Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Stuck at 100% 5G utilization help!

full image - Repost: Stuck at 100% 5G utilization help! (from Reddit.com, Stuck at 100% 5G utilization help!)
My UDM went into a horrible state today where it keeps hitting 100% utilization on Tx Frames for 5G and it won't recover. I've tried rebooting and switching a bazillion settings and I'm going nuts.Does anyone know how to debug this? The 5G channels are all at <15% utilization so I don't think this is environmental but maybe a bad device not ack'ing packets? Could that be the cause?How can I see what device on the network the Tx frames are for?​https://preview.redd.it/dsfdny0pn8m81.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1b4feb5704133b3a34e502d2bca0bb034c17dad

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