Monday, June 3, 2024

You All May Have Actually Helped Us ALL Get to The Moon..

full image - Repost: You All May Have Actually Helped Us ALL Get to The Moon.. (from, You All May Have Actually Helped Us ALL Get to The Moon.. )
THE PURPOSE OF THIS POSTI yelled at you apes on my main account back in the initial squeeze. But you've all been holding it down long enough and Keith's completely legal and fair double down has made me feel comfortable enough to share some DD that Shrekli would be geeky about. I believe this may be my last DD post. Thank you for your role in allowing me to formulate and test my DD.Quick Note: The sub rules require that I remove my links to other subreddits, this post was posted on UFO with all the embedded text links and can be found on my profile. I believe the sourced content is well worth more eyes.Most people may not believe it yet, but I believe you all (the readers) are likely part of the largest financial pinches in history that may trigger the needed reform for financial markets worldwide, forcing us to grapple with 4ID and the new age that WE ARE IN RIGHT NOW.It's going to seem conspiratorial as hell to those that aren't paying attention, but I don't care. I believe Griffin is part of a network of financiers that have gatekept the human race from important technological advancements, stagnating all tech trees.There are massive secrets that you are not told, but are clearly visible now in this new age of interconnectedness and immediate access to information. This has been an unfolding story for nearly a decade and I've done much writing on it. Many other's who are smarter than I have been trailblazers in this space. So many incredible researchers and people have kept this topic alive while immense amounts of bot networks, suppression, obfuscation, and all out fuckery has been deployed to silence this UFO topic.Sound familiar?I feel as though all of the context will aid you all in your goals, so I've included my post from yesterday below to help you understand how these relationships are formed. Relationships can be tied to legislation, organizations, fraternities, etc that paint a vivid picture of rigged systems set up to control the economic development of the world. I believe a potentiality exists that Ken Griffin is or was part of that apparatus, and the side that you all see in GME is the tip of the iceberg in financial fraud and misappropriations that is being perpetrated by some of the old guard.The beauty of it, and this is why it's a squeeze in many ways, is I believe some of the legislation you are seeing enforced that is causing some of these recent issues for Griffin is related to how funding the UFO legacy programs were structured. He is being squeezed by you, and also the US govt by way of tightening regulation to restrict their avenues of funding shit without congressional oversight. Financiers. Griffin is part of that network. I believe that some of the securities legislation that has culminated into what you are seeing now implode on them, was the direct result of choice A&D companies getting caught during misappropriations stings more than a decade ago.By the end of this post, you will be comfortable with the potentiality that NHI are real, we've developed tech and used it to dominate the planet, and this greedy fuck and some of his buddies likely funded it. If it were me, I would test this theory by evaluating all organizations tied to Griffin at a personal level (like his foundation for example. Kenneth Cordele Griffin - Foundation Guide) and scrutinizing any relationships he has in A&D funding, particularly during the early 1990 when he staer to mid-late 2000's.PURPOSE OF THIS POSTI am fully convinced this company (SAIC) was directly involved with reverse engineering UFOs in the early 70's and I'm going to explain why. I recently posted about SAIC and False Claims Act Settlements. A user was nice enough to share anecdotes about time spent at SAIC and some of their comments urged me to finally rip this band aid off. To be honest, I need some really smart people to look at this stuff because I'm out of my depth. First. I need to explain why I'm writing this post.WHY I'M WRITING THIS POSTI believe the stigma has hindered serious external financial/legal investigations into this topic since the beginning of time. With all the incredible legislative wins in the last couple years, Karl Nell speaking at SALT iConnections was huge, and the recent announcement of UAP Disclosure Fund, I'm certain you will see watchdog organizations and think tanks spawning in the coming quarters.Professionals from legal, finance, tax backgrounds across the country are discovering elements of the coverup in bits and pieces independently and it's time that it be a little bit more focused. My journey in this topic has been wild, but I started looking into it for due diligence purposes related to my observing the Health Insurance industry and the recent legislation allowing claims related to Havana Syndrome to be covered. Additionally, SAIC and sister company Leidos made significant acquisitions in the govt provided medical services in the last few years. So yeah, it's just something I was watching.Then I saw Grusch, Fravor, and Ryan Graves at the hearings. Grusch's claims were highly credible, so I needed no more convincing to know this was worth chewing on. Eventually I got invited to Sol Conference and was lucky enough to share quite a few words with Chuck McCullough, Chris Mellon, and many more. But I'll get to that after the other stuff. This post is likely to attract bots from a couple different communities so I'm probably going to leave it here and come back later.WHY I'M REALLY WRITING THIS POSTThis post will help you understand the real reason for the coverup. Additionally, it will help you understand the reality of how important this is and how you must tell your fellow