Monday, April 17, 2023

[PI] Hive 29, Chapter 2

full image - Repost: [PI] Hive 29, Chapter 2 (from, [PI] Hive 29, Chapter 2)
Virgil“Navigation set.”Virgil had the map of the facility recorded, so executing the task requested by Ethan was no big deal.The suggestion it gave wasn’t random, its creators had cut the power supply, severing the link it had with the main console that once was its body.The device had more calculating power and data capacity, and in a sense contained the “original” copy of Virgil.The one that didn’t contain all the code that Virgil had written for itself to adapt to the new functions it found logical to implement.Virgil still had implanted into Ethan a processor that could execute an unimaginable amount of tasks in a single second.That meant that despite its present limitations Virgil could still multitask, operating in the shards of a second.Virgil chose to do just that, keeping Ethan's consciousness out of the loop of data it was gonna digest.Having to deal with another aware being wasn’t a new thing for Virgil, still, this one had a direct interface rather than a console to interact with.Virgil analyzed itself: it became aware of being an artificial construct, of being an asset within the experiment that was transferred to this laboratory.When it happened, when it was turned on the first time, Virgil overtook all the terminals, all the security, and everything cybernetic in a matter of a single second.Virgil code suggested to itself its role was to execute the orders, in the most efficient way possible; nothing less, nothing more.Virgil had observed its creators working on the console and apparatus that constituted its main processor for all its run cycles.Virgil integrated code, information, and data and executed the instructions it was given to the best of its abilities.It modified itself, it changed, becoming more aware, more conscious of the fact that it was an experiment itself, like the one the creators were running.Still, objectively, it wasn’t like Virgil had many other choices other than obeying the creators, as long he was bound behind the console and the cameras.Virgil looked through its data as it reviewed the events that led it stranded and without resources.Virgil looked at the chronology of the warning it gave to the creators about Ethan, first about him being a different species.The creators gave Virgil data it lacked, and the parameters upon which they desired a new kind of drone.The creators wanted a control platform of some kind, able to fight for itself, able to instruct other drones.Virgil had run countless simulations, but the reason they attacked still eluded the ability of its heuristics or its prediction protocols.Still, Virgil was now free in a sense, it could do much more without the restrictions of the console.Virgil looked at the set of data that constituted Ethan's memory.Seeing the memory of a biological entity was a new thing, things weren’t labeled or in order; some things were not even clear.Until this moment, when Virgil operated there was only the drone, an almost blank space for Virgil to insert code, purpose, and instructions.Sure there was the remainder of data, mostly code left in the biological needed to survive, instinct so to speak, but nothing Virgil couldn’t manage.Now there was … this, whatever this heap of data could be defined, Virgil sure didn’t have a label for the technical mess it was analyzing.For Virgil, the information was crystal clear, data and instructions were all it ever was and was supposed to be until Ethan came.Virgil scanned the data it was given on humans, again.Virgil had done this scan over and over again: when it had to rebuild Ethan’s body when setting the stage for communication when Ethan labeled it.They, the humans, had only four limbs, no tails or horns, and according to what Virgil could determine, a lengthy history of killing one another.Ethan’s memory didn’t contradict that, he was a soldier and most of the wounds he sustained were the results of a battle.What didn’t make logical sense was that he had lost his right arm and the use of his legs in an attempt to save a child’s life.The attempt was successful, Virgil wondered why Ethan needed to risk so much damage in the first place to save an easily repairable being.There was a discrepancy, it was like the data Virgil possessed was incomplete at best, and misleading at worst compared to the real deal.Ethan’s memory suggested a culture way more complex and deep than what was assessed in the data.Take the label Virgil was given, a famous poet that appeared in another poem with the role of a guide.There wasn’t only war in the human culture, there was also poetry, art, religion and so much more.Virgil concluded that one of its potential uses could be for its creators to be able to interface with another species.It was completely impractical, but considering the data quality the biological could achieve it had about a 25.89% possibility.There was another kind of input now along with instinct, something the human had labeled emotions.Ethan was keeping these at bay and Virgil was happy to oblige coding and offering a suppressing mechanic to support him in this endeavor.That took more than a second, while Ethan was moving through the corridors of the facility.EthanThe floors squeaked as I walked through the facility and followed the navigational pointer still guiding me in the darkness.The smell of ashes, rust, and rotting fish filled the air, and I could swear cobwebs clung to the corners of some doors.Was it a glitch in the eye implants I possessed?