Friday, June 24, 2022

JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #6: R2M4 - Heavy Eco vs Nia Belmonte

full image - Repost: JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #6: R2M4 - Heavy Eco vs Nia Belmonte (from, JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #6: R2M4 - Heavy Eco vs Nia Belmonte)
The results are in for Match 2. The winner is…Rocco Fogerty, with a score of 76 to Marina Michelle’s 39!CategoryWinnerPoint TotalsCommentsPopularityRocco Fogerty23 (14+2) - 7 (3+2)Rocco swept the early parts of popularity, but thanks to some voters coming in in the final hours it wasn’t a complete shutout.QualityRocco Fogerty21 (7 7 7) - 13 (5 4 4)ReasoningJoJolityRocco Fogerty22 (7 7 8) - 9 (3 3 3)ReasoningConductTie10-10Both strategies slid home just on time and everything was ship-shape in CMD!Rocco staggered away from the fight, taking a deep breath for the first time in what felt like an hour. Behind him lay utter carnage, the prim and proper party rendered a mess of wreckage. He could still hear crashing of falling objects as he left the scene, and his opponent, behind. What the hell was he even doing? It had felt good to let loose with some good old fashioned vandalism…but this was too much. Even for him.In front of him, however, he could hear just one voice over the din of panic, laughing uproariously. He had a few inches on the woman, but Red Barchetta still had something of a disarming quality to her.“These parties…they’re usually the most boring shit ever.” She finally said, taking a break to finally stop the laughing fit. “Usually takes Charvet or a bit of wine to make anything out of ‘em, but that was nothing if not quite the show.”Rocco felt a pit in his stomach. This was the woman who’d won the race Deimos had found himself in, the one who’d had the whole thing disqualified as a result. He’d started this fight, brutally injured an uninvolved sailor, all in his path to give this woman a piece of his mind and she was… laughing? Enjoying this destruction? His hands shook, clenching into fists at his side.“A show?” he growled. “Someone’s hurt, you know.”Red scoffed. “That sailor knew what they were getting into when they agreed to that fight with you. Winning’s always a battle and you’ve got to be ready to risk yourself on it. What matters is proving you beat your opponent and that you did it clean.”“You call that clean?” Rocco’s fists clenched tighter, even as the thought of starting another fight right now made him feel sick to his stomach. Venom spilled from his mouth before he realized what he was saying. “Course, I can’t be too surprised, after that last race you ran. Serves you right, getting that record revoked, cheating like that.”The woman went still, eyes narrowing. A sore spot, apparently. “Oh, fuck no, I am not going to take that. I won fair and square, no matter what bullshit went down with those pit crews. If you wanna try me on that…well, you’re no stranger to what happens next.”Rocco exhaled sharply, rolling his eyes. “Hmph, whatever. I’ve got more important shit to deal with than you.”Turning on his heel, Rocco walked off, pulling out his phone to dial 15, the Moroccan emergency number. “Hello? There’s an injury on this yacht. Some… asshole came and started a fight for no reason and now someone’s been hurt. Can you send, like, an emergency copter or something? Thanks.”We’ve spent so much time in the Mediterranean that some of you might have gotten homesick! If so, how about a fight between some theatrical assassins and grizzled hotdog vendors in Times Square?CW: Body Horror (Shoutouts to u/CPU_Dragon for the match!)Scenario: Bsharri, Lebanon — 11:43 PMIt was a crescent moon that night, the forest looming over the resort town of Bsharri oddly quiet, as if holding its breath. Here on the outskirts, in a storage shed conveniently placed discreetly off the main tourist roads to the Kadisha Wadi, two men armed with flashlights and handguns pulled open the doors.“You hear something, Sayyid?”“Yeah, more like ‘saw it’. Someone’s lurking around…piece of shit alarm didn’t go off.”Sayyid kicked a pile of cedar dowel rods. “Think it was a cop, Akram? We’ve bought all the local ones off…I saw someone here. Just a glimpse… but definitely someone. Could be an inspector from Tripoli? Maybe even Beirut?”“You’re paranoid. Look, the boss has everything under control; he’s talked to the right people there too. We’re professionals, not…some amateurs spooked by any old ‘cop’ in a lemon from the nineties.”“Hey, look at this, Akram.”Sayyid pointed down to a camera, having fallen out of its housing. Pitted with age and disuse, rust grown on its frame and lens scratched to uselessness. Akram picked it up, turning it over. A tug, and the weakened metal gave way, letting him see the serial number inside. This had been installed only a few months ago.“...Keep an eye out.”Akram continued further in, scowling. Surrounded by racks and racks of finished goods; fine, ancient cedar, taken from the edges of the national park and earmarked for sale in Europe, to clubs and cabarets that wanted to buy history and class with materials that had been so cruelly deprived to them since the French were booted out.He spat out his cigarette, focusing his flashlight on an especially sorry area.