Sunday, June 26, 2022

What is the best life advice you would give?

full image - Repost: What is the best life advice you would give? (from, What is the best life advice you would give?)
Over the past 6 or so years I:Quit my corporate jobBuilt a 7-figure lifestyle businessGot into the relationship of my dreamsBuilt my ideal bodyPut enough money in savings that I never have to worry about income againBuilt a powerful network of millionaires, billionaires, and influential individualsOvercame my social anxiety and depression and built the life of my dreams.I don’t say this to brag.Plenty of people have done more than me and I’m not particularly special.I simply share this to point out that the advice I’m about to give is based on experience and real-world results. Not theory.So with all the credentials out of the way, here are my 30 top tips for living an amazing life after 30 years of experience.1. Lift Heavy Weights 3–5 Times a Week (For the girls too)You’ll look amazing, feel amazing, and improve every area of your life by leaps and bounds. I recommend following Bigger, Leaner, Stronger (if you’re a guy) or Thinner, Leaner, Stronger (if you’re a woman).2. Sleep at least 8 hours a nightWhen you are sleep deprived, you are less productive, more prone to anger and depression, and unable to make the best decisions. Guard your sleep with your life and get at least 8 hours a night. It’s more important than you realize.3. Drink Plenty of WaterDrink 1 gallon a day. It will help your joints and organs function better and keep you healthy for years to come.4. Get Out in the SunlightWe didn’t evolve to sit behind a computer all day long. We evolved to be outside, hunting, gathering and having a blast. Spend at least 30 minutes outside every day and your life will improve tremendously.5. Prioritize Lifestyle Over Money… But Money TooMoney is important, but after a certain point, pursuing money can cost you a great life. Focus on lifestyle first (e.g. doing the things you want to do) while still putting a healthy emphasis on money so that you have the freedom to enjoy your lifestyle.6. Commit to KaizenChange doesn’t happen overnight. It happens in small almost indiscernible steps. Each day when you wake up, try to be only 1% better at everything you do. Over a year, you’ll be 365% better and over a decade, you’ll be 3,650% better. That’s the difference between earning $100,000/year and earning $3.65 million.7. Develop Marketable Skills Instead of a ResumeYour resume is for sh*t. What really matters is having marketable skills that other people need. Instead of worrying about your college degree or work experience, learn highly valuable skills like sales, marketing, copywriting, social media, and conversion optimization. You’ll never have to worry about money again.8. Always Use ProtectionSeriously. An unwanted pregnancy or incurable STD isn’t worth the 7 minutes of pleasure that you’ll get. Wrap it up and be safe.9. Laugh More OftenLife is too damn short to be serious all the time. Laugh your butt off and smile for no reason whatsoever.10. Spend as Much Time as You Can in NatureMuch like point #4, I recommend that you spend as much time in nature as possible. But not just a 30-minute walk in the park. Go hiking, camping, or surfing for at least 3 hours a week somewhere away from the city. It will recharge you and make you feel like $1,000,000.11. Breathing and Yoga Solve Most ProblemsSeriously. If you’re stressed, sore, or pissed off, just breathe it out and stretch through it. I have yet to encounter a terrible situation that isn’t improved by yoga and breathing.12. Stop Caring So MuchLife just isn’t that important. It’s a flash in the pan and then we’re gone for good (at least until someone proves otherwise). So just chill out and realize that nothing is really that big of a deal.13. Think About DeathYup, you’re gonna die. I know that’s not a nice thing to point out. But it’s important to remember. Spend time contemplating your own death so that you can more fully live in the present moment.14. Ignore Most People (Even Me)99.99% of people are full of sh*t. Ignore anyone and everyone who doesn’t have the results you want, even me. If you want to learn how to become a billionaire playboy living the jet-set lifestyle, you probably shouldn’t read my responses. But if you want to learn how to build a million-dollar lifestyle business and enjoy life, I’m your guy. Don’t listen to anyone who you wouldn’t trade lives with. Period.15. Travel Frequently and Travel LongThe world is full of amazing people and experiences. But you have to get out of your bubble to experience them. Buy a one-way plane ticket and see what happens.16. Remember that Failure is an IllusionFailure isn’t a real thing. It’s a temporary state. When you “Fail” you simply found out that the way you’re doing things right now isn’t working. So change what you’re doing and you’ll change the results. Don’t get bogged down when things don’t work.17. Listen to Music More OftenMusic is like food for the soul and makes life more beautiful. Listen to it whenever you can.18. Don't Eat SugarIt rots your brain and makes you fat (even if it’s delicious). Don’t eat sugar and your life will get better.19. Get Drunk More Often (In the Right Way)Yup, you read that right. Go get wasted… Sort of. Some of the biggest lessons and coolest business deals I’ve ever done happened over a cocktail (or two or three) at a networking event or party. Go to as many high-level events and parties as you can and (despite what the headline said) drink responsibly. Nothing will put off a potential investor or mentor more than being a sloppy drunk.20. Ask “How Little” not “How Much”Most people ask “How much do I need”. A better question is “How little do I need”. How little money can I make and still be happy? How little can I work and still achieve the results I want? Realize that life is about hacking away at the unessential, not adding superfluous crap.21. Don’t Watch PornIt will screw up your view of sex and love and hijack the pleasure centers in your brain. Take care of business “manually” if you need to, but use your imagination and memory of past experiences, not porn.22. Slow DownLife is short enough as it is. Don’t make it shorter by constantly trying to speed up life and rapidly achieve all of your dreams. Slow down and fall in love with the process.23. Never Attribute to Malice What Can Easily Be Explained by StupidityPeople are stupid. But most people aren’t bad. When someone screws you over, realize that 9 times out of 10 it’s because they’re an inconsiderate moron. Not a malicious vindictive a-hole.24. Talk to Yourself Like a Treasured FriendWe all talk to ourselves (in our heads and out loud) all day long. Would you want to talk to a good friend the way you talk to yourself? No? Then change how you talk to yourself. Despite what you tell yourself after you have an off day, you’re not a “Lazy f*cking piece of s**t” you’re a human being who is prone to mistakes. So be nice to yourself.25. Remove Toxic People From Your LifeThey aren’t worth it. They’ll drag you down and poison your life.26. Don’t Hold a GrudgeIt’s like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Do you really think that holding on to hate and anger is going to affect the person who wronged you?27. Learn to Live with LessYou need less than you think to be happy. Good food, good friends, good wine (or bourbon), and plenty of love is all you really need. Anything else is a bonus.28. Laugh Your Butt Off DailyI know I said this already, but seriously! Life is short. Laugh it up and learn to smile more than you should.29. Don’t Take Yourself too SeriouslyYou aren't that important and no one cares (this applies to everyone). 150 years from now, you’ll be dead and it’s unlikely that anyone will remember you. So don’t take yourself too seriously.30. EnjoyLife is short. So enjoy it while it lasts. Have fun. Do the things you want to do. Eliminate hate and anger from your heart. Live your life on your terms so you can die with no regrets.Stay Grounded,

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