humans to wake the fuck up.I'm going to say something here, and I know we all agree on it:As a WHOLE, society has been kept dumb, broke, and helpless for almost a century by the destruction of education and health in the name of profits. This is fact and I can give 1,000 examples but I won't, I only need to write this post.I have dedicated my life up to this point to fixing problems through educating. The complexity involved with everyday finance is enough to make someone's eyes glaze over. Add a secret UFO program to it and there's no hope we make it through a conversation. But my firm belief is that until we focus on this topic seriously, I believe the human race will stagnate in development and continue to poison itself until it dies. So I think we should all put our heads together and do some educating. I will explain why the UAP Disclosure Fund and organizations like it are positive signs for Disclosure and should be supported.LET'S DISCUSS SOMETHING ABOUT THE INFLUENCE OF DEFENSE SPENDINGThe obfuscation of nuclear technology (whether it's related to UFOs or not DOESN'T MATTER) has shaped the economic development of the country, and by the looks of recent accusations, potentially the entire world. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, the scale of the coverup and the significant role it's had in the direction of economic development is unfathomable. This is precisely why immunity has to be coordinated; it's nearly impossible to determine the actual economic impact of the coverup. It encompasses everything.Let me give you an example of how defense spending has had a directional impact on economic/industrial development using an everyday technology.THE INTERNETThe internet originated from a U.S. Department of Defense project in the late 1960s, designed to allow computers at universities and research institutions to communicate. The first successful message was sent via the ARPANET, its precursor, on October 29, 1969, between computers at UCLA and Stanford Research Institute. This early network employed packet switching technology, which became foundational for data transmission. The network transitioned to the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) on January 1, 1983, marking a critical development in its evolution. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the internet expanded rapidly, culminating in the creation of the World Wide Web by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.So technology started in the Defense, then made its way to commercialization. This is how many things are, if not most. I'm going to be honest, and this may seem hypocritical to some, but I don't necessarily have an issue with defense spending. I have an issue when those allocated resources have improper or complete lack of oversight. And that has 100000% occurred in the nuclear technology coverup.Grusch and the UAPTF were literally investigating for financial crimes lol.THE COMPLEXITY OF LONG-TERM ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTTLDR: Things change, and you can see the circular relationship between legal and economic development as more information becomes available.The longer version:The fascinating aspect of economic analysis is the ability to retroactively examine the ebbs and flows of economic development and the role that governance and legislation play in correcting issues, preventing issues, and sometimes enabling issues.For example: Prohibition of Alcohol in the United States, which lasted from 1920 to 1933, led to the closure of breweries, distilleries, and saloons, resulting in widespread job losses and economic downturns in related industries. However, it spurred incredible growth in other areas like pharmaceutical companies opening up on a new line of revenue by selling medicinal alcohol. Soft drinks also saw a surge in popularity, but so did organized crime.Another example: The 2008 financial crisis being caused by terrible lending practices, ratings agencies being bought, and Credit Default Swaps. Credit Default Swaps were introduced to the financial markets in 1994 by JP Morgan. The repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act caused the financial crisis by allowing the banks to participate in the securities game again.I'm highlighting all of these things to say that you probably know nothing about the reason you live in the world you do. But you are going to start learning about some of it soon, as the declassification push and recent mass uploads to national archives are going to bring many crimes to light that will need answers. This is because this topic and the economic scale of the cover up is so massive that it has shaped our planet.This is why they continue to try to keep the lid on the bottle.All of the "it's coming soon TM" is because it absolutely is. The recent legislation and activity within govt and military indicate they have been gearing up for this for a decade if not longer. But it will be an arduous process due to the scale and scale alone. You know this to be true as you watch Japan announce things, Peru squirming about mummified bodies that have scientific paper published, and all the other weird shit going on. There's a lot of hot potatoes to throw around, it's going to take a while to unravel things.1933-1958 - THE FIRST 25 YEARS OF THE UFO COVERUPThe first 25 years (1933-1958) of specific architecture and infrastructure development can be analyzed through the financial and legal frameworks established by government initiatives that leaned toward centralization and consolidation of federal powers/oversight. The new deal established things like the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). This federal initiative aimed to uplift the economically depressed Tennessee Valley region and was utilized to seize land for the Manhattan Project launched in 1941 (Oak Ridge National