Sunday, June 26, 2022

A big picture perspective on UFO phenomena

full image - Repost: A big picture perspective on UFO phenomena (from, A big picture perspective on UFO phenomena)
I attmped to relate my experience to what experiencers have described, sleep paralysis, alterted states etc, but I found that I confused the matter. I will be happy to describe my own experience should youy= find it helpful. With that said:I am really interested in the "blue orbs" reported by numerous investigators. Here's some accounts of these blue orbs, and some speculation on their nature, and what I consider may be related phenomena - such as cognitive effects, and the creation of anomalous matter.Accounts of blue orbs:The Gormans who owned Skinwalker Ranch before Robert Bigelow's NIDS team took over, described these orbs as - a glass-like object the size of a basketball, with two different types of bubbling blue liquids mixing and rotating inside. They seemed to emit a sound like a faint cracking of "static electricity". And caused an escalating and irrational feeling of terror in the witnesses. (Skinwalkers at the Pentagon p76)Ron Becker, a biotechnologist, witnessed three bright blue orbs from his car while driving along Highway 20 in Oregon. One was attracted to the car, and entered the vehicle - passing though the structure of his car, and then through his body. He developed autoimmune issues and ductal cancer. Studies showed he had suffered signs of a "radiation insult" . (Skinwalkers at the Pentagon p70).He also had a dream after this incident where an unseen entity said it was going to fix the (physical) problem. (I don't have the source for this, think it was a recent inteview with Kelleher).Jim Corrigan, one of the DIA personnel who had visited Skinwalker as part of AAWSAP, had an encounter with one of these orbs with his wife two months later in Maryland. He described it as a bright blue orb, softball sized, and completely silent. (Skinwalkers at the Pentaon, p77)A colleague of Costigan's - "Axelrod", who had visited the Ranch at the same time, later reported his son had witnessed blue and red orbs in his bedroom on the other side of the country from the Ranch. (Skinwalkers at the Pentagon p82)As you may have read, AAWSAP reported that people who had experienced these orb phenomena developed autoimmune type diseases, and some of them "paranormal" type manifestations in their home - poltergeist phenomena, shadow people, cryptids. Stanford scientist Gary Nolan speaks about someof the biological effects in this interview. has been stated and shown numerous times that these EM orb type manifestations, are often correlated with sightings of seemingly physical UAP craft.So we have blue orbs, manifesting in the blue part of the visible light spectrum, emitting radiation which causes biological effects. Now I want to preface this by saying I am not a scientist, so please take this as speculation, and happy to hear criticism from scientists. I don't know what these things are obviously! And I do not suppose I a layman, will be able to solve it. I am just throwing out some ideas for other better minds to consider, and ultimately test.The question to me, is whether these orbs are secondary, or primary manifestations of the phenomena?Speculation:Cherekhov radationThis blue glow and radiation effects, makes me think of Cherenkov radiation. As I understand it, the speed of light - C - in a vacuum (such as space) is constant. (C = 299,792,458 m/s). The speed of light in another medium can be slower. For example, in water it is only 0.75c. This process is visible in the water shielding some nuclear reactors - as a diffuse blue glow. As I understand it, the radiation is traveling faster than the "reduced" speed of light in the medium of water, and causes something analogous to the bow wave, caused by a power boat traveling faster than the speed of water waves, or a shock wave (sonic boom), produced by an airplane traveling faster than the speed of sound in air. We perceive this as blue light. Cherekhov radiation harmful, and are the effects consistent with the medical injuries described? I don't know. Here is an answer from Quora:"The light emitted by the material is just light, mostly in the ultraviolet frequencies. We see it as blue since our eyes are most sensitive to blue than violet or ultraviolet light. Hypothetically prolonged exposure would hurt you ,due to exposing skin and eyes to ultraviolet light, like a tanning booth. But most people consider that harm pretty low.However, Cherenkov radiation is caused by high energy particles passing through matter faster than the speed of light for that matter. Those high energy particles are likely to be harmful to people. This is why people are not supposed to be near an active fission reactor. (Which is the most common place to see Cherenkov radiation, by the way.)" the phenomena be traveling "faster than speed of light" from our frame of reference, and the radiation effects