“What the hell kind of quality control is this… hey, Sayyid, look at this shit.”Akram pulled his partner in, focused on a pile of newly felled logs. Unlike the proud and ancient wood he should have seen, this was… old in a different way. Rotted. Blackened with disease, lichen and mold clinging to the dehydrated corpse of the national tree. He walked towards it, hand shaking as he touched it, flinching back as the surface came off in putrid brown dust in his hand.“Akram! Above you!”He began to look up, flinching back as he felt something horrible bear down on him. It was for a millisecond, but he felt utter despair, like a chill wind had come down from the nearby mountain.He looked up, expecting the glint of a gun barrel. Instead, he saw only cedar hurtling at his face, the restraints keeping them in place snapped.An instant later, he and Sayyid were dead beneath a pile of rotten logs.Scenario: Lebanon — 6:50 AM“The cedar is the national symbol of Lebanon! Seen on both its flag and the logo of Middle East Airlines, Lebanese cedars are mentioned as far back as the earliest writings of humanity; in fact, they’re a major part of the Epic of Gilgamesh itself, and they’re mentioned multiple times within the text of the Bible....”“...In a more modern way of thinking about them, Lebanese cedar is a very popular ornamental tree, and is prized for the durability of its wood; it’s known for being of a lovely color and texture, alongside being insect resistant. It’s used in a wide variety of applications for furniture, alongside the oil and resin from it having other uses. Though of course, I’d say that the beauty of them speaks for themself, lumber be damned.”Nia Belmonte nodded along, expression stern as she made notes. The guide, a portly middle aged man in an ill-fitting vest had not impressed her initially with his sloppy stubble and lateness to meet her, but he did genuinely know the area, and knew a large enough amount of French so she could give him questions specifically. And at the least he didn’t mention her scars at all, keeping things entirely professional once the tour got started.Nobody else was with the tour, thankfully. Having started at near sunrise, the two had been hiking for nearly half an hour. She was used to waking up early, and honestly, the smaller group suited her, allowing her to filter in the interesting information. Sunlight streamed in the trees, the morning mountain air a cool contrast to the heat further down the mountains.“And what makes this place so special? The national park is called the ‘Cedars of God’... is there any specific significance about this place?”The guide nodded. “Well, there are many churches dotted among the valley, and the trees here are old… even the ones you see around you are likely over a century in age, and the ones in the national park itself far, far older. In fact, this is unfortunate to say but people have been exploiting the forests nearly as long as they’ve been marveling at it. Cedar used to dominate Lebanon, and the bare or scrubland-coated mountain slopes you’ve surely seen on the way here are, unfortunately, the result of four thousand years of deforestation. The valley here is both a UNESCO world heritage site as well as a place of importance to the government here… there are efforts for reforestation of course, both here and in Turkey, but- watch out!”Nia, writing down the details of his answer, had tripped over a tree root. Before the man could catch her, she tumbled on the ground, notebook and pen going flying as she caught herself.“Are you alright, mademoiselle? Do you need to take a break?”“Yes, I’m fine.” She groaned, picking herself off the ground and testing her ankle. Not sprained, and she was just a bit banged up; more embarrassed than anything else. “I’m fine, shouldn’t need a break or anything…we can continue the tour.”“Hm….” The guide smiled. “Then I suppose I can go over the biology of these trees. They have shallow root networks that can even grow over each other…and if you combine age and erosion, you get little things like that in the trail. If you give me a moment, I’ll find some dirt to pack over it so this doesn’t happen again.She sighed, letting the guide do as he would as she caught her breath. Her eyes wandered, smiling as she saw birds alight on one of the broad branches of the trees around her. She’d come to visit a friend from the old days and catch up, and after that had gone into the mountains to spend a few days before going back home. It was summer after all, and she didn’t have to really begin preparing for her classes for the next few weeks.Her jaw set as the birds flew away, spooked by a…rather less picturesque rustling. “You, do you hear that?”The guide, piling up dirt around the root, looked back at her. “...Hear what, Mademoiselle?”The rustling was growing louder; an unmistakable sound of someone running hurriedly through the underbrush. As the figure grew near she could make him out. A dirty, wild-eyed man in a striped jumpsuit, filthy hair falling down his back, rushing through the underbrush and pausing every few steps to take a few desperate bites of a whole rabbit, raw.