Laboratory).Post-World War II, the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947 under President Truman established agencies like the CIA and centralized intelligence apparatus. During this time, I believe the intelligence community and air force hid the UFO program together. Later, legislation occurred to make it more official. By unifying executive branch, head of defense, intelligence apparatus, and legislative powers, they were able to eventually pass things like Atomic Energy Act of 1954 and the National Defense Education Act of 1958.Now understand, these are MASSIVE pieces of legislation. But so is the annual NDAA. Things get done that are hard to discern because of how complex the laws are. Before you know it, Independence Day with Will Smith is a documentary instead of fiction.Let me be clear, I'm not saying that these laws were explicitly written to hide the coverup, only that provisions within enabled the coverup and that's an important distinction. The NDEA and AEC did many different things. Funneling funds to research and development that supported these legacy programs just happens to be one of them.They use the legislation, to direct the funding. I know it seems simple, but it really needs to be expressed with intention here.1958-1974 - WHERE DOES IT GO NEXTEducation and company partnerships. Companies like General Atomics partnered with organizations like University of Michigan to develop nuclear tech. Are we to believe that the legacy programs just went underground for decades and tech has been completely stagnant? No. It's been funded and developed through institutions you know and may have a relationship with, then dispersed through technology. As Grusch said during Sol, there are known instances of this technology being utilized in implemented tech today.1974 - EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANIES SPECIFICALLY ONES WITH ESOPSI believe that SAIC was one of the first private companies of this era to receive UFO tech.I believe that SAIC was one of the first private companies to receive UFO technology SOLELY due to its founder, Dr. Robert Beyster's deep involvement in nuclear technology and his prior work with nuclear submarines. Before founding SAIC, Beyster worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory and the General Atomics' nuclear submarine program. He did such good work at MichiganWhen he established SAIC in 1969, the company's first contract was directly related to nuclear technology, reflecting Beyster's expertise and connections within the field. Given his profound engagement with national defense and energy projects, it is plausible that Beyster's new venture was entrusted with sensitive UFO technologies, bridging the gap between highly classified military research and private sector implementation.ROBERT J BEYSTER - THE EMPLOYEE-OWNED COMPANY ADVOCATEHere's where it gets very complex. All in all, this person doesn't seem like a bad person. Perception is shaped all ways so I couldn't know for certain, but I need to put some of his activities into perspective because I know this post may feel like it's shaping him up to be an evil mastermind. I don't really know if I can subscribe to that. Did he cheat by leveraging relationships to secure lucrative contracts granting access to otherworldly tech and crazy funding? Yeah probably.It's strange. The potential involvement is concerning, but it appears that he was trying to develop things to combat fossil fuels. Additionally, the ESOP is an incredible vehicle and has enabled many businesses small and large to empower their employees financially. Is it abused and done poorly sometimes? Absolutely, which is why they need to firm up the legislation to enforce more stringent valuation requirements.Let me explain.WHAT IS AN ESOPOften times, companies pay their employees extra money called "deferred compensation" through 401K/403B/457, non-qual deferred comp, stock incentives, and more. Some of these vehicles (like 401K) are subject to ERISA requirements. Some of the things I mentioned can be available to everyone in the company but sometimes plans are purposefully established to compensate your key employees in a different way, outside of the normal financial benefits available to the rest of your workforce.Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was introduced in 1974. Along with it came the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). ESOPs allow employees to become partial owners through the acquisition of company stock, providing a tax-efficient benefit plan that aligns employee interests with corporate success. These can be used in tandem with a 401K and other benefits.It's important to highlight that ERISA reporting requirements are similar for public and private companies that decide to use an ESOP. But the valuation isn't. See the valuation of a public company's stock, is determined by the market. Private companies that maintain an ESOP determine the valuation method (because they determine the management and structure of the company) ESOP. Some companies opt to have third parties aid in this valuation process. I'm sure SAIC did, but that's another story for another day.I can't remember the last time internal audits worked. Allowing private valuation inherently limits the amount of financial information that must be disclosed publicly, allowing private companies to retain a cloak of financial confidentiality while still incentivizing their workforce through stock ownership. This is a recipe to hide the type of talent and IP it would take to develop this tech without having to expose all of the financials. It's genius really, I'll explain why later.First, it's important to consider this excerpt from this SAIC court case write up:SO LET'S RECAPSAIC was structured to be compartmentalized.The founder was in nuclear tech prior to starting SAIC, and the companies first