Friday, November 24, 2023

Not so dubious duo, part 8.

full image - Repost: Not so dubious duo, part 8. (from, Not so dubious duo, part 8.)
Povalkie had mentioned before we left to confront the incoming dragon hunters and slayers that the heroes of the Riven War were on their way for a council and negotiations of building a friendship later on. I was absolutely bewildered by the latter. How in the hell are they able to trust the shadow dragons? Even after so much damage they inflicted during the war?To which Povalkie replied. 'Not entirely sure but, something is happening at Valerie and with the current events unfolding in Ghaudun. Our spy network would be an immense asset to have ready to be consulted, I have my doubts of their intentions but, same time. Having friends you actually can trust... Tends to make quite a difference in life, not just in regards to agendas or interests. It is pretty good for your health. We learned that last lesson, pretty well.'I had to agree with son of Renvergyl's reasoning, considering what I learned of the shadow dragon history from Salaezen, my family did have "Friends" but, well, they weren't the type of "Friends" you actually wanted to have. Povalkie will inform us himself of the results of the talks, once they are over. I turn to Jakan as we are eating.'Have you talked with the heroes of Riven war from Valerie? Jakan.' I ask because I feel curious of them.'Only have heard about their skill in aspects of combat they focus on. Never have witnessed such with my own eyes though. Although, not many can claim they lived through the war from beginning to the end, so, better to expect them to actually be good at they do. What comes on speaking to any of them... No, I haven't talked to any of them, although... I might have seen Seirialia, the one who looks like a mage. I am still trying to recall where, though. I will let you know if I recall.' Jakan says thinking about my question.'How about you two?' I ask from Olte and Kazil. Both pause the meal and think.'No, I haven't. I trust Jakan's prediction though, we most likely would get annihilated by them. I am seem to be just as curious as everybody else here and Gyver of why they are here for talks. Most particularly, why our lords are interested to talk with them? I heard rumors that some of them are most likely involved in deaths of their closest friends.' Kazil says in contemplating tone.'Me either. I am just as interested to hear the reasoning. Kazil shared to me those rumors he heard, I am just as puzzled of them gathering to talk with our lords.' Olte says pondering probably same things as Kazil.'I have noticed the looks you have given me Volarie. You want me to join you on your investigation?' Jakan says guessing my not yet made clear intention of asking him to be my partner for investigating the attempted assassination of Grezagir and me.'I very much would appreciate you being my partner, does something prevent it?' I reply as I did have that question on my mind when I would have asked him to be my partner.Jakan thinks a while. Probably thinking about the peace terms and a lot of other details to be aware of, if he is to be my partner. 'Nothing that I can particularly recall preventing it, I have spent a lot of time on these mountains and I would most certainly appreciate a change of scenery. None of the shadow dragons aren't welcome in Valerie, but, nothing was said about my kind.' Jakan says after thinking long and hard.Part of me wonders what the ceremony looked like, the signing of the peace agreement. What Jakan has told me is that it was quite formal and still relatively cautions affair, it left him with an impression of something new has begun and, not exactly sure of lasting peace. I agreed with him, with everything going on in both sides. It felt more like an armistice that was already being broken by both sides.Jakan somewhat agreed with my opinion, that it most certainly is plausible but, so far. Considering what we both have seen, things have most certainly quieted down but, we are both still quite skeptical. Frequent altercations with dragon slayers and hunters from both sides aren't really helping the situation either. We finished our meal and go get some sleep.The very next morning, as we were readying for training. Povalkie came to visit. 'Hail milord.' We all say.'That was an interesting first day of discussions. I will be heading back immediately, I have a report though.' Povalkie says and nods a greeting to all of us. 