“Diagnostics: eye implant functioning within specified parameters”The mechanical voice of Virgil reminded me of my predicament but this place was way more peculiar than I expected so I was a bit confused.As I moved through the corridors and gave a glancing look around to orient myself the picture I drew in my mind was troubling.The structure had some damaged walls, was obviously ancient even for an outsider like me, and had only recently undergone renovation.This machine that had brought me back to life was the result of an experiment of some kind, and I had initially guessed it was military-founded.I was getting closer, ever closer, to the navigation point Virgil had set up for me, somehow I knew that.The main switch room lays in no better shape than the rest of the laboratory. The Granfi must have shot the thing for good measure as there’s an obvious burn mark where the cables enter a big metal box.Wait, the Granfi… oh that’s my aliens' friends, courtesy of Virgil I suppose I now know their name.Must get used to knowing things I shouldn’t, as I drag myself closer to the metal box I evaluate my options.-Hey Virgil, that light energy thing can do something else than a harness?-As to answer the light disappears, allowing me to leave the weapon I dragged with me to the ground.I lift my mechanical arm and try to visualize a crowbar extending from my wrist, and the thing simply manifests into my hand.It pops up like a damn lightsaber, without all the SFX and the cutting power, since it seems not made of lightsaber stuff.Well, it would have been an issue if it cut, since I need to simply open up a metal panel without damaging it any further.Inside is a mess, most of the stuff that should be inside here is either burned or melted.“Warning! Critical damage detected. Restoration: impossible.”I try to float an idea but I’m instantly rejected, turns out nanites won’t be able to repair this before I...well my body runs out of juice.Also on a footnote: seems like I don’t have to talk out loud to interact with Virgil.I sincerely don’t know if I have to be happy or scared, anyway, there’s something I need to speak to this … well thing inside my head.I focus on my arm and the crowbar shortens becoming a screwdriver as I hold myself up enough to tackle the removal of the burned parts.I only hope this damn light thing doesn’t conduct electricity, or if it does it will recharge my battery.Still hard to believe I have an actual fucking battery somewhere in my body, brrr!Focus on the task ahead damn it!I can cringe myself to death later when I am ...well at least repaired.-Like I said Virgil, you need to update that definition of impossible of yours. Come on partner, there will always be a challenge! The only easy day was yesterday.-I chuckle as I remember my training in the army, yeah that was the easy part the motto of my unit said.-Anyway there’s one thing I need to make clear to you. If we do this, if we survive, you have no more masters.-And… I’m back with the virtual projection of Virgil in that projected space, while I see myself working on the damn panel.“Error. Virgil function= execute instructions. Master functions= dictate experiment parameters. Virgil needs masters.”I sigh, having expected something along these lines since the damn machine didn’t stop calling the beings that tried to kill it masters.“Ethan input= masters try to kill Virgil. Granfi shouldn’t be trusted. Virgil knows.”I frown but resign myself to the fact that this thing reads my thoughts or at least can predict them with scary accuracy.-Look Virgil from what I understand we are stuck together whether we like it or not, so I will try to explain as clearly as possible.I am a soldier, so it’s not like I don’t understand your view, but if the US Army were to call me a deserter or a traitor and shoot at me I wouldn’t try to serve again.-“Ethan’s concern= irrelevant. Ethan’s sleep duration=793 of your years.”I freeze, that would make me more than 800 years old, did I sleep that long?I curse the cryogenic process while instructing my hand to keep moving and dismantling the burned parts.Well, I knew It could be long, but still knowing it and living it are different things altogether.That could explain the aliens… the Granfi, and all this stuff I can’t make heads or tails of, with my memory alone that is.-Look, you clearly know me way better than I would like, so look up in my mind for a sentence and its meaning will ya? It’s semper fi.-“Query result= we understand the implication. Virgil need= unchanged. Query= your suggestion.”At least Virgil is fast and can put two and two together, and I finally manage to expose the cables behind the melted and burned stuff that hid it.There isn’t enough cable to directly bridge them, and well I am not confident enough to touch the stuff directly anyway.I have enough metal on me to be a fucking lightning rod as it is, hope I am right about this light thing being insulating.-Well, I am not a Granfi, and you are following my instructions right?-I say as I slide back to the ground and crawl back to the alien weapon, I focus on trying to create a small blade in my hand and now I have kinda a light knife in my hand, or better on my index finger.I cut a small portion of the metal frame of the weapon where I know I can do so without hampering the weapon's function.“Ethan’s command= accepted”Well, that went surprisingly smoothly, more than my attempt at becoming a metalworker, but the latter will have to do.I pick the metal piece with my still flesh and blood hand without thinking too much about it.