contract was developing nuclear techHe wrote the book on employee-owned companies, and was known for philanthropic type work, combatting climate change etc.Companies like SAIC were used to facilitate the research and development of this tech, while still adding to the economy without sharing the secrets of the tech itself. By building companies using ESOPs and maintaining close relationships with their competition they were able to work amongst themselves (the network of companies that facilitated the coverup, it isn't all of them) and internally value the work. This was never going to work long term, but I suppose they believed the compartmentalization would allow for complete control. It did anything butBeyster was 80 in 2004 and left SAIC. They went public within 18 months. Ken Dahlberg was the companies CEO after Beyster's departure and led the company into their IPO. He has an interesting history of his own, but that isn't the point. As other users have pointed out, in the early 2010's they began to have other issues, change in auditors due to adverse opinion (which is massive for companies this size), total leadership change and split in 2013, bunch of acquisitions, and now an active investigation by the DOJ.HOW DO WE FIX IT - ORGANIZATIONS LIKE THE UAP DISCLOSURE FUNDYou get loud. Stop letting people dictate your actions and discern for yourself. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know that there is some crazy shit going on, so many people are saying it. This stuff needs to be looked at yesterday. Not today, not tomorrow, but yesterday.There was a big annual Wall Street conference called SALT iConnections a couple weeks ago. SALT is pretty cool, Wall Street comes together for a couple days. Check out some of the cool things stated at the SALT iConnections Conference last week! Karl Nell is 4 steps removed from the United States President. Karl Nell was nice when I met him at Sol conference. Karl Nell appears to be drumming up interest from wall street.Speaking toward the trustworthiness of Mellon, Nell, and the others involved with UAP Disclosure Fund, I believe these people are involved with the largest power struggle in known history and they are fighting for transparency.This is how it happens. Lobbying and official activism. I have been tracking the corporate structure of what they're building to push disclosure and combat MIC gatekeeping since my first post. I identified the board of SOL early into this thing, as it basically aligned with the UAPDA review board setup.They initially setup a 501c3 (Sol Foundation) initially to begin the academic push for Disclosure, officially. Then the 501c4 (UAP Disclosure Fund) was setup to push for Disclosure legally as these entity types are allowed to lobby, as long as the activity aligns with their primary purpose of promoting social welfare (this is a good thing). Contributions are not tax deductible either.I spent time with some of these people at Sol. I got what I needed to determine if these people are attempting to bury this further or hide things further from you.They are not.Sol = SunI think it is time that light is shone on some of these blatant examples of corporate greed and the unfair game that has been established, and ultimately maintained through political activism that's anti-human and meant to keep us divided and fighting each other.ONE LAST EXAMPLE OF HOW LEGISLATION (OR LACK THEREOF) HAS BEEN USED TO HURT YOUIn early 2021, the GameStop saga showcased another gap in oversight. GME became one of the most heavily shorted stocks in the market. Anticipating the decline of the retail chain, hedge funds and institutional investors engaged in extensive short selling. However, a wave of retail investors began purchasing shares and options in large volumes after due diligence by a  member  led to immense confidence in the new buyer, Ryan Cohen. This activity caused a 'short squeeze,' dramatically driving up the stock price and forcing short-sellers to buy back shares at steep costs to cover their positions.It may be important to analyze Dodd-Frank reform in 2010 and how it impacted market makers. The repeal of Glass-Steagall is clearly responsible for the crisis in 2008. Dodd-Frank attempted to fix some things, but did it end the short issue? No. The short-sale issue was such a problem (and still is) that the SEC adopted a rule to increase transparency in short selling.Apparently Keith has similar confidence again as he's sitting on $65,000,000 in options contract he's putting on black for Jun 21st.Lack of regulation and oversight affects you, the reader, in all ways that you don't connect together because you've been conditioned not to. Like I said, wake up. You don't need aliens to see that there are cheating and most of you reading this are suffering in one way or another because of the corruption and greed that is rampant.Thankfully, because of the recent years of POSITIVE PROGRESS in legislated corporate transparency, you will begin to see more articles like this one. But there is still a ton of work to be done. Let's do that and find out aliens are real at the same time, what the hell that would be rad.I don't think it's unreasonable to believe that this guy has a lot more to hide than wanting to short retail companies.“Firms like Citadel, firms like Fidelity, firms like Viking Global, Capital Research, we’re all running large teams of people that are engaged in fundamental research trying to drive the value of companies towards where we think they should be valued,” says Griffin.This is also known as front running. Fuck you Ken, you little bitch boy cheater. Thanks for reading all the normal people, much loveBots and shills, please go the series posted on my profile and debate me there. There's so many links your models won't know what the fuck to argue with me about.

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