'We exchanged some information regarding the recent events on both sides and, hints indicate that they are requesting two of our servants to join them on investigation of high ranking leaders of Valerie and Ghaudun.I am personally somewhat open to the idea but, I want to buy some time for reports from my spy network about how accurate the information they shared is and what kind of preparations they are making for two from us joining them. Yes, this most certainly means that they are seeking to build a pact with us. I am... Hesitant to say yes but, allies on Valerie's side could be most useful.' Povalkie adds.'How long are you going to delay the talks?' Jakan asks in mildly worried tone.'For two days at most, at that time, I will have necessary information to work with and can begin debating accepting cooperation pact with Salaezen and Renvergyl. They are both just as skeptical as I am, but, aren't closed in regards to the idea of cooperation pact with the heroes of Riven War. I did notice signs of intention to delay on their side too, probably just as hesitant as we are.They most likely have somebody running messages for them and told me the passwords the messenger will use as confirmation of who it is and of it's intentions. The passwords are Gamalyi, Resztorge and Kafilai.' Povalkie says and we all repeat the passwords few times to remember it. He nods approvingly and as to tell us that he is heading back immediately. We waved see you to him and he departed.Indeed as Povalkie said, a messenger came on a horse. We stopped him at the border and he gave the passwords 'Gamalyi, Resztorge and Kafilai.' We allowed him to pass and Olte went to escort this. They both soon came back, Olte rejoined our party and the messenger headed back home. We all exchanged looks of deep thought of what the messenger had with him.Olte was unfortunately unsuccessful on fishing important information from the messenger during the escort to both directions. Six days later, the dragon hunters and slayers from Ghaudun arrived, we are currently under strength by notable amount. Four of us and eight of them. They didn't produce any kind of allowances to enter shadow dragon territory. I see signs of intention to attack.Jakan immediately went into the offensive, moving like a lightning, taking several running steps and extending his right hand to the side, on that hand, he holds his bastard sword. Pulling it back towards his back blade pointing downwards along his back and performed his favorite opening attack. Full body strength horizontal swing that preferably should be dodged unless target is holding a heavy great shield.His swing hits three of five of his intended targets, two receiving major blunt force trauma, saved from sharp edge of Jakan's bastard sword by their armor, fourth target reacted in time and deflected the powerful swing but, recoiled from deflecting the blow. I quickly pull out my crossbow and take aim on one on far left from us. Dark mages are nasty and have to be dealt with quickly.He had just begun uttering a spell as he noticed the danger he is in. My shot missed due to the mage dodging instead of continuing casting the spell and I begin reloading as Olte and Kazil move to engage in melee, just as we planned. The first three casualties of this altercation are still trying to recover from the blow they received, Jakan is unfortunately in a stalemate being under assault by two of the dragon slayers and hunters.He can hold his own but, is getting frustrated due to unable to decisively take down either of the people attacking him and having to stay on the defensive. Olte is keeping their hunter on the back foot and unable to affect the fight by being constantly harassed by Olte's melee attacks. Kazil meanwhile is frustrating his opponents by constantly avoiding them, parrying them and mocking them with a smug grin and unfitting for the situation pleasantries. He is successful on getting in to heads of his opponents.Meanwhile I keep the mage incapable to cast concentration requiring magics and be light on my steps being wary of possible reflex magics the mage could cast and try to predict his intentions. Dark mage is getting tired of avoiding my shots and decides to cast a cloud of darkness among all of us. Big mistake, I have no intention on letting him live, once I have interrogated him.I can still see just fine but, melee combat paused due to the sudden darkness preventing everybody else from seeing what is happening. I quickly put away my crossbow and unsheathe my dagger. The mage was slightly tired of casting such a huge cloud of darkness upon all of us so suddenly. I quickly sneak behind him, I stab him on the gut quickly, turn him around and force him on his knees with a punch on the gut.I take strong grip of mage's forehead with my left hand 'Sziner gari loraki!' I roar and begin defeating the mage's mental defenses. I am taking a look into his head, it most likely has truths we would normally be unable to uncover through other means. This is a