Wednesday, September 6, 2023

What is Greek Life and why you should consider it at UAlberta

full image - Repost: What is Greek Life and why you should consider it at UAlberta (from, What is Greek Life and why you should consider it at UAlberta)
Disclaimer:I am a member of a Fraternity on Campus. I am not here representing any group in specific and will attempt to give generalized information. I also will not speak on the specifics of any group on campus, but I am willing to answer generalized questions. I would also ask that before you downvote or head straight to the comments, please read my post; I hope to address some of the stigma around Greek Life.What is Greek Life?:Greek Life is the participation and involvement with Greek Letter fraternities and Sororities. They, as groups, are social clubs. A social club is a group of individuals who gather together to socialize. Socialization, in the context of Greek Life, is pursuing Brotherhood or Sisterhood. This answer is a very textbook answer, but in layperson's terms, it's about making solid bonds of friendship. Real friends, not just people you say hi to in class and maybe see outside of class in the hallway. There is also a common emphasis on philanthropy and personal development in all Greek organizations on campus. Each one goes about this in different ways with differing values and priorities when trying to provide value to our community and society. Why should I consider Greek Life?:Brotherhood/Sisterhood. It's my personal opinion that many of us have been undervaluing our social life. I frequently see posts here on r/UAlberta saying they are lonely and are having trouble making friends. Studies have shown we are in a loneliness epidemic. Humans fundamentally are social creatures regardless of whether you are an introvert or extrovert. Studies show human interaction has a positive effect on our mental health. The honest fact is it is harder in today's age to make friends. There are so many factors causing this issue that I could write a whole essay on it; however, for brevity, I will not. Greek Life's fundamental purpose is to encourage real friendship. The kind of friends who, on a moment's notice, would drop what they're doing to help you. When you stop showing up, the type of friends who message you to check on you because they care about you. The kind of friends who show up to your wedding to cheer you on in your future success in life. It is about platonic love for our fellow Brothers and Sisters. That's what Brotherhood means to me, and if that doesn't appeal to you, I don't know how to sell Greek Life.Volunteering/Philanthropic opportunities. I won't lie and say there are no better options on campus to fulfil this need. I personally am involved in a service-oriented club on campus. However, it's worth mentioning, especially for those who haven't done much volunteer work. The self-fulfilment and satisfaction from helping your fellow humans cannot be understated. Fraternities and Sororities typically host a multitude of fundraising and volunteering events throughout the year, and many have a requirement to commit to doing a certain amount of volunteering a year. This could be the push for some of us less motivated to make the leap and get into it.Networking. Networking is not just finding jobs but developing a vast network of people you know. Your Brother/Sister studying psych may save you when that one psych essay in an optional class gives you grief. Another Brother/Sister you gained within your discipline might now be your best study buddy. Also, it's common for Greek Alumni to help active members find jobs. I know many people who have found work through the connections made in Greek Life. Opportunities to push yourself and find new experiences. This could bundled into Brotherhood/Sisterhood however having a solid friend group to encourage you to try new things is wonderful. Greek Organizations hold many events for their members to do a variety of activities. Maybe its something simple like trying out rock climbing for the first time or going to a Bear's Game. It could also be something more extreme like travelling on summer vacation with you're Brothers/Sisters. Life is meant to be experienced and it can be hard to push your boundaries. Having people there to encourage you to push yourself can really help you make those leaps. You never know what's behind the doors you never opened.How do I join/get involved?:Disclaimer: This is a very unique process to each chapter, and I'm not very well versed in sororities so I invite people to give corrections or extra info on this in comments.Rushing. The initial process is commonly referred to as Rush. Rushing is the act of going out to events held by Sororities/Fraternities to get to know members and for them to get to know you. To find these events, you can look for posters around campus or find any chapter's Instagram you are interested in. A quick Google of UAlberta Fraternities or Sororities should lead you on your way. Rush can be incredibly fun as many events are a great time. There are many different events that are held during Rush; however, each chapter goes about it in different ways. For Fraternities, common ones are hosting dinners/barbeques, Open houses, Parties, and playing sports/games; I can't speak on