Sunday, September 22, 2024

Witness [First Contact/ Chapter 32]

full image - Repost: Witness [First Contact/ Chapter 32] (from, Witness [First Contact/ Chapter 32])
[First]Earth2027For ten years, Rory had been caught up in all of the chaos surrounding her. Now with the security concerns about Vehru and her Replica, the government had shut her out entirely. So while the leaders of the world dealt with the aftermath of Commander Vehru's sudden appearance, Rory remained at home. Even her shop where she'd worked on the hand mods had been closed to her as they investigated.She couldn't predict what, if anything, the government would disclose. Inevitably, something would leak. Instead of trying to meddle in business that she'd been cut out from, Rory focused on what she actually cared to work on. The world prepared for war and Rory returned to her first love. Bioengineering.Buried in her mind were memories of the greatest medical, military, and technological advancements of her world, all things Earth would need to combat any threat. Or things her people from Lumiea would need to conquer Earth. Where did that leave Rory?While she worked on her hand mods, on developing training for them, and on rediscovering science she once knew so well, Rory began remembering her past. The problem was that her most distant memories returned first, as if she was reliving her life from childhood.As beautiful as remembering her childhood was, that was not what Rory needed. Glimpses of adulthood came, seeming further away the more she wanted to find them.Days had passed since Commander Vehru came to Earth. So far nothing had broken on the news and General Price had told them little. Theo and Rory had spent five hours tinkering with a new style of hand mod that Rory thought catered more to her bioengineer work.Theo was looking at her."What?" she asked."Nothing." He shrugged and started unscrewing the back of a hand mod. "It's just really hot when you're over there making world-changing scientific advancements." He smirked. "Tell me why we waited so long to start doing this?"Rory snickered. "Well, on my home planet I was grinding with hand mods to become the best bioengineer in the program. But Earth has games. Those seemed important at the time.""You're unfair to yourself. You poured yourself into normalizing the existence of aliens for the world so civilization did not crumble beneath the consuming weight of our existential crisis.""I softened a planet for a psychopath to invade the world."Theo hesitated. "Did you remember something?""No." Rory blinked. "I guess. I'm not recalling things so much anymore as simply knowing them. Alexa, create new message." She sighed. "Record memo: First off, if Vehru's Replica is listening, fuck you. Second, I have negative associations with the Witness Program beyond the obvious part about being stranded on Earth with amnesia. It is currently unclear where these feelings stem from, as the memories are murky. However…" Rory continued with her memo as she and Theo worked, finally sending it to General Price when she'd finished."You don't think any of that is dangerous for the Replica to hear?" Theo asked."No. She already knows. I've spoken my mind. I told my husband once there was no way Vehru would choose me as the Witness because–" Her hands froze. She and Theo looked at one another."Is that new?" he asked."Yeah.""Well, finish it.""Because… I told all the Witness candidates that we're really world conquerors and they should say it out loud every day so some part of them remembers…" The memory came crawling back. "I was angry and I wanted to destroy Vehru's program. Why did she choose me after I did that?"Theo lowered the hand mod. "Vehru must not need your cooperation.""How does that even make sense?""Maybe the same logic as why some politicians will leak their own bad press. When you're trying to control public opinion, you need to control every angle. If you run your opposition, or at least influence it, then you can control the narrative. Your numbers are always good in polls, Rory. People trust you because they feel you're honest. Is it surprising Vehru would want an honest Witness?""No." Rory chewed her nail close enough to the nail bed for it to sting. "In fact, it's why I threw a fit and told everyone. I said…" Her eyes closed. She could hear her own voice replaying through her mind. "You want authentic? I'll be the most transparent person you've ever seen."One moment, Rory felt only faint concern, and the next panic closed off her airway. She leaned over the table with her eyes widening and her vision tunneling."Woah. You okay?" Theo reached for her, but she backed away, not wanting to be coddled for being so weak."Panic." She choked out the word. "I think I'm having a panic attack."She tilted her head back to catch her breath, submerged in an all-consuming feeling of being trapped. It wasn't from today but from those days that had been stolen from her mind, now free to run rampant throughout her without being contained in by a single memory.Aeryn had tried everything to fight Vehru, everything, convinced she'd finally won, and still she couldn't escape Vehru's clutches. She never would. She was destined to always play into the Commander's hands.Aeryn… Rory blinked. She hadn't felt like the woman she was today but that younger version of herself who lived a completely different life. For the first time, she remembered