struggle, the mage is putting up stiff and stubborn resistance, I finally breach the defenses but, I just know I am going to be exhausted from this, and I don't have much time.I look around as quickly as I can while the mage's mind is still forfeited to me... Nope, I most likely wasn't quick enough and stop knowing that I would collapse from the exertion if I continue looking around. I did see enough to know that I most certainly can not let the mage live. I quickly sheathed my dagger and pull my hand away. The cloud of darkness vanished, everybody reengaged.'Cut the head of the snake and the body will wither.' I remember Jakan's words, regarding living opponents, most sure way to end one. Is to relieve their shoulders from the weight, mages being a priority to make sure are dead or surrendered fully. I unsheathe my sword in a swing and end the mages life here. The magic of the dragon blood toll hits me straight after.Sapping my stamina, weakening me. Jakan finally makes space for a proper one on one and not long after dispatches his opponent with a mixture of technique and brute strength. Bashed away his opponent's weapon from center, tie it down and a crushing grip of the throat, he breaths in labored but, prepares to receive his other opponent. I drop my sword, pull out my crossbow and reload it.Olte is finally pinning down the archer, who gave up on trying to find a window to fire an arrow and engage Olte in melee. Kazil is still flexing around, one of the reasons why gets into to warranted trouble. I take aim on the opponent Jakan still has to fight, armor is good and I can only injure it. I see the moment to take the shot and I take it. It's a hit and the pain stagger's Jakan opponent.He is wide open for an attack of opportunity. Jakan takes it immediately without hesitation tying his opponent's sword with his own holding it off center, grabbing from the shield hand upper arm, pushing the opponent's weapon just a little bit more away from him, letting go of his own weapon same time and quickly lifts his opponent on straight arms above him.Then slams this on a rock as hard as possible, causing the back of the chest plate to collapse inwards into the back of the bearer, killing it, Jakan looks like he is finally spent. Olte finally dispatched his opponent and Kazil ended his opponents with flair. I relax, normally a bit too early, the three individuals Jakan had grounded are getting up. Olte and Kazil are still fresh out of all of us.I and Jakan are recovering as Olte and Kazil finish off the three Jakan wounded. Kazil looked at the ones I and Jakan fought. 'Anything?' Kazil asks from me, somewhat tired of after the combat.'Nothing but, a confirmation that one of the grudge holding houses of Ghaudun.' I say as I am putting away my crossbow and go retrieve my sword after Kazil responded with a nod, understanding why it was better to finish off the mage immediately.'Jakan, damn fine swordsmanship and initiative. Had to improvise due to your first move but, good decision.' Kazil says as Jakan is sitting on a rock looking at the ground between his legs. He is tired, just like I am due to the spell I cast. I still need more practice with it... That was a good target to get some experience from. I felt some weight on my mind for killing the mage but, better this way...The less our opponents know, the better. That includes cleaning up these bodies. We take moment to rest first though, Jakan responded to what Kazil said by raising his right hand and tilting the palm left and right to tell Kazil to give him a moment. 'Saw it as best way to increase our odds of winning... Hearing you taunt and belittle though, kept my frustration at bay.' Jakan says and nods to thank Kazil.We take a while to recover and begin checking for anything useful on the dragon slayers and hunters. Some gold, the weapons, some of the armor, shields, the bow and arrows. The mage has the tome and staff that can still be used, tome more particularly, staff. Not so important but, okay to have a spare in store in case it is needed.'That is a bit disappointing but, not unexpected. Worth less than the effort but, job is a job.' Kazil says as we appraise the items. I am currently reading the tome, for now, nothing out of ordinary, in good condition and so far well made. It doesn't hold any magic in it but, there is spell casting empowering formulas written into it, when activated, they will increase the effect of the spell next cast by the holder of the book. It isn't a well known trick but, same time not too surprising to encounter.Of the four of us, I am only one taught how to read these, I could make use of tomes like this but, I would need far more time and experience to develop my skills in magic. 