Friday, June 7, 2024

Xenomorphs Everywhere Chapter 04

full image - Repost: Xenomorphs Everywhere Chapter 04 (from, Xenomorphs Everywhere Chapter 04)
The train that goes to HässelbyThe subway train has been stationary for about twenty-five minutes and the passengers are getting impatient. Some sit and sigh loudly while some others try to call their friends and work colleagues to explain that they will come later but there is some disturbance in the mobile network and most of them do not even get a dial tone. Those who can call, there is so much crackling that the person who answers has a very hard time hearing what is being said.The sun is shining on the subway train and the temperature inside the two carriages is rising rapidly. The travelers begin to sweat and several of them become thirsty, but very few have a water bottle with them. The driver tries to make sure no one is arguing while he tries to contact the traffic authority that controls the trains.Matthias has eaten his food and feels very full, but this is because the chestburster in his stomach has grown even more and thus takes up more space. Matthias feels almost fat and he thinks it's strange. The chestburster continues to grow and is almost fully grown. The chestbuster moves and now Matthias feels its movements and he gets confused. It didn't feel like his bowels were moving and Matthias feels that there is something wrong with his stomach. However, Matthias doesn't want to cause trouble so he keeps quiet.Matthias picks up his cell phone to check if he's gotten any likes on Instagram yet but it can't connect to the internet and Matthias puts his cell phone back in his pants pocket. Matthias remembers when he saw the egg and went to it, but he doesn't remember what happened next. Matthias next memory is when he wakes up on the ground on the platform and sees a woman leaning over him, Matthias thinks the woman was really pretty.Suddenly, Matthias gets a terrible pain in his stomach. It almost feels like it's on fire. Matthias gets scared and thinks he's had a heart attack and starts calling for help.Help, I think I've had a heart attack. It hurts my stomach so terribly.None of the passengers sitting closest to Matthias reacts, but a younger girl who is further into the carriage approaches Matthias and she looks at him searchingly.Can you breathe properly? Where in the stomach does it hurt?Matthias tries to breathe and he feels that he suddenly has difficulty getting air and immediately panics.Can ..barely ..breathe. Hurts ..the whole stomach... Ahhh!The younger girl looks worriedly at Matthias.It would be best if you lay down on the floor, but there is no room for that. Try to cough while continuing to breathe. I'm going to feel your body and ask if you have pain in any of the places that I feel, okay. You don't have to speak, but feel free to nod if you understand.Matthias nods. He has understood. Matthias coughs but his stomach hurts even more every time he coughs but he can breathe easier every time he coughs. The younger girl feels a few places that people who have heart attacks usually hurt, but Matthias doesn't even react when she presses the places. After a short while, the girl is sure that it is not a heart attack.I work as a nurse and I judge that you do not appear to have had a heart attack. It must be something else. Is it easier to breathe when you cough?It's easier to breathe when I've coughed, it hurts my stomach even more every time I cough.The girl looks pensive.Then there is probably a problem inside the stomach or the intestine. Is it okay if I feel my hands on your belly? Have you eaten properly today?It's okay if you feel my stomach. I have eaten properly today.The girl feels Matthias' stomach and squeezes a few places, but Matthias doesn't seem to react.Your stomach seems swollen, but I don't know what it usually looks like. I don't think it's anything urgent. Is it okay if I feel a little more?It's perfectly fine.The younger girl again feels Matthias stomach and this time she squeezes exactly where the chestbuster is and it feels her pinch and gets irritated even though it only feels the pinch through the protective stomach. The chestburster moves impatiently and both Matthias and the younger girl feel its movement very well. The younger girl recoils involuntarily. What was moving in the man's stomach? Matthias sits completely still and he realizes with horror that he has something unknown and alive in his stomach and it scares him.The younger girl has seen all the Alien movies but it's not something she's thinking about right now. Instead, she thinks about whether it could be a large cancerous lump in the person's stomach and that it was the lump who moved. If such a cancerous lump breaks, the man will die very quickly. The younger girl doesn't quite know how to explain to the man what she thinks it is.The other travelers sitting in front and next to Matthias didn't notice something moving in his stomach and Matthias is unsure if he should comment on it. Thechestburster moves again and this time Matthias' entire stomach is stretched out because the chestburster is pushing so hard against it. Matthias moans loudly and covers his stomach with his hands. The younger girl also sees when Matthias' stomach is distended and she tries to find a possible explanation for what is happening but can't think of any at all. The traveler sitting in front of Matthias also watches as the entire stomach distends