Friday, May 31, 2024

The most powerful energetic clearing commands

full image - Repost: The most powerful energetic clearing commands (from, The most powerful energetic clearing commands)
I see many beautiful souls in this sub that sometimes feel down, depressed, our will wavers and we feel powerless in the face of all that needs to change for our mission to succeed... One thing that I found extremely beneficial in these times is the practice of energetic command release. I recently compiled all the major ones I know into a grand meditation, and I'll share it with you here. It starts with a deeply grounding method, then connects you with your divine presence, and team of guides, and then you are to say out loud with conviction the commands to release entities, chords, attachments, etc. The transcript will be below. Also, if you would like, I recorded a guided version of this clearing, with music and with an example of "putting your will into it" that I mention - saying the commands with conviction. I put it donation-based on my site, meaning if you want it for free it is available, and if you feel called to contribute, it is also possible. You can click here to access it *** Welcome to the Divine Energy Clearing. I'm so grateful you get to be here, because this process is about to profoundly transform you. Make sure you are seated on a chair or on the edge of a bench, with your back be straight, and relaxed. No need to overcomplicate the posture. Just stay in a relaxed seated position. Let's begin!Start by taking some nice long deep breaths. Yes, just like that. Deep within the belly, then into the chest, and then letting go. And another one. That's it, just like that. Just breathe. In and out. Fill up your lungs, and feel the tension exit your body as you let go and exhale. Take a deep breathe in, and exhale with a sigh *sigh*Doesn't just feel amazing to allow your body in this moment to get fully relaxed with your breath? Filling up your whole entire body with prana and life force energy, each inhale filling you up with this sacred force, and each exhale serves to release all the no longer serve you. Now that you are relaxed, we will begin to ground your energy deep into the Earth. You can notice the seat of your chair. Take a deep breath. Notice the distance between the seat and the floor.Now notice the distance between the floor and the soil below. Breathe.Now notice the distance between the soil and the Earth's crust.Notice the distance between the Earth's crust and the rocky mantle. Notice the distance between the mantle and the molten core below that. Deep breath.Notice the distance between the molten core and the center of the planet. At the very center of the planet is a ball of light. This is where you connect your grounding roots. Deep breath.Start to feel the base of your spine as it is seated on the chair. And from it, you start to feel a root expand outward into the Earth.Notice the color and texture of your grounding root. Feel it expand into the Earth, go through its different layers, and land all the way to the center of the Earth. Once it is connected there, feel how suddenly your energy is much more attuned, much more grounded. You feel safe and connected. Held by the Earth and its love for you. You already are beginning to release the stuck energies, as the earth recycles all of the unwanted energies and uses them for all of its inhabitants in beneficial and benevolent ways. You can say thank you to the Earth for assisting you in such ways. With this gratitude for the Earth, feel that from its core it sends to you in the form of a amber-colored ray its own purified energy. Feel this energy go straight from the center of the Earth into your Earth Star Chakra, located about 6 inches below your feet. This is the center of exchange for energy, and is responsible for balancing all the energies in your field. Feel how nurtured you are in this moment. Completely rejuvenated and stabilized, you are ready for what's next. This energy center is now fully grounded as well, making you in the perfectly attuned state to start the next phase of the process here. Now that you are fully grounded and that your energies are stable, we will begin the process of energetic transmutation and clearing. And for this, we will begin by calling in your Divine Presence. Simply repeat after me and out loud the following command. Make sure you say it with intention, using your will and declaring it with absolute authority and passion! Let's begin the command, repeat after me with conviction: *I AM that I AM. I now connect to my inner presence of Divine Love. Through my heart's pure intention to heal, grow and align with the true essence of who I really am, I call upon the highest aspect of who I am, all that is in alignment with what is best for me. I call upon my guides and all the highest councils of the light. I call upon my supporters, my animal spirits, my soul group, my soul group supervisors, my higher self, Divine Intelligence, my Guardian Angel, my team of angels, all of those who are here for my highest and best. All who follow the Law of Grace and are in service to Source unconditional love. I ask that you now create around me a field of pure divine golden energy. This field can only contain within it the frequencies and energies that are for my highest and best, that are in full alignment with the realization of my soul's destiny. In full alignment with my soul's divine blueprint and expression. Thank you. So it is done, so it is done, so it is done.* Amazing...Feel all the support that you have from all these wonderful energies now surrounding you. All the love and joy that is present all around. Feel the thousands and thousands of beings that now gather around you and create this golden aura all around your physical body.And now we will start to take some deep breaths from the mouth. Double inhale from the mouth, taking in as much air in as possible, and increasing the intensity a little bit. We want to buildup that energy with the breath. Know from deep within that in this moment, you are safe. There is only divine energy present in your field. Feel this. KNOW this.And we are going to use this moment, this sacred space, to do the most powerful energetic clearing we have ever done on ourselves. Keep breathing. Belly chest letting go. Your day has come. Your time has come. Your time is here. Your time is now. And so now, while you are bathing in this sacred field of divine energy and breathing rapidly with your mouth,Start to perceive or imagine a purple flame right within your heart center.Connect to this flame. Feel its presence within you. This violet flame is of pure transmuting energy. It is the most purifying frequency in the entirety of the universe. Feel it right in your heart, as it starts from within you to burn, cleanse and transmute all the energies that no longer serve you. Feel it grow in size, moving through your body. Feel it go through all your organs. Cleansing and transmuting everything that is present there. Remembering that you are safe in this moment. Safe to let go, safe to cleanse all this energy. Feel it cleanse