Gears, which will work on animals and can corrupt humans. Thugs for days +100 CP At least 10 random thugs will randomly show up every day and target you. Plot Anchor +100 CP Every plot seems to revolve around you. No matter what you do, you will always get dragged into the story. Sore Thumb +200 CP There is something odd about you that makes you seem noticeable as foreign being to anyone who deals with anything not native to earth or this dimension.​

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