the plaits she'd liked to wear because it kept her hair from her face without it falling out easily. Or this one time she'd stopped in the middle of training to hack it off because it had gotten in her way one too many times that day. Jace had stopped ignoring her for once to laugh."I need to work." Aeryn grabbed the closest hand mod, attached it to her palm, and drew a ball of energy. "There's no time.""Rory…""Don't coddle me, Theo." Her eyes snapped to his. "I needed your softness to get me through these years but you have to put it away right now. You have to push me and tell me to fucking work because otherwise people are going to die. I don't have time to panic."The ball of energy in her hand trembled, because her entire body was shaking. Jace's face was stuck in her mind. That grin of his when he laughed had wrapped up her entire body in a vice of longing as warm as it was agonizing.Theo stared without moving or speaking."You see the color?" Rory asked. "The note you made about how you think this is interfacing with our CNS–it's wrong. Are you ready to write?"She could tell Theo wanted to deal with the obvious emotional breakdown she was having but after a few more seconds of staring, he nodded, and grabbed a notebook. "Go ahead, love." But what he meant was go ahead for now and don't think for a moment we won't talk about this later.Rory knew him too well. Over the years, he'd shown her that compartmentalizing all emotion only worked for so long and eventually weakened a person, like cutting off blood flow to the leg until it became necrotic and useless. It was a self-amputation. But he allowed her this weakness as they worked.Tears spilled down her cheeks as she changed the color of the energy in her hand and tried with everything she could to forget that young face in her mind and not to think about why she wouldn't want to remember when she'd spent a decade pleading with herself to finally remember. Her thoughts ran a mile a minute with no sign of stopping. Pure panic. A scream welled in her chest. It took all she had not to fire the energy through the window just to see something break."See?" Rory–Aeryn–this nameless and overly named mess of a woman she'd turned out to be–explained the impulses which allowed her to alter the nature of the energy as easily as moving her own hand.The days passed in this way. The acuteness of the panic faded, but Rory constantly felt like something buzzed inside her head."You should sleep." Theo stood in the doorway in his pajamas a few days later. How long had it been since he went to bed?Rory pulled the pencil from her mouth to jot down a note and then stuck it behind her ear. "It's like I'm waking up." She took her eyes off her work for the first time all night to glance at him. "I had this memory that rebels on my planet… These people who kept fighting against Vehru after she conquered Lumiea… They figured out how to interfere with our flight mods. It was a newer thing. I think maybe it's one of my later memories.""Flight mods like the hand mods?""Yes, our more technically skilled soldiers could use them in combat and it was very lethal for our enemies. There's a way to disrupt the signal so the person crashes. Don't ask me how I know because I don't remember. I just know. It's cost effective, the training is quick, and it was a bitch to defend against."Theo nodded. "So did it make flight mods useless?""No."Jace could defend against it. One of the few things she remembered about this man who she couldn't help but resist remembering. Soon, when she had time, she would let herself. He would distract her, though, and Jace never wanted to distract her from a mission. If he were here, he'd understand. He'd tell her she wasn't being a coward, even though that was the truth of it, and to just focus on the task at hand. While Theo pushed Rory to be healthy, Jace had pushed her to be effective. That was what she'd needed at the time.Now, Rory needed to simply remember."I haven't gotten that far though," Rory said. "It was effective and narrowed the number of people who could use it well."One question plagued her, though. Why had Vehru let the rebels use those tactics if they worked so well? If the continued war on Rory's home planet had prepared soldiers to conquer Earth, couldn't it also be said that it had been a training ground for how to effectively fight against said conquerors? Rory could learn how to fight both sides of the war by looking back on that time.So why did Vehru allow it?"I knew people who could still use the flight mods." Jace. She knew Jace. She just didn't want to say his name. Specifically didn't want to say his name to Theo. The tears gathered again and it made her hate herself. "I had a squad. I don't remember them really, but we were close.""A squad. Soldiers?""Yeah." She tilted her head at the diagram of a flight mod she'd sketched. "This isn't right… Some of it is still so fuzzy.""Like I said, sleep." Theo cupped her neck and rubbed her sore muscles. "Yesterday, you woke up with more than you've gained all day.""I loved them. My squad." The feeling had grown throughout the day. "They were family."Theo wrapped his arms around her and drew her back against his chest. "You're afraid to remember.""I want to so badly. I need to." Her voice caught and she gritted her teeth, frustrated with how easily her emotions had been coming. "It's killing me to know my son is out