all your bones, releasing all their density, their karma, all the energies that no longer serve you.Feel all of it being cleansed and burned in the violet flame of transmutation. Then, Feel the violet flame go within your veins, all throughout your body being lit up by this cleansing violet fire.Cleansing every little thing that may still remain there. Feel it run through your entire body. Feel this violet fire go throughout all your cells, purifying all the energies present at the most fundamental level of your body.See and feel your DNA strands being cleansed, all the negative energies there that no longer serve you transmuted. Feel this flame across all your meridians, all your fascia network, feel throughout every fiber of your entire being! Now feel this violet flame engulf your whole entire body in its purifying fire. Let it permeates through the entirety of your field. All your different bodies are filled with this transmuting flame. All is set into place for the most powerful cleanse ever. And so now, with the Violet Flame coursing through your entire being, connect in this moment to your Divine Spark. The I AM presence inside of you. And when ready, say the following out loud: *By the power of the I AM, the law of Grace, and the law of Divine Free Will, and with the assistance of all my helpers I command through the power of my voice that any implants, blockages, interference patterns, entities, parasites, shadows, chips, strings, seals, chords, attachments, any and all energy that no longer serve my highest purpose, that are here against my will, against my permission, and holding me back from my purest divine expression, to be optimally removed, released and transmuted now from my mind, body and soul, and from anywhere else in my etheric body, my astral body, my spirit body, my mental body and my physical body across all timelines, all realms, dimensions and realities and turned back into pure love. FROM NOW AND THROUGHOUT ALL TIME INFINITUM I now banish you from my energy field by the power of the most-high. Thank you for removing, releasing and clearing anything that no longer serves me. Any decisions, programs, contracts, agreements, vows, or obligations that I have ever made or that whatever made to me, or that were made anywhere down my ancestral line and no longer align with my highest and best are now nullified, voided, and dissolved. Thank you for doing this across all dimensions, all planes of reality, all parallel realities in this lifetime, in any prior lifetimes, and in all directions of space and time from now to the beginning of creation, and beyond.Thank you for doing this down into my cellular level, DNA structure, and in the entirety of my bodies. All sources of interferences for the realization of my destiny are now dissolved. I am now fully aligned with the golden timeline of my soul, the fulfillment of my Destiny, beginning NOW. So it is done, so it is done, so it is done.* Feel the violet flame increase in energy exponentially. It starts to burn and dissolve all of these things. Even if you can't see it, you can know that it is happening. You might see energetic chords that used to attach you to certain situations or patterns dissolving, you might see ancient scrolls or tablets disappear into light. Whatever it may be, you can ask to you receive the wisdom and the lesson from these things in the perfect way. So that you can now step into the most extraordinary chapter of your life. Feel the flame radiate pure plasma energy as it starts glowing brighter and brighter! And as it glows so bright, it suddenly explodes in a flash and phases out of existence, transporting with it back into Source all the energies that it assisted you in transmuting for them to be returned into pure unconditional love. Wow. Now that this is done, feel the space created within you. And now, it is time to fill this space with the golden divine energy of creation. Connect once again to the golden aura that all your team of helpers assisted you in forming. Feel all around you this divine golden energy. And feel that this golden energy start to come inside of you, goes through your pores of your skin and starts to fill up your entire being. And now we are going to call back all your energy back to you. Connect once again to the I AM presence within you, and say the following out loud: *By the power of the I AM, the law of Grace and the law of Divine Free Will, I call back to me now all my energy from all timelines, all dimensions, realms and realities. I optimally call back all my energy that was given away to people, concepts, programs, egregores, fantasies, regrets, all parts of my soul that were fragmented, all memories of my true self, everything that is for my highest and best and I command it all to come back into wholeness with myself now. And so it is.*Feel all your energy come back to you. Feel this rush of particles of energy from all directions come back intro your field, back into your organs, back into your cells, back into your meridians, back into your chakras, back into the entirety of your being. Feel yourself absolutely energized. Good. Welcome back! And now, imagine the Central Sun. The biggest Star of the entire Universe. This is a Star of pure divine frequency, and it also sends its Golden Rays across the entirety of the Cosmos. Feel these Golden rays reach you, and amplify your energy even more. You feel yourself be fully rejuvenated by these golden rays of pure divine frequencies. You breathe them in from all pores of your skin. As you feel all this golden energy circulate inside of you, you feel that it activates all dormant potential that lies within you. All memories of your divine gifts, all psychic powers and abilities, all healing and cleansing potentials, and you feel yourself get into total alignment with your Golden Timeline, the highest and best potential for the realization of your soul's destiny. Choose in this moment that you are aligned with this path. That nothing can ever derail you from it. Seal in the knowing that you are now fulfilling your destiny and are guaranteed to succeed. Let the golden light wash away all forms of doubts you have of this truth. Right here right now, you are loved. Right here right now, you are supported. Right here right now, you are strong. Right here right now, you are whole. Feel it. Feel it resounding throughout your entire being. As you feel your heart expand in gratitude for finally being reunited with your true essence. And now feel the golden aura that is formed around you. It is so bright that you can trust from deep within that you are now immune from any and all negative energies coming your way. They would all get transmuted instantly. Anywhere you walk, you uplift the environment.And now, it is time to glow like the star that you are! Much love to you. Thank you for being you! ***Of course, in the flow of the recording there are a few differences here and there, but this is the gist of it! I'd love for you to experience it and report back what happened! I'll leave the link to get the recording once again here!

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