evidence of that?If you could accelerate normal matter (such as vehicle or a person) to the speed of light, some people think you would have infinite mass (or it would be impossible). I don't know what would happen, some kind of huge explosion I'd expect?NeutrinosHowever what if the phenomena is not normal matter, and has little or no mass?Neutrinos for example have very small mass."A neutrino is a subatomic particle that is very similar to an electron, but has no electrical charge and a very small mass, which might even be zero. " experiments suggest neutrinos may be able to travel faster than the speed of light in a vacumm. This is hotly debated to say the least. interactions cause Cherenkov radiation. the phenomena be composed of some form of anomalous particles or energy such as neutrinos, that are traveling faster than the speed of light, or faster than the speed of light in the medium of the air? The speed of light in air is 1.0003 times slower than light in a vacuum. so, is it possible the phenomena may emit this characteristic blue glow and radiation effects? Could experiments be done with neutrino detectors to record this?Precognition?What would a being composed of matter traveling at faster than the speed of light (from our frame of reference) perceive, and what abilities would it have? I don't know. But perhaps these Psi type effects are linked to this. Would it be prescient? (the phenomena described on the Ranch was described by NIDS as prescient. I recall reading some theories that if you traveled at the speed of light or faster, you would be able to see what is the future from our frame of reference. I don't really understand this, so take this with a massive pinch of salt.However, it's clear that these phenomena - if they are a lifeform - and in my assessment they are - do create material manfestations "UAP's" and not just manifest as electromangeitc orbs or phenomena. How is this possible? Firstly, we need to look at the reported qualities of the matter.Weakly interactingAATIP appear to have considered the phenomena could pass through solid surfaces (as we see in the case of Mr Becker). There have also been accounts of the "beings" (such as Greys) passing through walls, and the UAP craft passing through mountains, and the Mesa at Skinwalker Ranch. Furthermore, the UAP craft appear to be only weakly interact with gravity and the medium or air and water - observable as very fast "transmedium" travel.There have been many theories that this is an effect of the craft's propulsion drive, creating something like a warp bubble, which removes it from the local field effects. I am not aware of any theories of how a "being" could pass through a solid wall, but we do see such accounts with some abduction cases.One possibility is that these observed effects are not merely a biproduct of a technology, but are linked to the nature and molecular composition of the lifeform or phenomena itself. Let's take the example of neutrinos, neutrinos have no electric charge - and therefore can pass through "solid" matter such as our bodies or a mountain without interacting with it. see more unusual accounts of weakly interacting matter with the Gormans' experiences (Hunt for the Skinwalker), where they reported a giant wolf menacing a calf. They shot the "wolf" with large bore weapons, which seemed to have little or no effect, as we would expect to be the case with a being composed of normal matter. Though it did have some effect - after several shots - a peice of "flesh" fell off. The matter seems to be in some cases short lived. We also see this with accounts of "angel hair" in UFO cases, and with the Miracle of Fatima/the Sun. "material" seems to dissipate after a short amount of time, and be more interactive with light than normal matter. also similar accounts in the parapsychological literature. In Lesley Keane's book (Surving Death). She discussed accounts that the "spirits" reported by mediums, could manifest temporary matter by weaving together sutble "rays" (19th century term). It was noted that the resultant "ectoplasm" was short lived before dissapating, and appeared to interact with light. They kept the seances in darkness, or used "red light" as a result. How convenient you might say!I wrote about these accounts here: below where I discuss how such matter could be created.Could the being be composed of something like neutrinos? If it quantum entangled matter or energy, could it be more interactive with other quantum phenomena such as light waves than normal matter?Unique human Cognitive interface experiences (high stangeness):How could such a being create the wide array of seemingly "paranormal" phenomena observed from the subjective frame? Such as the experience of "telepathy", visions, abduction events that may not be happening in spacetime, but in our "cognitive spaces".Let's go with the idea that these are living organisms that display intent, that they are composed of some form of matter or