there." Rory spared them both from talking about the other man. It was still too abstract and too raw. "What if I'm not strong enough to bear all that I've lost? What if I fail you and everyone who's counting on us?""If you lost me, would you really not want to remember?" Theo tugged her back and Rory begrudgingly went with him. "When it comes back to you, it'll hurt, but you'll have them again in your heart. Right now, you don't even have that. Besides…" He drew her to the couch. "You need to remember if you're going to fight for them."Her head settled against the armrest as she curled up, arms around him still. He pulled the blanket hanging over the the back of the couch down to cover her. Chip jumped up from his bed on the other side of the room and pranced to them, ready to hop up on his favorite place to cuddle. Rory could not keep her heavy eyes open as the peace of her boys lulled her so convincingly toward sleep."It's not fair to you…" Her voice was a mumble. Already, she was drifting off."It's not fair to any of us. Not you, not the people Vehru took you from, not anyone.""And not you."Theo was quiet for a few seconds, far too kind of a man to add to Rory's guilt, even though she knew he didn't think she deserved it. Finally, pushing her hair back from her face he spoke softly. "Not to me either. It's always been like this for us. I can take it. Sleep and let me hold it for a while.""You're my best friend," she whispered.A hot tear broke from her eye. Never had Rory remotely resented Theo. The thought had never crossed her mind. Yet, in a twisted and bizarre way she did not totally understand, fleeting resentment fluttered in her stomach for how incredibly merciful and good he was, even though she loved this about him. She realized right as sleep took her that the resentment was not for him. It was for herself. Because Rory loved another man and another world and she knew she was breaking Theo's heart.The feelings soon vanished like the mist of a crashing wave as she mercifully forgot about everything.Theo had been right about sleeping. While she'd had peace in her dreams, she woke to full memories coming to her, and much more information than she had the night before. The heart of what she really needed still waited in the distance where she could glimpse it but not quite see.The thought of finally knowing terrified her.Rory found Theo in the office looking over notes he'd taken on the hand mods. She slid onto his lap and nestled her face in the crook of his neck. He held her tightly."Was it a bad one?" he asked.She didn't answer.Theo's fingers dug into her as he clutched her tighter. "It kills me that I can't take the pain for you. The only thing I want more than a life with you is to undo everything that's happened, so you never have to suffer.""You're a good man," she whispered. "You've had to be strong through everything we've already been through. What's coming is like nothing you've ever faced, though." Sitting up, she took his cheek in her hand. "There's a war coming, Theo. It's not just a war of blood, but also your mind and heart.""What else did you remember?""I sacrificed everything to get to the worst place imaginable. Vehru will use your goodness against you. You're smart. You'll have to balance your mind and heart. And you have to get used to seeing me hurt."He shook his head but Rory clutched his shoulders."I'm serious. My other husband couldn't take it. I don't remember very much, but I remember this fight we had. There's these random things in my head we said to each other. So I have to warn you." Rory sat up. "If you love me more than you love the world, then you'll become a weapon for Vehru."Theo leaned back. "How can you ask me not to love you like that? You're my wife.""Then be strong enough to lose what you love. I hope it never happens, but I'm the Witness, and you're a man who loves me. So you're dangerous." Pain tore into her heart. "That's what I remember. My first husband's love for me made him dangerous. So how dangerous am I when I love people in two worlds? I'm a threat to two planets.""Rory…" He drew her back down and she curled her knees, resting against him. "I love you more than the world, and because of that, I'll find the strength not to sacrifice the world for you, because I know that's not something you can live with.""You say that, but when the time comes–""You know the strength it takes to stay a kind, moral person when you face violence and hate. Do not underestimate me or yourself.""What if it's impossible?" Rory asked."Don't give us the excuse." Theo shook his head. "We have to believe we can do this or we might as well surrender now.""I love you," she whispered, and it was true, so true, it scared her as much as it flooded her with warmth. "Vehru didn't plan for you. We have to use that to our advantage.""You're planning something.""Yeah." Rory stared at the ceiling. "I'm far enough along with our projects and figuring out how to train people. There's more work to do, but it's time for the next step.""Which is?""Vehru will be back soon. We shouldn't wait for her." Rory sat up and sighed. "General Price thinks he's made our network here secure but I don't think so. The Replica is here. She's been here.""How?""I don't know. That's not my area of expertise. I just know she's listening. So there's only one thing we need to decide." She took in a deep breath. "Are you ready, Theo?"Oftentimes, Theo's