and he stares at Matthias.Dude, that didn't look normal. What the hell did you eat?Matthias takes a few deep breaths and answers.Just plain food. It was so weird but I don't think it has anything to do with this. I found..The chestburster in Matthias' stomach has now become fully grown and it decides to leave this body. There is no longer any nourishment for the chestburster and it is very hungry. The chestburster presses hard against the stomach and Matthias coughs at the same time and his mouth quickly fills with blood and it spurts out through his open mouth. The traveler sitting in front of Matthias jumps out of his seat in a flash and hits the wall behind him hard.Oh shit. What the hell is going on?The younger girl who felt Matthias' stomach goes completely pale. She suddenly recognizes what is happening. She has only seen it in the movie Alien and she remembers the scene very well. The only difference is that this creature seems to push against the stomach instead of the chest. She murmurs quietly at first but raises her voice for all to hearHe has an Alien in his stomach. You know like in the movie AlienThe traveler who just jumped up from the seat has also seen the movie Alien and he also begins to understand what is happening but he does not want to believe it.No no. This just doesn't happen.The other two travelers sitting next to Matthias don't seem to react to what's going on around them and the traveler who got up wonders if he should warn them of what's about to happen.The chestburster again pushes against Matthias stomach and this time it uses more force and it manages to punch a hole in Matthias stomach but the hole is too small for it to come out but a growing pool of blood forms over Matthias shirt and the traveler who jumped up from the seat runs away from Matthias and stands in a corner of the other side of the carriage. He hopes he is safe there.The chestburster slams back as hard as it can with its strong tail from inside Matthias stomach and it again pushes itself as hard as it can against Matthias stomach and this time it manages to get out of the stomach. Tons of blood spurts from Matthias stomach and his guts hang over thechestburster´s head. The strong tail is still partially inside Matthias' stomach. The Chestburster's skin is reddish with yellow highlights and even now a bit of its inner mouth and banana shaped head are visible, although not as clearly as on an adult Alien.The chestburster jumps out of Matthias stomach and lands on the floor and those sitting next to Matthias quickly get up but the chestburster is quick and manages to attack the one sitting closest to Matthias. The chestburster sinks its sharp steel teeth into the man's skin and rips off lots of small pieces of flesh which it quickly swallows. The chestburster uses its strong tail and climbs up the man's body, all the while feasting on his flesh. The chestburster eats very efficiently and soon only the man's internal skeleton remains and the chestburster smoothly jumps to the next person and begins to pull small pieces of flesh from her body.Several of the passengers flee to the third car but one of the people in the second car decides to hurt and hopefully kill this monster and he picks up his heavy duty pocketknife and approaches the chestburster. The younger girl and the man sitting in front of Matthias see what he is doing and warn him.You cannot kill this monster. It has...But the man doesn't listen and plunges his knife deep into the chestburster's skin and pulls the knife up very quickly as if trying to split its body. Yellowish blood begins to spray from the chestburster and it sprays up over the man's hands. It immediately begins to smoke heavily from the man's hands and he screams in pain as the strong acid eats away at his skin. The blood also lands on the floor and it begins to corrode it. In the end, there are several holes in the floor and the corrosive blood drips onto other train tracks and onto an electrical cabinet. The electrical cabinet supplies all power to the subway trains and also the T-Centralen itself. The acidic blood flows into the electrical cabinet and there is a severe short circuit and all power to the subway trains disappears and they stop on the tracks they are on. Both the younger girl and the man who was sitting in front of Matthias see the flash from the electrical cabinet and understand that the blood from the chestburster must have flowed all the way down there.The chestburster has eaten the whole woman it jumped on and it quickly turns to the man who cut it with the knife and nimbly jumps onto his body with the help of its strong tail. The man pushes himself against a glass window hoping the monster will get crushed and jump off him but the chestburster rips open his throat and the blood pours over the chestburster and it drinks the blood. Something is starting to happen with the chestburster. Its red skin begins to crack more and more, exposing new dark gray skin. The whole body starts to grow while it hangs on the man but soon the chestburster becomes so heavy that the man's shirt breaks and it lands heavily on the ground. The red skin comes off in a big explosion as the chestburster continues to grow at record speed. Several long tube-like things grow on the creature's back and it begins to look more and more like an adult Alien.The creature's head is shaped like an oblong banana and the tail changes to become more spine-like. The jaw gets