energy, that is only usually weakly interacting with our level of reality (something like neutrinos, or dark matter). It may be that they are manifesting primarily and more readily as cognitive experiences, through their intentional interaction with the EM correlates of consciousness (in particular in subjective altered states, correlated with altered waveforms in the brain), and more tangibly as visible EM phenomena. such as orbs, by drawing energy from the local environment (the numerous battery drains reported at the Ranch and in paranormal lore in general).I want to make it clear that I do considr "psi" effects are real, and I do not consider that consciousness is reducable merely to its electromangetic correlates in the brain. However, we know that all human experience is correlated with EM wave states in the brain as long as we are alive, in both waking and sleeping states. Considering that such interactions can be induced by EM stimulus does not require us to have a theory of Consciousness beyond what is observed. We already have evidence that cognitive experiences can be artificially induced by electro magnetic stimulation. technology for this is presently rather crude, but how much easier would it be for a lifeform far more advanced in science than ourselves? Or one that electromagnetic in nature and can directly perceive and read the electro magnetic correlates of our cognitions - without technology?Experiencers:Gary Nolan's work discussed in the aforementioned interview, suggests there are correlations between UFO experiences, and an altered morphology of regions of the brain - in the Caudate Putamen region. I don't think we have a theory of how the material structure of the brain can produce these experiences, any more than we have a theory of how the physical structure of the brain causes conscious experiences in gernaral. However, if we take the field theory of consciousness as having the most explanatory power, it may be that this region is something like a "waveguide" that allows the EM brain waves of the experiencer to interact with a wider frequency band of phenomena, that is perceive and interact with the lifeform when it is not creating macroscopic manifestations, such as EM orbs or "craft". Disruption of the electrical magnetic correlates of consciousness could also result in missing time, impairment of the ability of the nervous system to control the body etc, without leaving tells, such as evidence of drug toxicity.Psychedelic experiences:These entities appear to be more easily perceived and interacted with in altered states (now correlated with altered waveforms in the brain.) Is it possible that the altered EM patterns induced by molecules such as DMT, and described in terms like disruption of the electro magnetic patterns known as the Default Mode Network, allow us to interact more directly with this phenomena "as is"? I will probably have more to say about this later. I think the correlation between brain research, study of altered states and experiences of NHI (non human intelligence) is very interesting. manifestations, such as UAP "craft":How could the phenomena create solid matter such as craft?One idea is that this being composed of unusual matter or energy, is creating material manifestations through a process analogus to how we create the "5th state of matter" - Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC). BEC is is macroscopic matter than is quantum entangled, and has wave-like properties.Right now we have mathematicians and physicists trying to find out how far the quantum world extends into our macroscopic reality, or how far we can force it to extend - through experiments with the fifth state of matter - Bose-Einstein condensate. Essentially this is matter (gas), that behaves like a quantum or wave based entangled object,after we have forced it into an extreme condition,by cooling it with lasers and magnetic fields. Perhaps the phenomena is creating matterial manifestations in our frame of reference by an analogous process? What would be the tells of this? I don't know. TomDeLonge's interview with Joe Rogan, he talked about the claimed metamaterial supposedly obtained from a UAP craft, and how physicist Hal Putoff speculated that the structure may be a waveguide for Terahertz frequencies. Is there a link between Terahertz frequencies and detection or interaction with neutrinos? I don't know.Astronaut Edgar Mitchell's FREE foundation’s study of UFO experiencer and abduction accounts, found that many people described the UFO’s themselves as seeming “alive”, not in our normal conception of a bio-mechanical (genetically engineered organism) but their intuitive sense that it was. Is it possible that these waveguide properties of meta materials, are not just the means by which they “break” our space time laws, as in the hypothesis of advanced ET propulsion devices. But evidence of a material structure that can house these lifeforms in a coherent way, so as to allow