sororities as a male. I highly encourage you to message their Instagrams asking for information. The process of rushing is meant for you to get a vibe of the chapters on campus and for them to get a vibe of you. I highly recommend checking out multiple groups on campus, as each one has a different culture and ethos. There is a best fit for you, but it's up to you to find it. For the Fall semester, Rush has begun now, but it's far from too late to get involved. You may also find booths for both Sororities and Fraternities at the club fair.Signing a Bid. Once a Sorority or Fraternity has felt that they got to know you well enough and see you as a good match to become a new member, they will offer you a bid. A bid is a non-legal contract claiming mutual interest. Signing this means you have committed and will stop rushing other chapters on campus. It also means the chapter has committed to moving you onto the next stage of becoming a member.Becoming a member. After you sign a bid, you typically will go through some kind of initiation process. I can't speak for every chapter on campus, so I will keep this very generalized. Typically, there is a process in which you receive some education on expected behaviour within the organization and it's history. After this, there will often be an event in which you officially become a member. This event is commonly referred to as initiations; however, it may have other names. At this point, you are a member for life as long as you abide by the rules. This is an exhilarating time and is a core memory for me.Common questions and concerns:How much time do I need to give? This question can't easily be answered in a general answer. However, chapters can be very understanding. Generally, the mandatory commitment is only a few hours a week. I am a very busy man, but I make time. I believe it's essential to dedicate time for leisure and recreation in our lives. All work, no play, makes my mental health dive. Also, during your time, you can develop many soft skills like public speaking, so it's not necessarily unproductive.How much does it cost? Another question that can't be answered generally. It should be noted that rushing shouldn't cost you anything except maybe admission to a party. I don't know the minimum and max ranges; generally, it's a few hundred a semester. This cost may seem steep; however, all that money goes towards a budget you have a say in. That money you should see back in returns from skill development, getting to attend events and networking. I'd also like to say if you're interested in moving into the house of your Chapter, room costs are often far lower than anything else near campus. The lower rent itself can pay for your dues if it interests you.What if I don't like partying or drinking? What if I don't like partying or drinking? Not all chapters on campus throw parties or attend them. Every chapter here has its own unique culture. There are dry organizations on campus where members do not drink during events. There is no requirement to drink, even in the chapters that do party and drink. I have often said I'm not drinking, and nobody has batted an eye. There are also chapters on campus that do not host parties whatsoever. If you want to chill and play games with the boys or have a lowkey time, there is a chapter here for you. You only need to ask some questions and find out.I heard XYZ did this or that. Firstly, please don't judge all chapters for the actions of one. Every four years, a chapter has almost all new members. Things change very quickly in Greek Life; my current fraternity in the past has been involved in some things I wouldn't stand for. However, an effort made by the actives to recruit men who are upstanding individuals and properly enforced rules has led us to be very different from the past. I will also say the rumour mill is strong in the Greek Community. If you're on the fence about a group of people, I highly recommend that you meet them and judge for yourself.Will I get hazed? If you don't want to, you will not. I will not lie and say there has not been hazing in the past. If you google UAlberta hazing, there are news articles on the subject. Hazing is not legal nor tolerated at UAlberta. If you experience hazing, don't hesitate to contact the Edmonton Police Service and Student Group Services. I experienced zero hazing during my recruitment process. I know nobody who has admitted to enduring it at UAlberta. Ask the hard questions during rush and clarify that you won't stand for it. If you do this, you will not be hazed.Am I too old, ugly, uncool, wrong ethnicity, gender, identity, etc to join? Absolutely not. Be yourself during rush and you should find a group of people you vibe with. Maybe you don't fit in at one chapter but that doesn't mean you won't fit in elsewhere. You don't need to fit a square peg in the circle hole, you deserve to feel accepted and welcomed with your Brothers or Sisters.Is it like the movies or stuff I see from American Social Media? No, UAlberta Greek Life reflects the current student body at UAlberta. Our Greek Life tends to be far more tame and generally reflects our cultural norms. Greek Life at UAlberta is its own identity shaped by the people who attend UAlberta.​​

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