Friday, June 24, 2022

Lots of talk about the fate of Obergfell here today...

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There's been a lot of talk today about the fate of Obergfell today in light of the Dobbs decision. Some talk about Lawrence too. I've seen conversations here and across reddit about how seriously to take the threat of our rights being removed, picking apart this bit of text or that, and nobody feels better for it. EDIT: This ended up being a long one, bear with me.We've been allowed by those in power to marry for seven years, thereabouts. I say allowed because we must constantly fight for our rights in an environment that has traditionally been hostile to us. Given the target audience of this sub I imagine a lot of us have been out longer than Obergfell and well remember what it was like before.Consider a different perspective. The question isn't how much to worry that people you have zero way to individually influence will take your rights away, but what can you do for yourself, your family, your friends, and your local community to survive a more hostile environment?There are a lot of options and they will differ for different people. If you want to relocate to a different state understand the status of the state laws and constitutions you may want to move to, and consider how likely the political tides in that state will remain in your favor. Even liberal states like Oregon and California cannot guarantee protection of your marriage with their laws in the current state. Consider getting most of the legal benefits conferred by marriage codified outside of your marriage, such as having a living will, and making sure that your partner is allowed to make medical decisions for you, if you so choose.If you want to flee the country that's very understandable but realize that very few countries have extremely permissive immigration policies for most circumstances. If Obergfell were overturned it will almost certainly not give you additional immigration leeway in most LGBT+ friendly countries, as they will still want to maintain good relationships/status quo with the US government.If you want to fight for your community and your rights where you live now or where you want to move to, learn how to fight in a way that is productive long term. Collective action gets the goods, you cannot fight this alone. Look around and see if you can find existing groups that are working towards the same goals as you, they probably exist. If they don't, work to cultivate one. Make friends with many people in your LGBT community, and other supportive communities. Keep in contact and build a network.While, unfortunately, there may come a time that you have to physically fight for the survival of yourself and community, there are many things you may not think of as fighting for your rights that can keep you and your community going strong long term. Keep some portable food and water around to hand out if you need. Learn basic first aid, and if you can, learn how to use an IFAK and purchase one, that skill will save lives in tight situations. Be able to run away from situations that can only hurt you, I hate running personally but it's sure useful. Learn how to pick locks, you can even learn how to pick handcuff locks while handcuffed. If you think protesting might be in your future, a thing we learned from 2020 is a useful skill is to be able to treat teargas injuries. Secure your phone, your other electronics, and your digital media presence, and watch where you say things. Signal is private messaging, iMessage is certainly not. Learn how to properly invoke your fifth amendment rights in case you are arrested and don't ever talk to cops, they have never been your friends and are definitely not your friends after you're arrested.I understand for a lot of people this is a really difficult time, emotionally. It's a lot to process. But we've fought for our rights before and we can fight for them again. We can win. Good people are the majority. If you have private questions or want to vent about how fucked it is, feel free to DM me, I want to be a source of hope, not rage.Lastly, let's not forget that a lot of rights of bodily autonomy were tangibly, actually lost today. Friends and family are going to need our help, let's find the strength to help them now. Together, good people can win!

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