“Hey!” Nia broke away from the guide, hurrying to the anxiety-ridden man who clutched his head as she approached. Immediately, he turned to face her, his expression gaunt with dread before he similarly bounded away into the underbrush, like the rabbit he gnawed on and left on the ground. All the while, he murmured to himself under his breath: “It’s following me, must go, must go.”Nia quickly looked to the guide, then back to where the man scurried off to before cursing under her breath and starting after him. “It’s okay!” She tried to call after him, reassuring him as she took uncertain steps off the path and into the forest. She waved sheepishly at the guide, not meaning to leave him behind, “What’s following you? Tell me!”Nonetheless, the man slunk deeper and deeper into the forest—surprising given how ghastly he looked to Nia just moments before. She was having difficulty keeping up with him even, and the whole time he continued to mutter under his breath “stop following me; out of my way”, even going as far as to throw branches and dirt behind himself to get her off his trail. Yet, Nia persisted—the man’s protesting was half-hearted, absent-minded; she was convinced she only needed to get a straight answer and she’d be able to help.But soon after, the man whipped around, pointing a trembling, cursing finger at “YOU!”“Me?” The guide pointed to himself cluelessly. Having followed them off of the path, he looked confused, worried even at this tourist and this strange man having suddenly darted into the forest.He didn’t even have time to react to his arm being blown clean off.‘Blown off’ was a bit inaccurate, as that would imply an impulse, an intention that the perpetrator clearly lacked. Rather, the arm was sheared off as a shadowy figure lumbered past the guide. Inattentive and uncaring force scraped flesh from bone, sending the limb careening into the air as the figure more or less jostled against the guide and sheer malevolent presence separated arm from torso. With the guide brutally shunted aside, thrown headlong into a tree, it was with that same dispassion that the figure continued to march towards them.Nia raised her hands to her mouth in shock, and her eyes went wide. Yet, she steeled herself just as quickly. As her gaze narrowed, a cloud diffused from her and coalesced by her resolve into humanoid shape and girding with her will to stand her ground as bandages wrapped around the form of 「Organs」.The man by contrast saw the figure and only fled even faster.Dumbfounded, Nia turned and called after him. Between the man scrambling away and the figure approaching, she took her chances with the former.“Hey! What is that thing!?” Nia scrambled after the man, his aloof path through the forest now so frantic that she could catch up to him, despite his wiry agility. Still no response; her brow furrowed in frustration as she reached out to grab him by the shoulder, “Is that your St—”“I told you to stay away from me!” He snapped back, wheeling onto him with a panicked look in his eyes. Nia was taken aback, the two only stopping for a moment before the snapping of trees broke the silence between them. The man started running again, but this time Nia kept pace with him.“And I told you to tell me what the hell is going on!” The Stand was chasing him, that much was certain, but why was another question. The guide was torn apart just by the way it walked, and if the Stand was a means for the man to attack them—"What the hell did you do?!" The man rebutted, pointing ahead of Nia. Flecks of rabbit blood mixed with the spittle flinging from his mouth. "What the hell did your Stand do----o!"Nia's stomach turned at what stood in front of her. What used to be a beautiful cedar was now made of flesh, its bark turned into brown fur, neotenous nerve networks moving branches- turned into arms with a dozen elbows. These terminated in long, muti-fingered hands with the smallest branches becoming fingers. The needles had been turned into wicked, bony claws. Faces had formed on its trunk. A maelstrom of cold surrounded it, swirling around its 'body', howling winds and snow that chilled her bones just by proximity created from nothing.She saw a branch, laden with too many smaller arms and hands, bend and break. She saw a snapped joint, bone exposed to the air, a spray of blood that froze as soon as it left this misbegotten thing what used to be a tree. The faces all roared. It was in pain, and Nia couldn't help it. Couldn't risk entering that freezing zone surrounding it.When she looked back, the trees near it had turned as well. 