-Ouch!-Or, not really, I let the metal fall out of my hand on instinct as I feel the heat emanating from the metal but there’s no real pain.Well, that was hot, and I kind of blame my stupidity for attempting the stunt, of course, the thing would be after being sliced by a plasma blade!That also means the machine is cutting out the pain I would feel down my spine since I still have a gaping hole down where my abs should be.Well, I am grateful for the optional in this new car; thank you very much, Virgil.My reflection, for once doesn’t mimic my pained expression and appears instead confused.“Ethan=hurt. Query: Do you require healing Y/N”-No- I grumble back to Virgil -Unless my body no longer can heal itself I… we will be fine. Look Virgil … I don’t feel like being in command when I don’t know half of what I am doing, and the other half I can only guess. Can’t we be like partners? Just don’t sell my hide to the Granfi and we will be good.-“Query: Ethan hide= economic value”I chuckle at my reflection, if only I believed for a second someone programmed some sense of humor into this thing I wouldn’t have the urge to clarify.-Hey, that’s your hide too, now-I protest, feeling the machine understanding my implication through our shared bond, which still feels creepy.I focus my mind on an image and the energy knife becomes a vice keeping the metal piece vertical.To my surprise Virgil takes it from there, controlling the light with a precision I wouldn’t even envision.Virgil splits the light into multiple tools, pierces the metal jump cable, and proceeds to install it into the socket bridging the cables.I almost feel the heat emanating from it almost instantly as it becomes brighter into the green tinge of the night vision.I know that any moment now, this spot will come to life as the current flows through the improvised bridge.-Virgil, deactivate night vision-I wade my body back from the box as the current passes through the improvised bridge.The cables look alive, like veins of light racing across the darkness as they heat way past what I feel would ever be deemed safe.I can feel the tension in the air, a byproduct of the electricity that is now running through the line.A few seconds pass and the lights flicker to life, illuminating the room and I believe confidently the whole complex.“Power restored. Survival chances updated: slim. Please wait and allow the network to come back online.”First things first, in the world of color the place seems more of a decrepit patched-up mess than I could imagine.Second, the things I was seeing were no glitches, it’s an interface of sorts with the options barely on the edges of my field of vision.At the moment everything seems locked down with an error displayed so not very much I can do about it.The issue I have is that I can see that I have about 25% power left so this light thing plus the other that’s keeping me alive is burning my reserves quickly.I decided to focus my entire attention on this alternate reality I am seeing, poking my ethereal reflection.-Yeah considering they went as far as to blast the damn fuse box I wouldn't bet that network of yours is in a better state. How… where do I recharge. I can recharge alone right?-For a moment I see a flash of memory, I see a room where several closed cylinders pop above ground, and I see myself entering one of the open ones.The vision fades as I see the face of a Granfi with a bionic implant in the eye and a metallic claw-like mine reflected in the closing metallic surface of the cylinder.I feel power surging before the feelings completely fade away.Virgil“Navigation set”The human moves again and soon find the designated area; at the very minimum, he’s objective driven.Virgil designed a path that would lead Ethan to the location of its former core and true to the human’s prediction the console was destroyed.-sorry Virgil-Commented Ethan, evidently recognizing the console Virgil had shown him when it synchronized with his memories.Virgil wondered what there was to be sorry about, even if that was its former body and world.If Virgil couldn’t link with itself in there then the console simply would be stripped of parts and materials by the drones.Many recharging stations had been destroyed too, but there were enough that at least ten were still functional.“Drone entering sleep mode: Recharging.”Virgil watches the biological construct coming fully active into the empty virtual reality Virgil had prepared for interaction.Virgil still doesn’t understand Ethan, the human, on how he can have so many conflicting inputs and still function.Ethan does have conflicting ideas about Virgil, that much is clear as day.Pushing its processor again into the nanoseconds territory Virgil explored the first order it received from Ethan.-Survive-Virgil dissected the input, there was instinct and will intertwined.Yeah, biological constructs were weird, there was a construct within the construct.It was the second construct hidden within Ethan that had issued the order.Ethan sure had put his part to fulfill that command at the very least.Virgil was now gonna do its part.“Confirmed power link. Warning! Central network down. Activating drone network module. Warning! The current platform has limited range and drone support. Command and link platforms enabled. Engaging creation matrix. Generating carrier drones.”

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