gentleness made her overlook how brave he could be. Marrying her and dedicating his life to her, standing beside her as they faced down the greatest threat the Earth had ever known, these were things only a very brave man could do. It was amazing that he could pull it without even being threatening. Rory had known too much violence in her life. She was thankful to know Theo's peace."Why not," Theo said, his voice much more grim and knowing than his words let on."You might get fired.""There might not even be a government this time next year.""You're sure?""Yes."Rory walked into the room with Alexa and stared at the speaker."I know you have a name other than Replica." She attached her hand mods. "I know you can hear me." The silence didn't dissuade her. "I know Vehru told you to wait for her and I know she also warned you I'd tempt you to come out to play."She curled her hands into fists, feeling a little more like Aeryn than Rory in the moment, and she didn't even entirely understand what that meant."All that got me thinking, though. How can I convince this Replica to come out of hiding?" She chuckled once. "It would be very inconvenient if your Witness killed herself right before your precious Liberation Day." Her chuckle grew louder. "Think about it. I bet that hasn't happened before."Her voice snapped to silence. She created two balls of energy in her hands. There was no need to be a combat soldier to be really good at killing herself with hand mods."I probably wouldn't. What if I did, though? Because of the things I've remembered about Aeryn, something has come back to me recently."Closing her eyes, she lifted the energy toward her middle."Aeryn said it was better to die than choose between a world and her family.""Rory." Theo's voice. There was no need to worry. Vehru would never let her do it. She'd learned that the first time she'd tried, back when she'd had no way to defeat Vehru other than this. It hadn't been an act of surrender or cowardice, but rather vengeance and justice. If her husband and son would lose her anyway, it would be better for her to die on her home planet than to help Vehru conquer a world.Pathetic that she hadn't even managed to kill herself right."This has gotten old, Aeryn." The Replica's voice sounded exactly like Vehru's and it sent chills down her spine."I know. For me too." The energy continued to pulse in her hands. "I don't remember how you stopped me last time. I figured you'd stop me this time.""You aren't really about to kill yourself.""Worried you enough to say hello." Rory smirked."I'm not hiding from you." The Replica paused. "I'm busy.""You're never too busy to multi-task with conversation.""Commander Vehru did not stop you from killing yourself. You were too weak to do it, because you couldn't leave your family."That felt true, as true as it did now."You already chose them over Earth," the Replica said. "Don't you realize that?"No, she hadn't given up yet. She hadn't given up on Earth or Lumiea, that was the reason she hadn't killed herself."This is a very sad cry for my attention," the Replica said. "I figured you'd try to talk to your streamer friends again.""Why did you answer?" Rory asked."Clearly, you weren't going to stop until I did.""How many days until Vehru returns?""Do you remember yet? The most painful memories are often the last to come fully. Do you remember the last time you saw your son?"Rory lowered her hands and let the energy fade. Theo came to her side and grabbed her wrist."I think Rory already sent her message ahead of time," Theo said. "Fuck you.""Hi, Theodore," the Replica said. "I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better.""I want to have a meeting with you and a select group of world leaders." Rory pushed away the pain thudding in her chest. "You want me to be your Witness, so this is what I want to do as Witness.""No. You aren't Witness until you remember. You've had enough time. If you don't want to wait around for Vehru, then suck it up and remember it all. You're the one holding yourself back now."The truth resonated with her. She could see Jace's eyes in her mind again."You don't need to talk to Vehru," the Replica said. "You need to talk to Aeryn."Her eyes closed. "From now on, when I call, you answer. You need me. It's time you start showing me a modicum of respect."The Replica chuckled. "You humans are adorable. Lie down somewhere dark, focus on the thing you want to remember least, and surrender. I'll speak with you once you're strong enough to do that. Until then, you're a waste of time.""I want to know what name to call you by.""I've been called many names by many people. You'll remember soon enough." The Replica sounded sad. Sad? Did the Replica have feelings or was she trying to manipulate Rory by imitating them?"So say it. Help me remember.""You knew me once by the mind I shared," the Replica said. "Back when you still called me Trin."The sorrow that she'd heard in the Replica's voice crashed into her now as Rory remembered that before she'd ever said goodbye to her planet and to her family, she'd said goodbye to a friend. One who still lived and breathed but at some point had faded entirely from her own body.Her eyes closed.Vehru had always been so many steps ahead of her.[First] [Last] [Royal Road] [Wattpad] [Discord]Book 1 is complete on Royal Road and Wattpad.

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