bigger and the smaller mouth that is already inside grows and gets longer. Strong legs are formed and the now adult Alien monster rises to its full length and it is 150 centimeters high. The younger girl and the man stand silently in a corner and watch what is happening. None of them had thought that the chestburster would grow into an adult Alien this quickly. The alien monster whips with its strong and spine-like tail. It wants more food and it can sense that there are more prey nearby. Large quantities of transparent drool begin to flow from the Alien monster's jaws and there are small thuds and splashes as it drips and flows onto the metal floor, The transparent drool smells almost like hot iron and the smell of it slowly begins to fill the carriage.The alien monster walks up to a man sitting at the very front of the cart and it shoots out its inner mouth and crushes the man's skull with a hard cracking sound. The inner mouth rips out the man's brain and the Alien monster swallows it and continues to feast on the man's flesh. The inner mouth pulls off large amounts of the man's flesh and it is quickly transported to the jaw as the monster swallows. The alien monster is almost like an eating machine. Soon only the man's skeleton remains and the Alien monster turns to the next person in the cariage. It is a woman and she has not dared to move and entered the third carriage. The alien monster extends its long inner mouth and crushes the woman's face with a hard crack and begins to feast on all the flesh it can find. There are tearing and stretching sounds as the inner mouth tears away all the flesh from the woman's various body parts. It doesn't take long until she too is just a skeleton.The alien monster approaches another traveler and it happens to whip its tail and it penetrates deep into the younger girl's body and the tail is so incredibly strong and sharp that it splits her in two. The two parts slide down to the floor and the strong tail approaches the man who was sitting next to Matthias and he closes his eyes, wishing his death would be quick. But the strong spine-like tail moves in another direction and the man exhales.The inner mouth is ejected with great force and crushes a man's face and head as if it were an egg and the inner mouth helps pull in large amounts of flesh from the dead man. The transparent drool continuously flows from the Alien monster's large jaw and lands on the floor where it mixes with the people's blood. The alien monster's drool makes the floor very slippery, preventing the few remaining humans from moving quickly. The alien monster continues to eat the man and soon an empty skeleton remains.The alien monster turns around and attacks the next person and it is the driver who normally sits in the cockpit. The driver does not actually drive the subway train, it happens automatically, but he keeps track so that there is nothing on the track that the surveillance cameras cannot see. The driver can increase and decrease the speed of the subway train if necessary and he can also activate the emergency stop. Most of the time, the driver does not have to do much and he enjoys the job.The inner mouth shoots out and crushes the rider's skull as it grabs the rider's tender flesh and transports it to the large jaw. The inner mouth protrudes again and continues to pull out large chunks of flesh. It doesn't take long until the driver is turned into a bloody and empty skeleton.Some of the passengers sitting in the third carriage look through the glass door that is between the second and third carriages and they can see what the Alien monster is doing. Two of them have seen the Alien movies and they know what kind of monster it is. They tell the other travelers what is happening in the second carriage and all the travelers get scared and understand that it is serious. None of them want to die, but if this nightmare creature gets into the third carriage, they have no chance to escape.Some of those seated in the furthest third carriage begin to bang on the hard glass panes and scream loudly.Help us. Let us out.The other travelers silence those who scream for help but it is too late. The alien monster has already heard them and it turns and stands in front of the glass door that is between the carriages. The inner mouth protrudes and breaks large parts of the glass door. The alien monster starts to move forward and the whole glass door shatters with a loud crash and sharp shards of glass land everywhere on the floor and on the nearest people. The inner mouth is ejected and shatters the skull of the first human.SkeppsholmenMichael and Sven watch as the ferry they are going to take comes closer and closer to the dock and finally they get up and stand in the queue for those who are going to take the ferry. Michael looks around and no longer sees the fat woman and he exhales. Michael thinks it's lucky that she won't be going on the same ferry as he and Sven.There are over 30 people in the queue, but both Michael and Sven know that they will get a place. There is room for over 50 people on this ferry. The journey time is slightly longer than the one that takes fewer people, but that doesn't matter. This ferry stops right at the second entrance to Gröna Lund. The other ferry, which is faster, stops further away.Michael hears that some of the people standing in the queue speak Scanian and he likes their special dialect. They talk about a nice restaurant they visited