Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Did I (24F) overreact to ONS pregnancy scare with (M26)?

full image - Repost: Did I (24F) overreact to ONS pregnancy scare with (M26)? (from Reddit.com, Did I (24F) overreact to ONS pregnancy scare with (M26)?)
Hey all! This happened a couple months ago but I keep replaying it around in my headSo I met a guy through a mutual friend and we really hit it off, and ended up getting groovy on the first night. We were both quite intoxicated, and he asked 'is this alright' when we started having sex (I imagine referencing the fact that he didn't have a condom on) and I said 'yeah, just dont get me pregnant' (a very bad and unclear way of asking him to pull out). Anyway, we got very caught up in what was a looot of attraction and lack of sobrierty, and had sex for hours where he ejaculated in me more than once. It was stupid and to be honest I don't know what came over the both of us, especially me. Anyway, BIG lesson learnt and I will be going on birth control, because what followed next was awful.I went back home (I live in a different city to him, quite far away) and the day after messaged him asking him to split the costs of a morning after pill (MAP) with me. He said of course, and that he was sorry, and sent me the full amount (even though I only asked for half, which I thought was sweet). However, in the weeks that followed, I started to get really intense early pregnancy symptoms despite taking the MAP - sore breasts, nausea, inability to smoke (despite being a heavy smoker), late period. I was telling him all of this, quite panicked, and asked him to split the cost of a pregnancy test. I sent him a series of messages saying that if I actually was pregnant I had no idea what to do and just generally freaking out. I didn't say anything mean to him, just that I was overwhelmed at the thought of potentially being pregnant.He didn't reply for a couple of days, and I became very very stressed. Not just because of the lack of emotional support, but also, I was living alone in Domestic Abuse Emergency Accommodation, had no adequate support network, and I had like £18 in my account until my next paycheck, and had spent £17 on the pregnancy test. Him not replying for two days about sending me half the money for the test meant that I was actually having to stress about groceries and travel to work and it was just a ridiculous situation. I ended up sending him a VERY long message explaining my situation, that I was vulnerable, felt really unsupported and that if he didn't reach out with more emotional or financial support I wouldn't be reaching out to him ever again - not in a mean or ultimatum-y way, just that he (for whatever reason, not judging him) was unable to meet the level of my needs, and it seemed unhealthy to keep going to him for support. I recognise we were 50% responsible so I'm not saying I expected loads and loads, but it just felt like an inadequate amount of support.Anyway, he replied soon after saying "sorry just sent money, been very busy, hope youre feeling okay". Luckily I wasn't pregnant in the end and sent him an apology for being too anxious and we didnt speak after that. We have seen each other since with our mutual friends again and we sort of didn't speak that much (I think we were both avoiding each other). I've just been worried that I overreacted, and that I was expecting too much?TL;DR - had pregnancy scare with a one night stand and worried I overreacted?

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