「Organs」 spotted a small brown thing dive down, towards her. Even though it couldn't see it perfectly through the hissing sphere of ice around it, she could make a guess. A bird, with a gnashing bears' jaw, diving towards her. Her Stand picked up a rock, pitching it at the thing and felling it before it got near her, the thing tilting towards a tree, where upon impact it too turned into a urine horror. Then a moment later, the trees connected to it were.She remembered the final words of her guide, calling out to the odd man. "This…this isn't mine! My Stand has only two meters of range! This 'attack' is…spread through organisms! The birds have been affected, and once they get to the trees it spreads through their connected roots!"The man, his eyes already bugged out at her dispatching of the bird, kept up his pace, though Nia could hear with every breath a terrified curse. At the least he seemed to not see her as the cause of this.Hemmed in by the continual spread of the glacial horror, after a few minutes more of running, Nia followed the man into a building. One that she hadn't expected to see in the middle of a national park, a sawmill, with a truck full of cut lumber outside. Just in time to see the man hurriedly closing down the main door, shutting on her face."Hey… hey! Open the door! Hey!!" She cried out, banging on the door. She looked back, seeing fully what was behind her. From tree to tree, the entire section of the forest surrounding her was being converted, yet more ‘birds’ flying towards her. The hissing sound of a blizzard summoned in the middle of the warm Lebanese summer was matched only by the pained growls and screams of hundreds of ‘trees’, unable to handle the own weight of their malformed bodies.The ‘birds’ flew closer, closer, so that she could actually see them now, beaks replaced with tiny, snapping jaws.”HEY! OPEN UP! LET ME I-----N!”Her 「Organs」 lashed out, breaking the door where she was leaned up against it so Nia could scrabble inside, the door repairing just in time for the ‘birds’ to smack against it. She stood up, backing away as the door began to rust, ice eating away at it. She backed away, watching the wild man scrabble away from the door.“It’s coming… shit… it’s coming it’s coming it’s almost here fuck fuck fuck….” He ate the rest of his rabbit, barely pausing to swallow it before he began pulling his hair, expression agonized.Nia grabbed him, pulling him on his feet. “Do you know what this is? What’s attacking us? Tell me! What is going on here!”He smacked her away, irritatedly gesturing into the sawmill. “Not… not this, the thing with the cold… I’m talking about that that’s the ‘threat’ to me… fuck, it should be almost here.”Nia followed the gesture, eyes widening as she saw a corpse. A worker here surely, her head twisted completely around, her face so heavily mauled Nia couldn’t make out any features. A bit away, a man was crushed under a pile of machines. She walked inside further, looking around the area, stepping up a few stairs to get a better vantage point. She felt her stomach plummet. Everyone here was dead, either horribly mauled or crushed. It was just her and the panicked man.She focused back on him. She was in mortal danger, she had to figure out, now, if he was the enemy. Meeting her gaze, he pointed at her.“I… I don’t trust you! You said your Stand was close range, but, you could have a- an accomplice! Like that guy in the stupid jacket! You must have followed me to make sure it got me- or, or something! You trapped me!”“The guide’s dead, by your Stand!”CRUNCHThe two of them screamed as that massive, shadowy Stand burst through the mostly-rotted door in. The man collapsed down, scrambling away and keeping up his scream, turning from shock to anguish as it stalked forward. Flanking him, a new flock of bear-birds flew in, the Stand unaffected, but both watching machines begin to rust and rot wherever the blizzard intersected them.Nia finally had enough. She put her 「Organs」 in front of her, now yelling at the man.”Call off your damned Stand before it kills us both!”The man crawled away, screaming even louder. ”YOU THINK I HAVEN’T TRIED? DO YOU THINK I’D BE CHASED BY THAT THING FOR MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE IF I WANTED TO! WHY DON’T YOU TAKE IT THEN, HUH? EVER THINK OF THAT!? WHY DON’T--”Nia’s voice, one she hadn’t used in years and brought back painful memories, cut through his ravings. A cold instruction. No; a command.”ONE. LAST. CHANCE. CALL IT OFF. NOW!”…The man went very, very still. He got to his feet, turning to her. Instead of panicking, now he was… calm. Eerily so, in a way Nia instinctively knew was him having so much pressure on him that he’d come out the other side of panic to deadly, honed focus.. He looked around, confirming what Nia already knew, and responding in an even tone.“...I’m stuck here with you. I don’t know for how long, but… I almost certainly won’t survive going through the forest. You clearly aren’t listening to me. So we’re going to do what Stand users do. I’ve fought better and survived worse.” He rolled his shoulders. “When I said earlier I was getting away from that thing, I thought it was my biggest ‘threat’, but as far as I’m concerned, right now….”He pointed at her, both their eyes burning with determination to make it through this.