and Michael hears that they give good ratings. Michael has eaten at the restaurant and also thinks they have very good food. The last time Michael ate at the restaurant was a year ago when his father turned 75. The whole family was together and they enjoyed the food.The ferry enters the quay and the passengers who have gone from Gröna lund disembark first. There aren't that many passengers on the ferry and the gate opens and Michael and Sven and the others are allowed on the ferry. Sven swipes the two tickets in the reader and they board. Quick steps are heard just behind MIchael and Sven, but they don't turn around.The ferry consists of two floors and it is full of benches that you can sit on. There are slightly fewer benches upstairs and Michael and Sven choose to sit on the lower floor. Michael knows that the ferry rocks more on the upper deck and he gets seasick easily. The floor of the upper floor is transparent and those sitting up there can look down on the people who are on the lower floor. There is a round bar in the middle of the lower floor and a female bartender stands behind the bar and serves alcohol to those who want to buy it. Michael never drinks alcohol and Sven does so very rarely.There is camera surveillance with recording on both the lower and upper floors. There can be fights in the evenings when drunken travelers start arguing with each other and the bartender, but at this time of day, there is almost never a fight.The ferry fills up with more people and it starts to get crowded on the lower deck. Two younger guys sit right next to Michael and Sven and Michael is close to telling them that he wants them to move because he prefers to sit alone with Sven but he sees that the ferry is almost full of people and says nothing. The metal entry folds in and the motors start with a loud rumble and vibration. The engine's vibrations are felt through most of the ferry, but Michael thinks it feels good when the engines vibrate.The ferry begins to slide out of the dock and out into the open water. So far, Gröna lund is not visible, but Michael knows they are on their way there and he is happy about it. Almost all the people talk to each other, but Michael and Sven choose to be quiet and just listen to what the other people say to each other. Sven knows that Michael gets annoyed if there are too many people talking at the same time as he tries to talk to Sven. It is part of his diagnosis.Michael looks out the large windows and he focuses on the open sea. That means he doesn't get seasick as easily. Sven mostly sits and looks at the people on the ferry. Sven doesn't know any of the people, but he still thinks it's fun to see how they act. If there had been less people, Michael would have looked at them as well, but since there are so many of them, he has a hard time focusing on them. It is also part of Michael's diagnosis.Suddenly, Michael hears a woman's voice behind him and this woman has a hoarse yet deep voice.Do you know if there is Wifi on this ferry?Michael furrows his brows at the question. How will he know if there is Wifi on the ferry, but he turns around and sees that it is the fat woman with the mess in her hair standing behind him. Michael recoils when he sees who it is but tries to calm his nerves. She is too close to him for him to feel safe. Sven also turns and looks at the woman. It will be Sven who answers.I have no idea. You can perhaps ask the person working at the bar. By the way, you have something messy in your hair.The woman raises one hand and feels her hair and when she brings it down again, she sees that there is a lot of transparent smear on her hand and she looks almost a little sad.Thanks for telling me about the mess. I was walking through Brunkebergstunneln and tripped over a huge egg that was in the tunnel and then I saw something moving in the egg and then I passed out. I woke up after a while and then I was lying with my head against the egg but I thought the slime from the egg had dried on the road when I went down here. I saw some funny creature right at the exit of the tunnel. Maybe it came from the egg. The creature looked like a large hand with a long tail. It is a bit difficult to describe exactly what it looked like.Sven looks curiously at the woman while she talks and after a while she sits down on a bench right behind Michael. Michael now knows that she's been attacked by the facehugger from the egg he placed in Brunkebergstunneln and he certainly doesn't feel comfortable sitting so close to her considering what he knows will happen. Sven makes a humming sound and starts talking again.This thing with the egg sounds a bit strange. How big was it?The woman measures with her hand and Michael knows that the egg is about the same size as she shows.There was lots of mucus on the egg and it opened like a flower. Oh my stomach!The woman suddenly hugs her stomach and Michael frantically looks for another bench that he and Sven can sit on, but everyone is busy. Michael looks up to the second floor and there is only one bench occupied. Michael quickly stands up and grabs Sven's hand.I want to sit on the upper floor instead. Come on!Sven looks at Michael but doesn't seem to want to move. Michael pulls on Sven's hand and this time he pulls hard.Come on now! Get up!Sven looks confused and wonders what the matter is,Aren't we sitting well here? You chose this place because you get seasick easily.Michael looks at the woman's stomach and he sees