it to interact with our reality on the macrosopic scale?Magnetic anomalies:One interesting thing I've noted, is the correlation between the phenomena - and locations of anomalous mangetism - like Skinwalker Ranch - where unusual geomagnetic fields are detected, and in larger anonalies like the South Atlantic Magnetic anomaly - where military UFO sightings took place. The Nimitz UFO's were tracked by radar chief Kevin Day to a large magnetic anomaly under the ocean at Guadalupe island. the local magnetic fields at these locations allow these energy phenomena to slow their rate of vibration/speed to create material manifestations that can interact with our macroscopic reality in a tangible way? The same way we use magnetic fields to slow the spin of atoms and entangle them in experiments with BEC?Telekentic Phenomena.It has been reported that the phenomena is linked to telekenetic "poltergeist" type phenomena. I don't have a theory for this. Could this be effected by electromagnetic action? Is it possible that a lifeform manifesting in our frame as electromagnetic, could repell and attract objects by manipulating electrons or EM fields? I'm thinking of something like the conceptof rail guns, which can manipualte electromagneitc currents to propel objects to high velocity. To be clear I am not saying that "they" are using rail guns. or this is neccesarily technological.Questions:If the blue orb phenomena is a unique signature that tells it something about its nature, why don't we always seen blue orbs when the phenomena manifests? Orbs of other colours are reported, and orbs that change colours from blue to red? Why are UAP craft reported without observable electromagnetic effects/light phenomena? This may suggest I'm barking up the wrong tree. However, there is a distinction here. In this theory if the EM orb phenomena are primary and travelling faster than C in the local medium, it does not neccesarily mean the "craft" are. (no craft has been observed travelling at these speeds in the atomosphere as far as I am aware - if that is even possible to observe). The "craft" may be composed of something like our matter, or a state in between as proposed with the BEC theory, and therefore we wouldn't neccesarily see this type of radiation when they are manifesting in this secondary or tertiary form. It is also very much possible that the orb phenomena are secondary manifestations such as probe from a physical ET craft. The reason I consider the EM lifeform idea, is that it may better explain the subjective effects on our cognitions and radiation type effects on the body. As well as why the reported behaviour is more "alien" than that we would expect from extraterrestial visitors.Quotes:Some choice quotes from UFO "insiders" that may be suggestive. I haven't found any other explanation as to why they keep talking about frequencies manifesting from outside the normally visible spectrum. Hence my lumpen attempt to put together ideas of what they could be implying, and what the data supports, without resorting to "spiritual" or "it's just quantum" type terms. I'd love to hear if you have any other better theories.Eric Davis’s comments that UFO phenomena “always always” being associated with poltergeist phenomena, and that there are no coincidences where the UFO phenomena is concerned. Lue Elizondo’s comments about 99 percent of reality being unobservable by our senses and instruments, and the phenomenon as something that potentially has access to more of the “Now” - than we do. (prescience). As well as Tom Delonge’s statements about “stacked frequencies” of reality, and beings that can appear to us in spiritual terms, while being able to “nano-fabricate” matter. I discussed Jim Semivan's comments here. note are his comments that the people he has spoken to - believe the phenomena exists at the nexus between quantum mechanics and Consciousness. And that the phenomena may be operating at a higher vibrational level (quantum fields?) and experiencing a different rate of time. It may be able to control these vibrational levels and move in and out of what we perceive as reality.DeLonge read a reply to when he asked one of his alleged advisors, how a “spiritual” intelligence could create UFO’s and they replied, "the ultratestials fabricate matter on the nanoscale,using quantum entanglement , powered with the polarised vacuum."Please forgive my sometimes imprecise terminology, I'm a big picture guy, not a scientist.Here's some further speculation about these energy phenomena and the possible link between them and cattle mutilations. Slide 9: you do think my theory is evidence of disordered thinking, ruled out by known science, or purely speculative, I would like to know, as I really don't want to waste my time on this subject. If you think I'm nuts, please say.(apologies if this has been posted before, but it keeps being deleted from my feed - likely a moderation issue)

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