Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Three’s a crowd, here’s me on my Ones, THINKING OUT LOUD!

full image - Repost: Three’s a crowd, here’s me on my Ones, THINKING OUT LOUD! (from Reddit.com, Three’s a crowd, here’s me on my Ones, THINKING OUT LOUD!)
“3rd time’s the charm”...We've all heard the saying! Third time is the charm? Right, but Why? Fuckin’ Here's why,, Roll the damn footage!... The Number 3 Explained - Why Is It Universally Powerful - Chasing Gods (pretend it's a video package dedicated to the number 3 okay).Anyways, now that that’s explained the importance of the number, and given the fact that I’ve returned for my THIRD stint with this organisation, here's hoping this THIRD run becomes a successful success!Speaking of 3, that network is so, so shit, Sky Mobile I beg you shout me, give me a good contract and i’ll give you bare exposure! Speaking of contracts, I still can't believe WWE officials couldn't recognise The Miz under a mask that time he came out as “the Calgary Kid”. Like how dumb are they! That sort of nonsense keeps me up at night. You know what else keeps me up at night, the fact that the Young Bucks are kinda old now, I think they need a rebrand. “The Big Bucks” sounds more apt. You know, Whilst i’m on the topic of all things Big, it still bugs me that the Big Show had to wait 20 years for his technical 1 v 1 Royal Rumble World Title Shot at ‘Mania, and it was a dark match! The amount of disrespect! If I were him, i’d have left the moment he botched the finish to the only St. Valentine‘s Day Massacre PPV ever. Would have saved him the embarrassment of having to job to Floyd “Money” Mayweather some years later. Speaking of Money, imagine if Ken Kennedy wasn't shite, he’d have surely been a footnote-worthy champion by now!Look, I know it seems like I'm off on an incoherently incoherent tangent, but it's only because the voices in my head don't counsel me, unlike some people, i’m referring to you Raaaandy!Wait, why I'm out here again?! Oh yeah that's right, I wanna talk about the fact that HBK ruined mchildhood by coming of retirement to take the oil monies back in 2018. Should've stayed retired son. Bit hypocritical coming from me tho hey! Although I do proudly boast a better overall PPV win record than “The Showstopper”, as I managed a win record of 66.66 percent for my matches, whereas Mr. WrestleMania could only manage a lousy PPV win record of 45 per cent! Shawn Michaels: Win/Loss Record - Internet Wrestling Database (IWD) That’s embarrassing!! Truesay my record as HALAL was only 2-1*, but even still, that “defeat” won went down in history, as it won a flair award as BOOKING OF THE YEAR! And yes, i’m obviously referring to “Riddle-ConeGate”. Ignore the fact that everyone voted against it, you'have thunk Halal was some kind of creative God.Speaking of God, I kinda wanna see an angle where Christian Cage denounces his ways and converts to a Jehovah's Witness in the middle of the ring, that would definitely put seats in candy asses. Not Rikishi’s ass though, that's something else!Alright, it's time to take my meds, so I guess I'll close my promo here by finishing off where I started. 3! So Here, i’ll leave you all with 3 important things that I want, no NEED, you to remember before you GO TO SLEEP tonight...: Karma is a bitch, no not you KARMA!, and no, not the wrestler who got preggers within less than a year on the big screen, I'm talking about the karma of the universal universe. That Buddhist shit. Basically, Look after your surroundings, and you are less likely to be fucked up by your surroundings in return.: Charlotte Flair will probably transform in to a full on bloke by the end of the decade, I mean she's proper plastic. Speaking of plastic, most of our locker room here need to sort out their economical footprint, before I print my foot in their face!: Unlike David Arquette, Veer Mahaan will never be World CHAMPION, David, fuckin’, Arquette! Monica’s ex. Fuck even that old trumpist prat Glenn Jacobs won a world’s title! Blatant Racism I say. Just Let that sink in... No seriously, let that sink in, the builders are outside. Somebody ordered a complete renovating repackage. Not like Dunne in to Butch, but more like Elias in to Ezekial, basically blatantly the same person but the crowd love the ingenuity of the change.That is all, enjoy your day...Oh hang on, y’all remember when the sheer joy and ecstasy we all felt when Tribute Joker Rey beat thzt dastardly smug tycoon in JBL after 21 seconds to win the IC TITLE in the midst of the beginning of the Global Financial Crash Era yh, you know, back when Vlad Daddy Koslov was a monster heel who could go toe to toe with the aforementioned 2005 Hogan Impersonator! Well that's the kinda joy I aim to replicate here with my out-of-the-box creative creativity. No longer am I concerned about winning or losing, unlike my Halal predecessor, because Fuck him**, the desperate; attention Sikh-ing cunt. Aight, see ya later.*= Excluding the forfeit win I gave Hefty!**= Not physically, he's still got haemorrhoids k!​📷

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