that it has swollen up a lot since she sat down and he can sense a movement in her stomach. The chestburster in the woman's belly has slowly but surely started being born and he doesn't want to be around when it explodes from her stomach. Michael frantically thinks of a sensible reason to go upstairs and he soon comes up with a good one.I want to look at the view. Come on now! Hurry up a bit.Sven gets up and looks wonderingly at Michael and the fat woman. Sven thinks it feels like Michael knows something about the woman that he doesn't and he wonders what it is but he follows MIchael and they go up to the second floor. Michael chooses a bench that is positioned so he can stand and look out the front window. But both Michael and Sven can also see the people below them.Michael turns to Sven and now they can talk in peace without being disturbed. Michael begins to speak.Do you want to ride any attractions when we are at Gröna lund?Sven stands and thinks. He doesn't know yet. It depends on what Michael wants. After all, Sven is Michael's contact person and they do things together.We'll see. But I'm not going to ride any attraction that spins around. I get so dizzy then.Michael laughs at the comment.I also don't intend to ride any attraction that spins, but there will be some roller coasters for sure. Maybe the funny house too. It is possible that I may be playing on some chocolate wheel. I can wish for some profit he he.Huh. The funny house sounds funny. But speaking of something else, why did you react so strongly when the fat woman sat down behind us. I saw you looking at her when we were waiting for the ferry. Is there something special about her?In the meantime, while Sven asks the question, both he and Michael hear the fat woman moaning loudly just below them and Michael can see that her stomach is stretched to its maximum limit. The chestburster's snake-like body is visible through the distended stomach and Michael knows it will soon explode from her stomach. The two younger guys have their backs to the woman and don't see what's going on behind them. Michael looks for an answer to Sven's question but can't think of anything good.Uh, she just looked so fat.Sven doesn't believe Michael but he can't prove that Michael is lying. Sven instead just says hmm and walks forward and looks at the view. Michael stands next to Sven and they stand and look at the view together. The sun shines on the gray sea and it almost sparkles. Gröna lund slowly begins to appear in the distance. The fat woman moans even louder and everyone on the ferry can hear that she is in big pain. Michael can see that her stomach is distended again and the snake-like body of the chestburster is even more clearly visible. Several of those sitting on the lower floor look at the fat woman, but no one approaches her or asks how she is doing.Suddenly, the fat woman screams so loudly that it echoes throughout the ferry and Michael watches as the chestburster violently erupts from her stomach and it has such a high force when it comes out of the stomach that it lands on the floor right behind the two younger guys. The blood sprays all the way up to the transparent ceiling and the woman's intestines hang over the chestburster's head like long garlands. Sven also looks down and sees all the blood and the chestburster that is just behind the two younger guys. Sven has seen the Alien movies and immediately recognizes the creature and he wonders what it is doing here. But then he remembers what the woman said about the egg she found and he understands that she must have been attacked by a facehugger.The Chestburster has red/orange skin and most resembles a long snake except that the head is slightly banana shaped and it has a long tail that looks like a spine. The chestburster jumps onto the nearest guy's back and begins ripping large chunks of flesh from his body. The guy's head snaps off and the Chestburster makes tons of holes in the brain and pulls out the soft substance and swallows it. The Chestburster continues to eat the guy's body and soon he is just a bloody skeleton and the creature jumps to the other guy but has so high speed that it lands on the floor instead. Sven sees what's happening and he looks slightly nauseous.Damn it. Poor people. It will massacre them.Michael murmurs quietly.And no one dares to stop it because it has acid as blood. It will eat away at the bottom of the ferry if they try to kill it.Sven knows that Michael is right. It may be possible to kill the monster, but there is a risk that the ferry will sink in that case, because the acid corrodes the entire bottom.The chestburster jumps onto one of the people standing near the bench that Michael and Sven were sitting on and rips both small and larger pieces of meat from the person's body. The person presses hard against the bar counter so the creature will be pinned against it and hopefully leave him but the Chestburster continues to eat the man uninterrupted. It doesn't take long until the man is dead and his body slides down the bar counter and ends up in a heap on the floor. There is only a bloody skeleton left of the manThe Chestburster jumps onto a woman and immediately begins ripping chunks of flesh from her body. Suddenly, the Chestburster begins to grow very quickly and the red/orange skin cracks and exposes an underlying grey-black skin. Long tube-like things grow on the creature and a spine begins to form and the tube-like things grow