'Thank you for banishing the darkness Volarie... It could have allowed our opponents to regroup.' Jakan says as he places one of the arming swords to rest against a bark of a tree.'Thank you for doing the heavy lifting. I probably wouldn't have been able to do what you did.' I say with genuine gratitude and smile to him warmly for a moment. Jakan smirked a moment as an answer but, tilted his head to the right as an indication that. He is just doing his job. We nod to each other and Jakan allows me to get back to reading the tome.After a while from finishing inspecting the tome, Povalkie landed in vicinity of our camp. He tasted the air and I am quite sure he smells that we handled the third group of dragon hunters and slayers. We have prepared for Povalkie's visit. 'Hail to you lord, how was the talks?' Kazil says and we all greet Povalkie.'They went well, better than most of the talks I have participated in with Ghaudun houses. May I see the bodies?' Povalkie replies and we take him to see the bodies of the dragon hunters and slayers. He quickly but, carefully inspects them. Then shakes his head, an indication what he is about to tell us. 'Nothing that would indicate who hired them, I see you have arrayed everything useful.' Povalkie says and checks the items too.I give him detailed break down on the tome, it had more aspects about it than what I had discovered during inspecting it. Nothing indicative of who hired these ones but, at least a lead worth checking in here, in Ghaudun. 'Hmm, a well made tome, and at least gives a direction of who we can talk to, and check is the lead worth investigating. You may take it with you if you want Volarie.' Povalkie says after giving some thought to of the break down of the tome I gave him and seeing it himself.'Pardon?' I ask as I am a little bit confused, I thought I was going to stay here and do my investigation here.'I, Salaezen, Renvergyl and Grezagir agreed on having you accompany the Valerie heroes of Riven War, Jakan, you are also going. They will rendezvous with you to go to travel together to Valerie's western kingdom. I would have sent some other pair but, we decided that it might better to commit to this cooperation pact by assigning you two to accompany them.' Povalkie says, I blinked rapidly few times.I wanted to protest against the order but, I decided against it and just ask. 'Why I and Jakan? And, are we go protect them or what is your order?''Due to your blood connection, the dragons who live in Valerie are more likely to be convinced that we are committing on doing our part on this cooperation pact seriously, Jakan also serves the same purpose but, more on his merits as a fighter and veteran of the Riven War. Also, you both will be able to learn and gain more experience fighting along side the heroes of the Riven War. You are to protect them as much as possible and in reason.' Povalkie says in even tone.'Well... Not the type of change of scenery I was expecting but, I am glad to visit Valerie, not as a soldier but, as a bodyguard. This will be an interesting experience.' Jakan says somewhat taken aback by the order but, also somewhat looks forward to it. I again, felt like I wanted to protest against this but, I do agree with Povalkie's reasoning.'Understood, I will do all I can. I will take this tome with me, it probably could become useful and, I do need to practice arcane arts.' I say and close the tome. I hide it under my cloak and put it into a book holder on my belt.'Thank you Volarie, I know it is unpleasant to go so soon after finding your new home but, this is important to all involved in this pact. There indeed was more in play, than it seemed during the war. Where the heroes of the Riven War go, is where those who know a bit more than I do, of the unseen forces who had a hand in what happened during the war.' Povalkie says understanding how I am feeling.All four of us are somewhat astounded to hear what Povalkie just said. 'There is worse days ahead... Isn't there?' Kazil asks, putting all four of our thoughts into words.'Yes, I do not know how much worse but, enough that it most certainly concerns us too. Dead of the war have been stirred, and they are causing a lot of trouble in Valerie. I am sure, you two will get to bottom of it there and have detailed reports ready when you return with the heroes of Riven War.' Povalkie says positive of Jakan and I returning with thorough reports.'Yes lord.' both Jakan and I say. Things have escalated to a whole lot different direction than any of us expected, Povalkie was most likely also surprised but, just like all of us. Knew that we need as much as possible of information about what is going on and if plausible, solve the problem while we are there.

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