Monday, August 5, 2024


Please do not work for this internship program! I worked for this internship program recently and guess what they are a big fuck over to everyone who works for them. They paired me with a mentor who wasn’t even present throughout the internship taking a vacation or leave in a different state or country the first two weeks of the internship. She wasn’t even responding to any of my emails even when she did email and I would respond back within 2 minutes nothing nada no response for hours DAYS!!!! She even fucked me over with my research project that was made into a poster. She kept giving it back to me five days before it was due. KEEP IN MIND THIS TIMELINE HERE IS WITHIN A TIME SPAND OF 10 or 11 DAYS. She kept telling me no this needs to be change this needs to be taken out. I did what she wanted and kept giving it back to her trying to professional state my opinion of my work but noo she kept telling me no without respect. I ended up missing the deadline to submit my poster for printing. She didn’t even want to accept the poster the way I was giving it to her with the edits she was asking for. She was telling me noo the text needs to be shorter more concise. The graphics need to be more simplistic. It ended up being a complete shit show of a poster too fucking simple. The internship email me asking wtf is up why is my poster not submitted and I told them its my mentor she wanted it that way and I had no choice. Then the told my mentor what haven’t I submitted yet. I got another email from my mentor she just said submit it and I was like wait what about the layout of the poster its all unorganized and what about the important graphics but noo she said submit it the way it is so I did. A day or two goes by I get an email from the internship guess what my poster was rejected not approved for printing because the so called “content” of it not meeting the amount of work done. So I’m mad and I emailing everyone from the internship to my mentor like I did the work its not on me its on her she had to be wanting it simple the way she wanted she told submit it like that. Then she implusively changes the poster and resubmits it without me knowing then later tells me in an email that she worked on it and resubmitted it. I take a look a the poster and everything about it is not the work I had done she went in a complete opposite direction. She made it even more simple!!!! Just three sentences and a lot of graphics without captions of what it is demonstrating no references cited no next steps no results. While all of this is happening I am getting my ass chew out for not submitting the poster in time to having to come to a conclusion of printing it myself for the conference. After this I tried tried tried to ask the people who are reviewing the poster to get their approvals so they print it in time. No response nothing I was also not getting any response from my mentor as well because the internship was telling me to contact my mentor for help contact her for her to email the people I had already email to expedite approvals for printing. I finally get an email from her and she tells me were waiting on a divison approval then we just need two more and then it can be printed. I am like okay I’ll keep checking I still wanted to make sure it will be approved to be printed I am still emailing people. I am still trying. Then my weekly meeting with my mentor rolls around and her audio fucking sucks I can’t even hear her let alone she can’t hear me. She tells me she did not get my research paper findings of what she told me to get done that I actually got done within a day. She then tells me I want you to do more work more implemenation of a different software and show me the work because your poster and these weeks I have not seen work on implementation. WHAT!!!!!! Like what do you mean you haven’t seen work from me I been showing you the work I been emailing the work and telling you what I did. Then the conference rolls in and when its time for us interns to pick up our posters…… SHOCKER my poster is not there. The internship there at the conference tells me they should have pulled me out from the line of interns to directly get to me to give me my poster and make sure its printed and I got it. They were looking for it at the stack of posters everyone got theirs except me JUST ME AND ME ONLY. The internship then tells me were going to talk to these people who are the program managers who came to the conference. They straight up tell me there’s nothing they can do. They tell me contact your mentor contact the people who are approving your poster see how far it is and lets see if we can get it approved by 5 that way we can print it before the poster session. I am mad as hell right now the internship people couldn’t help me and my mentor isn’t even answering my emails or my calls. The people approving my poster still no response. i check on my poster approval its still stuck on division approval. I go back and tell them I can’t get in touch with anyone and its still waiting approvals. The slap to face was when they told me your mentor went on vacation VACATIONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am however thankful to guy of the internship program telling me its not my fault I did everything I could have done to get my poster printed. Its on my mentor and the people approving it. It isn’t right that my mentor thought it was not on her behalf to make sure my poster was printed and to tell me nothing could have been done. He then tells me look your here at this conference take advantage of it. Your not presenting because you don’t have a poster but network and have fun. Okay, the third day of the conference lets say close to 9PM. I get an email from my mentor saying your poster is approved now like its a good thing when I only have one more day at the conference and hello that was the day I was suppose to present. NOW WERE ONTO THE INTERNSHIP PROGRAM OF PEOPLE: They do not care about any of their interns. They do not care about any of the mentors either. They are very unorganized about their internship and on top of that THEY DO NOT RESPOND TO ANY OF THEIR EMAILS!!! IT WILL TAKE HOURS EVEN DAYS!!!!They just email the mentors the whole supposed plan of the internship and how to interact with your mentee. The do not specify how the mentors’ engagement is crucial and to be present throughout the internship. They say one thing in an email then say another thing THEY DO NOT SPECIFIY OR MAKE A CLEAR STATEMENT. The seminars they say is a optional to what your mentor suggest you should go to and attend COMPLETE BULLSHIT. They sent out in another email saying its required its manadtory that you attend these seminars each one of them. Also, if you work remote with them don’t just don’t. They don’t give you instructions on the things they want you to fill out and complete its pretty much a figure it out I will not help you. Even when setting up that special login and getting into your created email address guess what there’s no fucking clue on how to get it done. Then later get bitch at for not completing it. The program managers their both karens. Complete bitches who are racists. They won’t help you even if you email or talk to them they give you the cold shoulder. They even fucked with out meal per diem. Throughout the internship it was these two karens who couldn’t communicate a simple understanding of what they wanted and expected the each intern to complete. They are the ones to blame for confusion of everything. One the last day of the conference the told us were not deducting the food served at the conference. When before they told us they were and that we had to spend $16 or $17 less on food that was served at the conference. PLUS even if we did or didn’t eat the food provided at the conference it was still deducted!!!!!Us interns even said like hey many of us got sick here at the conference we got congested and had nasal issues where we had to miss some events even when it was just one. They did not care they said still were taking it out of your stipend and housing allowance for missing one event. Last but not least when filling out the expense report they told us prior keep your receipts of to and from the airport and home. So I did, when I got to the to and from airport/home there was no ground transportation expense or could even make one so we had to use the car mileage. The car mileage calculates point A to point B from point B to point A and automatically come up with a rate of reminbursment. But I got fucked over here they gave me back the expense report and told me were not approving this because it exceeds the rate. LIKE WHAT DO YOU MEAN EXCEEDS!! I was trying to make an expense for what you asked for that was only offered on the expense to put in there was nothing for gas or ground transportation. But yet I included the gas receipts because that is what you wanted from all of us. They told me is not being reimbursed its not being approved. I told them like you wanted receipts of how we got to and from the airport/home nothing was told about car mileage.***JUST PLEASE DO NOT APPLY OR WORK FOR THIS JOB THEY ARE BIG FUCK OVERS

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