on its back. Long black legs form beneath the creature and it rises up as it continues to grow and change.The head changes and widens and soon looks like an oblong banana and a large jaw forms under its head. The tail becomes even more spine-like and whips hard against several benches and the bar counter. A smaller mouth grows in the large jaw and it is very long and consists of steel teeth. The creature keeps getting longer and longer and finally it is 1.60 m tall. The Chestburster is now a fully grown Alien and it senses the humans through their electrical impulses and it knows that there is plenty of prey here.Both Michael and Sven look at the fully grown Alien in shock. Sven had never thought it could grow this fast. Michael, on the other hand, isn't too surprised because he wanted the Chestburster to grow into an adult Alien very quickly. This just shows that his wish has come true. But he didn't want the Alien monster to be this close. The risk is there, that the Alien monster will get to them and then it's over. Michael hopes that the Alien monster will not get to him and Sven.Large amounts of transparent drool begin to flow from the Alien monster's large jaw, and Michael thinks it looks more liquid than the Alien Queen's drool. The Alien monster's drool also smells different than the Alien queen's. This drool smells like hot iron and Michael wonders if it contains some acid.The Alien monster approaches a man and he tries to run away from the monster but the Alien monster shoots out its smaller mouth and smashes the back of the man's skull like it was an egg. The brain matter flows out of the large hole and the smaller mouth quickly shoots back out, ripping off most of the man's face. The inner mouth continues to tear away at the man's tender flesh and it disappears into the great jaw. Neither Michael nor Sven has seen what it looks like in the movies when the Alien monsters eat the people. But Michael thinks it seems logical that the monster uses its inner mouth when it eats. A few minutes later, the man is transformed into an empty and bloody skeleton. Michael thinks it's good that the Alien monster eats so quickly because the humans don't have to suffer for long.The female bartender looks for an alarm button but before she can press it, the Alien monster's spine-like tail penetrates her stomach and the tail keeps moving upwards in a continuous motion, splitting her body in two. When the tail has reached the neck and stops there, the Alien monster pulls out its sharp tail and the bartender's intestines spill out of the open stomach and both the heart and lungs become visible through the large hole the tail has made.Meanwhile, while the Alien monster's tail has split the bartender's body, the Alien monster has attacked another woman. The smaller mouth shoots out and smashes the woman's face, ripping out her eyes and most of her mouth. The smaller mouth shoots out again and rips off most of the woman's throat. The blood again sprays up to the ceiling and both Michael and Sven sometimes have difficulty seeing what is happening because there is so much blood spraying up. The alien monster continues to eat the woman and soon she is just an empty and bloody skeleton.A man standing very close to the Alien monster runs away from it and he runs around to the stairs that Michael and Sven went up but the Alien monster follows him. The man tries to run up the stairs but trips halfway up and the Alien monster grabs his body from behind and ejects its inner mouth, crushing his skull with a hard crack. Sven grimaces when he hears the nasty cracking sound. The inner mouth shoots out again, ripping out most of the man's spine. The Alien monster does not eat the spine but throws it across the floor and when the inner mouth protrudes again, the Alien monster finds a lot of meat under the spine and it feasts on the meat. The alien monster continues to eat its way through the man and both Michael and Sven look away. It looks so disgusting with the exposed shiny organs disappearing through the inner mouth.The ferry approaches Gröna lund and both Michael and Sven can see several of the attractions and they wonder how they will be able to leave the ferry without being attacked by the Alien monster. A few of the people who were inside the ferry have got out where you get off the ferry and they are standing and looking into the ferry through the big windows.The alien monster moves away from the stairs and walks around the round bar counter approaching a man standing near the exit. The alien monster is directly below Michael and Sven and they can see its curved banana-like head in sharp detail. It looks like its head is covered in a thin layer of slime while the rest of its body doesn't look nearly as slimy. Michael thinks that maybe the slime is some kind of sweat that the Alien monster secretes and he wonders if it feels as slimy as it looks.The alien monster lowers its head and the inner mouth shoots out and it rips open the man's entire stomach. The man's intestines begin to spill out while the Alien monster feasts on the soft flesh from the stomach. The inner mouth protrudes again and makes large holes in the intestines that hang outside the stomach and the liquid contents of the intestines splash onto the floor. The man's intestines look like long red sausages as they disappear into the Alien monster's inner mouth. The inner mouth once again shoots out and pulls out the man's still pounding