Thursday, June 30, 2022

Episode 95: In the Fungal, the Shroomy Jungle, the Dino spores tonight.

full image - Repost: Episode 95: In the Fungal, the Shroomy Jungle, the Dino spores tonight. (from, Episode 95: In the Fungal, the Shroomy Jungle, the Dino spores tonight.)
We fought all the things, then one big thing.One fight, then we went down a corridor, Rip and Martin had been separated, but we found them later to fight the shit out of a big scary thing.Martin tried to polymorph it, but the gods said no.Martin and Exme have a chat, then rocks fall and we’re separated, conveniently just those present in the meta-verse.The gods connection to the universe is wonky.Myron sniffs the air through Burnies farts and discovers a path deeper into the earth.We come to a fork in the deep dark cave. Myron does a vibe check.The right hand path has more fungus on it, and probably more dead things.We choose right, because more dead things is more interesting.No, we choose left, less weird. Myron argued himself out of it.The tunnel winds and twists - about 40 minutes of walking later Myron starts to sense more and more living “beings” in this direction. It’s potentially only the cusp of what he could see from the earlier position.As we get closer, we sense less and less Kalimar influence… There’s still pockets, but we start to pick up on the evidence of … rough civilization.We come to a sort of entrance-way/gate style thing. We’ve seen evidence of lots of rat-pores.Humanoid rats.“Anyone fancy a bit of genocide” Burnie goes off to scout the “gate”.There’s no guards. There’s a vast warren of piles of salvaged wood and stuff - nest.There’s easily over 10 thousand ratmen - this is a full underground hive.I also notice that two of them near me have noticed me.Burnie turns, walks, and tries to wander away… whistling… and then sprinting at great speed.A giant Swarm of rats comes with us.We run, at great speed, 20 minutes worth of walking away.We begin on the right-hand tunnel.We walk for half an hour more. It slowly starts to open up, back to our original fork in the road.We go right this time.We start to see big-ish mushrooms, half rip-height.Myron notices some side-alleys through the shroom.He asks for Burnies diary….This is shroomy, mushroom man. All hail kalimar. Strange little gnome just threw this journal at me, and so shroomy chosen to write here.Spores are erupting from a nearby mushroom friend. All hail kalimar. It’s very glittery.The groups moving, I’m going to follow them.They start moving through the shrooms carefully.The dwarf and the gnome say they should feed mushrooms to the human, who rebukes they should eat the mushrooms as they’re both immune.The dwarf can’t argue with this logic.The human says the dwarf normally only eats pallets of chocolate.I follow.They continue for close to a mile, avoiding touching the shrooms. It’s hard to tell how long they’ve been going. I hope they breath in mushroom spores, they look tasty, shroomy would like to spread mycelium tendrils through their corpse and absorb their nutrients. Yum yum.All hail Kalimar.Apparently they have magic cube that makes house. But is with Goblin.Instead they make a small camp in a split between rocks, good protection. Means I not eat them in sleep. Sad now, but impressed with ingenuity.Dwarf does first watch, he watches bugs and listens to drip of water from stalagmite. Names slug after human, “Burnie”.then Gnome, he silly little man, he looks around, can’t see much, no creatures nearby.then woman, before she wake, shroomy sense she having dream, allies betray, stab her in the back, work towards… not work towards, they doing bidding of things they not understand, just morons, just terrible.She has visions of Human worshipping evil god Synne, trickster.Whirling emotions.She see parodies of gnome, being silly and moronic, she sees dwarf sat cackling on mountain of gold, goblin twisting machine and flesh together, and Robot with big glowing sad eyes and a deathwish.All hail kalimar.She is distracted, she sees none of the horrible things happening in the night, worried by own thoughts… Kalimar is powerful, more than puny entourage, more than their puny gods.She conflicted.then human. He sits ass backwards to vent farts out of crack in clearing. In spite he hears well.A goblin and a robot walk past looking for them, but do not see. Haha.Center of universe moves with the goblin, it has a bow on its head.His ears prick at sound of roar, but thinks its a fart echoing.An army is marching on the city. I see this through the micellium network. The silly heroes know nothing of this.All hail Kalimar.They start waking up, missing their comforts. Gnome takes lead and others help.Dwarf speaks bullshit about completely fine Mushrooms. The male human starts trying to spot mushrooms.He can’t see the mushrooms for the trees.All hail kalimar.Shroomy sometimes wonder if his life as sentient mushroom colony is fulfilling.But then he sees higher evolved life and feels better for it as they stoopid.Gnome works out the cave is damp and not much air moves through. Air doesn’t taste stale though.They continue for a bit and look for second amount of progress. They make staggering progress, getting lost in the mushrooms.The human stumbles and hits a shroom, spores hit him. He turns blue. And depressed.Haha, this pleases shroomy.Dwarf then stumble, he shrinks 2 foot. Has to use bang-bang stick with 2 hands instead of one.Tiny little dwarf. Haha. Chode.They make it through shroom forest, but I can see them through the spores, will continue to write.Blue-Human sits on stool-like dwarf.Dwarf and gnome chat about mushrooms effects. They try to remove spores with toothpaste, Blueman is bright and shiny.But still blue.Silly sentientsAll hail Kalimar.Woman tries to see if disease, but doesn’t detect as disease. Haha, waste of spell slot.Weird Shroomy know what that is.Flappy lizard bastards attack silly group. They poop on Shroomy, he not happy.Only Blueman see them.Blueman kill Lizard-bastard. Go Blueman.Shroomy conflicted, want see sentients die but really hate lizard bastards.Hope they kill all lizard-bastards but die of wounds after.Flappy bastards attack group while most are recovering from surprise.They get a peck in then fly away.Big dino comes in, he’s our friend, he infected with my friend Cordy. Cordy is good dino.It puts gnome in mouth. Blueman runs in, wrenches open dino jaw, pulls out gnome, and narrowly avoids being eaten himself.Flappy bastards swarm the group again, and bite at dwarf. Cordy naps that gnome and tails at woman, but misses. Big fucking idiot, shroomy wouldn’t miss like that.Woman ejaculates ghosts. They start attacking things. Hot.Dwarf doublehands his pistol phallicly. Genitals are weird.All hail Kalimar.Gnome mounts the Dino. Slips on its seeping fungal growth, then falls off and missfires his gun into its balls.Dino attacks hooman, gnome and hooman counter-attack doing a double-team.Robot shows up. Is it version 3 or 4? Who knows. Is not mushroom. Is clusterfuck.Rip shoots the dino and it becomes disco dino.Myron sexes the dino. With his gun. He blows it a new fuck-port. Blowing away its balls.The big dino falls epicly, the rest are slain shortly after.Poor cordy.Robot picks up the flat dwarf. Goblin is there, but silent.We go down a downward slope. It’s all bleak, dark and miserable.Like life.Hail Kalimar.Robot has been in bluemans colon, acting as his debugger.We descend into the brown fleshy tunnel.As though ground is soiled, but fleshy.Robot does magic. Robot makes gnome giant turd. But actually a Sea Slug.But actually it’s a killer whale! It bites the side of gods colon.Con save. Sprayed with Spores. The Killerwhale/slug mutates and grows webbed feet moving slower. He’s covered in slug mucus moving slower.The side bleeds though.Robot absorbed ghost so is now even weirder. Shroomy is guessing. Shroomy has no context.“That slugs not going anywhere fast, and that weird dwarf is super slow, and the blue thing? It’s irrational, I’m ignoring it”Blueman. climbs onto the slug and has a snooze.The Goblin has a weird little device and keeps going “oh dear” about the situation. She seems occupied.Shroomy is tired of writing and out of pa..

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