“...My biggest threat is you.” (Shoutouts to u/TreeTurtle_852 for the match art!)Goal: RETIRE your opponent!Location: An illegal Lebanese cedar sawmill that is currently being attacked and demolished by 「Archaic Way」. The details of the mill without 「Archaic Way」 is here and details on pieces on the map are here.Additional Information: Anything affected by 「Archaic Way」 has the following effects. Anything within a 2m radius will be plunged into -90 degree Fahrenheit temperature, the ground will turn into permafrost, winds will buffet anything inside, snow will fall, and all surfaces will have ice grow on them. Additionally, it has the effect of making any man made object or Stand construct rot away, and if humans are inside, it decreases the Durability of their Stand over time. While obviously incredibly unpleasant, note that it will not directly RETIRE the players in the timeframe of the match. Note as well they cannot get 「Archaic Way」 applied to themselves.Objects rotted by the Stand will appear as if they are rapidly aging and being worn down by the harsh weather conditions, losing cohesion and, in the case of Heavy Eco’s Stuck Together Pieces, Durability over time. Eventually, they fall entirely to dust.The effects of 「Archaic Way」 happen at a constant B Power and E Speed; while it rots things fairly slowly it does so at a very consistent rate no matter the objects’ material, though high Durability constructs like Stuck Together Pieces rot at a slower rate.Over the course of the match, the sawmill will fall apart. Initially, the bear-birds will stay still as the machines they’re on collapse, raining rusted metal down nearby them.After two minutes, bear-birds on the roof will rot through, causing large sections of the roof to collapse at once. The collapsed areas will spread, raining down metal until the entire roof is gone. This process will take another two minutes.After another 30 seconds, the walls will give way, collapsing into the map.After another 30 seconds, or five minutes after the match starts, ‘Rkto will trigger a permafrost mudslide, filling the map with a combination of permafrost and bear-cedar wood chips to a depth of about a meter. At this point, the entire map will be covered with 「Archaic Way」 zones layered on top of each other.Two minutes after the mudslide, after ‘Rkto confirms the sawmill is demolished, he will deactivate 「Archaic Way」 and escape. Meaning the timeframe that 「Archaic Way」 is active during the match is seven minutes.「Organs」 cannot use its ability on Stuck Together Pieces or Tiles to break them. Additionally "chunks can't become smaller than 1/10th of the object's initial size" has been rebalanced (between R1 and R2) to "chunks cannot be smaller than 1 cubic centimeter (roughly the size of a Skittle)"「Last I Heard」 itself is not affected in any way whatsoever by 「Archaic Way」.TeamCombatantJoJolityHundred Head VoyageHeavy Eco“My… foot… is rotting….” This isn't the first time you've had to pick through a disaster zone to deal with Last I Heard and you'll make ABSOLUTELY certain it isn't your last. Skillfully navigate and take advantage of the changing environments of the match!Harvest Moon BoulevardNia Belmonte“It's all sinking! It's not just the steps! The entire staircase is melting and sinking away!” Even as its falling to pieces around you, there's still so much that you can utilize here. Skillfully navigate and take advantage of the changing environments of the match!Link to Official Player SpreadsheetLink to Match ScheduleAs always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!‘Rkto Medvedev hummed, birds landed on his remaining arm, his stump covered up with ice. He walked up the hill away from the sawmill he’d been so kind to clear out beforehand, tapping trees as he went and converting them. The chill of winter always felt so much better when you were behind a fur coat, and it always got him feeling satisfied and happy.He felt a little bad for the guide he’d jumped, and for giving Heavy Eco directions to that very location. Getting near 「Last I Heard」 had been a calculated risk, to get away from Nia after baiting her in. From then it had been a matter of guiding the two further, staying out of their sight in the spreading blizzard and getting them into the sawmill. But it was necessary; a Stand fight would ensure that even if he failed completely, the mill would be inoperable.He shrugged his shoulders, birds flying off to land on the roof of the mill, aid along the chaos a bit. The cedar forest really was quite important for the ecological health of the area, and as much as he’d have liked to not hurt too much of the forest, it would really be small in comparison to what he’d save by stopping the logging here. And he’d stop it.With the unwitting help of those two Stand users, he’d ensure that the sawmill would be wiped off the face of the earth.He continued to hum to himself as he climbed. Nothing like a good plan coming together.He stopped, snapping his fingers. He was forgetting something, something to signify that it really had gone according to plan. …Oh, right! He crooned out into the sea of growling trees.”OPEN THE GA~ME!”

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