heart and it disappears into the inner mouth. The man's lifeless body slides to the floor and the Alien monster leaves him there and goes straight to the next person standing nearby. Michael reacts to the Alien monster leaving the man's body half-eaten. It almost seems as if the Alien monster is no longer hungry but just wants to kill everyone on the ferryThe inner mouth shoots out and smashes a woman's skull and face. The eyes fall out of their sockets but the Alien monster doesn't seem to eat the woman. The alien monster lowers its head and the inner mouth protrudes again, opening the woman's stomach. Her intestines begin to spill out of the large hole in her stomach. The alien monster pushes the woman away so she lands on the floor. Meanwhile, the Alien monster goes to the next person standing nearby. It is a mother and she has a small child in her arms and she looks terrified.The ferry anchors at the dock with a scraping sound and the front metal entrance begins to fold down and the Alien monster leaves the mother with the child and heads towards the exit of the ferry. The people standing outside run through the metal entrance as soon as it has been knocked down and the Alien monster smashes the entrance to the ferry's exit and follows the running people.Michael and Sven are thinking about whether they should leave the ferry or not but soon they see that the Alien monster is entering Gröna lund and they decide to go back to Skeppsholmen instead. None of the surviving people leave the ferry. They have also seen when the Alien monster invaded Gröna lund and they don't want to die. Michael looks at Sven.I guess this means we don't visit Gröna lund?Sven almost thinks it's a very unnecessary question. It goes without saying that he doesn't want to be at Gröna lund when this monster is rampaging there and killing people there.No, it's far too dangerous for both of us. However, I will call 112 and tell them what is happening, so the police or the military or whatever can kill this creature.Michael nods.It doesn't matter that it bleeds acid when it's inside Gröna lund. The bottom of the ferry would have broken if it had started bleeding on the way here.I know. I didn't see anyone trying to damage it even.Most probably knew what it was.ProbablySven picks up his mobile phone and calls 112. The signals go through and it doesn't take long until a receptionist answers.112, what has happened?Um, Me and another person are on the Bosche ferry going to Gröna lund and 25 minutes ago a female passenger started feeling bad and a chestburster exploded from her stomach killing several of the other passengers. The creature then grew into an adult Alien and when the ferry entered the quay at Gröna lund, the Alien monster left the ferry and entered Gröna lund. I suspect that the Alien monster will kill several visitors so it would be good if the police or military came there with sharp weapons and killed the monster.Uh okay. Are you sure that what you are telling has really happened? It sounds too incredible to be true. Is it the Alien monster from the movies that you mean?I'm absolutely sure it happened. I saw it happen. Yes, it's the monster from the Alien moviesNo one will send any police with sharp weapons. Thanks for the call.But there is...The mobile phone clicks. The receptionist has ended the call. Sven shakes his head in irritation and calls the police in Stockholm instead. It doesn't take long for them to answer.Sven says pretty much the same thing but doesn't mention the words chestburster and Alien. The person who answers seems hesitant but promises that they will send a patrol out to Gröna Lund to check the situation. The patrol is expected to arrive in half an hour. Sven puts his mobile phone in his pocket. Michael smiles at Sven.It was probably good that you didn't mention the words chestburster and Alien when you called the police. They might also have hung up after a while.You are probably right. Let's hope they send a patrol and that they have weapons with them.The police are usually always armed when they send a patrol, aren't they?I think so, but I don't know how strong ammunition they have. God, what a strange day.Huh. I can agree with that.Michael and Sven look down at all the blood and body parts lying everywhere on the lower floor. Sven sees the woman from whom the chestburster came and he realizes that Michael saved his life when he said that they would both go up to the upper floor. But one thing baffles him. How could Michael know this was going to happen?Regardless of the explanation, Sven feels he has to thank Michael. Sven looks deeply into Michael's eyes.Thank you for saving my life.Michael shrugs his shoulders slightly and smiles at Sven.I felt that there was something wrong with her, but I couldn't explain it very well. She was still alive and could have been mad if I said there was something wrong with her.I think I understand what you mean.When we get back to Skeppsholmen, shall we go to Lars Café?I do not know. We can talk about it after we get off the ferry.Michael and Sven turn and look towards Gröna Lund. They can't see the Alien monster and they can't hear anyone screaming out of fear either, but they are still absolutely sure that the monster is somewhere in Gröna Lund.Disclaimer: Facehugger, Chestburster, Alien, Alien Warriors, Alien Queen Belongs to Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

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