Friday, September 27, 2024

Best Uses of Great People?

full image - Repost: Best Uses of Great People? (from, Best Uses of Great People?)
TL;DRLooking for up-to-date suggestions from the community on ideal uses for each of the Great People, specifically where - or when - to place Manufactories, Holy Sites, Customs Houses, and Academies. Additional tips, advice, and feedback about all Great People is welcome. Thank you.I started getting back into Civilization V recently after about 6 years of not playing it. Didn't play VI, just found better alternatives or played other games.Anyways, I've developed my own strategy when playing and using Great People, but thought about Googling what others did, and maybe there would be better uses. The results of my searches revealed I may be misusing the Great People.I did farther Googling but most results are ~10 years old and it's difficult to find out what's what. The list below is organized - top to bottom - in order of importance to me. After Great General, the others are meh.NOTE: I exclusively play singleplayer against AI, on Marathon, and with the Domination Victory Type only. I disable the others. I'm a casual player, meaning that I typically play from Ancient to Information with no intention on fully wiping everyone out as soon as possible. I am playing on Prince right now, if that's relevant. I don't mind generalized responses because it may help others and if I enable other Victory Types it would also help me. I just wanted to bring it up because Great People can be instrumental towards specific Victory Types.Great EngineerI always placed a Manufactory down on a Hill instead of building a Mine, or replaced the Mine if there were no unimproved Hills. I did this because the tile already provided 2 Production, so a Manufactory boosted it by 4 Production (and later +1) instead of the Mine's +1 and later +2.My reason was that I always favoured Mines over anything else on top of it (except resources), unless it was a Jungle, to which I exclusively place Trading Posts for the 2 Food, 3 Gold, and 3 Science.People keep mentioning Grassland without a River, or Bonus Resource tiles as the best for Manufactories. Their explanations make sense. A Manufactory on a Grassland tile provides 2 Food and 4 Production, and a single Citizen eats 2 Food. It's also better because only one Citizen works instead of two. Also mentioned were placing Great Person improvements atop Strategic Resources to quickly bring them into your network, but that it doesn't work with Luxuries.Great ProphetThis current game I tried something new. At least where I started, I only improved Plains with Farms if they were next to Rivers because you gain more Food with Civil Service, which is much earlier than Fertilizer. The remaining Plains I placed Holy Sites (after founding and improving my Religion) and my one Customs House. Hills were covered in Manufactories.I spread Religion every so often, but when I'm not I have been placing the odd Holy Site with the Theocracy Social Policy for +3 Gold on Holy Sites, which is nice with Customs Houses.Any feedback and/or tips?Great MerchantSince I started playing Civ V again, I think I only used their Trade Mission once. I generally build their improvement. It adds 4 Gold. I always play on Huge maps with 41 City States, regardless the amount of civs. When should I consider using either of their abilities, or should I focus on a single one?Great ScientistI typically just used these to boost Science gain to unlock techs faster. Should I consider building their improvements? If so, where would they be best placed?Great ScientistI typically just used these to boost Science gain to unlock techs faster. Should I consider building their improvements? If so, where would they be best placed?Great GeneralI generally (pun) use them for their combat boost, but I do occasionally place a Citadel down if I can acquire multiple tiles in one go, and it helps me grab Strategic or Luxury Resources.Are there any tips for the Citadel? I know that Forts benefit from being placed on Hills, farther increasing the Defense on that tile. Does a Citadel benefit from that bonus as well?Great WriterEh. I don't care for Tourism or Great Works too much since I play pure Domination. I suppose the Treatise is the way to go for a large Culture boost. Any tips?For Great Writer, Artist, and Musician:I recently found out that Tourism can benefit warmongers. The more influential you are over a civ, the less a conquered city suffers. It's wonderful. But Tourism is still low priority for me.Great ArtistSame as above. I generally just go Golden Age. Any tips?Great MusicianI'm lazy so I use them for Great Works. haha Is it worth it for Concert Tour for Tourism?Great AdmiralI've never had an instance where I needed to use their ability to repair nearby ships, so I typically just use them for the combat boost.

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